Shaman Class

by V

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A little town is being attacked and set on fire by creatures that nobody has ever seen. The guards can't take the creatures down, and everything seemed lost. Until, one young man in a black uniform with a golden pin in the collar appeared, and started summoning animals from his own shadow. Within minutes, all the creatures were gone, and there wasn't any bodies.


A big and strange man is sitting at a bar, enjoying a drink. This man doesn't wear armor, and all that he have as a weapon are 3 bars connected with chains. After a big monster attacked the town, all the fully-armed guards were severely injured, but the man that didn't wear armor was fine, with just minor wounds.


The reunion between the most important people in the kingdom was going on, and they're trying to decide how to deal with the great and evil wizard that is threatening them. Suddenly, a woman walks in, heading up to an empty seat at the table. None of the guards could stop her. She claimed that she could deal with the wizard. She didn't wield weapons, and didn't use magic. When asked if she really could do it, she said that it would be fine, because she was the strongest. Nobody ever heard from the wizard again.


The one thing all of them have in common is, all of them are Shamans. All shamans share the ability to use cursed energy, the energy that is created by the negative emotions that people have. Manipulating this energy also means they're the only ones that are able to exorcise curses, and keep the world safe from them.

Versatile fighters

A Shaman starts learning martial arts as soon as they can manipulate Cursed Energy. After developing their hand to hand combat with Cursed Energy, a Shaman learns to balance the usage of their melee combat with Cursed Techniques, to be the most effective they can when exorcising Curses, or when battling strong opponents.

Cursed warrior

Shamans were born with the burden to see cursed spirits, spirits that were so overwhelmed with bad emotions that they couldn't let go, and got attached to the physical world. Curses exist everywhere, and they usually don't cause any trouble, but when a curse is born too powerful, it may become a problem.

Nature's Energy

Shamans can feel the negative energy that leak from the normal people. Most of this energy gets attached to the world.

Creating a Shaman

Quick Build

You can make a Shaman quickly by following these suggestions: First, Dexterity should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the Athlete background.

you must have a dexterity score of 13 and a constitution score of 13 to multiclass in or out of this class

The Shaman Table
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Cursed Points
1st +2 Cursed energy, Cursed Armor, Cursed Strike 2
2nd +2 Cursed Technique Trees 4
3rd +2 - 6
4th +2 Extra Cursed attack, Ability Score Improvement 8
5th +3 Black Flash 15
6th +3 - 18
7th +3 Reverse Cursed Technique, Ability Score Improvement 21
8th +3 - 24
9th +4 Minor Warp 36
10th +4 - 40
11th +4 Cursed Flight 44
12th +4 Simple Domain, Ability Score Improvement 48
13th +5 - 65
14th +5 Cursed energy: Teletransportation circle 70
15th +5 - 75
16th +5 - 80
17th +6 Barrier, Ability Score Improvement 102
18th +6 - 108
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 114
20th +6 120

Class Features

As a Shaman you gain the following class features

Hit points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Shaman level

Hit Point at 1st level: 8 + Constitution modifier

Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8( or 5) + Constitution modifier per Shaman level after 1st level.


Armor: None

Weapon: None

Tools: Choose one type of artisean's tools or thieves tool.

Saving throws: Constitution and Dexterity.

Skills: Choose four from: Acrobatics, Athletism, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation or Perception.


You start with the following equipment besides the one granted by your background:

  • (a) An Adventurer's pack or (b) an Explorer's pack.
  • If you are using starting wealth, use 5d4 x8 in funds.

Cursed energy

The Shamans developed techniques to use their innate cursed energy to fight the cursed spirits. You can use cursed energy to fight and to protect yourself. Having Cursed energy means you're the only one that can exorcise curses.

  • you have a number of Cursed points equal to your proficiency modifier times your Shaman level.
  • you regain all your spent Cursed points at the end of a long rest
  • Saving throw for Cursed Techniques is 8 + Dexterity modifier + proficiency bonus.

Cursed strike.

You can add cursed energy to your regular blows. This will allow you to make your blows far more powerful than a normal human. While doing that, you use your proficiency bonus and your Dexterity modifier for the attack roll. Your dice for Cursed strikes should be 1d6 + DEX.

At 5th level, your Cursed Strike is considered magic damage for resistance effects.

Cursed Armor

While some humans use armors and others use magic to protect themselves, you have to be agile and don't have access to magic. You have to empower your whole body with Cursed Energy so you can be protected against foes.

  • your unarmored defense is calculated by 10 + your dexterity modifier + your constitution modifier.

Cursed Technique Trees

Each Shaman in the world eventually develops his own cursed technique, a way to shape their cursed energy so they get even stronger. Some of the Cursed techniques are passed in the family, some from master to apprentice, and some even developed alone. At second level, you can choose your own at the end of the class.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, 7th, 12th, 17th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Cursed Attack

At 4th level, your reflex got better, and now you can execute a chain attack, empowered with Cursed energy. You may spend one Cursed point to deal one of those each turn. You may use an additional extra attack each turn at the 11th and the 17th level.

Black Flash

At 5th Level , when a Shaman gets advanced on hand to hand combat, they can come across the Black Flash. A liberation of Cursed energy that happens 2,5 times stronger than normal and totally random. Whenever you land a critical hit, you may roll your damage and make it times 2.5, rounded up. If you land two Black Flashes in a row, your third attack (if you have a third attack) will have advantage.

Reverse Cursed Technique

At 7th Level, after developing your Cursed Energy, you got advanced enough to figure out how to multiply the negative proprieties of the Cursed Energy, and change them to positive.
Mid battle, you may use a bonus action to use Hit Dies to heal yourself. You can use a number of hit dies equal to 2 times your proficiency bonus. When you spend all your Reverse Cursed Technique dice, you can't use this feature. You regain all your Reverse Cursed Technique dice after a short or long rest.

Minor Warp

At 9th level, at the expanse of 8 Cursed points, you can use Cursed energy to warp to any location within 60ft that you can see.

Cursed Flight

At 11th level, you developed your Cursed energy to remove the properties from the mass in your body.

At the expense of 22 Cursed points, you may use Cursed energy to take yourself of the ground, gaining a flying speed equal to your walking speed for 10 minutes.

Simple Domain

At 12th level, you developed a technique to protect yourself from enemies Domain Expansion and to effectively land melee blows. At the expanse of 10 Cursed points, you create a 5 ft radius area below your feet. While an enemy is inside this area, they can't use Cursed techniques or magic, and if you make a melee attack against them, it's an guaranteed hit, but not a guaranteed crit. If the attack roll is beneath the target's AC, the target takes half damage. To keep the Simple Domain active, you can't move on your turn. When you're inside somebody else's Domain Expansion, you may use a Simple Domain, then you roll a dexterity saving throw, if you win, you won't be affected by the Domain Expansion. If you lose, your Simple Domain is undone.

Teletransportation circle

At 14th level, you learned how to connect your Cursed energy with the Cursed energy of a place you've already been to. You may spend 30 Cursed points and 10 minutes creating a teletransportantion circle on the ground. This must be to a place you've already been to and you can teletransport up to 5 people.


At 17th level, you've developed the ability to create a safe space for you and your companions. At the expanse of 40 Cursed points, as an action, you may create a barrier with a radius of 20ft to 150ft (At you discretion), and, even if it is translucent for you, your foes can't see trough it. You may define who can enter the barrier without having to pass it's DC and who cannot.

  • this barrier have an DC of 12 + your dexterity modifier + your proficiency modifier.

Cursed Techniques trees: Limitless


At 2nd level, the infinite is one of the most ancient Cursed Techniques in the world. This techniques brings the concept of the infinity between two determined points to reality, so that anything that might approach the user is slowed to a point that seems frozen in place, or hitting a invisible barrier. While you have the infinite active and one attack is rolled against you, you may use your reaction and roll a d4 and subtract that number from the attack roll. If something other than an attack try to approach you, such as a rock falling on you, you may react doing a dexterity saving throw, and add your infinite die to the roll.

  • this die becomes a d6 at 7th, a d8 at 12th and a d10 at 17th level.
  • After 7th level, Whenever you need to roll a saving throw against a spell or a attack effect, you may add your infinite die to the roll.
  • After 12th level, whenever you succeed on a saving throw that would make you take half damage, you take no damage instead

Six Eyes

The six eyes is one of the rarest techniques in the world. You may have one of the strongest techniques in the shaman world, but it also have a payback. You must use a blindfold or sunglasses too dark for a normal person see through, if you don't use one for more than ten minutes, you get one level of exhaustion for each minute you spend without them. While your eyes aren't covered like that, you can't be surprised, and you can see as far as 1 mile. You can't be blinded. Even with a blindfold, you can see perfectly.

  • you gain Darkvision if you don't already have it.

  • after the 7th level, whenever an attack is stopped by your infinite, you instantly know where it came from, its properties and its origin, and if its an magic, you instantly know what magic and how it works perfectly. You also may detect poison or anything that may harm you.

  • at 17th level, you don't have to use your reaction to trigger the infinite.

  • A user of the Limitless should permanently use a blindfold, to avoid exhaustion, but must remove when using the techniques involving the Limitless, except for the Infinite.
  • a user of the Limitless, removing his blindfold, so he's able to expand his domain, the Unlimited Void

Infinite: Red, Blue and Purple

At 12th level, you discovered that the infinite have is much more than just protecting you. At the expense of 8 Cursed Points, you can create the infinite, dealing 5d6 Force Damage, with extra characteristics:

  • Red: You shoot a red energy sphere from your finger, that goes as further as 40ft. This sphere will push living things until the end of its path.
  • Blue: You create a blue energy sphere wherever you can see, that will attract anything within 10ft range, destroying solid objects within 5ft (Dm's discretion).
  • Purple: You shoot a purple energy sphere from your finger, that goes as further as 60ft. This sphere deals Necrotic Damage instead, and this damage can't be healed.

Plain Control

At 14th level, you learned to control your Limitless technique plainly. You can stay without a Blindfold for a whole hour without getting exhausted. Whenever someone touches your Infinite, you can expand the Infinite's range, attempting to crush your enemy. If the target is up to 5ft away from you, and makes a melee attack against you, you may spend 10 Cursed Points and the target must make a Constitution Saving Throw. On a failed save, the target takes 2d6 Force Damage and is pushed away 10 ft. You also may use Cursed Flight without spending Cursed Points

Domain Expansion: Unlimited Void

At 20th level, you learn how to extend your Cursed Energy on the world and create a void in space. This space forces anyone caught in it to get all information possible unlimitedly. This space is a sphere with a radius of 30ft, and you may create it at the expanse of 50 Cursed points. Anyone inside take 10d10 psychic damage and must roll a intelligence saving throw (DC 25) . On a succeed roll, the affected takes half damage, but on a failed save, the target's intelligence score becomes 1 for 1 minute and the target is paralyzed while inside the Domain. You can keep the targets trapped inside your Domain for a whole minute or whenever you want to end it before that. While inside your Domain, you never miss an attack. If your attack roll is under the targets AC, they take half damage.

A user of the Limitless using their Unlimited Void.

Cursed Techniques trees: Ten Shadows Techniques

Ten Shadows Techniques

The ten shadows were developed by a powerful Shaman family, focused in summoning ten shikigami using shadows to protect and attack in the name of the summoner. The technique start as two dogs, but the Shaman can get access to more powerful shikigami by summoning and beating them when he gets to higher levels, to later gain control over them (DM's discretion.).

  • you can summon each of those twice per long rest.
  • All your shikigami must be summoned as bonus actions, and they have their own initiative. They stay summoned for an amount of hour equal to your proficiency bonus.

Divine dogs

At the expanse of 3 Cursed Points, you can summon up to 2 Divine Dogs. The dogs obey to whatever command you give them. They have advantage at tracking anyone or anything that they may track by smell.


At 4th level, You begin to access other shikigami. You can summon up to four toads, expending 2 Cursed points for each Toad. The toads may catch stuff up with their tongues and store up to 1 cubic meter inside them. While doing this, their speed is halved and they have disadvantage in any dexterity-based rolls.

Great serpent

At 6th level, At the expanse of 8 Cursed Points, you can summon 1 Great serpent. The Great serpent can squeeze through a space as narrow as 10 inch wide. The Great Serpent also have advantage on ability checks it makes to initiate or escape a grapple.

Shadow Storage

At 7th level, you learn how to access your shadow using Cursed energy. You can, as an action, attempt to shove something inside your shadow, giving it depth. You can store until 660 pounds, but nothing larger than a medium creature. Whenever you grapple someone, you may attempt to shove them inside your shadow. While inside your shadow, the target is drowning. To get out of your shadow, your target must succeed a Dexterity Saving throw agaisnt your DC.

Rabbit Scape

At 8th level, at the expanse of 10 Cursed Points, you can summon a swarm of rabbits, but they can't fight.

when you summon them, your opponent must make an intelligence check, if they fail, you may disengage, hide and dash as one action in this turn, and your opponent won't know where you are. If they succeed, they may try and grapple you. If they fail in the grappling, you still may take the disengage and dash action as one action this turn. You may use this with up to 2 companions.


At 9th level, at the expanse of 12 Cursed Points you can summon up to 1 the Nue per time, a Great Winged-like Shikigami. The Nue is strong enough to carry you, but can't carry anymore people.

Max elephant

At 11th level, at the expanse of 15 Cursed Points, you can summon up to 1 the Max elephant. You may fly with Nue and summon the Max Elephant above your enemies. The Max Elephant weights 7 tons, and deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage for each 5 feet it falls before hitting your target. The Max Elephant won't take fall damage.

Domain Expansion: Chimera Shadow Garden

At 12th level, you developed your control over your shadows enough to create your own Domain expansion. At the expanse of 45 Cursed points, you may create a 100 square ft area that is your "garden". Every enemy (At your discretion) in the garden's range must make a dexterity saving throw or be grappled (By the garden). Your garden last for up to 1 minute or until you end it. While you are inside the garden, you may summon all your shikigami without cost up to their maximum number of invocations (Which means you can summon, for example, 4 Divine dogs or 8 toads).
You may try to shove anyone inside your Domain's shadow, and you have advantage if they're drowning

Divine Dog: Totality

At 14th level, whenever one of your Divine Dogs dies, you may spend 30 Cursed Points so that the other one inherits his dead brother's powers, allowing him to transform into Divine Dog: Totality.

Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahogara

At the 17th level, at the expanse of 50 Cursed Points, you finally get the ability to fight the mightiest shikigami, General Mahogara. Mahogara wields the Sword of Extermination, a Special-Grade Cursed Tool Sword imbued with positive energy.

Divine Dogs

Medium Shikigami, Unaligned

  • Armor Class 14
  • Hit Points 14(2d10+4)
  • Speed 35ft.

16 (+3) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

  • Skills Perception +4 Stealth +5
  • Passive Perception Passive Perception 13
  • Challenge 1 (200xp)


Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 5) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 11 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.


Small Shikigami, Unaligned

  • Armor Class 11
  • Hit Points 24(4d10+4)
  • Speed 20ft., 40ft Swimming.

15 (+2) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)

  • Skills Amphibious. The toad can breathe air and water. Standing Leap. The toad's long jump is up to 20 feet and its high jump is up to 10 feet, with or without a running start.
  • Senses Dark vision 30ft., Passive Perception: 10
  • Challenge 1 (200 xp)


Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage plus 5 (1d10) poison damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 13). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the toad can't bite another target.

Great Serpent

Large Shikigami, Unaligned

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 30(4d12 + 6)
  • Speed Speed 30ft. 30 ft swimming.

19 (+4) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)

  • Skills Perception +2
  • Senses Blindsight 10 Ft., passive Perception 12
  • Challenge 2(450xp)


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature. Hit: (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.

Constrict Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage. The target is grappled (escape dc 16) Until this grapple ends, the creature is restrained, and the snake can't constrict another target

  • Nue being summoned from the shadows by a Ten Shadows Technique Shaman

General Mahogara

Large Shikigami, Chaotic Neutral

  • Armor Class 18
  • Hit Points 120(18D12+12)
  • Speed 30ft.

24 (+7) 19 (+4) 22 (+6) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)

  • Saving Throws STR +11, CON +10

  • Damage Resistances Slashing, Piercing and Bludgeoning damage.

  • Damage Immunities --

  • Condition Immunities Blinded and Deafened

  • Senses Passive Perception 10

  • Languages Celestial

  • Challenge 8(3,900)


Multiattack. General Mahogara makes 2 attacks per turn.

Sword of Extermination. Melee weapon attack: +11 to hit, 5ft reach, one target. Hit : 2d10 +7 slashing damage

Divine Adaptation. After taking damage of a different type, General Mahogara regain half his lost hit points and gains resistance to that kind of damage, until takes damage from other source.


Medium Shikigami, Unaligned

  • Armor Class 14
  • Hit Points 45(7d12 + 6)
  • Speed 20ft., 40ft Flying speed.

14 (+2) 19 (+4) 17 (+3) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)

  • Saving Throws DEX +6 CON +5

  • Skills Acrobatics +6

  • Damage Resistances Lightning and Thunder.

  • Senses Darkvision 60ft dim light 120 ft

  • Challenge 3 (700 xp)


Claw attack. Melee natural weapon attack: +4 to hit, Range 5ft., one target. Hit: 2d6 + 4 Slashing damage

Lightning . Nue casts a Thunder against a target within 20ft. (DC = 15) and the target takes 2d10 +2 lightning damage.

Max Elephant

Large Shikigani, Unaligned

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 150 (20d12+30)
  • Speed 30ft.

19 (+4) 11 (+0) 24 (+7) 6 (-3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1)

  • Saving Throws CON +11 STR +8

  • Skills Athletics +8

  • Damage Resistances Bludgeoning and Piercing

  • Senses Darkvision 60ft dim light 120ft

  • Challenge 5 (1,800 xp)


Water Pressure-Jet. Ranged Natural Weapon attack: +8 to hit, Straight line of 15 ft. and 5 ft width. Hit: 2d12+4 Bludgeoning damage

Tusk thrust. Melee natural weapon attack: +8 to hit, 5ft range. Hit: 2d10 +4 piercing damage

Divine Dog: Totality

Medium Shikigami, Unaligned

  • Armor Class 17
  • Hit Points 80 (12d10 + 20)
  • Speed 50ft.

18 (+4) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 6 (-2)

  • Saving Throws DEX + 10 WIS + 7

  • Skills Survival + 7

  • Damage Resistances Slashing and Piercing

  • Senses Darkvision 80ft.

  • Challenge 7(2,900 xp)


Multiattack. Divine Dog: Totality makes 3 attacks per turn, 1 bite attack and 2 with its Claws

Bite Melee natural weapon: +10 to hit, Range 5ft. one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 5) Piercing damage

Claw Attack. Melee natural weapon attack: +10 to hit, Range 5ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 5) Slashing damage

Shadow Possession At the expanse of 5 Cursed points of the user, Totality may attempt to hide himself inside the enemie's shadow. Totality must succeed a grapple against the target to hide himself inside their shadow. While inside their shadow, totality can't be target, and have advantage on any attack that performs against the shadow's owner. To leave the shadow, Totality must attack the owner or spend half his movement.

  • The Divine Dogs being summoned by a user of the Ten Shadows Technique
  • Divine Dog: Totality being summoned by a user of the Ten Shadows Technique

Cursed Techniques trees: Cursed Speech:

Cursed Speech

The cursed speech is another cursed technique that is passed from one to another. This is one of the hardest, because it narrows the speech of the user, making him choose a set of his favorite thing and only use those words to comunnicate. In Exchange for that, When you speak command words, they are powerful.

  • Your Cursed Word die, used for your Cursed Word damage starts as a d6. This die becomes a d8 at 7th level, a d10 at 12th and a d12 at 17th level.

Any Cursed word that you utter that deals damage to the target ( Such as: "Crumble") is force damage. This damage starts at 1d6 and goes up at the expanse of Cursed points. For example. 1 Cursed Point/1d6; 2 Cursed Points/2d6; 4 Cursed Points/3d6. The target must make a constitution saving throw. On a successful roll, the target take half of the damage.

Command words

Your Cursed Speech also have uses other than inflicting direct damage on a target. At the expanse of 4 Cursed Points, you may utter the words "Don't move" to a living creature that can hear you. The target must make an wisdom saving throw. At a succeeded save, the target is struggling to move, so their speed is halved. At a failed throw, their speed is 0. This effect last until the next turn.

Self-harm words

At 5th level, your Cursed speech got more powerful, and your words can inflict more harm, but the payback has also grown. Whenever your target succeeds at a saving throw against your Cursed Speech, you may take damage to make the target fail the saving throw. The damage you must take changes depending on the feature you use.

  • Cursed Speech damage is half the damage you inflict.
  • Incapacitating Distortion damage is 3d6.
  • Cursed Lullaby damage is 2d8.
  • Organic Explosion damage is 5d8.
  • Gravitational collapsing damage is 8d6.
  • Self-Harm words won't work if the target rolls a natural 20.

Incapacitating Distortion

At 7th level, you discovered a way to incapacitate someone thats wielding a weapon against you. At the expanse of 8 Cursed points, you may utter the word "Twist", targeting specifically the arm / member they're using to hold the weapon. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. At a failed save, their arm / member is twisted, they take 4d6 force damage and can only be healed by magic.

They also drop anything they're holding on that arm / member. On a succeeded save, the arm / member is superficially hurt, the target takes half damage and drops whatever they're holding, but they can still use that arm / member.

Cursed Lullaby

At 9th level, you gained more control over your Cursed energy. At the expanse of 10 Cursed Points, you may utter the word "Sleep" to any creature with the same size you have or smaller, then they must make an intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, the target is instantly unconscious. On a succeeded save, the target feels light-headed and have disadvantage in any roll against your Cursed speech until the next turn. If a 20 is rolled on the saving throw, you take 3d8 Force damage and the target is immune to your Cursed speech until the end of the next turn.

Organic explosion

At 12th level, you started applying more Cursed energy into your words, and you figured how to use all that to influence the same forces that move the World. At the expanse of 30 Cursed points and dealing 3 Cursed Speech damage dies to yourself, you may utter the word "Explode" to any living creature that can hear you, and use them to start a 30ft radius explosion. This explosion deals 10d8 Fire/Bludgeoning damage and anyone in the explosion's range must do a constitution saving throw. At a succeeded save, you take half damage. At a failed save, you have disadvantage at any saving throw against Cursed Speech in the next minute.

The target at the center of the explosion also needs to make a constitution saving throw. At a succeeded save, they take half damage, and your explosion radius is reduced to 15ft.

Gravitational collapsing

At 14th level, your words can influence gravity almost as if you were a member of the gojo clan. Either way, you still are very powerful. At the expanse of 40 Cursed points and 4 Cursed speech damage dice to yourself, you may utter the word "Collapse" and deal 12d6 Force damage. The target must make a constitution saving throw. On a succeeded save, they take half damage, and aren't knocked prone. If your target rolls a 20 on their saving throw, they take no damage, and you take an additional half of the damage you're going to take.

Cursed Techniques trees:Tool Manipulation:

  • Some of those that are born in the cursed world still have none cursed energy. They need to work hard their bodies to compensate this
  • Since you don't have Cursed energy, you can't use Cursed Strikes, Black flashes, Reverse Cursed Technique, Minor Warp, Cursed Flight, Simple Domain, Teletransportation circle neither Barrier.
  • besides not having Cursed energy, your body is very resistant, so you retain the unarmored defense from Cursed Armor


When you choose this Cursed Technique tree, you gain proficiency with all weapons, and your dexterity goes up by two, to a max of 22, and your hit die is a d10.

Cursed Tool

You may not have any Cursed energy by yourself, but you can still manage Cursed Tools, weapons imbued with Cursed Energy. You may take any weapon you're attuned with and spend a short rest to turn that weapon into a Cursed Tool. A generic Cursed Tool's damage is a d8. Cursed Tools keep their reach and their features such as versatile.

Enhanced Reflexes

Shamans use Cursed energy to enhance their reflex and execute chain attacks. You can't afford Cursed energy, but even without it, your reflexes are as good as their's. At each turn that you took the attack action, you may do an extra attack. You may use an additional extra attack each turn at 11th level and again at 17th level.

Reinforced body

At 5th level, you have already started to see the results of your training with your Cursed weapon and your body. You gain the Action Surge feature, twice per long rest. you may also use, twice per long rest, a hit die to heal yourself mid battle. Your Cursed Tool base die becomes a d12.

Cursed Tool: Stacking Cursed Energy

At 7th level, your Cursed Tool got deadlier, and now can stack Cursed energy to deal extra damage. each turn you hit an enemy with your Cursed weapon and you don't get hit, your Cursed Tool's damage die goes up by one. For example, it starts as a d8, than a d10, than a d12, than 2d6, than 2d8 as long as you aren't hit. you also crit on a 19 and a 20.

The damage goes back to normal whenever you get hit or when the combat ends

Heavenly restriction

At 11th level, your body is finally being compensated for the null amount of Cursed energy that you have. Your Constitution goes up by 2 for a maximum of 22 and you gain 20ft of movement speed. You have expertise in every weapon. Your Cursed weapon die becomes 2d12.

Immovable Object

At 14th level, you have trained your body until it's limit. You gain an additional 10ft of movement speed, 1 point of dexterity and 1 point of constitution to a max of 22( if they aren't already maxed out). You also gain resistance to bludgeoning, slashing and piercing damage. You can't be frightened nor intimidated.

Unstoppable force

At 17th level, you have become a creature as dangerous as all-powerful wizards and Shamans. You gain expertise in all the skills you're proficient with, and your Cursed weapons die starts at a 3d12. Whenever you're hit with some type of damage that you aren't resistant to, you may gain resistant to it until your next short rest. You may do this once per short rest. When you do this, you may attempt to intimidate your enemies. Any enemy you attempt to intimidate must make a Charisma saving throw or being intimidated.

Cursed Techniques Tree: Electrified Brawler:

  • Some Shaman's cursed energy have special properties. This special properties are inherited and aren't necessarily a Cursed Technique.

Electrified Cursed Energy

When you choose this Cursed Techniques Tree at 2nd level, your Cursed Energy gains the properties of an electric current, and your body is on a constant state of electrification. Whenever you land a Cursed strike, you may spend your bonus action to add 1d4 lightning damage on a hit.

  • This lightning damage die becomes a d6 at 7th level, a d8 at 12th level and a d10 at 17th level.
  • You also gain resistance to lightning damage.

Lightning Build-up

At 5th level, you discovered a way to explore the limit of your electrified body. Whenever you land a hit with your Electrified Cursed technique, or an enemy lands a hit against you, you gain 1 Lightning Build-up point. You may spend Lightning Build-up points to add extra effects while in combat.

  • Spending 2 Lightning Build-up points, you can add 1 extra lightning damage die to your Cursed Strike
  • Spending 4 Lightning Build-up points, you add +1 to your AC until you get hit next, and, the enemy that lands a hit on you takes one Lightning damage die
  • Spending 5 Lightning Build-up points, anyone hit by your next Electrified Cursed Energy must make a constitution saving throw, and, on a failed save, they're paralyzed until the end of the turn.

Lightning Discharge

At 7th level, you learned that, if you store a greater quantity of your Electrified Cursed Energy, you can create a giant Cursed discharge. You can spend how many Cursed points you want, at a minimum of 9, to shoot a lightning beam with a range of 30ft. This beam does 1d6 damage for each 3 Cursed points you spend. You must roll an attack to hit the beam, and this roll is calculated with your dexterity modifier + your proficiency modifier. On a hit, your target must make a constitution saving throw, and, on a failed save, the target is Stunned until the next turn.

Cursed Immunity

Also at 7th level, you gain immunity to lightning damage and resistance to thunder damage.

Fully Charged

At 12th level, at the expanse of 30 Cursed points, you may enter a state, as a bonus action, where your Electrified Cursed energy is overflowing from your body. For 1 minute, you double your lightning damage die. Whoever lands a hit on you takes 2 Lightning damage dice. Your attacks also stack 2 Lightning Build-up points instead of one, and you gain 20ft of movement speed for the duration.

Electrified mantle

At 17th level, at the expanse of 40 Cursed points, you create a mantle that surrounds you in a 5ft radius. Anyone that approaches within your mantle's range must make a constitution saving throw. On a failed save, they are Stunned until the end of the next turn. You also may spend 5 Lightning Build-up points to get +2 to your AC. The mantle lasts for 1 minute.

  • You also gain immunity to thunder damage at 17th level.
  • A Electrified Brawler getting Fully Charged

Cursed Technique Tress: Disaster

Cursed Technique: Dismantle

You developed one of the twin blades techniques, a technique that allows you to shape your Cursed Energy into invisible Blades. You're able to spend 3 Cursed point to make a ranged attack (10 ft) that does 3d6 slashing damage. You have proficiency with this attack roll and use the Dexterity modifier. This damage die becomes 4d6 at 7th level, 5d6 at 12th level and 6d6 at 17th level.

Cursed Technique: Cleave

At 7th level, you develop the other twin blade, The Cleave focus in creating a vulnerability to your blades. You may target someone at 60ft of you, and, at the expanse of 8 Cursed Points, the target must make a constitution saving throw. At a failed save, the target has vulnerability to your Dismantle's slashing damage. You can have only one target under Cleave's effect. If you target another creature with Cleave, the previous creature vulnerability will cease.

Domain Expansion: Malevolent Shrine

At 12th level, you developed the supreme form of art. At the expanse of 30 Cursed points, you may summon the Malevolent Shrine behind you. this is a 25 square ft Astral Buddhist Shrine with 7 giant skulls. Keeping the Malevolent Shrine works just as a concentration spell. While the Malevolent Shrine is active, any enemy within 200ft of the shrine may be an target of your Dismantle or your Cleave, and you may use Cleave as a bonus action and keep up until 3 creatures under Cleave's effect at once. You must spend new Cursed points for each enemy affected by Dismantle or Cleave, but you may roll only one attack roll, considering the enemies a hoard.

  • If your concentration on the Malevolent Shrine is broken, the Shrine will fade within 12 seconds. You may spend a bonus action and try to reconnect your energy with the Shrine, by spending 5 cursed points. For reconnecting with your Malevolent Shrine, you must pass a DC 16 Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the Shrine fades away immediately.

You also may use the Malevolent Shrine to use Cleave once and Dismantle three times on the same target.

∎ : Open

At 14th level, you can access a secret technique that was carved into your Cursed Energy. You gain the ability to shoot a fire Arrow. You must spend 15 Cursed points to make a ranged attack roll (60/120ft) that deals the same number of damage dies as Dismantle, but the die is a d12. The damage is Fire magical damage.

Reverse Cursed Technique: Perfect Usage

At 17th level, you developed a perfect usage of the Reverse Cursed Technique. At any moment that you drop to 0 hit points, you may spend 5 usages of Reverse Cursed Technique to regain consciousness and 8 hit points.

  • the Malevolent Shrine being summoned behind its user

Cursed technique trees: Cursed Marriage

  • You were Cursed to bear the Vengeful Cursed Spirit, Orimoto Rika. Rika was once promised to a powerful Shaman in marriage, but after her death, she was accidentally Cursed to stay with him. After the Curse was dissipated, the spirit of Rika could rest in peace, but the Vengeful Curse stayed with the Shaman as a Cursed technique, one that was passed on now to you. Rika has a personality of her own, she loves the user more than anything, and don't like when the user interacts with other females. Even if she doesn't like, the original user was able to make Rika take care of a little girl when she was hurt, proving that Rika will value her relationship with the user over anything.

Rika's Body and Memory

When choosing this Cursed technique tree at second level whenever you're wielding a martial weapon, this weapon becomes a Cursed Tool. A generic Cursed Tool's damage is a d8, and the weapon keep its reach and its features such as versatile. As a bonus action, you may call Rika to keep your weapons inside her body. Whenever a feature (Such as: Action Surge, Cursed Technique: Cleave or even a Blood Maledict), a Cursed Technique or even a spell (You must be able to access the spell with your shaman level by following the required level in the original caster's class) is used in favor or against you, you may spend 2 Cursed Points to store it in Rika's memory. You may also , as a bonus action, use any of Rika's memories for 1 minute. All this memories counts as bonus actions, and you may use a number of memories equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest. The amount of Cursed points you must spend to use a feature is equal to the feature's original level (minimum 3 Cursed points.) and you must respect the feature's original limitations (such as: Action surge 1 per long rest).

Rika's call

At 5th level, you have learned that Rika is willing to help you push through trouble. Whenever you fell the need to ask Rika for help, you may roll a d20 as an action, and, if you roll a number equal or lower than your Shaman level, Rika will come to aid you at the expanse of half your total Cursed Points. Rika's stats evolve with you, while you level up. Every time you roll a hit die to increase your max HP, you must also roll one of Rika's Hit die to increase her health. You also may increase her proficiency bonus as long as yours increase. Rika has her own initiative, and you may give her a command using your bonus action. Rika is very intelligent, and may complete simple task easily, and even some more complicated task (Dm's discretion). If Rika doesn't come to your aid, you can't call her again for 1 minute.

Rika's Cursed energy

At 7th level, you learned that, even if Rika can't aid you directly, she can still lend you her Cursed energy to imbue your weapon. At the expanse of 7 Cursed points, your imbued weapon's damage die becomes 2d12 for 1 minute. For this minute's duration, whenever you land a hit against an enemy, your target must make a constitution saving throw and, on a failed save, they get -2 on their AC for 1 minute.

Advanced Reverse Cursed technique

At 9th level, you developed your Reverse Cursed technique further than other shamans, to the point that you can use it to heal your allies. You must spend 6 Cursed points for each d8 you add to heal a companion.

Orimoto Rika: Unrestrained

At 12th level, you discovered how to make Rika obey you. Now, Rika will come whenever you call, at the expanse of half your Cursed Points. Everything that applies to Rika's call also applies to this feature. You may also expand 20 Cursed points to release all of Rika's Cursed energy at once. This is listed as True Love Cannon in Orimoto Rika: Unrestrained Statblock.

Orimoto Rika

Large Vengeful Cursed Spirit, Lawful Neutral

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 50 (5d12 + 20) at 5th level
  • Speed 30ft.

18 (+4) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+2)

  • Saving Throws STR +6 CON +6

  • Skills Athletics +6

  • Damage Vulnerabilities Holy Damage

  • Damage Resistances Necrotic Damage,

  • Damage Immunities Non-magical Bludgeoning Damage.

  • Condition Immunities Blinded, Deafened and Knocked prone

  • Languages Same languages as the user

  • Challenge 2 (450xp) at 5th level


Multiattack. Rika makes 2 attacks per turn.

Claw attack Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, Reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d12+4) Slashing magical damage

Cursed Energy Restoration Whenever Rika gives the final blow against an enemy, she may regain a number of Cursed Points for her user equal to their proficiency bonus + their Shaman level

Orimoto Rika: Unrestrained

Large Vengeful Cursed Spirit, Same alignment as the user

  • Armor Class 17
  • Hit Points 120 (12d12 +48) at 12th level
  • Speed 40ft

20 (+5) 14 (+2) 19 (+4) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)

  • Saving Throws STR +11 CON +10

  • Skills Athletics +11

  • Damage Vulnerabilities Holy Damage

  • Damage Resistances Necrotic Damage

  • Damage Immunities Non-magical Bludgeoning Damage

  • Condition Immunities Blinded, Deafened and Knocked prone

  • Languages Same languages as the user

  • Challenge 8 (3,900xp) at 12th level


Multiattack. Rika makes 3 attacks per turn.

Claw attack Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, Reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d12+5) Slashing magical damage

Cursed Energy Restoration Whenever Rika gives the final blow against an enemy, she may regain a number of Cursed Points for her user equal to their proficiency bonus + their Shaman level

True Love Cannon Ranged Magical attack: +10 to hit, Reach 20ft., straight line. Hit: 36 (8d8+4) Force damage

Additional Rules

Two (or more) Domain Expansions

When two Shamans try to expand their Domains at the same time, a conflict is generated. For most Domain Expansions, a sealed barrier is at the limit of the Domain, sealing whoever is inside and out. Some Domains don't have a barrier, either because they're incomplete or because they're special in some way (Just like the Malevolent Shrine, that pushes itself within our reality). If two Shamans that are cooperating expand their domains at the same time, the Barrier that seals the outside will be only from the Domain with the biggest range, but the effects are still limited to the Domain's original range, starting from the user.

If the two Shamans are enemies, when they expand their Domains, they start a dispute for territory. After that, they should roll for a dispute. This roll is calculated the following: + dexterity modifier + constitution modifier + proficiency bonus. The winner pushes the loser, that will have the range of their Domain halved. After that, they proceed with their turn as normal. On the next loser's turn, they must re-roll. If the previous winner wins, the loser gets their Domain completely dismantled, and trapped in the enemies Domain. if the previous loser wins, their Domain get back to normal and back to square one. The loser isn't affected by the winner's Domain until someone's domain is dismantled.

If three or more shamans attempt to expand their domains at the same time, even if they are cooperators, they must succeed a DC (12 + the number of shamans trying to expand their Domain) dexterity saving throw to be able to expand their domain. If the three shamans succeed, the barrier around the domains breaks, and all shamans are susceptible to each other domain's effects.

Shaman's Grade

Shamans are categorized in different grades, to represent their power and their capability to defeat powerful foes.

The grades goes as following, from the weakest to the strongest: Forth-Grade, Semi-Third-Grade, Third-Grade, Semi-Second-Grade, Second-Grade, Semi-First-Grade and First-Grade. Anyone that is categorized as Forth-Grade is considered "weak" in the Shaman society, and anyone above Semi-Second-Grade is considered strong. Besides all this categories, there is an extra one. A Special-Grade Shaman is someone that is at the top of the Shaman society, and very few receive this grading. Being a Special-Grade means you have a great power, but also a great responsibility.

Most times, Special-Grade Shamans are considered to be a one-man army.

Binding Vows

A Binding Vow is a pact made between two parties or you with yourself. The objective of a Binding Vow is to make a deal that neither of the parties can escape. Anyone with Cursed energy can suggest a Binding Vow. To create a binding vow, you must state what you want and what you offer. If both parties agree, the binding vow is created. If any of the parties fails to honor their word, The Cursed energy involving the binding vow will punish (At the DM's discretion) the untrue mentally and/or physically.

A Binding Vow made with itself is different. For example, your Dexterity score is 17, you make a Binding Vow that, while outside combat, your Dexterity score count as 15, but while in battle count as 19. (Be sure to agree with your DM before implementing a Binding Vow on your character. A Binding Vow always benefits you in something while taking something away.)

Cursed Energy Checks

Cursed energy is a natural energy that exists within the world, mostly created by humans. While a Shaman use Dexterity to attack rolls involving Cursed energy, such as Cursed Strikes, any moment a Shaman tries to recall information about Cursed energy or Curses, they must roll a Intelligence (Arcana) check.

Ten shadows Techniques challenge

Whenever a Ten shadows Techniques Shaman hit higher levels, they need to challenge the shikigamis before being able to summon them. To Summon a shikigami for battle, the Shaman must state that they will start a battle against determined shikigami. The Shaman can ask for help from companions. Before the battle start, the Shaman must explain how the summoning works. After defeating the shikigami with the companions that were stated before battle, the Ten Shadows Technique Shamans becomes able to summon this shikigami. If someone that wasn't stated as a challenger before the battle interfere, the shikigami, even if defeated, won't be able to be summoned.

Cursed Techniques Components

Cursed Techniques need somatic components to be activated, as well as Domain Expansions, so if both Shaman's hands are unavailable, they won't be able to activate their Cursed Technique. Users of the Cursed Speech Technique don't need to use somatic components, but need to use vocal components.


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