Party Domain Cleric

by FrostG1

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Party Domain

The Party Domain resides in the fun and festivities of parties. It is incredible the effect fun and drinks can have on people, and you know how to abuse this in a sublime level. Clerics given this domain by deities, tend to be be happy, charming, can easily make friends, they liven up parties and are the center of its atention, and by those means can get supplies and informations like no other.

Party Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st tasha's hideous laughter, charm person
3rd alter self, detect thoughts
5th tongues, incite greed
7th freedom of movement, vitriolic sphere
9th dawn, mislead

Bonus Proficiencies

When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain proficiency with the persuasion and performance skills, martials weapons, brewing supplies, and you can choose between proficiency with a gaming set or a musical instrument of your choice.

I'm Still Standing

Beggining at 1st level, you are blessed with a kidney of steel, and falling is not on your dance moves. You have advantage on saving throws against poison and constitution saving throws for drinking.

The Entertainer

Also starting at 1st level, always beign the center of attention in parties has brought you to learning new techniques to entertain people. You know the dancing lights and produce flame cantrips, they count as cleric cantrips for you, but don't count against the number of cantrips you know.

Channel Divinity: Charming Presence

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your channel divinity to charm foes around you.

As an action, you present your holy simbol and a number of creatures that you choose equal to your wisdom modifier (a minimum of one) that are within 30 feet of you, must succed on a wisdom saving throw against your spell save dc (creatures that have been attacked by you or your allies in the last 10 minutes have advantage on this saving throw) if it fails it is charmed by you for 1 minute or until it succeeds on a wisdom saving throw made on the end of its turn.

Party Master

You become a master at the art of partying, this grants you a number of abilities upon reaching 6th level:

• You gain resistance to acid and poison damage.

• You gain advantage on insight checks to tell if someone is lying or telling the truth.

• You gain advantage on saving throws against being charmed.

Potent Spellcasting

Starting at 8th level, you add your wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with any cleric cantrip.

The Party's Call

You have a connection to parties like no other, and it awakens a hidden power on you.

Starting at 17th level, as an action, you enter a state with almost perfect connection to your god and the feeling of joy and parties. While on this state, you have to maintain concentration, it lasts 3 minutes, you have uses to this ability equal to half your proficiency bonus rounded up, recharged by your god every long rest.

• You emit an aura of bright light around you in a 60 foot radius, and another 30 foot of dim light around it, the light has the color you choose.

• You seem like you can dance faster than normal, you have an extra 10 feet of movement, in addition you can add your proficiency bonus to your AC.

• You feel your body faster, and more resilient: you gain advantage on dexterity and constitution saving throws.

• The power of the party empowers your hits, you can add 2d10 radiant damage to attacks you make with weapons.


Images Used:

"Dionysus portrait" by Fedini


/u/blckthorn (Modified)

Subclass Made By:






