Mimic Pets

by PetitRaito

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Mimic Pets

A guide on how to not end up with

a mimic like this and even

befriend it!

Mimic Pets

Mimics are cute little shapechangers.

They are still monstrosities though and therefore not welcomed everywhere since they are usually seen as strange predators that assumed the form of mundane furnishings and household objects in order to attract prey. Usually they are solitary hunters but they often shared their vast territories with other species. Reports have been found of a "cuddling pile" between mimics which is a strategy of impersonating a pile of various different items.


Where to find

“Look, when I tell you not to touch anything, I have a very good reason. Let’s just say that sometimes the dungeon bites back.” — Karl, a deep delver

Mimics can be found in dungeons for example since that's a place usually free of humanoids and if they're here, they tend to be reckless and desperate. Therefore they pose as a great target for prey.

Additionally, mimics can house very close by to cities, villages and the like. This is rarely the case though since they are usually found out rather quickly and killed.


There are many types of mimics that can roughly be divided in two groups:

  • a larger, more aggressive, and less intelligent variant, known as killer mimics
  • smaller, more cunning variant known as common mimic that was capable of language and more refined combat tactics

Only the second type is tamable and the first tends to bite before the thought of a symbiosis. They could not be reasoned with in any capacity. The lather one is more intelligent and because of this more willing to negotiate a deal. This task is still deemed as difficult.


A way to a mimics heart is through the stomach since they have no concerns beyond surviving and acquiring food. Helping them achieve their goals through feeding them can pacify them and even make them willing to help you. This method alone often only results in a favor from the mimic, like helping you to find a way out of the dungeon.

This though can lead to a sympathy towards you and this to a liking and eventually to even a fondness. Befriending a mimic is a time consuming process which requires a lot of care and attention.

Living with a Mimic


A mimic is always hungry and has no feel for fullness. It requires daily food and much of it. The usual mimic eats five times a day and will always eat if the opportunity arrives. That's why giving them food is fundamental for building a bond and establishing trust.

Water is still important, though, but rather a latter want for a mimic. They need it and they know it but don't seek it out deliberately and as much as they would for food. Hence, providing them their second want that is seen more as a nuisance and a distraction for the more important task: accumulation of food. With providing them with enough water can strenghten your bond.

They have no culture, no moral code, and no interest in religion. Therefore trying to explain to them why eating a little child is bad will result in nothing but a senseless argument. It can't be taught morals and will only think about survival and food.


Due to contrary belief mimics enjoy fun and games hence the hiding as objects. They do not really care for the fun factor of it since it is more like a natural instinct, like a cat's need to play with their food before they kill it. With that in mind you can give a little bit of fun and happiness to your mimic by participating in some games suiting to its nature. But beware, they are very picky!

With that in mind, games like hide-and-seek, peek-a-boo and charade are good choices. But also some simple catch-and-release games. like you would do with a cat. Keep in mind though that these are still ravenous monstrosities and that they'll bite your arm off if you're not careful enough!

Hide-and-seek can keep your mimic on its shapeshifted toes and keep their hunting tactics sharpened. Your mimic most likely will hide from you by itself and with that it's your job to make the seeking part fun for it, too. The same case can be said about the other games which require you to hone their tactics and make it fun.

Mimic Personalities

Every Mimic has their own personality traits and quirks. They can determine if your mimic can be tamed more easily or how much they are willing to stay around you even if you can't provide for them. They can have advantages and disadvantages. First thing if you encounter a mimic is to roll on the personality table, determining bravery, gluttony, awareness and similiar.


1d4 Personality
1 It is very aggressive and seeks out violence whenever available. It's its only mean for solving problems.
2 It is quite aggressive and if agitated will not hesitate to bite its owner if it means getting what it wants.
3 It is barely aggressive, meaning it'll try to convince others of its will by trying to communicate.
4 It is not at all aggressive and seeks out to use its intellect to solve its problems.


1d4 Personality
1 It has no awareness whatsoever. It only has its own egocentrical wishes in mind no matter the circumstances.
2 It has little awareness. It is very egoistic and doesn't care about the situation and rarely accepts situations as is.
3 It has little awareness. While still very egoistic, it sometimes accepts the situation but will never adapt to it.
4 It has high awareness. It can understand and accept the gravity of situations and may even be willing to adapt to it.


1d4 Personality
1 It is very scared and will even abandon you at 75% of its health lost. It will run away aimlessly. You'll be required to search for it.
2 It is quite scared and will run away aimlessly once too hurt. You'll be required to search for it which will be difficult since it'll use its shapeshifting to hide.
3 It is a little brave. Once too hurt, it'll run away a save distance but still will lurk closeby. It might even act on a discussedcourse of action.
4 It is quite brave and will stay around until 85%, but still fleeing away a safe distance, lurking closeby. It will act out a discussed strategy to stay safe.


1d4 Personality
1 It hates attachment, having learnt that hunting in a pact results in less of a yield. It will try to keep a save distance between you and seems cold.
2 It doesn't like attachment and will try to keep you at arms lenght, not even willing to sleep close to you since it could be attacked by you in this time.
3 It doesn't detest attachment and will only have one attachment person who it really likes and will sneekily seek attention and love from.
4 It feels comforted by attachment and can even be clingy sometimes, seeking out not only food from its companions, but physical affection.


1d4 Personality
1 It hates adapting and will never be willing to do it. It has a certain type of object and refuses to turn into something else.
2 It detests turning into another object group and will try its hardest to ignore every request you have to adapt to the situation.
3 It is neutral to shapechanging into another object group other than its favorite. It might consider it though if the situation calls for it.
4 It loves changing into all sorts of things and enjoys adapting to certain situations to solve them. It can be convinced easily to shapechange as desired


1d4 Personality
1 It's very flimsy and can barely tolerate damage. It will feel more betrayed by it receiving damage than the usual mimic but also deals two points less damage.
2 It is quite flimsy and has little pain tolerance. It will feel less safe around you if it takes damage and might even start to disobey you because of it.
3 It isn't really flimsy and accepts that being part of your equipment will result in taking some protective hits for you. It'll not resent you because of it.
4 It isn't flimsy at all and could even be called sturdy. It is proud to take hits for you in order to protect you. It even deals two extra points of damage.


1d4 Personality
1 It is a very big eater and throws temper tantrums if it doesn't receive any. It often requires a multitude of meals per day.
2 It is a very big eater and throws temper tantrums if it doesn't receive any. Yet it only requires one ration a day and only a few snacks.
3 It is not very gluttonous and can usually accept rough times of non accessible food. As long as it knows that you don't neglect it on purpose-
4 It is not gluttonous at all. It can easily accept one day without much food. It will willingly give its food to you in dire times even.


1d4 Personality
1 It isn't very smart. It has a -2 to its intelligence and therefore is less willing to accompany you.
2 It is a little smart, having the average intellect of a mimic. It can understand basic arrangements.
3 It is smart for a mimic and understands more complex arrangements including symbiosis.
4 It is very smart and has a +2 to its intelligence and is capable of understanding complex plans.


1d4 Personality
1 It is very unstable and succumbs to stress rather easily. If it is confronted with stressful situations it is more likely for it to flee and hide away from you.
2 It is a little unstable and if confronted by stressful situations will try to endure them. It can't endure them for too long and will seek out relief.
3 It is quite stable and handles stress easily. It can tolerate these type of situations for a long time and can mostly be calmed by simple actions.
4 It is very stable and stress usually can't harm it. It has a high tolerance and only needs a little bit of a calming presence if it becomes too overwhelming.


1d4 Personality
1 It sees absolutely no sense in playing and will not see things beyond his goal of survival. It doesn't grasp the concept of entertainment yet.
2 It doesn't enjoy playing since it sees no value in it. It might sometimes put up with it though but only if it is rewarded in the end with sustenance.
3 It enjoys playing games only rarely. It will only participate in it, knowing that it is in a safe environment and if it sometimes gains yield.
4 It can't get enough of fun and games and will even try to make serious situations fun for itself. This mimic will be like a young puppy or cat requiringa lot.


1d4 Personality
1 It is very convinced of its solitary hunter origin and hates being around many creatures, especially other mimics which pose as rivals to food.
2 It is very solitary and dislikes company greatly. It hates other mimics and will try to beat other mimics into submission daily.
3 It doesn't dislike company and is very neutral towards to it even if it has other mimics around it which could theoretically pose as a threat.
4 It likes company and even tends to seek it out to battle its lonliness. It will even try to participate in a "cuddling pile" with other mimics.


1d4 Personality
1 It is very timid and careful of others which will usually result in it staying in its object form most of the time.
2 It is quite timid and therefore uncomfortable with stopping to hide in its object form.
3 It is a little timid. It is willing to stop hiding around others since it likes attention and wants to socialize.
4 It isn't timid at all and likes being the center of attention most of the time.


1d4 Personality
1 It is very vindictive and holds a grudge for a life-time. When it believes that someone has done something wrong to them it seeks out to pay them back.
2 It is quite vindictive, trying its best not to act upon it. Though, if it gets mistreated a lot, it will become resentful and will become quite hateful.
3 It is barely vindictive and you'll need to mess up a lot to make it seek out revenge on you. It'll stay quiet until the grudge grows to big, then explodes.
4 It is not vindictive at all and too forgiving for its own good. It will keep all its hate festering for long in quiet and will not take it out on you, instead leaving you.


Loyalty can change these personality traits a little bit. Gaining loyalty from your mimic can be achieved in a multitude of ways: giving it food, not letting it get hurt (physical needs), playing with it, giving it physical affection (physiological needs), or similiar. Entertainment is a huge factor of it.

Its loyalty can change over time and certain investment brings changes in your mimics personality. For example it can become less aggressive because it learnt that you listen to it and it doesn't need to hurt you to get what it wants. This effect updates after every seven days, enabling you to domesticate your mimic each and every week. Your mimic will gain the bonus of its stage of loyalty at the end of the week.

Physical needs

These include not only food and water but its physical well-being. You will not only be required to feed its stomach but also not let it get hurt too much. Its flimsiness plays a huge role in this, making it more tolerant to damage.


This can be fulfilled in various ways, one of which once again includes not ignoring your mimics wants like food. Though this time it matters which food you give to your mimic and when. Giving it its favorite food when it's hungry plays a huge factor. But also listening to its other wants like rest, playing and such.


Showing a mimic love is difficult but can be achieved through its love language like touch or food. It's essentially caring for your mimic beyond its usefulness to you. It's something built over a long time and can only come to effect after a long caring devotion.

It can have five stages of loyalty:

Absolute Devotion

Requires a constant source of love and attention paired with physical needs fulfilled Grants a +2 to a trait


Requires a constant source of attention paired with the physical needs fulfilled
Grants a +1 to a trait


Requires a moderate source of attention paired with physical needs fulfilled


Requires its physical needs fulfilled


Requires its physical needs moderately fulfilled Grants -1 to a trait


Requires physical needs to some degree fulfilled Grants -2 to a trait

Mimic Stat Block and Mimic Items

Pet Mimic

Medium monstrosity (shapechanger), neutral

  • Armor Class 12 (natural armor)
  • Hit Points 90% of your HP (shares a number of your Hit Dice equal to your proficiency modifier)
  • Speed 15 ft.

17 (+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 5 (-3) 13 (+1) 8 (-1)

  • Skills Stealth +5
  • Damage Immunities acid
  • Condition Immunities prone
  • Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
  • Languages
  • Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Shapechanger. The mimic can use its action to polymorph into an object or back into its true, amorphous form. Its statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.

Adhesive (Object Form Only). The mimic adheres to anything that touches it. A Huge or smaller creature adhered to the mimic is also grappled by it (escape DC 13). Ability checks made to escape this grapple have disadvantage.

False Appearance (Object Form Only). While the mimic remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from an ordinary object.

Grappler. The mimic has advantage on attack rolls against any creature grappled by it.


Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage. If the mimic is in object form, the target is subjected to its Adhesive trait.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) acid damage.

Mimic Armor

(any weapon), rare

This tool of attacking hides a secret: it's a living being impersonating a offensive tool. It's a mimic which once it's tamed is loyal to the wielder. Since it's a living being this weapon has advantages and disadvantages.

The mimic requires sustenance, daily food and water to stay by your side or else there'll be a risk of it abandoning you. The abandonment has a multitude of factors to it which includes personality, the situation and your behavior. For example your mimic could be very impatient and leave after one day of no sustenance (roll on the personality table). If you're eating all the food yourself and share nothing, the chance of abandonment increases but also if you're in a tight spot where you yourself can't eat, depending on the trust of your mimic, it can decide to stay.

The mimic has a limited health pool and will abandon the spot as your weapon if it deems the situation as too deadly. Its health scales with your own health pool and it therefore has 90% of your total HP. leaving at 80%. If you hit a target this weapon takes 1 damage, unless it's a natural 20, then it takes 2 damage. As a acidic beast, it can add a deadly flavor to your attacks. It adds bonus acid damage equal to your proficiency bonus to your successful attack roll.

Mimic Shield

shield, rare

This protective item hides a secret: it's a living being impersonating a protective object. It's a mimic which once it's tamed is loyal to the wearer. Since it's a living being this armor has advantages and disadvantages.

The mimic requires sustenance, daily food and water to stay by your side or else there'll be a risk of it abandoning you. The abandonment has a multitude of factors to it which includes personality, the situation and your behavior. For example your mimic could be very impatient and leave after one day of no sustenance (roll on the personality table). If you're eating all the food yourself and share nothing, the chance of abandonment increases but also if you're in a tight spot where you yourself can't eat, depending on the trust of your mimic, it can decide to stay.

The mimic has a limited health pool and will abandon the spot as your armor if it deems the damage taken as too deadly. Its health scales with your own health pool and it therefore has 90% of your total HP, leaving at 80%. If the to-hit of the creature exceeds 10+your available Dex Modifier for your armor +2 but doesn't hit you, your mimic receives the damage.

As a proficient grappler, the mimic can help you catching your targets. Once you grapple a target, it has disadvantage to escape your grasp.

Mimic Weapon

(any weapon), rare

This tool of attacking hides a secret: it's a living being impersonating a offensive tool. It's a mimic which once it's tamed is loyal to the wielder. Since it's a living being this weapon has advantages and disadvantages.

The mimic requires sustenance, daily food and water to stay by your side or else there'll be a risk of it abandoning you. The abandonment has a multitude of factors to it which includes personality, the situation and your behavior. For example your mimic could be very impatient and leave after one day of no sustenance (roll on the personality table). If you're eating all the food yourself and share nothing, the chance of abandonment increases but also if you're in a tight spot where you yourself can't eat, depending on the trust of your mimic, it can decide to stay. The mimic has a limited health pool and will abandon the spot as your weapon if it deems the situation as too deadly. Its health scales with your own health pool and it therefore has 90% of your total HP, leaving at 60% If you hit a target this weapon takes 1 damage, unless it's a natural 20, then it takes 2 damage.

As a acidic beast, it can add a deadly flavor to your attacks. It adds bonus acid damage equal to your proficiency bonus to your successful attack roll.

Mimic Gear

(any gear), rare

This useful item hides a secret: it's a living being impersonating a useful gear. It's a mimic which once it's tamed is loyal to the user. Since it's a living being this gear has advantages and disadvantages.

The mimic requires sustenance, daily food and water to stay by your side or else there'll be a risk of it abandoning you. The abandonment has a multitude of factors to it which includes personality, the situation and your behavior. For example your mimic could be very impatient and leave after one day of no sustenance (roll on the personality table). If you're eating all the food yourself and share nothing, the chance of abandonment increases but also if you're in a tight spot where you yourself can't eat, depending on the trust of your mimic, it can decide to stay.

The mimic has a limited health pool and will abandon the spot as your tools if it deems the situation as too deadly. Its health scales with your own health pool and it therefore has 90% of your total HP, leaving at 80%.

Your mimic can only turn into gears it already saw. Additionally only mundane items will have their effect if the mimic turns into it. Therefore, you can't have your mimic turn into a druidic focus that functions.

Your mimic gains the abilities of the gear it turns into and you can use it as such. It can also use the gear's abilities by itself, once you taught it how to do so by using it at least once it this object form. Certain items can result in damage for the mimic, such as lighting it as a torch or using it as vial fpr dangerous substances. Your DM determines the appropriate amount of damage it'll take.

Mimic Tools

(any tool), rare

This useful appliance hides a secret: it's a living being impersonating a handy tool. It's a mimic which once it's tamed is loyal to the user. Since it's a living being this set of tools has advantages and disadvantages.

The mimic requires sustenance, daily food and water to stay by your side or else there'll be a risk of it abandoning you. The abandonment has a multitude of factors to it which includes personality, the situation and your behavior. For example your mimic could be very impatient and leave after one day of no sustenance (roll on the personality table). If you're eating all the food yourself and share nothing, the chance of abandonment increases but also if you're in a tight spot where you yourself can't eat, depending on the trust of your mimic, it can decide to stay.

The mimic has a limited health pool and will abandon the spot as your tools if it deems the situation as too deadly. Its health scales with your own health pool and it therefore has 90% of your total HP, leaving at 80%.

It can only turn into tools it already saw.

  • Artisan's Tools

Turning into such a tool bears consequences related to the actual item. For example using them as Brewer's Supplies and using hurtful components or cooking these materials on a fire, will result in damage for your mimic. Your DM chooses the appropriate damage.

If you use your mimic to use your tools, you can use your stats. If you command it to use it on its own, it'll have to learn how to use them first by observing you and then using its own stats.

  • Gaming Set

Turning into such an item can have advantages and disadvantages. Your mimic can only turn into one card or one die, therefore to have a full set you'd need a lot of mimics. Using these to play games can result in some shenanigans.

You can command your mimic to cheat in this game and it'll use stealth for this course of action. If you don't command it to cheat and use it normally, you roll your ability check. But depending on the playfulness of your mimic, it can decide itself to cheat or other mischievous activities.

  • Musical Instrument

While your mimic is an instrument it can play itself, using its charisma. You usually can't play your mimic since it's a living being and very uncomfortable with you blowing, stroking or hitting it.

If you wanna use your mimic instrument, you'll need to train it a lot while it also having a lot of trust in you. The playfulness of your mimic can be beneficial for that.





Don't forget that the most monstrous monstrosities still possess a heart and convince your party to not kill the tricky mimic and adopt it as a friendly companion!

With that in mind, be nice and respectful to your new companion and give it a neat name!

Here are a few suggestions:

Mr. Copy and Mrs. Paste
Mr. Mime
Captain Sparrot
Prett Pintt

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