Eternal Dreams RP- Handbook


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Eternal Dreams RP Handbook


After the defeat of the Elder One and the closing of the Breach, Thedas entered a new era of rebuilding and reconstruction. The Inquisition continued to play a pivotal role in this process, helping to restore order and stability throughout the land. However, many challenges lay ahead, both internal and external, as various factions vied for power and influence.

Here is a brief timeline of events that occurred in the world of Dragon Age following the events of Inquisition:

  • 9:42 Dragon: Following the death of Divine Victoria, a new conclave is held to elect a new leader of the Chantry. After a heated debate, Grand Cleric Leliana is chosen as the new Divine.

  • 9:44 Dragon: A group of rogue mages known as the Venatori resurface, intent on resurrecting the Old God Dumat and unleashing chaos across Thedas. The Inquisition, along with various allies, is able to foil their plans and defeat their leaders.

  • 9:45 Dragon: The Qunari launch a surprise invasion of the Free Marches, sparking a new war between their nation and the rest of Thedas.

  • 9:48 Dragon: A major scandal erupts in the Orlesian court when it is revealed that the Empress has been secretly funding rebel groups in Ferelden.

  • 9:50 Dragon: A mysterious plague spreads throughout the city of Val Royeaux, causing widespread panic and devastation. The Chantry dispatches a team of healers and researchers to investigate the source of the disease, eventually discovering that it was caused by a group of rogue Tevinter magisters experimenting with blood magic.

  • 9:55 Dragon: With Thedas finally at peace, the Inquisition is officially disbanded and its members return to their respective homes and duties. However, rumors persist of a new threat on the horizon, one that may require the heroes to reunite once again...

"A great darkness threatens us all, what manner of hero will be forged in this upcoming conflict"

Character Creation

Following your read of the previous events and timeline, you have a few things to consider. Ask yourself questions like

"Where is my character from?" "what is my characters background?"

  • Races
  • Abilities
  • Cities

In the following pages you will find descriptions on each of the races.

Some notes on the races

  • Please understand that when you pick your race, you adhere to the lore of the races and understand the history.

  • The Dalish elves are very secluded type, they do not trust anyone not part of the Dalish clans. City elves are treated as second class citizens and are often slaves. (this is out neutral clan, they tend not to involve themselves in PVP though some may.)

  • The Dwarves lack magic but have mastered great feats due to of it. They are great inventors and live in massive cavernous cities underground all tied together by what is known as the Deep Roads. They generally do not like other races but establish trade within the cities.

  • Humans have a troubled past with all the other races, the most common of the races.

  • Qunari: They are a society based on community, they don't really exhibit names, they exhibit roles above all.

  • Darkspawn: the corrupted versions of the elves, humans, and dwarves. They are the evil race within the realm (Are the PVP heavy group and you must adhere and understand this.)

  • Mages have a hard connection to the fade, some are corrupted by it , others learn to control it and live in the circle of magi tower. Those who live outside of the Circle are known as Apostates.


The Elves


A humanoid race, elves have a slender, lithe build, large eyes, and pointed ears. Long ago, the elves were the dominant race on Thedas, and their advanced civilization was based on nature, the Fade and magic. After the fall of their great city of Arlathan and the empire of Elvhenan, plunder by the Tevinter Imperium and the subsequent generations of slavery, the elves lost most of their cultural heritage and identity. They attempted to rebuild their society in the Dales, but after three centuries the Dales fell to one of the Chantry's Exalted Marches.

Since then, the elves have separated into two distinct groups: the Dalish, who choose to lead nomadic lives and strive to keep elven culture alive rather than submit, and the city elves, who live alongside humans, usually as impoverished outcasts, and have adopted many human customs. Many elves are still held as slaves within Tevinter, and many others have joined the Qunari in hopes for better lives. Overall, the elves are now a people associated with poverty, crime and barbarism, and are often used as scapegoats for humanity's difficulties.

Dalish Elves

Dalish elves seek to recover, inherit and preserve the knowledge and sacred treasures of the two fallen kingdoms. They lead nomadic lives as a means of survival, wandering throughout Thedas. Due to the numerous threats they face from Andrastian humans, the Dalish are known to be wary and apprehensive of outsiders. Their clans date back to the ruling clans of the Dales and the Dalish themselves are their descendants.

The Dalish are nomadic elves that seek to recover, inherit and preserve the knowledge and sacred treasures of the two fallen elven kingdoms, the Dales and Elvhenan. They lead nomadic lives, wandering throughout Thedas. Their clans date back to the independent kingdom of the Dales and the Dalish themselves are their descendants. Many Keepers are descended from the nobility who governed the Dales. The Dalish are considered to have the "purest" blood from the time of Arlathan. They still revere the elven pantheon, and in a ritual to commemorate reaching adulthood each member of a tribe will have the symbol of their chosen god tattooed on their face. Elves are extremely agile race, they are primarily trained with bows and dagger-like swords.

City Elves

The city elves are the descendants of those elves that accepted the Chantry's terms after its successful Exalted March upon the elves' second homeland, the Dales. As opposed to the nomadic and isolationist life led by their Dalish cousins, city elves live alongside humans and other races in the various realms and cities of Thedas, but the two are far from equals.

The shadow of Tevinter slavery and the Dales' destruction hangs heavy over the elves; despite worshiping humanity's god and following their prophet's teachings, city elves are second-class citizens no matter where they live. They are often forced to take up the most menial or demeaning jobs just to survive, and are constantly faced with prejudice and poverty in day-to-day life.

Alienages are the only places in human cities where elves can exist in peace among their kind and practice their culture in safety, diminished though it may be. The most striking testaments to this heritage are the presence of a Hahren or "elder" that acts as the unofficial leader of the community and, undoubtedly, the vhenadahl (or, "Tree of the People").

Common Elf Names

  • Male: Lemven,Pairiel,Pairion,Garrel,Yevwen,Eldor,Alalen Harthon, Aldor,Vararion

  • Female: Lari,Lananna,Desa,Liri,Nesiya,Nesiall,Velatriel,Fille,Isethra,Linril


The Dwarves

The dwarves, or dwarva, as the dwarves refer to themselves, are one of the major humanoid races of the Dragon Age setting. Strong, stocky, and shorter than any other humanoid race, the dwarves are skilled builders and boast a long tradition of courage and martial skill that has served them well in their millennia-long battle against the darkspawn. They once developed a huge, great empire which spread across vast underground networks of twelve great thaigs that spanned the breadth of Thedas with its population outnumbering both the humans and the elves. However their world was all but destroyed during the First Blight, and they are now a race in decline.

Ginbadur (City of the Dwarves)

The dwarven city of Ginbadur in the Exiled Lands is a vast and ancient underground city, built within a great mountain range that is rich in precious metals and gems. The city is known as the "Last Jewel" among the Dwarves, and it is considered to be one of the greatest achievements of their craft and engineering.

The city is entered through a great gate , which leads to a vast network of tunnels and chambers that extend deep into the heart of the mountain. The tunnels are supported by massive columns of stone and arches of intricate design, which give the city a sense of grandeur and magnificence. Large highway like systems known as the Deep Roads connect these great halls.

Within the city, there are many halls and chambers, each dedicated to a specific purpose. There are halls for metalworking, gem cutting, and other crafts, as well as great halls for feasting and celebrations. The city is also home to many marketplaces and trading centers, where Dwarven goods are exchanged with other races.

The city is lit by glowing crystals and torches, which give the underground caverns a warm and inviting glow. The air is filled with the sounds of hammering and metalworking, as well as the chatter of Dwarves going about their daily business.

At the heart of the city lies the throne room of the Dwarven king, a vast and ornate chamber filled with treasures and works of art. The king's throne is made of solid gold, and it is said to be worth a king's ransom in itself.

Dwarven Names

Dwarven Race

  • Male: Yegor Thonarek, Loke Votan, Pioron Gartop, Denedel Todrat, Ahrekin Turvorn

  • Female: Hagna Gorodens, Bragrun Yolmi, Talinda Glasca, Narapith Rouban

Dwarves are stouty short beings with immense vitality. They enjoy drinking and feasting on salted meats, which primarily consist of pork.

There are some dwarves that traverse the overlands as traders and minstrels.



Humans are the most powerful and common of all races in Thedas. They are said to be descended from a single tribe that later branched into numerous smaller tribes.

The humans are said to have first appeared in the north around -3100 Ancient as a single tribe known as the Neromenians. Their place of origin and reasons why they left this place are unknown, though the Dalish believe that the humans first arrived from Par Vollen. These human settlers came into contact with the elves who ruled the land.

This contact is believed to have caused elves to age and die in a human fashion, a loss of what elven lore holds as their immortality known as "quickening." As a result, elves drew away from human settlements to protect themselves, giving the humans free rein to spread throughout Thedas. By -2415 Ancient, a group known as the Alamarri had spread to southern Thedas.


Despite their diverse origins, the humans of Arindale share a common language, culture, and religion, which has been shaped by centuries of interaction and exchange. The dominant religion is the Chantry, which teaches that the Maker created the world and watches over his children with love and compassion. The local priests and holy men and women are respected figures in human society, and many families send their children to be trained as acolytes or templars.

In terms of politics, Arindale is a feudal society, with a system of noble houses that control the land and hold power over the common people. The highest authority is the king, who rules from a grand palace in the capital city. However, the nobles often wield more practical influence, and many of them maintain their own armies, fortresses, and estates. In recent years, there has been growing tension between the king and the nobles, as some of them seek greater autonomy and independence.

Human Names:

Human Race

  • Male: Nathan McMillan Stanley Love Aubertus Lemaigre Phelippon Pernet

  • Female: Agnes Pitts Hesa Lefeuvre Adeliz Rémy Lisa-Maria Brunner




The Qunari (literally, "People of the Qun") is the umbrella term most commonly used to describe the white-haired, metallic-skinned race of large humanoids and their society that governs the islands of Par Vollen and Seheron, as well as the settlement of Kont-aar in northern Rivain, and Qundalon in the Anderfels.

Members of any race who adhere to the teachings of the Qun can become "Qunari", but those other than the original giant race, that is humans, elves, and dwarves, are called Viddathari within the Qun. Humans of Rivain and elven slaves of Tevinter are especially susceptible to conversion, although it is not unknown for members of other groups to embrace the Qun.

Before their arrival in Thedas, the aforementioned race were once a part of the kossith that predated the Qun. The earliest known kossith contact with Thedas was when a colony of them had settled in the southern Korcari Wilds in -410 Ancient. It was overrun by darkspawn during the First Blight, and it is presumably this colony which led to the darkspawn developing ogres. There were no other recorded sightings of the horned race for another 1000 years.

Qunari Names

Qun Race

  • Male: Askhurak Kanat Ozat Arol Jarvurak

  • Female: Turnena Orena Rasek Yener

Qunari cont.

Qunari are generally taller and more physically robust than humans. They usually have skin of varying metallic colors ranging the spectrum of patina (such as iron, bronze, and silver), white hair, pointed ears, and vivid eyes with colors like violet, red, silver, or yellow.


Most Qunari have horns. The horn itself has no nerve endings and can be removed; however, they can still become irritated, thus the Qunari have developed balm


Hornlessness is a rare genetic variation in Qunari, akin to red hair in humans. Those born without horns are considered special and are often given prestigious roles in Qunari society such as a Ben-Hassrath or an envoy to the other races.


Unlike other races in Thedas, Qunari do not adorn themselves with tattoos. Instead they make use of war paint called Vitaar.This paint is made from a substance toxic to all races except the Qunari themselves. Some Tal-Vashoth, such as Salit, also wear Vitaar despite leaving the Qun.




The darkspawn are a race of humanoid tainted creatures that mostly dwell in the underground of Thedas. They are believed to be soulless. When the darkspawn uncover one of the Old Gods, they expose it to the taint, changing it into an Archdemon, which then leads them in an attack against the surface world called a Blight. The darkspawn are perhaps the single greatest threat to all of Thedas; they are bloodthirsty, exceptionally numerous and willing to indiscriminately kill or corrupt all in their path.

They are generally mute and do not speak , only the oldest and strongest of darkspawn can speak. They tend to attack everything they come across.

Ugzad Vron

An Darkspawn encampment in the deep roads where the broodmother spits out a more and more of them.

The encampment itself would be made up of simple tents and huts, constructed from animal skins and furs stretched over wooden frames. The tents would be arranged in a rough circle, with a central fire pit providing warmth and light to the inhabitants.

Within the encampment, the darkspawn would likely be engaged in various activities, such as hunting, fishing, and crafting. They would also be training for battle and raiding, honing their skills in close combat and archery.

Darkspawn Names

Corrupted Race

  • They generally do not have names but for the sake of conan RP use orcish like names:


PvP Rules (Combat)

This applies universally to PvP, PvE, and PvA. Events or personal IC matters.

  • 1st knockdown = Warning. You can still rejoin for the duration of the fight without sustaining any injuries. The cooldown here is for the duration of the fight. If someone knocks you out, you will then go home or at least leave the scene to focus on different RP and then join a different fight (especially against a different opponent), you start from scratch. However, if you keep fighting against the same opponent or participate in the same fight against different foes and fall…

  • 2nd knockdown = You must seek the assistance of a healer to assess your injuries. The severity of injuries is up to you. If a qualified healer isn’t available, ask anyone to at least help you help yourself (bandage, clean the wounds, a place to rest). Either way, for at least 24h, you should act injured. Not just “status = injured.” Your voice should sound like you’re in pain. Your body should reflect that. Or at least your text RP should indicate that. Limp, use someone to support you, or use an injured emote…

  • 3rd knockdown = If you still decide to continue fighting… within 24 hours after sustaining the injuries of your second knockdown, your character will be facing the following choice: forced perma or slavery.

"Forced Perma"

Yes. You can force someone to die. But… not before the other side indicates that this is their third knockdown. They can either do that through text RP (/me is barely alive, waiting for the final blow, but still attempting to struggle with all the power they can muster), voice “just finish me,” or even DM. Don’t attempt to kill someone who doesn’t have to perma. Such encounters can be super awkward. The goal of this is to not camp over knocked out opponents until you can finally perma them, just to increase your ratio. If someone has no interest in fighting any further, please… find it in your heart to get RP distracted, check your rear, and act like pursuing those cowards isn’t worth it. Focus on bigger threats. And let them live to fight another day, if that is their wish.


In case the encounter is PvP related, you must indicate to the opposing player (through voice or text RP) that you are still alive but barely… unable to walk and continue fighting, perhaps temporarily unconscious. The opposing player can then take you to their faction and enslave you, incarcerate you, or use you as a bargaining chip (in case they want to trade you for other prisoners of war). It is, of course, their right to orchestrate a little trial for you, interrogate you, or eventually perma your character anyway. However, at least you have a chance others might save you. In that case, don’t hesitate to file a ticket. We might arrange the scenario with both factions to see if they’re willing to participate.

The mechanic is supposed to generate RP and avoid guaranteed death. To give your character uncertain & severe consequences for continuing the fight. The point here is not to bring back home a brand new sexual slave or to do some creepy torture shit. Don’t abuse this mechanic.

If it’s someone you know and you are on DM chatting bases with them… even if they provided you with their consent, try your best to avoid doing anything overly power gamey or jarring. Feel free to file a ticket and ask us to supervise the smooth progress.

What if the knockdown was BS like gravity, lava, latency, or an admin shift+deleted you “by accident”? It still counts! At least as the first knockdown. However, please don’t perma after falling off your roof for the third time in a row when there are no witnesses. This is just something to ensure the value of life and add more states and consequences for certain decisions. Use it as a guideline that will only be enforced if we see the glaring omission of this rule. “How can you know as an admin? Will you spy on us all the time?” No. And you’re right. We don’t. And please don’t rule-splain to people during RP. File a ticket. We will assess the situation; if necessary, the god of death will knock on their door and reclaim what is rightfully theirs. In character, of course.

Aggressor Recording

The aggressor in a situation is required to record video of their engagement. If they are unable to provide video evidence and a ticket is brought against them, then it will be much harder to take their side in the dispute.


Season 1 Specific Rules

Below are the Season 1 specific rules and instances.


You may not create a new tribe. You will be invited into one of the faction tribes depending on your racial choice in the OOC starter area. From there, you will be transported to your faction territory capitol where you will meet your comrades who will invite you in (if no one is around and you need “keys”, file a ticket).


Please build within the territory of your faction. The territories might change (expand or become smaller). However, your main guideline should be to live close to the main faction building and communal houses. First seasons are usually slow. This will ensure we have more people in the same spot to experience more RP.

Solitary RP & autonomy

If you wish to build in a more private/remote location (even as a special character), please keep it small and use the communal workshop of your faction. If you plan on bringing a bigger tribe and want to build a fort or any kind of special business with more autonomy, we can arrange a nearby teleportation to help you get more traffic from the main hub.

"Forced Perma"

Yes. You can force someone to die. But… not before the other side indicates that this is their third knockdown. They can either do that through text RP (/me is barely alive, waiting for the final blow, but still attempting to struggle with all the power they can muster), voice “just finish me,” or even DM. Don’t attempt to kill someone who doesn’t have to perma. Such encounters can be super awkward. The goal of this is to not camp over knocked out opponents until you can finally perma them, just to increase your ratio. If someone has no interest in fighting any further, please… find it in your heart to get RP distracted, check your rear, and act like pursuing those cowards isn’t worth it. Focus on bigger threats. And let them live to fight another day, if that is their wish.

Building Rules

These rules are for everyone within the main faction tribes. If you group up as a "house" within the main faction, these rules apply to you.

  • 1 person- 500 build pieces| 50 decor| 1 communal chest

  • 3 People- 1000 building pieces|100 Decor| 1 Communal Chest

  • 5 People- 2000 building pieces| 250 decor| 2 Communal chest

  • 10+ People- 3000 building pieces| 500 decor| 2 Communal chest.

Building cont.

  • Only one Ravencrest Mailbox per Tribe. (No private ones allowed) and one Ice Box per house.

  • Workshops are forbidden (You can make a decorative one with no inventories, the functional one will alway be communal and accessible.) If you want to craft something outside of the communal workshop, please pick everything up and leave it in the box.

  • one personal chest/storage per person in private room

  • Stay close to faction area: try to build as far away from your neighbor/ public portal as possible but stay close to designated faction area for the RP.

  • Decor we have implemented the amunet's ADC placeable so use that to condense decorational pieces, if we begin to notice large amounts of lag in your area or misuse of certain placeables, we will remove them.

Dragon Age

Faction Info

Below are a few honorable mentions and such.


Crafting thralls, fighter thralls, follower pets, or any other tamable creatures are not allowed! They will be issued by admins to appropriate factions and cannot be used in PVP instances. Some pets may be allowed by admins for RP purposes.


Please don’t. Not everyone has in depth knowledge of the events in the games, shows, or books.

There is rich lore in various adaptations. None of it is, however, mandatory to know in order to participate in this season. Which is purely fictional and very loosely based on the game itself. Yes, you can play a historian and teach us all about it IC.

We’re not ruining the Game, expanding on games, or competing with the books or popular fanfictions. We just like the theme and thought it could work within the Conan RP universe.

Yes, you can play a character that carries the name of an obscure character from the books or game.

Still, please remain “within the boundaries of this world” = we don’t want to deal with characters who are always the hero, or claim to be "The Hero of Ferelden" etc.

We don’t want people that aren’t familiar with Dragon Age lore to feel excluded or lost. This is why we’ve used Thedas and its people as a foundation, but created our own story around it. Please avoid “Loresplaining” as it might confuse people and it might not actually align with our story on the server.

House raids and Theivery

No stealing this season unless you down an opponent and they pull their bracelet. That goes for items, resources, coins or anything else. Secure a consent first if you want to experience thief RP and deal with the consequences.

Official story raids when it comes to stealing weapons, treasury, or any kind of lore important item, substance, or even a player (to free them from captivity) = file a ticket. We’ll make sure both sides are on the same page and help facilitate a reasonable outcome.

Capture RP

  • “Willing to be capture rule” - If you are willing to be captured after a down, wait until your timer is up and then lay down on the battlefield. You can even adjust your status to help inform the other side of your intentions. Prisoners should not be taken otherwise unless consent is given.

  • Prisoners will be brought to the prison camps. The captors should consult with the prisoner via DM’s and ask them if it would be alright to see if their faction wants to mount a rescue. If the prisoner agrees to it, then both sides should reach out and discuss terms of rescue. Please keep the admins aware of the situation & the terms. If the prisoner does not agree to a rescue, then captors can keep them for a total of 30 minutes. During which, the prisoner should be actively roleplayed with. Once that time is over, then the captors must leave the area and allow the prisoner a chance to escape.

Dragon Age

Faction Info Cont.

  • If you are a prisoner, you must wait until they give you your window of opportunity to escape (after the 30 minutes).
  • Torture RP is never ok without consent.


In this season, the primary expectation is for the “good factions” to unite against the “bad faction.” However, you are in no way obliged to follow that trajectory. If you wish to have personal conflicts or even hostile intentions against a fellow good race, go for it. It will have consequences, but it’s not impossible to have your own agenda. Especially if it’s reasonably RP’d from both sides, and more players get involved

War Ground Rules

  • Once the conflict is created (from the initial hostile intentions) and you feel like your character has enough reasons to start an official conflict, involve more individuals, or turn it into a full-scale war, we would like to kindly ask you to file a ticket. We will create an environment where both sides of the story are brought into a dialogue. There will be polls, there will be ground rules (what kind of weapons should be used, are special characters allowed, what numbers would make sense to make it fair…), winning conditions, and what happens if one of the sides loses. There will be admin oversight, and you have our word we will try our best to minimize the salt and turn it into something cool. After that, there will be multiple ways to prove your superiority (a battleground in the middle of nowhere, siege, 1v1 duel of champions, deux ex machina bad guy intervention to help with the tension…) = whatever both sides agree on and prefer

  • Remember. Even if you wish to have an organic conflict with as little admin intervention as possible, you can still do that. You can play a jerk who occasionally gets rude and stabby. And you are well within your rights to deal with such players however you see fit. However, if more people get involved and if you think the situation could get out of hand or there is more RP to be had, please let us know. We will try to help you.

Darkspawn Specific Rules

  • The Darkspawn will occasionally roam into enemy territory to remind everyone of their foul and evil nature. Such hordes will be publicly announced and both organic and scheduled in advance to allow players to form alliances/parties to either deal with the threat or to deal with consequences in case they are allowed to run rampant.

  • What about an individual attempt to go kick someone’s butt? As a darkspawn, you are within the bulk of the blight, small incursions of darkspawn may be seen out and about but remember to always follow PVP rules.

  • The point of darkspawn is of course not to harass people and make their life on the server miserable. The main idea behind that faction is to give people cool interactions and a decent PvP challenge. Every raid/warband will be publicly announced on Discord, so that whoever wishes to defend against it can participate and turn it into a cool RP fight.

  • During Blight or Hordes, Kill On Sight is allowed and encouraged. However, if The darkspawn see someone who doesn’t want to get involved, they immediately run or act like they are not home. They will disengage and look for different targets. Don’t provoke them because that is immediate consent for them to target you.

  • Territories where KoS is enabled = Darkspawn territory (especially around their camp). If you enter, be prepared to fight (even without a Discord announcement or initiating a proper warband). Once you leave their territory, the darkspawn will be more cautious (unable to quickly reinforce and overwhelm).

Dragon Age

Avoiding PVP

It is allowed to use a caravan NPC to leave the scene and disengage (if you’re not interested in PvP). If you're interested in the conflict, fight it out! At least for a round or two. Your character can always escape and flee back home to safety. The orcs will not be able to follow you. As an Orc, you may not camp the caravan landing zones or their NPCs. You will get restless, bored and move on with your day to look for a different target.

Territory Map

Banned Items and Activities.

  • Any BattlePass Potion (Especially invisibility)

  • Anything to do with golems (some of these things will be faction specific or story specific.)