### Aegis of the Mind
Whenever you use a divination spell of 1st-level or above, until you finish your next rest you gain temporary hit points equal to your Warlock level + your Charisma modifier. Additionally, you have resistance to psychic damage while you have these temporary hit points.
### Almanac's Magic Map
*9th level, Pact of the Tome*
You may cast *locate animals or plants,* *locate creature,* and *locate object* once each per long rest without expending a spell slot.
### Book of the Dead, Chapter 1
*5th level, Pact of the Tome*
*Your Book now gives insight into life and death.*
You can expend a warlock spell slot to cast any spell from the necromancy school. This spell's level must be of the expended slot's level or lower. Once you use this invocation, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
### Book of the Dead, Chapter 2
*11th level, Book of the Dead, Chapter 1*
You can cast any necromancy spell of 5th-level or lower, except for *raise dead*, without expending a spell slot. Once you use this invocation, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
### Book of the Dead, Chapter 3
*15th level, Book of the Dead, Chapter 2*
*The Book of the Dead gifts you some of its most devious and dark secrets.*
You can cast any necromancy spell of 7th-level or lower, without expending a spell slot or components. Once you cast a spell in this way, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
Additionally, choose one necromancy spell. This spell must be of a level you can cast with your Pact Magic or Mystic Arcanum feature. If the spell is between 1st and 5th-level, you learn the spell and can cast it as a warlock spell (this spell doesn't count against the number of warlock spells you know). If the spell is between 6th and 9th-level, you can choose to cast this spell instead whenever you would use an arcanum of its level. You can change your choice whenever you finish a long rest.
#### Libraries
A library is any place that cultivates a safe study environment with at least 100 **tomes** or non-published documents that are not truly owned by one individual but open for others to read. All libraries are connected, not just by lending out tomes, but also through The Sanctuary which acts as a hallway between realms.
### Cram Session
*You crammed for the test, but failure hurts.*
Choose an ability score. After studying your Book of Shadows for 10 minutes, you gain a pool of d6s equal to your proficiency bonus. You may add up to 2d6 to any d20 test made using the chosen ability score within the next hour. The d6s may be only be spent prior to the DM revealing the outcome of the d20 test. Any time you roll a 1 on your d6 rolls, you take non-reducible psychic damage equal to your proficiency bonus.
### Deus Ex Libro
*Pact of the Tome*
Your Book of Shadows can reveal the correct spell that you need at that moment. Once per long rest, by spending 1 minute studying your book, you may expend a Warlock spell slot to instantly cast any spell of a level not above the Warlock spell slot expended. You may not cast a spell with a casting time greater than 1 minute and if the duration of the spell would last longer than 1 hour, the spell instead fades after 1 hour.
### Dewey's Nearly Infinite Bookshelf
*7th level*
You have a small pouch or chest that can be used to store up to 1000 *tomes*, as if it was a Bag of Holding.
Additionally, you know the spell *secret chest* and may cast it once per long rest without expending a spell slot.
### Fiendly Advice
*Pact of the Chain*
Whether they ramble incoherently, speak sage advice, or just stare vaguely at you, your familiar has great guidance to give. By spending 10 minutes consulting with your familiar, you and your familiar gain temporary hit points equal to your Warlock level and you gain advantage on your next Intelligence ability check and Wisdom saving throw.
### Guidance From The Librarian
*Pact of the Tome*
*The Librarian gives a gift of intellect to those that serve The Sanctuary*.
If you roll below a 5 on a d20 when making an Intelligence or Wisdom ability check, you may use a reaction to reroll and add your Charisma modifier. If you roll above a 16 on your reroll, you may not use this invocation again until you finish a long rest.
Additionally, you know the *enhance ability* spell.
### Hippocratic Corpus, Chapter 1
*Pact of the Tome*
*A medical spellbook becomes a part of your Book of Shadows*.
You become proficiency in the Medicine skill.
Additionally, once per short rest you may cast any spell that can heal another creature either directly, such as *cure wounds*, or indirectly, such as *wither and bloom* or *life transference*, by expending a Warlock spell slot equal to or greater than the slot required to cast that spell and following all the other rules of casting that spell. The chosen spell cannot revive a creature who has died.
### Hippocratic Corpus, Chapter 2
*9th level, Book of Life, Chapter 1*
You may double your proficiency bonus when making Wisdom (Medicine) skill checks.
Additionally, once per long rest, you may cast any healing spell, as defined in Book of Life, Chapter 1, up to 5th-level without expending a spell slot or spell components but following all the other rules of casting that spell. This spell can revive a creature who has died up to one day ago. Additionally, one target of your healing spell heals additional hit points equal to your Warlock level.
### Late Fee Hunter
*9th level*
Once per short rest, as an action, you can locate any **tome** you have touched or you know the title and current owner of, as if you had cast *locate object* with unlimited range. Alternatively, while holding a tome, you may locate the last creature that possessed that tome for more than a day, as if you had cast *locate creature* with unlimited range. You learn what plane your target is on if it is not on your plane. You may not use this feature on that specific target again until you finish a long rest.
### Medallion of Mind and Spirit
*Pact of the Talisman*
The wearer of the Talisman has either their Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma ability score raised to 10 + your proficiency bonus. The ability score increased must be 9 or less.
### Reality Author
*9th level, Pact of the Tome*
*Your writing shapes the world around you, changing reality just a little.*
By spending 1 minute writing in your Book of Shadows and expending a warlock spell slot, you instantly cast either *creation, fabricate, hallucinatory terrain,* or *passwall*. Once you've used this invocation, you must finish a long rest before using it again.
### Reality Editor
*15th-level, Reality Author*
If a creature you can see uses a spell of 6th-level or less, prior to the completion of the caster’s turn, you may use your reaction to undo the spell that was cast if you can still see the caster. The expended use of that spell is returned to the caster and any effects of that spell are undone.
### Scholar's Respite
*9th level*
You may cast *teleportation circle* once per long rest without expending a spell slot. For any **library** you have visited and checked a book out from, you can use the checkout counter as if it were the center of a teleportation circle.
### Shield of the Paper Guardian
*7th-level, Pact of the Tome*
You may use an action, to put out all fires within 60 feet of you.
Additionally, you may cast *fire shield* on a creature you can see within 60 feet. You may cast this spell once without expending a spell slot and once cast, you may not cast *fire shield* again until you finish a long rest.
### Silence as a Cloak
You are unnaturally quiet, you gain proficiency in Stealth and you may replace the verbal component of a spell with a somatic component instead which is still perceived by others.
Also, a creature must make a Wisdom save against your spell DC to hear you move if they do not already perceive you.
### Silence as a Shield
*Pact of the Tome, Silence as a Cloak*
You know the *silence* spell and when cast, you may center the spell on yourself for the duration. While you are within your sphere of silence, at the start of each of your turns if you are within your sphere of silence, you and one creature of your choice gain 5 temporary hit points.
### Starbound Scholar
*7th level, Pact of the Tome*
Twice per long rest, you may consult your Book of Shadows and the stars as an action, using one of the following features to gain insight:
**True Bearing**. For the next hour or you use this feature again, you know the direction and distance to a specific creature or item if they are within 10 miles of you.
**The Stars Know**. Ask the DM a question, 10 words or less. The DM offers a truthful, potentially vague, reply using five words or less.
### Student of the World
You have advantage on Intelligence saving throws.
Also, at the end of each rest, you may choose a language, skill, and tool to gain proficiency with until you finish your next rest.
### Study Group
*Student of the World*
You may use the Help action as a bonus action on a creature that can hear you within 30 feet.
Also, as part of any rest with creatures who can understand you, you may impart a language, tool, or skill proficiency you are proficient with to a number of creatures equal to half your proficiency bonus. These proficiencies last until you have this Study Group again or until next dawn. For 8 hours after holding a Study Group, you may add a d4 to your Wisdom d20 tests.
### The Wary Archeologist’s Toolkit
*5th level, Pact of the Tome*
You gain proficiency with thieves' tools and you may use your reaction to add half your Warlock level to rolls made when searching specifically for hidden doors or traps, or when making a saving throw against a trap.
Additionally, you know the spell *gaseous form* and may cast it once per long rest without expending a spell slot.
### Warrior Poet
*Pact of the Blade*
A number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus, you may add your Charisma modifier to any d20 test you roll that uses Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution.
### Wise Words
You know the *guidance* cantrip. You may cast *guidance* as a bonus action on a creature you can see within 60 feet.
Additionally, a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus you may use a reaction to add your Charisma modifier to either an ability check or saving throw that uses either Intelligence or Wisdom made by a creature who can hear you within 30 feet prior to the DM revealing the outcome.