Fabula Ultima: Physician

by IronstarEstate

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ALSO: Medic, Nurse, Hospitaller

I promise you, my bedside manner is excellent!

Physicians are professionals at the healing arts. Their deft and steady hands are well suited to various mundane medical procedures, from dressing wounds to ameliorating even the worst of maladies.

Beyond the medical arts, Physicians also possess uncanny precision, whether it be for packing as many medical supplies as they can or wielding weapons with deadly accuracy.

  • Where did you get your training? Are you formally educated in the medical sciences or did you learn through necessity?
  • What drives you to study and practice the medical arts?
  • Are you afraid of death? Does it drive you to keep practicing your trade?
  • What kind of medical tools do you keep?

Physician Free Benefits

✦ Permanently increase your maximum Inventory Points by 2.

Physician Skills


You may perform Medical Procedures (see further in the document).

Drug Synthesis           [✦3]

When you create a potion, you may combine that item with up to [SL] number of pharmaceuticals before using it. The resulting potion combines all the component items' effects and IP costs, and may have synergy effects depending on the combination.

Emergency Aid             [✦5]

When you use an item or cast a spell that restores HP and/or MP, your target recovers an additional [SL x 5] HP and/or MP if they are in Crisis.

Organized Pharmacy      [✦3]

You may carry an additional [SL x 2] Inventory Points. You can only use these additional Inventory Points for pharmaceuticals and items made using the Drug Synthesis Skill.

If you take this Skill during character creation, you begin play with the additional IP.

Pharmaceuticals           [✦5]

Each time you acquire this Skill, you stock two new kinds of pharmaceutical.

Heroic Skills

Miracle Tonic

Requirements: You must have mastered the Physician Class, and must have acquired the Pharmaceuticals Skill.

You learn how to synthesize a medical marvel: the Miracle Tonic.

Item IP Cost Effect
Miracle Tonic 6 One creature permanently increases either their Hit Points or Mind Points by 10, or both by 5. The target chooses which effect the item has. A creature can only benefit from this item once.

Emergency Treatment

Requirements: You must have mastered the Physician Class.

When a creature first enters Crisis during a scene you are in, you may immediately perform the Inventory action to create and use a consumable item on that creature.

Insurance Policy

Requirements: You must have mastered the Physician Class.

You may ignore the IP cost of the first potion you make during a scene.

Medical Procedures

Medical Procedures use the same mechanics as Rituals with a few differences:

  • You perform a Medical Check instead of a Magic Check. The Attributes used for this Check vary depending on what you aim to accomplish, but are generally either [DEX + INS] or [INS + INS] Checks.
  • The cost for performing a Medical Procedure is more flexible; your GM may determine that you must spend Inventory Points, Zenit, or special materials instead of or alongside Mind Points to perform Medical Procedures.

The table below illustrates some examples as to the alternative costs and sample effects you can produce using Medical Procedures.

Potency Alternative Costs DL Examples
Minor 100 zenit,
3 IP
7 Diagnose and treat flu-level diseases, create a nutrition plan for an individual, reset dislocated bones.
Medium 200 zenit,
4 IP
10 Develop health and safety measures mitigating widespread diseases, performing minor cosmetic surgery, attaching a prosthetic limb.
Major 400 zenit,
5 IP
13 Graft skin onto burn injuries, amputate a limb, create a vaccine for a localized disease.
Extreme 800 zenit,
6 IP
16 Transplant organs, develop a cure for a deadly disease, excising tumors.

Art Credit: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/nE0Gyr


Pharmaceuticals act as special consumable items available only to you. You may use the Inventory action to create and use them, following the rules for consumable items as normal.


Item IP Cost Effect Synergy Condition Synergy Effect
Potion 1 One creature recovers 15 Hit Points. N/A N/A
Hi-Remedy 4 One creature recovers 70 Hit Points. Combine with HP Recovery potion Target recovers half the initial amount of HP recovered at the start of their next turn.
Full Remedy 5 One creature recovers 90 Hit Points. Combine with MP and Status Recovery potions Target may reduce the next source of damage they take to 1.
Ether 1 One creature recovers 15 Mind Points. N/A N/A
Hi-Elixir 4 One creature recovers Mind Points equal to half their maximum MP. Combine with MP Recovery potion Target recovers half the initial amount of MP recovered at the start of their next turn.
Full Elixir 5 One creature recovers Mind Points equal to their maximum MP. Combine with HP and Status Recovery potions Target may reduce the cost of the next spell they cast to 0.
Rejuvenator 3 One creature recovers 25 Hit Points and 25 Mind Points. Combine with Status Recovery potion Double the HP and MP recovery of this item
Panacea 3 One creature recovers from up to three status effects. Combine with HP or MP Recovery potion Target recovers 10 extra HP or MP for each status effect removed by this item.


Item IP Cost Effect Synergy Condition Synergy Effect
Stimulant 1 One creature treats one of their Attributes as one die size higher (maximum of d12) for the next Check that uses that Attribute. You choose which Attribute when you make this item. Combine with any Recovery potion You may choose an additional Attribute to boost using this item.
Steroid (Physical) 4 One creature's attacks deal an extra Minor amount of damage until the end of the current scene. This effect does not stack. Combine with HP Recovery potion Target's next attack deals an extra Heavy amount of damage, instead of Minor.
Steroid (Magical) 4 One creature's spells deal an extra Minor amount of damage until the end of the current scene. This effect does not stack. Combine with MP Recovery potion Target's next spell deals an extra Heavy amount of damage, instead of Minor.
Steroid (Endurance) 4 One creature increases their maximum HP by a Minor amount until the end of the current scene. N/A N/A
Steroid (Acuity) 4 One creature increases their maximum MP by a Minor amount until the end of the current scene. N/A N/A
Mutagen (Defense) 4 One creature gains Resistance to one damage type of your choice (except physical) until the end of the current scene. N/A N/A
Item IP Cost Effect Synergy Condition Synergy Effect
Mutagen (Offense) 3 One creature gains the ability to reroll the [HR] of their attacks or offensive spells and use the higher result once per turn, unless they fumbled or critically succeeded. This effect lasts until the end of the current scene. N/A N/A
Vaccine 3 One creature gains immunity to one status effect of your choice until the end of the scene. Combine with Status Recovery potion Target can suffer status effects but may treat their Attribute dice as unchaged until the end of the scene.
Numbing Agent 3 The next time one creature takes damage, they may reduce that damage by a Minor amount. This cannot reduce the incoming damage below 1. Combine with HP Recovery potion Increases the damage reduction to Heavy, instead of Minor.


  • Reduced the HP recovery of Hi-Remedy and Full Remedy to better synergize with Merchant Expiration Date.