Warlock: The Librarian v1.1

by driftvvood

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Warlock: The Library Across Worlds
The Librarian Patron
Lore about the Sanctuario Entre Mundos
Invocations For All

Dive into hidden knowledge, chase lost secrets, and create a sanctuary for quiet study with this Warlock Patron and new invocations.

Art: Fragged Aeternum: Arcane Research | Mateusz Mizak

Art: The Archivist|Julie Dillon

  Warlock Patron
  The Librarian

You have made a deal with The Librarian, a powerful being who acts as guardian over tomes and libraries. The The Sanctuario Entre Mundos, or "The Sanctuary," is an interdimensional library under the guardianship of The Librarian, along with the uncountable volumes within. Their reasons for collecting knowledge are unknown, but it is generally seen as a benefit to all.

What is known about The Librarian is that they continue to cultivate a secure and silent shelter for those seeking to learn and research. As part of your pact with The Librarian, you may be called upon to , transport tomes to distant libraries, prevent the loss of knowledge, keep the peace within a library, and even collect late fees and track down stolen tomes.

Expanded Spell List

The Librarian lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a Warlock spell. The following spells are added to your warlock spell list.

The Librarian Expanded Spells
Spell Level Spell
1st dissonant whispers, sanctuary
3rd calm emotions, pass without trace
5th sending, tiny hut
7th private sanctum, resilient sphere
9th temporal shunt, wall of force

Book Binder

At 1st level, your patron grants you the power to repair books. As an action, you may repair a tome you are holding back to when it was first created.

For the definition of Tomes see the next page.

The Librarian's Almanac

Also at 1st level, Sanctuario Entre Mundos lends you a copy of the Librarian's Almanac, an ever-shifting tome only visible and tangible to you. The Almanac can be used to take notes, learn hidden knowledge, and grants the following while it is on you:
Cross-reference Reality. Casting as if they each have the ritual tag and are known Warlock spells, you may ritually cast any divination spell which you have spell slots for. You may use this feature a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus.
Verba Volant, Scripta Manent. For any Warlock spell you know with the ritual tag, you may cast as a ritual. If you gain the ritual casting feature, ritually cast time is decreased from 10 minutes to 1 minute.

Demand Silence

At 6th level, keeping a silent and safe library for the library-goers requires amazing hearing, you have advantage on Investigation and Perception checks that rely on hearing.

Additionally, you may cast silence once per short rest without expending a spell slot or using concentration.

Eyes of the Mastereader

At 10th level, you can read all writing and you may use an action to learn the title and a brief summary of any tome you can see.

Whisper Zone

Your very presence brings quiet. Also at 10th level, all creatures within 15 feet of you have resistance to thunder damage and may add your Charisma modifier when they take the Hide action.


At 14th level, you gain the follow abilities:
Brilliant Insight. Divination spells for you may have the cast time of an action and you may cast any divination spell below 7th-level once per long rest without expending a spell slot or material components.
Power Word: Shush. Your shushing powers are mighty! If a creature uses an ability that you can hear like a Banshee's wail or a spell with a verbal component, you can use your reaction to identify the effect and, if you choose to, have the creature make a Charisma saving throw. The ability does not trigger if the creature fails and the ability or that level of spell cannot be used again for 1 hour. Once a creature has failed a saving throw against this ability, you may not use it again until you finish a short rest.

Art: MajorArcana IX | ArtofTy


Librarian magics deal with tomes such as published writings, books, scrolls, and academic papers; media that was created to be read by others. Documents like journals and notes that were created to be mostly used by its writer fall outside your scope of abilities. You may also consider any book that belongs to you a tome.


The Sanctuario Entre Mundos and its caretaker, The Librarian, grant boons to those seeking to collect and protect knowledge and aid in the search for answers.

Almanac's Magic Map

9th-level, The Librarian Patron, Pact of the Tome

You may cast locate animals or plants, locate creature, and locate object once each per long rest without expending a spell slot.

Book of the Dead, Chapter 1

5th-level, Pact of the Tome

Once per long rest, you may cast any necromantic spell from any spell list by expending a Warlock spell slot equal to or greater than the slot required to cast that spell and following all the other rules of casting that spell.

Book of the Dead, Chapter 2

11th-level, Book of the Dead, Chapter 1

Once per long rest, as an action, you may cast any necromantic spell from any spell list up to 5th-level without expending a spell slot but following all the other rules of casting that spell.

Book of the Dead, Chapter 3

15th-level, Book of the Dead, Chapter 2

Once per long rest, you may cast any necromantic spell from any spell list up to 7th-level without expending a spell slot or spell components but following all the other rules of casting that spell. Additionally, once per long rest, you may add any necromancy spell to your known spells or Mystic Arcanum until next long rest.

Checkout Ledger of The Sanctuary

9th-level, The Librarian Patron, Pact of the Tome

Any tome you have touched or you know the title and current owner of, you can locate as if you had cast locate object as an action once per short rest and with an unlimited range. You learn what plane the tome is on if it is not on your plane. You may not use this feature on that specific tome again until you finish a long rest.


Fiendly Guidance

The Librarian Patron, Pact of the Chain

Whether they ramble incoherently, speak sage advice, or just stare vaguely at you, your familiar has great guidance to give. By spending 10 minutes consulting with your familiar, you gain advantage on your next Intelligence ability check and Wisdom saving throw.

Insight From The Librarian

The Librarian Patron, Pact of the Tome

If you roll below a 5 on a d20 when making an Intelligence or Wisdom ability check, you may use a reaction to reroll and add your Charisma modifier. If you roll above a 16 on your reroll, you may not use this invocation again until you finish a long rest.

Protector of Paper

5th-level, The Librarian Patron, Pact of the Tome

You gain resistance to fire damage and add control flames to your known cantrips.

Additionally, you may use an action, to put out all fires within 60 feet of you.

Art: Solve the Equation | Lie Setiawan

Silence Manifested

The Librarian Patron

Your footsteps are unnaturally quiet, you gain proficiency in Stealth and you may replace the verbal component of a spell with a somatic component instead which is still perceived by others.

Additionally, add message to your known cantrips and you may cast it without using components.

Silent As The Grave

5th-level, The Silence Manifested Invocation

Creatures must have a minimum of 20 passive perception after you take the Hide action.

Additionally, you may cast speak with dead once per long rest without expending a spell slot.

Sharing Research

The Librarian Patron

The wisdom of the Almanac affects your entire being. If a creature you can see within 60 feet of you makes an ability check or saving throw that uses Intelligence or Wisdom, a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus you may use a reaction to add your Charisma modifier the roll prior to the DM revealing the outcome.


Starbound Scholar

7th-level, The Librarian Patron

Twice per long rest, you may consult your Almanac as an action, gaining insight from one of the following:
True Bearing. For the next hour or you use this feature again, you know the direction and distance to a specific creature or item if they are within 10 miles of you.
The Stars Know. Ask the DM a question, 10 words or less. The DM offers a truthful, potentially vague, reply using five words or less.

Warrior Poet

The Librarian Patron, Pact of the Blade

A number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus, you may add your Charisma modifier to either any d20 test that uses your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution.

Wise Words

The Librarian Patron

You may use a bonus action to give a creature within 30 feet that can hear advantage on their next ability check or saving throw before the end of their next turn.


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