Path of the Nautical Big Game Hunter

by MondragonGM

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Path of the Nautical Big Game Hunter

Fighting on solid ground is one thing - fighting on the wet planks of a ship in the cold waters of the sea is a whole other thing. Barbarians who sail on this path have honed their abilities to defeat even the most enormous sea creatures.

Nautical Hunter

At 3rd level when you adopt this path, you gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed.

Seasoned Harponeer

Starting at 3rd level, when you make an attack with a thrown weapon, you may add your rage damage to that attack.

Rage of the Leviathan

Starting at sixth level you have incorporated the might of the beasts you hunt into your rage. When you enter a rage, you may choose one of the following benefits:

  • Kraken: When you successfully grapple a creature or start your turn while grappling a creature, deal damage equal to twice your rage damage modifier to that creature.
  • Dragon Turtle: You may forgo one attack to instead give another friendly creature within 30 ft. a bonus to its ac equal to your rage damage.
  • Whale: When taking the shove action you may choose to both knock the target prone and push it away. Also the pushed distance increases to your rage damage times 5ft.

Wave-Forged Body

Years of fighting the toughest sea monsters in and out of the water have turned your body into a prime example of athleticism. Starting at 10th level, you gain proficiency in athletics. If you're already proficient in athletics, you gain expertise in athletics instead.

Rhythm of the Waves

At 10th level, you've integrated the rhythm of the ocean into your fights. When a creature of a bigger size than you misses you with an attack, you can use your reaction to attack that creature, provided you can see it. You may use this feature up to a number equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all uses of it after completing a long rest.

Spoils of the Hunt

At 14th level, you have bested many giant monsters and the spoils to show for it. When you kill a creature, you may take one hour to create a hunting trophy that can be worn on your body. While wearing it, you gain advantage on intimidation checks. Also you may use a bonus action to try to frighten creatures of a CR that can be no higher than half the CR the slain creature had. The creatures must succeed on a (CON + proficiency + 8) Saving Throw or be frightened of you. The creature may retake that saving throw at the end of it’s turn. Once a creature succeeds on this saving throw it cannot be frightened in this way for 24 hours.


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