Warlock: The Witch v3

by driftvvood

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Warlock: The Witch Queen's Coven

Connect with nature, divine the future, curse your foes, heal your coven, and awaken your inner witch with this Warlock Patron and new invocations!

Art: Cartomancer | Robynn Frughn

Art: Morrigan|Dafne Stavridi

Warlock Patron
The Witch

To become a member of the Witch Queen's Coven is one of the highest honors, but it comes with a price. The Great Hag, as many know her, has agreed to give you great power in a cursed exchange for part of your vitality. The Witch Queen always knows where you are and at any time can listen in to your conversations after she obtains a bit of your hair, nails, blood, or a lost tooth. Many would trade even more to give honor to the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone, in service to the Witch Queen!

Spells of Beast and Moon

At 1st level, you may pick one spell off the Druid spell list of a level you can cast. At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th levels you may pick an additional spell off the Druid list up to five spells. These spells count as Warlock spells and do not count against the total number of spells you can cast.

Maiden’s Love

At 1st level, at the end of each long rest, you may make and give a token to each creature in your coven to represent your bond with them. The magic of a token fades once new tokens are made. When a coven member takes damage, they may use their reaction to break the token, gaining temporary hit points equal to your Charisma Modifier and they gain advantage on the first saving throw made in the next minute.

Mother's Milk

A growing coven needs to be fed! At 6th level, a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus, you may instantly end a branded effect on a creature as a bonus action, dealing necrotic damage equal to 1d6 + your Warlock level, immediately choosing an ally within 30 feet to gain hit points equal to the half the damage dealt.


A coven is a beautiful thing, a collection of bonded friends and allies who share a connection few will ever know. A coven must have at least one witch in it. A member of a witch's coven must be at least 1st level. The amount of creatures who can be in your coven is equal to 3 + your proficiency bonus.

Witch's Brand

A brand is a magical mark, only visible to the witch that placed it, placed on a creature when you charm, frighten, or use any feature or spell with the word "curse" in its description, such as hex or the Crone's Spite invocation on that creature. You may only have one branded creature at a time, if you have an effect that would brand multiple creatures at the same time, choose only one to brand. Your brand lasts until you finish a long rest, fading earlier if a dispel magic or remove curse spell is cast within 30 feet of the branded.

Hag's Hut

At 10th level, you may create a protective haven. Once per long rest by spending 10 minutes in concentration and expending a Warlock spell slot to simultaneously cast galder's tower at 5th level and hallucinatory terrain.

Crone's Curse

At 14th level, you have come in to your own as a witch. While within your Hag's Hut, you may cast the spell alter self as if it were a ritual. When cast this way, concentration is no longer required and lasts until you finish a long rest.

Additionally, twice per short rest you may use your bonus action to force a branded creature to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, before the end of your next turn, the branded has disadvantage on their next saving throw.

Art: into the chill night | hammerling


There are many boons for those that follow the Witch Queen, invocations to shield your coven

A Drop of Blood

With just a drop of vitality, I will break your mortality."
You may take irreducible necrotic damage equal to your Warlock level as a bonus action, empowering your witch magics for the next 10 minutes. While empowered, any effect that causes you to place a brand does not require concentration, any creature branded can no longer roll a saving throw with advantage, and you add your proficiency bonus to each roll of damage against a branded creature.

Bad Blood

5th level

You may cast bestow curse as a reaction once per long rest when you take damage from a creature you can see within 60 feet by expending a Warlock spell slot. Additionally, you may add bestow curse to your known spells.

Crones's Spite

Woe to those that hurt you or yours. Once per short rest, when you or an ally take damage from a creature you can see, you may use a reaction to place a curse on the attacking creature. At the start of each of your turns for the next minute, choose one of the following effects against the cursed creature which lasts until the start of your next turn:
Bewilder. The first attack roll the cursed makes is done with disadvantage.
Bleed. The cursed takes necrotic or psychic damage (your choice) damage equal to your Warlock level once from the next attack received.
Hunted. You can see where the curse is unless they are behind full cover.
Rust. If the cursed would normally be immune to a type of damage, they instead have resistance to that damage.

Enchanting to Enlightened

You swap your Wisdom and Charisma ability scores. Where your Warlock features would normally use Charisma, you instead use Wisdom. Additionally, you may learn a 1st-level spell from the Cleric spell list and gain proficiency in an Wisdom skill.

Knife of the Witch

Pact of the Blade

With just a drop of vitality, I will break your mortality."
As part of the attack action against a creature that is branded, you may instantly end the brand on that target to gain advantage on the attack and, if you hit, the next saving throw the target makes within a minute is made with disadvantage.

Art: Witch Moonlight Ritual | Aleksandra Wojtas

Locket of Animus

7th level, Pact of the Talisman

Put a bit of your life force in to your Talisman, for safe keeping.
As an action, you may decrease your maximum hit points by an amount equal to your Warlock level and take irreducible necrotic damage equal to your Warlock, you store a bit of vitality in your Talisman. If you or a member of your coven holds the Talisman and drops to 0 hit points, they may revive with twice the amount of hit points placed in to the Talisman any time in the next hour (no action required). When the revivification is used, your hit point maximum returns to normal.

Sense Coven

9th level

Connection to your coven is everything!
By spending 1 minute in concentration, any member of your coven can learn the distance and direction to any other member of your coven or learn what plane they are on if they are not on your plane. Additionally, once per long rest you may cast scrying on a coven member once per long rest.

Strengthened Bond

Pact of the Chain

The bond you share with your familiar deepens, giving you both strength. Your familiar's hit points increase by your Warlock level and once on each of their turns when they deal damage, they add your Charisma modifier. Additionally, while you can see your familiar or they are within 30 feet, you gain temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus at the start of each of your turns and have advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks.

If your familiar dies or you dismiss them, your maximum hit points decrease by your Warlock level until you finish a rest.

Witch's Tome

5th level, Pact of the Tome

Once per short rest, when you expend a spell slot to cast a spell from the divination or enchantment school that calls for a saving throw, you may choose one creature to make that saving throw with disadvantage. Additionally, when you cast a spell from the divination or enchantment school, you gain temporary hit points equal to twice your proficiency bonus.


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