Pryxis Magic Items

by Spartan127

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Pryxis Magic Items

The following magic items are available creations found throughout the world of Technology and High Magic: Pryxis.

Aeduct's Arcane Binding Tape

Wondrous item, (rarity varies)

Created by a truly ingenious artificer from another realm, his patented magical creation has become so widespread that it has become a modern marvel.

There are so few magical items more useful or taken for granted as the modern miracle that is Aeduct's Arcane Binding Tape. These unassuming strips of magical cloth have proven to have a near endless supply of uses.

Arcane Bindings, or Aeduct's Tape, as it is commonly referred to, is ingenious in it's simplicity. Thin strips of Drow Silk, specially treated in a bath of proprietary magical dyes, are inscribed with spellwork to create a magically adhesive roll of cloth capable of bonding permanently to almost any surface, and withstanding incredible forces. What's more, modern innovations and variants in the inscribed spellwork are able to extend the utility of Aeduct's Tape even further.

While larger bolts of Arcane Binding can sometimes be purchased for industrial use. Aeduct's Tape is generally sold in 2-inch-wide rolls of 60ft lengths, and is easily recognized by the distinctive patterns of runic spellwork, which glows briefly when activated. Arcane Binding can be cut to any size, and comes in a number of varieties.

Common varieties of Aeduct's Tape are listed as follows:

Aeduct's Arcane Binding

Cost: 2gp/ft (common)

The one and only, original Arcane Binding Tape, Aeduct's Arcane Binding comes with a trigger word inscribed on the inside of it's thin golden spool, and adheres instantly to any nonliving surface when that trigger word is said. It can be easily cut to length with any blade (or via teeth, or even brute force), but once bonded, will support up to 200 lbs of weight.

Aeduct's Arcane Bandages

Cost: 5gp/ft (uncommon)

Used to quickly treat workplace or combat injuries, Aeduct's Arcane Bandage comes pre-perforated at 6-inch intervals, and can be used to heal lacerations, punctures, rips and tears on living creatures. 6 inches of tape recovers 1d6 hitpoints and takes a full action to properly apply. The tape gradually fades away, fusing with the target's skin over the course of 24 hours.

Aeduct's Restorative Bandages

Cost: 20gp/ft (very rare)

Banned in numerous cities and kingdoms. Aeduct's Restorative Bandages were created to help ease long hours of work or adventuring. Similarly perforated to arcane bandages, 6 inches of Restorative Bandage can reliably recreate the effects of taking a short rest, and this effect can stack with more applications to grant the benefits of a long rest. Unfortunately, the effects of the bandages have proven to be highly addictive, and extensive use often leads to total dependence and an inability to gain the benefits of resting without the product's use.

Aeduct's High Strength Binding

Cost: 5gp/ft (uncommon)

Threaded with strands of Ironweave for additional strength, Aeduct's High Strength Binding works exactly the same as the original binding tape, but has a bonded strength of 500 lbs, and is resistant to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage once activated.

Aeduct's Releasable Binding

Cost: 3gp/ft (common)

Inscribed with a two-way enchantment, Aeduct's Releasable Binding adheres to surfaces just like the original binding tape, but can be removed by way of a secondary trigger word. Unfortunately, a flaw in the runic inscription means that the bonded strength of the tape is reduced by 50 lbs each time it is released in this way, so the same strip cannot be used indefinitely.

Aeduct's Conductive Binding

Cost: 4gp/ft (uncommon)

Used to quickly bridge electrical or lightning-based connections in places where traditional wiring is not an option, Aeduct's Conductive Binding has a bonded strength of 100 lbs, and is electrically, thermally, and magically conductive.

Aeduct's Elastic Binding

Cost: 3gp/ft (common)

Aeduct's Elastic Binding functions almost exactly as the original binding tape, but once bonded, is capable of stretching up to twice it's original length.

Aeduct's Luminous Strips

Cost: 2gp/ft (common)

A simple but ever useful variation, Aeduct's Luminous Strips don't have the same holding power as other arcane tapes, topping out at a bonded strength of 50 lbs, however when a second trigger word is spoken, the runes on Luminous Tape emit bright light out to a range of 10 ft, and dim light out to a range of 20 ft.

Aeduct's Silencing Strips

Cost: 2gp/ft (common)

Initially developed to silence noisy tools and machinery, Aeduct's Luminous Tape only has a bonded strength of 50 lbs, but is capable of making any tool or object it is applied to completely silent. Unfortunately, many thieves and bandits have discovered that this property works just as well when applied over the mouth of a noisy victim.

Aeduct's Mending Tape

Cost: 5gp/ft (uncommon)

Aeduct's Mending Tape was created to quickly repair damaged tools and equipment on the go. Rather than simply bonding to a surface, Mending tape actually repairs breaks and tears in the same way as the Mending cantrip. In order to be effective, the entire break or tear must be covered by the tape. When activated, this tape fuses with the object it is attached to, fading away.

Aeduct's Adhesive Fuse

Cost: 2gp/ft (common)

Aeduct's Adhesive Fuse was originally a failed experiment, however it's rapid combustibility eventually found use in large mining operations and controlled demolition. When one end of a strip or roll is ignited, the flame travels almost instantaneously from one side to the other, consuming the tape at a rate of 30 feet per round (300 ft per minute). It has recently been discovered that Adhesive Fuse can be used to transmit the effects of touch based spells as well, destroying the fuse in the process.

Aeduct's Ever-clean Wrap

Cost: 3gp/ft (common)

Highly sought after by mages and other compulsive cleaners, this variant of arcane tape only has a bonded strength of 20 lbs, but once applied becomes an invisible barrier against water, dirt, and other forms of contamination.

Aeduct's Safety Tape

Cost: 2gp/ft (common)

Developed for and reducing workplace accidents, Aeduct's Safety Tape is a specialized variant of releasable binding that can be applied to any sharp or otherwise dangerous surface to render it incapable of dealing damage. Applying up to 2 ft of safety tape requires a full action.

Aeduct's Instant Barricade

Cost: 10gp/ft (rare)

Created to help effectively - and quickly - section off dangerous or sensitive areas such as crime scenes, Aedcut's Instant Barricade has all the same properties as the original Arcane Binding Tape, but with a few important additions:

When used to enclose an area by creating an unbroken perimeter of tape, Aeduct's Instant Barricade functions as a powerful ward, preventing creatures from entering or exiting the enclosed shape - including up to 30 feet upwards and downwards (whether through walking, burrowing, flying, teleport, etc).

Any creatures inside the enclosed area when the perimeter is completed may pass through the perimeter at-will, and can designate who, in addition to themselves, can pass through the perimeter, or set a password that will suppress the ward for 1 minute if spoken within 5 feet of the door. Casting the spell Knock on the perimeter will also suppress the ward for 10 minutes.

The perimeter of tape can be cut and removed by a specially enchanted blade, permanently destroying the ward. Additionally, any magical slashing weapon with a +1 bonus can cut the tape easily.

Aeduct's Barricade Knife

Weapon (dagger), rare

A simple blade inscribed with proprietary enchantments, Aeduct's Barricade Knife is a specialized tool used to cut through perimeters of Aeduct's Instant Barricade.

Production and sale of these knives are very strictly regulated, and they are usually only provided to law enforcement agencies or investigative corps.

The knife also has 3 charges. A charge can be expended to cast the spell Knock using the knife as the focus. The knife regains 1 charge daily at dawn.

Amulet of Intervention

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

This golden amulet takes the shape of a large disk embedded with a platinum septogram (seven-pointed star), inlaid with a jewel representing each of the seven sins.

Normally only granted to high ranking clergy of the Cathedral of Seven or those who have honorably served the church or the gods themselves - wearing this amulet is a sign of prestige. When worn, it protects you from disaster and wards away death.

Guardian Spirit. If you would be subjected to an effect that would reduce you to 0 hit points, the amulet automatically activates. A multichromatic sphere of light bursts forth, negating the damage dealt and rendering you immune to all damage and all conditions. This sphere lasts for up to 1 round before fading away. Once this ability is activated, the amulet loses its magic until the next dawn.

Animated Cape

Wondrous item, uncommon

This cape is instilled with the barest glimmers of sentience, which it uses at the behest of its wearer (or itself if it has no wearer).

As an action while wearing this cloak, you can have it unattach itself from you and move as if you were still wearing it for 1 minute. The cape appears convincing, but upon succeeding a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check it is revealed to be hollow. You can give it a general command, such as to patrol the length of a corridor or wander aimlessly. It has a speed of 20 feet, and once this property has been used it cannot be used again until next dawn.

Architect's Artifice

Wondrous item, legendary

A large brass cube, about two feet in width and easily over 80 pounds. The intricately designed surface shows windows to the near infinite mechanisms trapped inside.

As an hour long ritual spent with the Architect's Artifice, you can cause it to expand into a structure of your choice, so long as it fits within a thousand foot cube, and is worth no more than 500,000 gp. The structure is permanent and is not magical, as the item immediately becomes mundane as soon as it transforms.

Once used, the Architect's Artifice cannot be used again (as it is now a structure).

Armor of Voidmass

Armor (breastplate), legendary (requires attunement)

A foggy mass of blackened unreality, this dark mote of voidstuff is the size of a human hand - when attuned to, the mass extends over the torso and midsection of the creature. While it takes the simple shape of armor, the sheer aura emanated by it is frightening, and enough to strike the fear of the unknowable in the hearts of those who can see that presence. It holds an innate ability to swallow some attacks against it's wearer whole.

You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.

Spellward. Grants the wearer advantage against all spells and magical effects. Additionally, any attempts to scry you while wearing the armor are nulled.

Void Induction. Whenever you are targeted by an attack or effect that would damage you, for the next minute, you gain a bonus to your AC and Constitution saving throws equal to +1, up to a maximum of +5.

Curse. Upon attuning to the armor, the wearer becomes afflicted with 2 forms of indefinite madness until they unattune to the armor. Additionally, while wearing the armor, all Charisma checks made by the wearer are made with Disadvantage.

Artisanal Master Tools

Wondrous item, rare (+1), very rare (+2), legendary (+3)

These sets of Artisan's Tools are crafted of the best materials and by the best craftsmen of their respective trades - equally yielding the best creations themselves.

When you make an ability check using these magical tools, you gain a bonus to the roll. If the tools within a set are separated, they offer no benefit until the set is complete again. If any of the tools in a set are destroyed, all equipment within the set becomes non-magical.

Assassin Firearm

Weapon (any firearm), rare

This firearm is made of blued steel and ebony wood, and handling it seems to produce no sound, not even when it brushes against other objects.

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. Additionally, attacks made with this magical firearm produce no visible flash or audible noise.

Ancient Notebook

Wondrous Item, uncommon

The Notebooks left behind by long-dead researchers, athletes, scientists, warriors and sages alike, their studies still recorded into the deep insights of their respective fields - complete with hastily drawn renderings, ink spills and coffee stains.

The lifetime of hours spent pouring their knowledge into the pages of this weathered tome have innately imbued it with studious magic. Those who read this notebook feel guided by the author whose blood, sweat and tears went into their life's work.

When you make a skill check pertaining to the field of research inscribed in the notebook, you can spend 1 minute consulting the pages. You gain a bonus to the skill check equal to 1d4, representing how much you discover about the subject at hand.

When finding an ancient notebook, consult the following table to determine what field of research it's pages contain:

Ancient Notebook
d20 Field Skill
1 Athleticist Athletics
2 Gymnast Acrobatics
3 Contortionist Sleight of Hand
4 Escapologist Stealth
5 Arcanist Arcana
6 Historian History
7 Detective Investigation
8 *Engineer *Mechanics
9 Botanist Nature
10 Theologian Religion
11 Zoologist Animal Handling
12 Psychologist Insight
13 Physician Medicine
14 Optician Perception
15 Survivalist Survival
16 Illusionist Deception
17 Coercionist Intimidation
18 Dramacist Performance
19 Rhetoricalist Persuasion
20 (Reroll on this table)
*Mechanics Skill

The Mechanics skill is a newfound skill inherent to the world of Pryxis which delves explicitly into the inner workings of artificial creations, construction and inventions - ranging everywhere from stonework to clockwork, construction to circuitry, and so on.

Artificers are the most well known class to have proficiency in such a skill.

If you do not utilize the Mechanics skill in your setting, ignore the skill listing on the table and treat a roll of 19-20 as a reroll.

More information on the Mechanics skill can be found in Pryxis's House Rules

Bandolier of Blades

Wondrous item, rare

This hard leather bandolier is lined with woolen cord. Its pouch glows with a faint yellow light, and has slots for four daggers.

A nonmagical dagger placed in this bandolier is infused with magic, and when it is drawn from the bandolier it acts as a +1 dagger for 1 minute. If the dagger is thrown during this duration, it automatically reappears within the bandolier as long as it is on the same plane as the thrower.

You can draw a dagger from the bandolier as part of the action used to attack with it.

Black Rose Blade

Weapon (rapier), legendary (requires attunement)

Believed to have been fashioned in the likeness of a dark demigoddess's main weapon - these black, florally designed blades are renowned for heinous and dark acts.

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Shadow Step. When wielding this blade in dim light or darkness, as a bonus action you can teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see that is also in dim light or darkness. You then have advantage on the first melee attack you make before the end of your turn.

Hidden Strike. While attuned to this weapon, you gain the sneak attack ability of the rogue - Once per turn, you can deal an extra 2d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. If you are a rogue, your sneak attack deals an additional 2d6 damage instead.

Blessing of Foresight

Weapon (any ranged weapon), very rare (requires attunement)

This ranged weapon is coated in filigree depictions of eyes along the body, with two glowing gemstone eyes on the handle.

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Sixth Sense. You can use a bonus action to speak the weapon's command word and for 1 hour, you can't be surprised and have advantage on attack rolls, ability checks and saving throws. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Bone-Breaker's Bracers

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

These crude leather and hide bracers are embedded with various bone fragments and cracked teeth.

While you wear these bracers, your unarmed strikes have a +1 bonus to their attack and damage rolls and deal a d4 in damage (or have their damage dice increased by one size, up to a maximum of a d12).

Additionally, as an action you may clash the bracers together to cast the shatter spell (DC 15). This property of the bracers can't be used again until the next dawn.

Bone Blade

Weapon (any dagger, shortsword, or rapier), very rare

These serrated weapons are fashioned from the bones of humanoid beings - and carry a segment of their dying breath.

Attack and damage rolls made with this weapon count as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance and immunity.

When attacking with this weapon, you deal an additional weapon damage die of piercing damage when you hit with it.

Additionally, when you hit a creature with an attack, you can choose for it to be affected by the contagion spell (Save DC 15). The weapon cannot be used in this way again until the next dawn.

Bow of Striking

Weapon (any bow), rare

A bow decorated with carven runes, strung with a metallic string, and fitted with a set of reinforced limbs.

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Arrows fired from this bow strike with far more force than they should. On a successful hit, the target is knocked backwards if they are Medium or smaller. Creatures that are Small or Medium will be knocked backwards 10 feet. Creatures that are Tiny or smaller will be knocked backwards 20 feet. If the target hits a solid obstacle, they stop and take 1d6 bludgeoning damage. If they are driven into another creature, both creatures will take 1d6 bludgeoning damage.

Brewer's Buckler

Armor (shield - buckler), uncommon (requires attunement)

While holding this buckler you gain a +1 bonus to AC.

While not being wielded, as an action you can materialize a fully functional tea set upon the face of the shield. Once per day - when you brew tea using this tea set - you can use an action to give a special property from those listed below:

Energizing. Any creature who drinks this tea has their exhaustion level reduced by one.

Cleansing. If a creature who drinks this tea is suffering the effects of the poisoned condition, they are cured of that condition. If that condition would persist through a long rest, it is instead suppressed for the next 24 hours.

Invigorating. If a creature who drinks this tea has their maximum hit points reduced, that reduction is removed. If that reduction would persist through a long rest, it is instead suppressed for 24 hours.

Chess Board of the Dueling Fates

Wondrous item, mythical

Stories say games played upon this chess set directly mirror actions taken in the real world - with each piece representing an individual, creature, or force.

This chess set is fashioned with a checkered obsidian and ivory field, outfitted with extravagantly crafted Black and White Diamond figures. The outer edges are outlined with blackened platinum filigree which flows like water. The board and pieces can not be separated more than 1 foot from one another. The chess set is indestructible.

When a game is engaged, the board levitates 1 foot off the ground and the chess pieces move on their own with mental commands. Additionally, whenever creatures begin a game, the individual players may choose what creatures their pieces resemble.

Duel of Fates. As an action, you may set this chess board across from an enemy. The enemy must succeed on three consecutive DC 20 saving throws: one Wisdom, one Intelligence, and one Constitution. If they fail even one of the saving throws (or willingly submit) they are forced to engage in a game of chess with you.

Once the game commences, the user and the target fade into an astral pocket dimension. While under this effect, the creatures cannot be interacted with or harmed in any way - but the game remains visible via the chessboard (which becomes ethereal and uninteractable). The affected creatures are unable to do anything but play the game.

The players must begin making contested Intelligence rolls every round starting on the user's next turn.

Once a creature has won three Intelligence contests, they win the game. When a winner is declared, both creatures reappear and the loser instantly takes 3d100 psychic damage - which ignores resistances and immunities. If a creature is killed with this damage, they cannot be resurrected by anything short of a wish spell.

Chopper of Hewing

Weapon (any axe), rare

These axes are magically stained with the blood of dozens of living creatures - so much so, that when water is poured on the axe, fresh blood still drips from the blade, no matter how old.

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Upon reducing a creature to 0 hitpoints, you are momentarily filled with supernatural bloodlust. As a reaction, you may make another attack against a creature within 5 feet of the fallen creature.

Cingulum of Freedom

Wondrous item, mythical (requires attunement)

These belt like battle-skirts are utilized by the highest members of the church of Melchar: the Manumit Warriors. The belt is affixed with chains of various sizes and materials. Wearing this belt infuses the wearer with the ceaseless power to break their limitations.

You gain a +2 bonus to AC while wearing this belt.

While attuned and wearing the belt, you have advantage on initiative rolls.

When subjected to an effect that would inflict the grappled, stunned, paralyzed, petrified, or restrained conditions, you have advantage and a +5 bonus on all rolls to escape or negate the effect.

Clock of Synchrony

Wondrous item, uncommon

This brass pocket watch has three stoppers along its top edge. It keeps good time when wound, and its reverse side is engraved with an image of two chain links linked together.

The item is designed to trigger the movement of up to two devices at the same time. The two devices must have mechanical controls and must be within 100 feet of each other. By pressing either the left or the right stopper while pressing a button, pulling a lever, or otherwise activating a mechanical control, the watch stores that movement and can magically re-trigger it. The watch only stores two such movements at a time, one for the left stopper, and one for the right. Pressing the center stopper while within 100 feet of at least one of the devices remotely triggers both the stored movements at the same time.

Pressing all three stoppers together causes the watch to reset itself.

Coin of Desire

Wondrous item, (rarity varies)

An incredibly shiny and attractive fake coin, subtly carved with symbols of greed and avarice along it's edge.

As an action, you can throw or place the coin on the ground and speak a command word. The coin begins to emanate an enchanting aura which entrances those who see it. Any creature (besides you) within a 30 foot radius of that coin that can see it must make a Charisma saving throw. Upon a success, they recognize the coin in a superb fake, on a failure they become charmed with the urge to own the coin and keep it on their person for 1 minute. Any attempts to pick up the coin by an affected creature requires a DC 20 Strength check.

Coin Save DC Rarity
Copper 12 Common
Silver 14 Uncommon
Electrum 16 Rare
Gold 18 Very Rare
Platinum 20 Legendary

Combat Banner

Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)

This torn, weathered military standard bears the symbol of a long forgotten army from the Dragon War - the inscription below the symbol dictates "In War, Victory. In Peace, Vigilance. In Death, Sacrifice." While holding the banner, you hear the faintest sounds of distant battle cries upon the wind.

While wielding and attuned to the banner, it counts as a +2 magic quarterstaff. You deal an additional 1d6 psychic damage with this quarterstaff.

Additionally, as an action, you may vocally bellow the inscription on the banner and plant it into the ground to invoke its magic in a 60 foot radius centered on the banner. While within this radius, allies gain the following benefits:

  • +1 bonus to weapon attack and damage rolls.
  • +1 bonus to Armor Class.
  • +10 feet of extra movement.
  • Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

These effects persist for 1 minute. Once used, this ability cannot be used again until you finish a short or long rest.


Rod, very rare (requires attunement)

This rough, wrought iron rod is spiked at one end and scarred by several gouges across its surface.

As an action, you can plant the rod into a surface, creating an antimagic field. The field is disabled if the rod is knocked over with a successful DC 10 strength check, or if the creature that activated it uses any magical item or spell (no matter how far away they are). Otherwise, the field lasts for 1 minute.

After being activated, the rod can't be activated again until it has been dealt any amount of slashing damage after the next dawn. After taking 20 points of slashing damage, the rod ceases to function and disintegrates.

Cowl of the Circle

Wondrous item, mythical (requires attunement)

These specially crafted magical robes are normally only granted to the most trusted members of Oghma's church within the cowled circle. The sage-green fabric of the robe seems to shift in color and form, and the golden embroidery itself moves throughout the robe to create tantalizing patterns and shapes.

As an action, the cowl of the hood can be pulled up over the head. The wearer immediately gains the following benefits:

  • You come under the effects of the pass without trace spell, only affecting you.
  • When the hood is up, the robe shifts in composition and the face becomes a blurry conglomeration of shapes and colors, your voice additionally becomes masked as a deep unisex voice. Anyone trying to identify you has disadvantage and a -10 penalty on checks to identify you.
  • All insight checks made to ascertain your intentions automatically fail, and spells or effects that reveal if you are lying show you are telling the truth.

Daern's Instant Workshop

Wondrous item, uncommon

You can use an action to place this 1-inch stone cube on the ground and speak its command word. The cube rapidly grows into a workshop that remains until you use an action to speak the command word that dismisses it, which works only if the workshop is empty.

The workshop is a square trading post (complete with a canvas awning over the door), 15 feet on a side and 20 feet high. Its interior is divided into two floors, with a ladder running along one wall to connect them. When activated, the workshop has a small windowed door on the side facing you, and two glass windows on each floor perpendicular to the door.

The workshop comes equipped with standard, nonmagical items and objects.

  • The first floor holds the following:
    • Forge (which burns magically for 12 hours - after which it cannot be re-lit until the next dawn, unless fueled naturally)
    • Anvil
    • Stone worktable
    • Wooden worktable
    • Water barrel (full of freshwater, which cannot leave the barrel - the water refreshes every dawn)
    • Grinding wheel.
  • The second floor holds the following:
    • A wooden chest
    • Empty bookshelf
    • Small desk and wooden chair
    • Small round table with 4 stools


Items stored in the workshop remain there indefinitely or until you or someone else retrieves them - and remain there even when the workshop is dismissed. Other than any items you store or bring into the workshop, no other items can leave the workshop - if they do, they instantly teleport directly back into the workshop.

Each creature in the area where the workshop appears must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d10 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. In either case, the creature is pushed to an unoccupied space outside but next to the workshop. Objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried take this damage and are pushed automatically.

The workshop is made of stone and wood. The roof, the door, and the walls each have 50 hit points and resistance to damage from nonmagical weapons. If the workshop takes damage, it must be repaired manually or magically as any normal structure.

Deadeye's Shot

Weapon (any firearm), rare

This firearm is crafted with mithril components offset by steeled counterweights, and affixed with a scope consisting of several magical crystalline lenses. Runes are crudely carved along the stock and body.

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this magic weapon.

The long range of this firearm is doubled.

Dead Accuracy. When you hit with an attack from this weapon that is not a critical hit, you may turn that hit into a critical hit. When you do so, you can roll one additional weapon damage die when determining the extra damage for a critical hit. Once you use this ability, you may not do so again until the next dawn.

Devil's Tongue

Weapon (whip), rare (requires attunement)

A multi-tipped whip fashioned of woven infernal skin - usually imps or lemures - and tipped with various claws and fangs from monstrous beasts. These whips are often found in the use of various devils and demons, and keenly used by succubi or incubi.

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this magic weapon.

This whip has 4 charges, and regains all charges at dawn.

Upon hitting a creature with this weapon, you may expend a charge to inflict overwhelming fear in the target as per the fear spell (Wisdom save DC 15).

Diadem of the Hellknight

Wondrous item, mythical (requires attunement)

These crown-like diadems are usually only worn by the highest echelon of the church of zariel - within the order of the nether knights. These silver circlets are adorned with the severed horn fragments of a pact devil and embedded within the forehead of the circlet lies a flawless blood diamond.

While wearing this crown, you gain a +1 bonus to your attack and damage rolls made with weapons - which stacks on top of previously existing bonuses.

As a minute long ritual, you may summon forth a Pact Devil which appears in an unoccupied space that you can see within 10 feet. The Pact Devil disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when 1 hour has passed.

The Pact Devil cannot grant you pacts - but may exchange goods or services as if it were a merchant or mercenary, respectively.

The Pact Devil is friendly to you and your companions for the duration. Roll initiative for the Pact Devil, which has its own turns. It obeys any verbal commands that you issue to it (no action required by you), as long as they don’t violate its alignment (or if paid to do so). If you don’t issue any commands to the pact devil, it defends itself from hostile creatures but otherwise takes no actions. The DM has the pact devil’s statistics.

Once summoned, roll a D20: on a 15-20 the pact devil can be summoned again after the next dusk. You may repeat this roll once every 24 hours.

Dragonmaster's Bladewhip

Weapon (whip), very rare (requires attunement)

A long cord of woven steel encased by segmented silver blades, and tipped with a razor sharp silver tip in the shape of a dragon's claw.

These specialized whips became widespread after the end of the Dragon War in the control and exiling of dragonlike creatures - a common sight amongst Dragon Handlers (particularly those who raise or train Wyverns, Drakes, and similar non-sentient Dragons) and Dragon Slayers alike.

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this magic weapon.

When you hit a dragon or dragon-like creature with this weapon, the dragon takes an extra 3d6 damage.

Additionally, while attuned to this magic weapon, you gain immunity to the Frightful Presence ability of dragons and dragon-like creatures.


Wondrous Item, rare

Granted to adventurers soon to be fighting dragons, these stones are essential to depowering dragons. Generally unassuming, the Drakeleech is a small coiled white stone, roughly the size of an average human's palm. Carved into the sides is a depiction of the ouroboros, with incredibly fine detail.

As an action, you may crush the Drakeleech. For 1 minute, while a dragon or dragonlike creature is within 60 feet of you they suffer the following penalties:

  • Every roll they make has a -2 penalty.
  • Their movement speed decreases by 10 feet.

Echo Scalpel

Wand, mythical (requires attunement)

These sinister wands are held within the hands of the darkest corners of the Church of Hex: the mad-minds. Etched from pitch-black steel and studded with corrupted chlorophyte gemstones, these wands carry immense power over thought and memory - used by the Mad-Minds to peruse and abuse the minds of others.

Thought Script. While attuned to this wand, you can cast the encode thoughts cantrip.

Spells. This wand has 10 charges. While holding the wand, you can use an action to expend some of its charges to cast one of the following spells (spell attack +12 to hit, Save DC 20): detect thoughts (2 charges), mind spike (2 charges) or modify memory (5 charges)

Maddening Blade (1/day). You may use the bladed tip of the wand as a dagger. While attuned, you are proficient with this dagger.

As an attack action, you may attempt to plunge the tip of the wand into the head of a target creature (or a version thereof, where applicable) to cast the Feeblemind spell upon the target. On a hit, the creature has disadvantage on the saving throw to resist Feeblemind.

Regardless of whether they fail the saving throw for Feeblemind, the target must beat an additional DC 25 Wisdom saving throw - gaining a random indefinite madness until either greater restoration or wish is cast upon them.

Enchanted Butters

Wondrous item, rare

Luscious butters handmade from varying beasts and distilled with magical properties, these exotic butters are keenly used to develop helpful remedies and delicious delectables. Often used by higher class bakers and chefs to produce truly astounding culinary confections. Other truly desperate or mad individuals use the butters for their benefits "on-the-go".

Each stick of butter comes wrapped in specially treated waxen leaves which ensures the butter remains unspoilt and unsullied.

A single stick of butter holds three doses - after which only leaves remain. You may use a dose of butter in the following ways:

  • Over the course of 10 minutes, you may prepare the butter in a meal of one ration to gain the associated Meal benefit when you consume the affected ration.
  • As an action, you may consume one-third of the stick to gain the Slice benefit of the butter.

Some of the most common varieties of Enchanted Butters (as well as their benefits) are listed as follows:

Auroch Butter

These yellow-white sticks of butter are haughty and strong-tasting, made from the milk of the mighty auroch. When eaten, a sense of strength can be felt.

  • Meal - You gain a damage threshold of 5 for 1 hour.
  • Slice - You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage (your choice) for 1 minute.
Garlic & Ellond Butter

A favorite of those seeking a spicier touch of life. made with garlic powder and the incredibly flammable ellond shrub, these sticks of butter really pack a punch.

  • Meal - You gain a +2 magical bonus to ALL attack and damage rolls for 1 hour.
  • Slice - You gain a +1 magical bonus to all nonmagical attack and damage rolls for 1 minute.
Lavender Sugar Butter

For the connoisseurs and sweet-tooths, this combination of enchanted lavender offset by finely ground sugar cane can make any occasion a delectable, comfortable experience.

  • Meal - You gain immunity to the following conditions for 1 hour: charmed, frightened, or poisoned
  • Slice - You gain advantage on effects to negate one of the following conditions for 1 minute: charmed, frightened, or poisoned

Eye of Agamon

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

This polished ornate pearl eye is inlaid with a sapphire iris and agate pupil which glows ever so softly. Runes cover the iris and pupil.

The eye conveys its benefits to those willing to replace one of their own eyes with it.

The eye has 5 charges and regains 1d4 charges daily at dawn.

While looking only through the eye of agamon the user has devil's sight out to 60 feet, and can cast detect magic at will.

You can expend 1 charge to cast one of the following spells from the eye at base level (Spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks): scorching ray, charm person, see invisibility

After expending a charge from the eye, you take 1d10 force damage as the eye burns with arcane energy.

Exponential Weapon

Weapon (any), mythical (requires attunement)

One of the most powerful forms of weaponry to be crafted - the magic wrought into these weapons can only be achieved by the highest masters of crafting and enchanting. So much so that even the Gods are envious of such magic.

Carved upon this weapon are hundreds of incredibly tiny, intricate spirographic formulae and mathematical calculations in the Supernal language - the language of the gods; precursor to all other languages. The runic inscriptions are said to carry a fraction of the true name of reality, resulting in space-time folding within the weapon.

This weapon has the uncanny ability to inflict exponentially more damage than a typical weapon. On a critical hit, the damage equals the weapon’s die damage squared rather than adding an extra damage die.

Exponential Critical
  • Example 1: A longsword’s damage equals 1d8 when wielded with one hand. On a critical hit, the weapon damage would equal (1d8)² - (rolling a 7 on the longsword would result in 49 damage).
  • Example 2: A greatsword's damage equals 2d6. On a critical hit, the weapon damage would equal (2d6)² - (rolling a 4 and a 6 on the greatsword would result in 100 damage).

Flaming Heart

Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement)

Originally crafted by a shadow monk demoness named "Damara" - who sought to tread the shadows while inflicting the burn of the light. This white-flame blade is a terrifying sight; a triangular adamantium longsword equipped with three razor sharp edges that gleam with a glossy white sheen.

You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this magic weapon.

This magic weapon is indestructible. When hitting a non-indestructible object with this magic weapon, deal damage equal to max critical damage.

Heartfire. While attuned, as a bonus action you may speak the command word to ignite the sword in roiling white flames that sear the darkness away. The sword sheds bright light out to 40 feet, and dim light an additional 40 feet.

If any of this light overlaps with an area of darkness created by a spell of 2nd Level or lower, the spell that created the darkness is dispelled.

While the blade is ignited, you deal an additional 2d6 fire damage. You may speak the command word again to snuff the flames as a bonus action.

Garment of Protection

Clothes, rare (+1), very rare (+2), or legendary (+3)

These sets of enchanted clothes normally come embroidered with fanciful sewnwork and seem to offer some semblance of protection from attacks. A garment of protection is usually a jerkin, robe, tunic, undertunic, or cloak that comes with a magical enchantment that protects the wearer upon donning the the clothing.

You have a bonus to AC while wearing this magical set of clothes, which is determined by its rarity.

Gauntlet of the Gilded

Wondrous item, legendary

These black silken gloves are heavily embroidered and plated with pure gold, and are embedded with 6 star sapphires - one on each finger and one on the back hand. Only seen in (or rather on) the hands of the Gilded Council of the Merchant's Guild, these gauntlets strike fear and respect into the hearts of those who see them.

You gain a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this gauntlet.

While attuned, you gain the ability to cast the conjure wealth cantrip.

The Gauntlet holds 6 charges, one for each star sapphire. When a charge is used, one of the sapphires dulls to a greyish hue. You regain 1 charge daily at dawn.

You may spend one charge to cast the spell flesh to stone (DC 25), but with the following altered effects:

  • The range of the spell is changed to "Touch".
  • Their skin begins to transmute into solid gold, rather than stone.

Ghostflame Candle

Wondrous item, uncommon

When you light this candle and speak its command word, the flame turns a shimmering silver. The silver flame sheds bright light out to a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. When lit, a candle gives off barely audible whispers. Only the holder of the candle can see the light, but anyone within earshot can hear the whispering.

Additionally, the silver flame can be used to light ordinary light sources, such as lanterns and torches. The flame's properties transfer to the new light source.

Grenade of Glue

Wondrous item, uncommon

This fist sized ball is a pale opaque gray and is slightly rubbery to the touch, feeling as if it would bounce when thrown.

As an action, you can throw this orb at a point within 60 feet at which point it splatters a sticky gray substance across all creatures and surfaces within a 20-foot-radius sphere of the impact point and quickly hardens.

Creatures that are within this radius at time of impact must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or have their speed reduced to 0 feet. Once glued in place by the substance, a creature can use an action to make a DC 15 Strength (athletics) check to escape.

After the impact, the area is not sticky enough to restrain creatures, but it is still considered difficult terrain until the glue hardens completely in 1 hour. After hardening, a DC 20 Strength (athletics) check is required to move or dislodge any cemented creatures or objects. If the cemented object would have already required a Strength check to open or move, like a locked door, the hardened glue increases this DC by 5.

Harmony Powder

Wondrous item, uncommon

These magic-infused bags of white powder glow with vague pearlescence. Often times utilized by those who have little access to health potions or healing magics, this powder has the capability to speed up the natural healing processes of the body.

This bag comes with 2d6 pinches of powder.

As a bonus action, you may sprinkle one pinch of dust on a creature to cast the cantrip renewal at it's base level. You may sprinkle additional pinches to upcast the cantrip - up to a maximum of 4 pinches per creature.

Once all pinches are utilized, the bag becomes a nonmagical pouch.

Ioun Stones (Extended)

Wondrous item, rarity varies (requires attunement)

An Ioun stone is named after Ioun, a god of knowledge and prophecy revered on some worlds. Many types of Ioun stone exist, each type a distinct combination of shape and color.

When you use an Action to toss one of these stones into the air, the stone orbits your head at a distance of 1d3 feet and confers a benefit to you. Thereafter, another creature must use an Action to grasp or net the stone to separate it from you, either by making a successful Attack roll against AC 24 or a successful DC 24 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. You can use an Action to seize and stow the stone, Ending its Effect.

A stone has AC 24, 10 Hit Points, and Resistance to all damage. It is considered to be an object that is being worn while it orbits your head.

Assault (Very Rare). While this pulsating spinel rhomboid orbits your head, you may make an additional attack whenever you take the attack action.

Breath (Rare). While this tiny green spindle orbits your head, you no longer require to breathe.

Greater Protection (Very Rare). You gain a +2 bonus to AC while this deep crimson prism orbits your head.

Longevity (Legendary). While this labradorite chunk orbits your head, you age five times slower.

Power (Legendary). While this pitch-black marble orbits your head, your cantrips are more powerful. When you make a spell attack with a cantrip, you deal additional damage to one of the spell's targets equal to your spellcasting ability modifier on a hit. When a creature succeeds on a saving throw to avoid damage against your cantrips, they instead take half damage but suffer no additional effects.

Swiftness (Rare). While this rough chunk of amber orbits your head, your walking speed is increased by 10 feet.

Wakefulness (Rare). While this star-speckled stone orbits your head, you do not require sleep and you cannot be forced to sleep by magic.

Iron Stomach

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

This small, textured, iron ball was an alchemist's attempt to make use of his insatiable hunger and never have to haul around an alchemy lab ever again.

Attuning to the Iron Stomach requires the creature to swallows it. Once swallowed, the Iron Stomach expands to fill the stomach of the creature. The Iron Stomach then absorbs most of the nutrients consumed by the host creature, but leaves enough for it to survive. A host of the Iron Stomach will never know a satisfying meal.

The Iron Stomach harnesses the power of creatures consumed by the host, absorbing their power and converting it into something useful. Once the Iron Stomach has digested enough powerful corpses, it spills the product of it's arcane fermentation into the host's stomach; causing the host to regurgitate magical potions.

The Iron Stomach rapidly digests anything consumed by the host, allowing the host to eat as much food as their hands and mouth permit. To absorb the power of a creature, the host must consume the ENTIRE corpse (cooked or raw). Larger corpses can take quite a long time to consume. Hosts must spend the following times to fully consume the corpses of fallen foes, assuming minimal breaks in between eating:

Time to Eat
Creature Size Duration
Fine 1 action
Diminutive 1 round
Tiny 1 minute
Small 10 minutes
Medium 1 hour
Large 8 hours
Huge 24 hours
Gargantuan 1 week
Colossal 2 weeks
Titanic 1 month


Once consumed, the Iron Stomach holds a creature's essence until the time when the host wishes to recall its stored power. The XP value of consumed creatures can be converted into potions of various rarity, which the host regurgitates (hopefully into a waiting vessel).

A host can take 1 minute to imagine the desired potion effect and regurgitate the liquid from the Iron Stomach's holdings. When regurgitating, there is a 50% chance that the potion regurgitated is a random potion of the same rarity. The Iron Stomach can excrete at most 1 potion per every 24 hours.

A host must spend values of XP for potion rarities according to the following:

Potion Regurgitation
Potion Rarity XP Value
Common 1,000
Uncommon 5,000
Rare 10,000
Very Rare 50,000
Legendary 100,000
Mythical 500,000

Justicar's Bracer

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

Utilized by many during the Dragon War, these bracers became essential to the fortification of quick-deploy forces who wished to remain defensive yet nimble. Appearing as a metal-bound bracer coated in runes, when activated, the bracer emits differing forms of crystalline force shields.

This bracer has 4 charges, and regains 1d4 charges daily at dawn.

While attuned to this bracer, you can use 1 charge to cast the spectral shield cantrip - centered on the bracer. When activated in this way, the spectral shield counts as a shield for the purposes of utilizing shield-based abilities.

Additionally, you may use 2 charges to cast shield.

Lamp of Lucrative Wishes

Wondrous item, legendary

These ornately crafted lamps were once utilized in ancient times by elemental genies to store excess magical energies to be called upon later. As time passed, their use became more widespread by the mortal masses attempting to chase dreams, fulfill desires, and pursue hope through wish granting - albeit; to a lesser degree.

This item holds 3 charges. As an action, you may rub the lamp and expend 1 charge to make one of the following wishes:

  • Fortune. The lamp begins to pour forth sand that materializes into various treasures. You gain a number of random coins, gemstones, and various trinkets equal in value to 10d100 + 100 gp.
  • Power. Your skill in one form of combat has improved significantly. Choose Ranged, Melee, or Spell attacks. You now add your proficiency bonus in damage to all attacks of that form.
  • Knowledge. A large tome appears before you. A creature who spends the next 24 hours reading this tome may improve one ability score by 2, or two ability scores by 1. Alternatively, the creature may choose to learn a feat. After 24 hours, the book disappears.
  • Immortality. You stop aging, and gain 2d20 additional years added onto your lifespan, and a small ethereal painting depicting your exact likeness (albeit in grandiose form) is teleported to a random location on your current plane of existence with a highly detailed story of your life.
  • Magic. You learn two of your choice of the following cantrips: druidcraft, gust, mage hand, minor illusion, prestidigitation or thaumaturgy. Additionally, you learn two 1st-level spells, and one 2nd-level spell from any spell list, and can cast each of the 1st-level spells twice, and the 2nd-level spell once per long rest without expending spellslots. When you choose this option, choose Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma as your spellcasting ability.

A creature cannot wish for the same thing twice, and cannot be granted a wish more than once per day. Once all charges are expended, the lamp fades from reality and teleports to another location.

Lucky Seven

Weapon (any firearm), legendary (requires attunement)

This gun has lines of pure gold swirling across its barrel and glowing green four-leaf clovers etched on its grip. It sparkles dimly in your hands, making every shot feel like you're gambling for something big.

You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls you make with this revolver.

Uncanny Luck. You can call on this weapon's luck to alter fate around you. Immediately upon attuning to the weapon, you gain two luck points, which can be used as described in the lucky feat (Player's Handbook p. 167). As long as you remain attuned to the weapon, any expended luck points are regained at the end of a long rest.

Seven of Clovers. If you roll a natural 7 on an attack roll made with this revolver, you hear the sound of bells and jingling coins as the weapon begins to glow. This attack automatically hits its target, is considered a critical hit, and deals maximum damage. Additionally, for the next minute, any attack made with this weapon deals an additional 7 force damage.


Potion, uncommon

This bottle is filled with bright blue liquid reminiscent of a mana potion - but is constantly bubbling, boiling, and hot. Often used by mages, mercenaries and those going into high danger areas.

When you drink this potion, you become draped in flowing, ethereal white-blue wrappings and a hooded cape. You gain 15 temporary hitpoints which last for 1 hour. While any of these hitpoints remain, creatures within 5 feet of you that hit you with a melee attack take 1d4+1 force damage and must succeed a DC 10 Strength saving throw or be pushed 10 feet away from you.

Mantle of Arms

Armor (reinforced cloak), very rare (requires attunement)

This assembled mass of overlapping banners, fields, colors, and flags is the conglomeration of various squadrons, armies, tribes and militias over the centuries. Within each fragment holds the valorous anger of those who charged into battle - to victory or defeat.

You gain a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this magic item.

While attuned, your walking speed increases by 10 feet.

Spiritual Might. As an reaction to the beginning of combat, you may channel the spiritual strength of the final moments of each fallen warrior. For the next minute, you deal an amount of additional force damage equal to your proficiency bonus for each of your attacks. Once used, this ability cannot be used again until you finish a short or long rest.

Manual of Martial Stratagems

Wondrous item, rare

This book describes martial techniques and battle tactics, and its words are charged with magic.

If you spend 24 hours over a period of 6 days or fewer studying the book's contents and practicing its guidelines, you permanently gain a fighting style of your choice from any class (with DM's approval). As usual, you can't take a Fighting Style option more than once. The manual then loses its magic, but regains it in a decade.

Map of the Pathfinder

Wondrous item, rare

While you are holding this map, you can use an action to speak its command word, commanding the map to redraw itself to accurately depict the surface area within a 10-mile radius of you. At any time thereafter, you can use a bonus action to alter the map to show the same area up to 10 miles underground. The map displays the following features, labeled with names and general descriptions.

  • General terrain features, such as rivers and mountains.
  • The current weather conditions of the surrounding area (which updates in real-time).
  • Settled areas like towns or cities.
  • Structures used for travel, such as bridges and portals.
  • Roads and trails.
  • Lairs of dangerous creatures.

Once you use this property of the map, it lasts until you use it again.

Mask of the Dreamer

Wondrous item, mythical

These ornate masks are only seen on the faces of the secret sect of the Church of Chemosh: the dreaming council. The mask itself is carved from ivory, and adorned with various mithril nets and golden filigree. Their visage bears a striking similarity to the demonic true form of Chemosh himself.

While worn, the mask offers the following benefits:

  • You are constantly under the effects of the dream sight (PM) spell, resulting in your body residing in a constant comatose state while the mask is worn.

As an action, you may overcharge the power within the mask, causing your body to animate and your incorporeal form to have sway over the material world. You gain the following benefits for 1 minute:

  • Your body may take actions and function as normal.
  • Your incorporeal form snaps back to an unoccupied space within 10 feet of your body. It may move and make one attack action per round - acting on your initiative.

Once this effect ends, your body falls comatose once more, your dream sight spell also ends, and you fall unconscious for 24 hours - after which, the mask functions as normal.

Mask of the Plague Doctor

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a cleric, druid or paladin)

A darkened leather mask is decorated with an elongated beak, goggles in the eye holes and metal clips. The beak is stuffed with various magical flora of an alchemic nature. When attuned, the enchantments on the flora in the mask make its wearer immune to disease and the poisoned condition, as well as gains resistance to all poison damage.

Curse. The mask has no negative benefit while worn, but if it is removed voluntarily, the wearer gains vulnerability to poison damage and the poisoned condition, and their hit point maximum is reduced by half until their next long rest.

This effect can be suppressed with the use of dispel magic. The dispel DC is equal to the wearer's spell save DC. Once dispelled, the caster takes poison damage equal to half the wearer's current hit points. The curse remains suppressed until the next dawn.

Mox Talisman

Wondrous item, rare

A Mox is an arcane gemstone associated with a particular type of magic determined by it's material. These were originally used by mages to aid new magic students specializing in particular schools of magic.

When you cast a spell from the school of magic associated with the gem, you may use the gem to empower the spell, casting it at one level higher. The gem can't be used in this way again until the next dawn.

The Mox's material determines what school of magic it is associated with:

Gemstone School
Amber Conjuration
Jet Necromancy
Ruby Evocation
Pearl Abjuration
Chrome Transmutation
Opal Divination
Emerald Enchantment
Sapphire Illusion

Named Bullet

Ammunition (any firearm bullet), very rare

This silvered bullet is carved with the name of an individual - the name glows with fiery embers.

A named bullet is a magical bullet meant to slay a particular person and only that person. A named bullet functions as an arrow of slaying with a very focused target (a single, specifically named creature).

Additionally, a named bullet has advantage on attack rolls made against its intended target.

After dealing additional damage to its intended target, the bullet is rendered non-magical.

Pendant of Resolve

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This wrought iron pendant crackles with the barest glimmers of embers that race through it's edges and curves. Wearing this amulet strengthens your determination to continue the fight even through the most grievous of wounds.

If you have less than half of your maximum hitpoints and are healed by magical means you gain 1d4 temporary hitpoints as the pendant's embers flare brilliantly.

In addition, if you are at 0 hitpoints and brought back to consciousness through magical healing, you gain a number of temporary hitpoints equal to the amount of healing you received (maximum 10).

The temporary hitpoints granted by this pendant to not stack with one another.

Philter of Living Blood

Wondrous item, mythical

The blood shed by a member of the Deep Medicos circle of the church of Mishakal, blessed to remain as living blood. This blue crystal philter is encased in silvered filigree and stoppered with a platinum top which holds a glass dropper. Within the philter lies a small amount of blood which glistens with starlight.

The philter comes with 1d4 drops of blood.

As an action, you may administer a drop of blood into a creature's mouth. Upon doing so, the creature's hit points are restored to maximum and if they are blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned, or have any levels of exhaustion, those conditions end.

Additionally, if the creature is cursed or possessed unwillingly by any force or entity, those conditions end as well.

A creature can only benefit from one use of the blood every 24 hours.

Retribution Shield

Armor (shield), very rare (requires attunement by a cleric, fighter, or paladin)

This black steel shield is lined with and detailed in gold-gilded bronze. When attuned to the shield, the golden bronze shifts and reforms upon the shield to take on the visage of the god, figure, or force the wielder serves or honors.

You gain a +1 bonus to AC while wielding this magic item.

The shield has 5 charges and regains 1d4 charges daily at dawn.

Sacred Rebuke. Once per round, while wielding this shield, you may expend a charge as a reaction to being targeted by an attack. If the triggering creature is within 10 feet of you, they must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 15) or take 2d8 radiant or necrotic damage (radiant for good or neutral alignment, necrotic for evil), or half as much on a successful save.

Revenant Crystal

Wondrous item, rare

A hand-sized shard of animite infused with the soul of a revenant - these crystals were utilized in the dragon war for powerful-yet-disposable weaponization of magic and fallen souls. In the modern day, these magic objects see widespread use by mages and mercenaries alike.

This crystal comes with 3 charges.

While wielding the crystal in a free hand, you may expend 1 charge to cast the spirit lancer spell at base level - emitting from the crystal.

Once all charges are expended, the crystal disintegrates into dust.

Ring of Wormwood

Ring, legendary (requires attunement)

A ring made out of a shard of the Wormwood asteroid. This ring is crafted of a strange metallic wood material; jet black and coated in a thin layer of oil that never dries.

The poison created from this ring ignores resistance and immunity to poison damage, and bypasses any immunity to the poisoned condition.

Any water or liquid touched by this ring becomes poisoned. Any living or unliving creature who drinks the water takes 4d4 poison damage every hour and is poisoned until the water they drank is excreted from their body; either via a greater restoration or similar effect, or until 24 hours has passed.

A creature which has died to this poison damage has their body disintegrate into water which is similarly poisoned. Only a true resurrection or wish spell may return this creature back to life.

Riveting Instrument

Wondrous item, rare (+1), very rare (+2), legendary (+3)

These finely crafted musical instruments are carved from the finest woods, filagreed with precious metals, and inlaid with gaudy gemstones; Enchanted to produce the finest music and melodies - normally found in the hands of the most exceptional bards.

When wielded, the instrument grants a bonus to Charisma (performance) checks equal to it's rarity.

You may reroll any roll equal to the rarity (and below) on a performance check - you may utilize this property a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier per long rest.

Scimitars of Twilit Forces

Weapon (scimitars), vary rare (requires attunement)

These two silver scimitars are counterparts - and can only be attuned while together. While attuned, they each count as a separate weapon for the purposes of two-weapon fighting.

One blade shines with a brilliant shimmering white radiance and holds a jet in it's pommel, while the other blade pulsates with an unnaturally dark aura and holds a white quartz in it's pommel.

Gloom. When you roll a critical hit with this weapon, the target takes an additional 1d6 necrotic damage. Additionally, this weapon can be used to cast the darkness spell once per long rest.

Gloss. When you roll a critical hit with this weapon, the target takes an additional 1d6 radiant damage. Additionally, this weapon can be used to cast the daylight spell once per long rest.


Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

Carved from a fallen kirinwood tree that has grown in the Shadowfell, and imbued with the essence of darkness itself; these staffs are incredibly common amongst illusionists, conjurers and those that favor the embrace of the night.

This staff has 10 Charges and regains 1d6 + 4 expended Charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the shadowstaff disintegrates into black fog.

Spells: While holding the staff, you can use an Action to expend some of its Charges to cast one of the following Spells from it, using your spell save DC and spell attack bonus: Shadow Evocation (PM) (1 charge), Shadow Blade (2 charges - emits from the tip of the staff), Shadow Conjuration (PM) (2 charges) or Shadow of Moil (4 charges).

Seed of Mystery

Wondrous item, rare

A seed of mystery appears as a small, spiral-shaped seed of a bright green-blue coloration. These seeds are supposedly failed divine fruits from a tree of yggdrasil, and cannot be cultivated elsewhere.

You may spend 1 minute in a ritual-like trance to imbue one of the random properties into the seed - forcing the seed to create the desired effect when utilized. Otherwise, it produces an effect at random.

As an action, you can throw the seed up to 60 feet away. On impact, the seed bursts into an aurora of colors, and a random effect (or chosen effect) occurs. If the seed is used as a sling bullet or similar projectile, it inflicts damage immediately before the random effect.

Roll 1d12 on the following table:

d12 Effect
1 If the target is a creature, it restores 3d6 hit points, and gains enough nourishment to sustain itself for one day. If the target is not a creature, it is affected by the mending spell, and up to 1 cubic foot around the impact point is cleaned as if by the prestidigitation spell.
2 If the target is a creature, it becomes invisible for 1 minute. If the target is not a creature, then for 1 minute, all creatures which come within 5 feet of it become invisible while they remain within 5 feet of it.
3 If the target is a creature, it is affected by the tongues spell for 1 minute. If the target creature's Intelligence score is below 3, it is increased to 3 for the duration of this effect. If the target is not a creature, roll again for a different effect.
4 A wave of overwhelming gravity washes out from the impact point. The target itself is not affected, but all creatures within 120 feet of it must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
5 A heavy fog, as per the fog cloud spell, emanates from the target, and lasts where it was created for 1 hour unless something disrupts it.
6 A blinding flash and thunderous bang emanate from the impact point. All creatures within 30 feet must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be blinded and deafened for 1 minute.
7 If the target is a creature, it is teleported to a harmless demiplane for 1 minute. If the target is not a creature, the surrounding 1 cubic foot of material is teleported instead.
8 All objects and creatures within a 15-foot radius of the impact point, including the target, glow green as the faerie fire spell for 1 minute.
9 If the hit target is a creature, it suffers 1d6 poison damage. Any creature which begins its turn in the target square must succeed a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or suffer 1d6 poison damage and become poisoned until the end of its turn. If the target is a creature with a keen sense of smell, it has disadvantage on this saving throw.
10 If the hit target is a creature or loose object smaller than a Huge creature, it is immediately thrown directly upward a distance of 30 feet, potentially subjecting it to 3d6 bludgeoning damage from falling. Otherwise, a momentary whirlwind blows over the target, causing any dust or minor objects to be blown up instead.
11 A burst of Soulflame explodes from the impact point. The target and everything within 10 feet of it takes 3d6 aetherion damage; if the target is a creature, it is ignited for 1d6 aetherion damage. Succeeding on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw halves this damage.
12 If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be polymorphed — as per the spell — into a frog for a duration of 1 minute. If the target is not a creature, a normal frog is magically created immediately above the target, and persists indefinitely.

Sol Ring

Ring, legendary (requires attunement by a spellcaster or needs to be merged with a staff that requires attunement)

This ring can only be used by individuals who can cast at least one 1st-level spell, or affixed to a staff that can cast spells.

This thin golden band is carved with a myriad of incredibly small, intricate magical runes that seem to flow into one another like circuitry. Within the center of the ring's opening, a small star-like mote of multi-colored energy quietly pulsates with arcane power.

Weave Empowerment. When you cast a spell of first level or higher, the spell is cast at two levels higher than the level of spell slot you have used - up to a maximumm of 9th level. This does not stack with similar effects.

Spell-Eater Jar

Wondrous Items, very rare (requires attunement)

This strange gray clay vessel is painted with glowing eyes which seem to follow spellcasters' movements around the room. The inside of the jar's mouth radiates a strong aura of abjuration magics.

When you would be subjected to acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder damage from a spell, if you have a free hand and the jar is empty, you may instead use your reaction to negate the damage from the spell by feeding it into the jar. The jar can only hold one spell at a time.

As an action, you can eject the contents of the jar from its mouth, casting chromatic orb at the level of the spell that was eaten and using the damage type that it would have dealt. You use your spellcasting ability when you cast chromatic orb - if you do not have a spellcasting ability, you instead utilize only your proficiency bonus instead.

Spirit Totem Amulet

Wondrous Items, very rare (requires attunement)

This necklace has an innate magical connection to the spirit world of the animal kingdom. While wearing this necklace, when you finish a long rest, you can roll a d4 to determine which animal spirit manifests its totem carving upon the necklace for the day. Until the end of your next long rest, you have resistance to a type of damage as shown in the table below.

d4 Animal Spirit Totem Carving Damage Resistance
1 Giant Constrictor Snake Pair of Snake Fangs Poison
2 Giant Elk Pair of Antlers Bludgeoning
3 Polar Bear Fur Coated Claw Slashing
4 Saber-Toothed Tiger Ivory Fang Piercing

In addition, you can use your action to speak the necklace's command word. When you do so, choose a point you can see within 30 feet of you. You then call forth the manifestation of the totem spirit from the veil in physical form (using the stat blocks from the Monster Manual). Once this property is used, it cannot be used again until you finish a long rest.

The summoned creature is considered a fey, and it disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or after 10 minutes. The summoned creature is friendly to you and your companions. Roll initiative for the summoned creature, which has its own turns. It obeys any verbal commands that you issue to it (no action required by you). If you dont issue any commands to it, it defends itself from hostile creatures or acts in accordance with its natural instincts (ie: grazing grass, scratching trees, sunbathing, etc), but otherwise takes no actions.

Stalker's Mantle

Armor (light or medium), rare (requires attunement)

This set of monochromatic black and gray armor comes with a shortened reinforced hooded mantle of fine flowing cloth attached to the back.

While wearing this armor, you gain a +2 bonus to AC.

In addition, as an action you may raise the hood, granting you advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide. Also if you remain still within an area of darkness or shadow you become invisible until you move, attack, or cast a spell - you still may speak without becoming visible.

Steed Spirit Whistle

Ring, rare (requires attunement)

A delicate goldwork ring, equipped with a small whistle-like attachment. This ring can be used as a whistle to summon and ride a spiritual mount.

This ring has 5 charges, and regains 1d4 charges at dawn.

While attuned to the item, as an action you may expend a charge to whistle the ring and cast the spell find steed.

Technomancer's Wonder-Box

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

These blackened steel puzzle boxes are coated in various golden runes depicting natural and artificial wonders. A favorite fidget mechanism utilized by stressed engineers and mages. No matter how hard an individual tries, they can never align all patterns of the wonder-box at once.

While attuned, you have advantage on Intelligence (mechanics) checks. [If you do not utilize the mechanics skill in your setting, choose Arcana instead]

Additionally, as an action, you may roll 1d4 to quickly attempt to align the puzzle box's panels in order to benefit from one of it's mystical patterns:

D4 Pattern
1 You fail to align the puzzle box in time.
2 Circuitry. For the next minute, you gain a +2 bonus to weapon attack and damage rolls.
3 Geometry. For the next minute, you gain a +2 bonus to your AC.
4 Sunburst. For the next minute, you gain a +2 bonus to your spell attack modifier and spell save DC.

Once used, this ability cannot be used again until you finish a short or long rest - even if you roll a 1.

Tome of Pryxian Insights

Wonderous Item, legendary

Known colloquially as "The Archivist's Guide to Pryxis" - this weathered, gilded book is one the of very few tomes written by Pryxis the Archmagus Æternal himself, and its pages seem gilded with unnaturally glowing ink - the book itself is indestructible.

The book functions as an entire library unto itself and can be utilized as any form of spellcasting focus. The book's pages also may be utilized as a spellbook.

Within it contains basic information about Pryxis himself, the cathedral of seven sins (and general info about the seven sins), the guild of three, the basics of the Labe-Suo star system, and general history of Pryxis as a whole.

Worldly Knowledge. When you make any intelligence check to find information relevant to the world of Pryxis or the Labe-Suo system, you gain advantage and a +5 bonus to the roll if you hold the book in your hand (the book opens a relevant page to your desired topic to aid you).

Chronologistics. When a historically important action takes place upon the world of Pryxis pertaining to (or superseding) any of the above information, the book falls from your hands and immediately flips to the end pages where several blank pages manifest and begin scrawling an incredibly accurate retelling of the event taking place.

Torc of Mage-Bane

Wondrous item, rare (+1), very rare (+2), or legendary (+3) (requires attunement)

These magical bands are carved with glyphs of protection that lend defense against oncoming magical effects. The bands come in four different forms according to their rarity: sliver (rare), gold (very rare), or platinum (legendary). These bands can be worn on the arms, legs, or neck.

You gain a bonus to saving throws made against spells and magical effects while wearing this magical band, which is determined by its rarity.

You can only gain the benefit from one of these bands at any time.

Veil of Balance

Wondrous item, mythical (requires attunement)

These hoods are usually granted to members of the highest circle of the church of Tyr: the Balance Keepers. These ornate, hood-like veils cover the eyes and leave only the mouth exposed.

While worn, the veil grants a +1 bonus to AC.

The veil blinds the creature who wears it, but grants them 120 feet of truesight.

Through this truesight, the wearer can determine whether an individual they see is lying - and it can bypass abilities, spells, or effects that would normally mask their deception.

Additionally, the wearer of this veil can see the alignment of creatures around them, represented by the nebulously colored silhouette of that creature. The color and corresponding alignment are listed on the following table.

Alignment Silhouette
Lawful Neutral Chaotic
Good Cyan Green Yellow
Neutral Blue *Grey Orange
Evil Purple Magenta Red

*Unaligned creatures show a white outline.

Vow of the Penitent

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

These black wraps coated in silvery runic symbols are usually only utilized by the clergy, mage hunters, and those who wish to repent for a great sin they have committed.

The wrap is used to permanently silence those who wear it by wrapping it around their mouth like a gag. While normally utilized to restrict spellcasters, some truly sorrowful individuals willingly use these wraps to atone.

To attune to the item, the wrap must be affixed over the mouth of the individual to be attuned - once done, the creature immediately becomes attuned to the item.

Once attuned, the creature gains the following effects:

  • The creature can no longer speak or produce audible vocal sounds, and can no longer provide verbal components for spells.
  • The creature can use a free action to produce scrawl-like symbols in the air within 5 feet of them in any language they understand and can write. These symbols appear as written lines of silvery embers
  • The wrap cannot be removed by the creature who wears it, and can only be removed via a dispel magic cast upon it.

Additionally, the creature may use an action to force their vow of silence upon the area around them, casting silence centered on themselves for 1 minute, requiring no concentration. Once used in this way, it cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Warding Bedroll

Wondrous item, uncommon

This bedroll is covered in various runic symbols of safety and security stitched into the fabric.

A creature who spends a long rest sleeping in this bedroll becomes under the effect of the sanctuary spell (Save DC 15) while within the bedroll.

Wilderness Wraps

Wondrous item, rare

This set of leathery robes comes complete with a set of boots, gloves and hood - all covered in scratches, grass and mud stains, and smelling deeply of sand.

While wearing this set of robes, you have advantage on all Wisdom (Survival) and Wisdom (Perception) checks.

Additionally, nonmagical difficult terrain and plants do not impose a penalty to your movement.

Expanded Crafter Items

The following magic items are taken from the The Expanded Crafter for the purpose of ease.

Annihilation Javelin

Weapon (javelin), very rare

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

This may be used as a spellfocus with a +2 to your spell save DC

This fragile, jagged, long section of animite hums faintly, and swirling white hot liquid can be seen racing within. This javelin is energized to it's critical capacity of souls, and is sealed with carved runes that scale up and down it's multi-faceted faces - due to this sealing, these javelins cannot house further souls, nor cast "soul cage".

Special Ability: This javelin has 4 "fragile" points - when all fragile points are expended, the javelin shatters.

The javelin can only be used in the following ways:

  • (costs 1 "fragile" point) You can make a melee attack with this javelin, dealing 2d6+2 piercing damage.
  • (costs 4 "fragile" points) You can make a thrown ranged attack (30/120 feet) - dealing initial attack damage, and shattering the javelin

Shattered - when the javelin shatters after losing all "fragile" points, it explodes - releasing the liquid animite within:

  • The explosion extends in a 30 foot radius, dealing 2d20+10 Force damage, and 2d20+10 Aetherion damage to all creatures. If a creature is dropped to 0 hit points by this damage, they are disintegrated as per the "disintegrate" spell.

Amulet of Titan's Kiss

Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)

This seemingly simple amulet is carved from Titan Marrow, and is scrawled with a myriad of intricate runes that are visible only by their barely noticeable inner glow.

While wearing this amulet, you gain a +3 bonus to your natural AC.

Bestows Advantage to all Charisma (Intimidation) and Charisma (Persuassion) checks you make.

Once per dawn, bestows temporary hit points equal to 2x one of your hit dice. These temporary hit points last until the next dawn. (ex: a barbarian with d12 hit dice, rolls a 6 on one, therefore; gains 12 temporary HP until next dawn.)

Bag of Colding

Wondrous item, rare

This white leather bag is a variant of the Bag of Holding. The bag itself it’s imbued magically to keep everything inside of it at 40 degrees Fahrenheit, allowing keeping any perishable chilled and freshed. The bag can hold up to 250 pounds, not exceeding a volume of 64 cubic feet.

Bottled Light

Wondrous item, uncommon

As an action, you can snuff out a single, nonmagical light source up to the size of a large bonfire or multiple smaller light sources (equal to a large sized bonfire). The light is then stored inside the bottle for up to 8 hours. While the light is inside the bottle you can use a bonus action to cause it to shed bright or dim light up to what the original source could shed.

Source Size Bright Light Dim Light
Candle tiny 5 ft 5 ft
Lamp tiny 15 ft 30 ft
Torch tiny 20 ft 20 ft
Lantern, hooded tiny 30 ft 35 ft
Lantern, bullseye tiny 60 ft (cone) 60 ft
Bonfire, small small 40 ft 20 ft
Bonfire, average medium 60 ft 30 ft
Bonfire, large large 80 ft 40 ft

Bow of the Living Land

Weapon (any bow), legendary (requires attunement)

This magical bow is made of living wood, and small buds and flowers grow along it's twisted branches appropriate to whatever the local plantlife is currently like.

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

This bow may be used as a spellcasting focus.

This bow grows its own living magical +2 ammunition as the string is drawn back - though you may fire any alternate ammunition if you so choose. Any ammunition that is created by the bow withers away and disintegrates into soil and native seeds 1 minute after being fired.

You know which way is east and west, and when it is day or night - by the bow blooming flowers during daytime, and entering Nyctinasty (the process through which flowers close) during night.

Attacks against creatures who possess the Etherealness ability or the Incorporeal Movement ability are made with Advantage - as you seemingly "pin" them to the material plane. Additionally, this bow has 5 charges, and regains 1d4+1 charges daily at dawn. While holding this bow you can cast goodberry at will, or expend 1 charge to cast the hunter's mark spell at 1st level.

Bracelet of Half Shape

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a druid or a character with wildshape or animal transformation capabilities)

While wearing this bracelet you can halt your Wildshape transformation halfway through into an animal.

While in this form you can still use weapons but not armor, you can also cast cantrips but you can't cast leveled spells. You also gain all the features you would normally get from your transformation.

You can use this ability once per day for free, every time you use it thereafter you gain one level of exhaustion. This count resets at dawn.

Cape of the Wanderer

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

This cloak is made of woven wood and plant fibers, it seems tattered and rough as if it has been on the road for several years - potentially decades.

While worn, this cape makes it's wearer difficult to notice, requiring a DC 15 perception check by onlookers to realize their presence. Once noticed, the wearer cannot be unnoticed by the onlooker until a minute has passed outside their line of sight.

As an action, this cape can thrown into the air and be turned into a 50 foot diameter tent. This tent acts exactly as Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum Once used in this way, it cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Censure of Exorcism

Weapon (flail), legendary (requires attunement by a divine spellcaster)

This holy object is intricately crafted from alchemical silver and gold, and has a tiny sliver of viridium held within it's burning feverus core. An incredibly rare item found exclusively amongst holy groups and ancient orders.

You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

Can be used as a holy symbol for the purpose of divine spellcasting.

When loaded with oil and lit, for the next 10 minutes the area within a 60 foot radius is subjected to the following effects:

  • Protection - The area comes under the effect of the protection from evil and good spell for the duration - targeting all outsider types (aberration, celestial, elemental, fey, fiend, and undead) with it's effect extending to anyone within that radius.
  • Break Enchantment - All creatures within this radius are no longer charmed, frightened, or possessed by outsiders (aberration, celestial, elemental, fey, fiend, and undead).
  • Form-Lock - Shapechangers can't transform or voluntarily end their transformations.

Additionally, if making an attack while the oil is burning, every hit made with the censure deals an additional 1d6 aetherion damage, as well as the following effect

  • Dismissal - When making an attack against an outsider (aberration, celestial, elemental, fey, fiend, and undead), you attempt to drive the creature back to it's home plane. The creature must succeed on a Charisma saving throw (DC 20) or be sent back to it's home plane (if it's not there already) - as per dispel evil and good.
Down with Deities?

As the censure does target outsider creatures, and contains within it a sliver of Viridium, all divine creatures are also subject to the effects of the censure - When a deity is in it's presence, it's Divine Rank drops by 1 rank until the censure is removed from their presence.

Chalk of Destiny

Wondrous item, legendary

Made from a myriad of ground monster bone, pinches of titan's ivory dust, and several rare alchemical reagents and imbued with the essence of every elemental genie. The recipe for which is thought to have been bestowed to an enchanter by a trickster god.

This piece of chalk has 3 uses that cannot be replenished.

You must write exactly what you want on a flat solid surface at least 5 feet wide and 5 feet tall. The chalk has the capability of altering reality to give you what you requested - as per the wish spell.

Curse. No matter what you wish for, it will always come with some price to pay for it's existence.

For example, you can write that you want infinite riches and you will successfully have it, but with these riches people will never accept your payments even if you offered 100 times more that what they requested - on account of their disdain of you or their absolute hostility with no reason.

You could be a wizard that writes that you can know and cast every single known wizard spell which it will grant you, but when you attempt to cast any spell it could always be one you were not trying to cast, may be the opposite of what you were trying to cast, or you simply take 5d10 necrotic damage each time you cast a spell from magical hemorrhaging.

If you try to trick or con the chalk by writing that what you want won't have any consequences associated with it, the chalk turns to white hot ash and you become cursed. The curse can only be lifted with the wish spell. The DM will roll 1d10 which will determine how many effects there will be to the curse and the DM chooses these effects from the bestow curse spell.

Casting remove curse on the chalk simply turns the chalk to white ash and cannot be restored by any means.

Driftwind Anklets

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

These mithral anklets are embedded with aerocrystal studs and etched with visages of wind and breath.

While you wear these anklets your move speed is increased by 10 feet, and your Dexterity bonus to your AC is increased by 1.

The anklets have 3 charges and regain all charges at dawn.

Spending a charge and speaking the command word allows you to run on the wind for 10 minutes, giving you a fly speed equal to your move speed - which allows you to dash on the wind as well. Each turn if you do not move while in flight you descend at a rate of 30 feet per round.

Dragonbone Weapon

Weapon (any), rare

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

When you hit with an attack using this magic weapon, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage. The damage type that is determined by the kind of dragon that provided the bones (see the table). In addition, the weapon glows faintly when dragons are within 120 feet of it.

Dragon Damage type
Black Acid
Blue Lightning
Brass Fire
Bronze Lightning
Copper Acid
Dragon Damage type
Gold Fire
Green Poison
Red Fire
Silver Cold
White Cold

If other dragon types exist in your world, consult your DM to determine the damage types they may confer.

Dragonplate Bulwark

Armor (fortress plate), legendary (requires attunement)

Based on the legends of Haedrig "Wyrmsbane" Olafson: The Dragonslayer Goliath, who in his life had united the goliath clans and brought unyielding wrath upon dragon-kind for the destruction of his homeland. This armor was made to mirror his original plate armor.

Dragonplate bulwark is crafted from the bones of dragonkind, and is impossibly heavy, weighing 130 lbs - Requires a Strength of 20 to wear.

While wearing this armor, you gain a +5 bonus to AC - armor is +3, shield is +2 (totals to 25 AC) - You gain advanced benefits of fortress plate

  • Resistance to all bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
  • Chest mounted shield - removing the shield drops your AC to 21, but grants you the use of a +4 shield - still totaling to 25 AC.

Dragonstand - You have advantage on saving throws against the Frightful Presence and breath weapons of dragons, and you gain a +3 bonus to Charisma (Intimidation) checks you make.

Additionally, you ignore 10 points of damage done by any dragon-type creatures, as well as deal an additional 10 points of damage to all dragon-type creatures with your physical attacks.

Absorb Breath - when targeted by a dragon's breath weapon, if you succeed on your saving throw against the attack, you absorb part of the breath and are charged.

When charged, you deal 10 points of the designated breath type to all creatures within 5 feet of you - this damage ignores resistance, and treats Immunity as resistance. This ability lasts for 1 minute, and cannot be used again until next dawn.

Ebony Bow

Weapon (longbow), very rare (requires attunement)

Fashioned from corrupted kirinwood, This dark bow was created by an old vampire in a dark ritual using the blood of his ancestors.

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

When you hit with an attack using this magic weapon, you deal an additional 2d6+5 necrotic damage and you regain hit points equal to half the total damage dealt (minimum 1).

Curse. This bow is cursed, ad becoming attuned to it extends the curse to you. As long as you remain cursed, you are unwilling to part with the bow, keeping it within reach at all times. You also have disadvantage on attack rolls with weapons other than this one, unless no foe is within 60 feet of you that you can see or hear.

Every day you must drink at least a gallon of humanoid fresh blood. For each day you don't drink, you gain 1 level of exhaustion. Finishing a long rest after drinking one gallon of blood reduces your exhaustion level by 1. If you die because of exhaustion, you become a vampire spawn on the next moonlight.

Essence Extraction Device

Wondrous Item, uncommon

This device looks is a leather bracer with a small syringe on the side. It allows its wearer to extract a creature's essence and store it in an empty glass vial connected behind the syringe.

It has 4 charges, and it regains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn. When you make a check for harvesting a creature, you can extract one unit of the creature's essence salts. Additionally, if you have a creature part, you can expend 1 charge to transform that part into one unit of the creature's essence - destroying the part, but gaining an essence salt.

Ghost Weapon

Weapon (any weapon), uncommon (requires attunement)

Crafted with sinister salts, These spectral armaments are carried by ghosts, wraiths and other incorporeal undead creatures. The weapon weights only 1 pound, and can be used only by the creature attuned to it.

A ghost weapon deals necrotic damage instead of its normal damage, and when you hit with an attack using this magic weapon, you deal an additional 2d4 necrotic damage.

Gloves of Crafting

Wondrous item, uncommon

These leather gloves have a hammer and an anvil embroidered on each palm, and allows it's owner to craft items faster. While you're wearing the gloves, you count as two characters when you craft an item, reducing the crafting time to half (rounded up).

Mask of the Medusa

Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)

While wearing this mask, you can use an action to cast the flesh to stone spell (save DC 13). You can cast the spell twice per dawn, and you regain any expended uses daily at dawn.

Sunhallowed Spear

Weapon (spear), legendary (requires attunement by a creature of good alignment)

Crafted from celystine, aurorium, and hallowed salts, You gain a +3 bonus on attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. If you throw the spear, it flies back to your hand immediately after the attack.

A sunhallowed spear naturally gives off bright light in a 10 foot radius.

A sunhallowed spear deals radiant damage instead of its normal damage, and when you hit with an attack using this magic weapon, you deal an additional 2d6 radiant damage.

If the target is evil aligned, that creature takes an extra 1d6 radiant damage.

When you hit a fiendish creature with the sunhallowed spear, you can reroll the damage and use either result.

Creature Essence Salts - alternate use

Essence Salts are generally used for the creation of magic items that imbue that creature's essence into the fabric and function of the item to be crafted - but they have a generally unique usage in the midst of combat as well:

As a bonus action, you coat a weapon or piece of ammunition with one unit of a Creature's Essence Salt - losing the salt. The next attack you make with this weapon against the corresponding creature type bypasses any damage resistance and treats immunity as resistance. The coating last for 1 minute, or until you make an attack with the weapon.

  • Ignan salts - fire elementals
  • Aquan salts - water elementals
  • Terran salts - earth elementals
  • Auran salts - air elementals
  • Draco salts - dragons
  • Jotun salts - giants
  • Sinister salts - undead, cursed and shadowfell creatures
  • Jovial salts - fey, otherworldly and feywild creatures
  • Profane salts - infernal creatures
  • Hallowed salts - celestial creatures
  • Psudon salts - aberration creatures

Phial of Determination

Potion, legendary

Crafted by unknown means, these crystalline bottles hold a blood-like liquid with a floating, pulsating crimson spark - seemingly always stuck in place. The phial feels hot to the touch, and smells of sweat and blood.

It is said that only a handful of these exist, and their construction, and origins, are unknown - but what is known is that these are highly coveted - as whole armies have fallen with their aid, and even gods have risen or been slain with these enigmas.

There is only 1 way of using this incredibly powerful potion.

  • Crush the entirety of the flask, taking 1 piercing damage. A hot surge of energy rushes through you: The next roll you take is a definitive, natural, critical 20.

Phial of Resurrection

Potion, very rare

A Glowing, golden liquid resides inside this vial, it's contents sparkling and swirling. If held to the ear, a very faint heartbeat can be heard.

If you pour the contents of this potion into the mouth of a dead creature, they immediately come under the effects of the "Resurrection" spell.

Potion of Glibness

Potion, very rare

A favorite of diplomats, royalty, and the particularly shrewd trader - this seemingly liquid silver potion bubbles ever so slightly - and when uncorked, faint, harmonious humming can be heard within.

When consumed, the creature comes under the effect of the "Glibness" spell for 1 hour.

Potion of Primal Savagery

Potion, rare

Found amongst the brutal, wild and the desperate - this potion consists of a yellow-white liquid, which suspends inside it a small, sharp fang. When uncorked, the fang rapidly evaporates and the liquid begins bubbling violently and producing a bloody smelling mist.

When consumed, the creature begins to - painfully - extend both their fingernails into claws, and their teeth into fangs. They come under the effects of a 5th level "primal savagery" cantrip for 1 minute - making their unarmed attacks deal 2d10 slashing or piercing damage (claw or fang).

Potion of Prowess

Potion, legendary

This ghastly, bright, white-blue liquid gives off a faint humming that can be heard even from several feet away. Its contents are always swirling with what look like small figments of bull hair. If the stopper is removed, the hairs within all ignite into white-hot embers, and the liquid begins spinning into a vortex within - a high pitched humming can be heard, and the mixture becomes blinding to look at.

When consumed, the creature begins to glow the same color as the liquid, and comes under the effects of "Tensers Transformation" - without the need to maintain concentration, for 10 minutes.

  • You gain 50 Temporary hit points. If any of these remain when the effects end, they are lost.
  • You have advantage on attack rolls you make with simple and martial weapons.
  • When you hit a target with a weapon attack, that target takes an extra 2d12 force damage.
  • You have proficiency in with all armor, shields, simple weapons, and martial weapons.
  • You have proficiency in Strength and Constitution saving throws.
  • You can attack twice, instead of once, when you take the Attack action on your turn. You ignore this benefit if you already have a feature, like Extra Attack, that gives you extra attacks.

Immediately after the effects end, you must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or suffer one level of exhaustion.

Potion of Unleashed Potential

Potion, mythical

This potion is a rarity amongst both mortals and divine.

Sought by kings, tyrants, demon lords, angelic protectors, commoners, and thieves alike - these vials of deep, murky dark purple liquid are spotted with motes of starlight within. The container which holds it seemingly vibrating in place at the raw power held inside it's thin walls.

These potions are incredibly rare, and just finding one will possibly attract attention the likes of which could be extremely beneficial - or horrifyingly terrible.

When the stopper is undone, the contents within begin to exude a wispy fog of purples, blues, blacks, and greys - mottled with with glowing embers of light - and whispers of promises, power, and potential can be heard. The liquid is beyond ice cold.

When consumed, the creature is granted a Wish, as per the "Wish" spell.

Potion of Wrath

Potion, rare

A favorite amongst brutes, warriors, thugs, and soldiers - this pitch black, tar-like liquid produces small bubbles of blood-like bursts throughout itself. Smelling like spoiled blood, burning metal, and pure alcohol, this potion tastes as bad as it looks, and is especially syrupy when poured.

When consumed, the creature flies into a fit of anger, coming under the effects of a barbarian's "rage" - a barbarian drinking this gains additional benefits and does not use a rage point.

While raging, you gain the following benefits if you aren't wearing heavy armor:

  • You have advantage on Strength Checks and Strength saving throws.
  • When you make a melee weapon Attack using Strength, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll.
  • You have Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
  • If you are able to cast Spells, you can't cast them or concentrate on them while raging.

Your rage lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are knocked Unconscious or if Your Turn ends and you haven't attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then. You can also end your rage on Your Turn as a Bonus Action.

Barbarians who drink the potion gain the following:

  • You not only have advantage on Strength check and Strength saving throws - but you also gain a +2 to both.
  • Your rage damage bonus is increased by 2.
  • You not only have resistance to physical damage, but you also ignore 5 points of any damage that is dealt - even from magical.

Power Pole

Weapon (quarterstaff), legendary (requires attunement)

Crafted from Aetherwood - stained with red paint. You gain a +3 bonus on attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. Can be used as a spellfocus.

When targeted by a spell attack or similar magical effect, you gain a +3 "Parry" AC bonus to the attack.

This 5-foot staff weighs 3 pounds and does not get heavier regardless of how long it becomes. This staff has 5 charges and regains 1d4+1 charges daily at dawn.

Dodge. Expending one of the weapon’s charges, you can take the Dodge action as a bonus action on your turn.

Stretch. While holding this staff, you can spend a charge and speak its command word as a bonus action to cause it to extend outwards from each end at a rate of 30 feet - per charge - each turn. Each end of the rod only stops extending if you will it to stop, the rod hits a solid surface, or the rod reaches a total extended length of 150 feet.

While stretched, the weapon’s reach equals its length, and you have advantage on Dexterity (acrobatics) checks.

If either end might strike a creature no more than one size larger than you while extending, that creature must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the rod strikes the target and you may choose whether to stop the rod's extension or will it to continue. If you will it to continue, then you must roll a Strength (Athletics) check contested by the target’s Strength (Athletics) check. If you succeed, then the target is stunned until the rod finishes extending. If you fail, then the rod stops extending.

If both ends of the rod extend and stop at solid surfaces which can hold it in place, the rod can support up to 1,000 pounds. You can make the rod retract by using a bonus action to either let go or speak the command word again. It has AC 15 and 20 hit points.

Tassels of Enchantment

Wondrous Item, rare (+1), very rare (+2), legendary (+3) (requires attunement)

These magical charm tassels are made from a variety of substances - usually carved bone, engraved stones, gilded feathers, or intricately forged metal symbols, and affixed to a series of woven hair, rope or string

You can affix these magical tassels to a weapon, shield or suit of armor. That item gains a bonus to attack and damage rolls if it is a weapon, or a bonus to AC conferred if it is armor or a shield. The bonus depends on the rarity of the tassels, and the tassels cannot be affixed to a magic item.

Vorpal Spear

Weapon (any spear that deals piercing damage), legendary (requires attunement)

You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. In addition, the weapon ignores resistance to piercing damage.

When you attack a corporeal creature and roll 20 on an attack roll, you impale the creature, killing it instantly. A creature is immune to this effect if the creature is incorporeal, immune to piercing damage, has legendary actions, or the DM decides it is too large to be impaled. Such a creature instead takes an extra 6d8 piercing damage from the hit.

Zephyr Shield

Armor (shield), rare (requires attunement)

This spiraling, bronzed mithral shield is enchanted with a set of intricate runes, forming the image of interlocking vortexes of wind - and weighs incredibly light.

This shield has 5 charges and regains 1d4+1 charges at dawn.

If you are hit with a melee weapon attack while wielding this shield, you can expend 1 charge and use your reaction to blast the triggering creature with strong wind. The triggering creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 15) or be pushed 15 feet away from you.

In addition you can spend 3 charges to cast the spell wind wall (save DC 15).

Zetto's Bottled Maelstroms

Wondrous Item, very rare

The primordial power of the destructive forces of nature, barely contained within the flasks in your hand. These elemental bombs are one of the few - but powerful - creations brought upon by the elemental studies of the Legendary Battlemage: Zetto Mildari. When you're too busy to cast a spell in trouble, or unable to set up an oil & alchemists fire bomb - using these flasks can enable adventurers to clear rooms, level structures, and create chokepoints in a matter of seconds.

Fairly simple - yet elegant - in design these glass flasks are covered in gold plated ceramics etched with intricate runes that continuously contain the elemental substance. Upon impact with a hard surface, the flask and ceramics shatter and release the contents within. The ensuing release of energy is both explosive and volatile, resulting in a swirling mass of gyrating elemental energies

As an Action, you can throw the flask. This weapon counts as a "finesse" weapon for the sake of the throw.

Make an improvised ranged weapon attack, up to 60 feet away. The flask explodes upon impact, releasing a swirling maelstrom of the predetermined type:

  • A storm of elemental energies spreads from the center of impact out in a radius of 60 feet. This storm lasts for 5 rounds (30 seconds), and is considered difficult terrain.
  • All Creatures in the area upon initial impact must make a DC 15 Dexterity Saving throw, taking (4d8) elemental damage and are knocked prone on a failure; or half damage and no prone on a success.
  • All creatures who start their turn inside the maelstrom -or walk into it - must make the check above.

Bomb Types

The following table contains the types of Maelstroms found within the flasks.

Contents Color Element
Lime Droplets Acid
White Frost Cold
Red Flames Fire
Grey Streams Force
Blue Bolts Lightning
Black Fog Necrotic
Silver Sparks Physical
Green Gases Poison
Pink Screaming Faces Psychic
Yellow Flashes Radiant
Purple Pulses Thunder
Multicolor Nebula Aetherion
Why not higher rarity - bottled maelstroms?

As with the Annihilation javelins, The purpose for bottled maelstroms being "very rare" as opposed to "legendary" is due to being limited use items. Make no mistake, these are incredibly powerful and legendary.

Zetto's Tomes of Elementalism

Wondrous Item, legendary

These tomes are relics left behind by the legendary elemental wizard and arcane warrior: Battlemage Zetto Mildari. Zetto spent his life focused on the more martial focus of elemental and war magics, living in a time of war against the dragon hoards of ages past, and knowing that not every warrior could wield magic, he focused his studies on ways to derive magic energies in more physical manners. His studies led him to discover and invent various new methods of spells and abiltiies that turned the tide in many a battle against those who stood in his way. His malleable view on magic allowed him to forge the weave into tomes of his choosing, creating books that - when read - would tap into the pools of elemental magic that gave him such great power...for a price.

Raw Conduits - These tomes are written in cipher and a multitude of arcane languages that tap into their respective sources of elements, which when read, are activated, burn pages within the book and the magical reagents that are contained within the writing itself - This activates a conduit into the weave that instills raw power into the reader.

The command words are contained within the front cover of each book. Requiring an DC 15 Arcana Check to properly read and understand. After which, all one needs to do to activate the book is open it to its gilded pages, recite the command word, and witness the symbols, runes, and ciphers magically flitter across each page with extreme speed, and then endure the price that comes with reading the tome...

A Price for Power - After reading the tome, the conduit opened by the weave must now be endured. As pure magic pours from the burning pages, the reader must now be able to face the raw power of their chosen element.

As the raw elemental energies surge through the reader, they must make a DC 15 Constitution Saving throw taking (4d10) damage of the chosen elemental type - or half as much damage on a success - as their body struggles to contain the energy.

After they have succeeded in retaining the energy, their body is now overcharged with raw elemental power - which is now evident by the flaring aura of that element. This power transfers into corresponding elemental spells as well as melee, & ranged attacks.

Unfortunately, the overcharge comes at a price - both of sight and body - as the reader loses their initial sight, becoming blind for the duration. Additionally, the overcharge does not confer any form of superior resistance or immunity to the damage type (save for any pre-existing resistances or immunities the reader may have had.) The reader, hoewever, does take less damage from the elemental type.

Tome of Elementalism

Written by Zetto the Battlemage, This sacrificial tome is inscribed with words of elemental power and serves as a conduit that instills raw energy into those who read the contents within.

Each Tome has 3 Charges, which cannot be replenished once expended. Only 1 charge can be used every 24 hours

  • Command Words A Tome of Elementalism is inscribed with a command Word written in Primordial on the inside front cover (read 'Raw Conduits').

  • Energy Backlash After reading the Tome, one must make a saving throw to endure the tumultuous output of elemental energy being weaved into them (read 'A Price for Power').

  • Elemental Overcharge Once read and endured, the reader is now instilled wtth resonating elemental energy of the chosen type.

  • Sacrificial Tome As the Tome is read, the pages burn with arcane energy and are rendered useless and ruined after being used. After all 3 charges are expended, the book disintegrates into fine white dust.

Elemental Overcharge

The Reader of the Tome becomes overcharged with elemental energy. The following effects last for 5 minutes.

  • Elemental energy wraps and races across your body, creating effects similar to the selected element in the "Elementalism Table". You take 10 less damage of the associated type.

  • The raw flow of power from the tome's pages scours itself into your sight, rendering your normal sight useless for the duration, but gaining blindsight for 60 feet for the duration.

  • Any Creature that moves within 5 feet of you the first time on a turn or ends its turn there takes (1d10) Elemental damage

  • All melee and ranged attacks the reader makes deal an additional (4d10) Elemental damage

  • All spells that deal the associated damage type deal an additional (4d10) Elemental damage more.

  • Spells that do not deal the associated damage type deal an additional (2d10) Elemental damage instead, as the energy warps the spells power output. (A Spell must deal damage in some way for this to apply)

Elementalism Table

The Tomes produce effects according to the elements that are present upon the covers. The Effects are extrapolated upon after the table.

Tome Color Element Effects
Lime Acid Corrosive Pooling
White Cold Frosted Fog
Red Fire Fiery Smoke
Grey Force Shifting Aura
Blue Lightning Energized Storm
Black Necrotic Dark Shadows
Silver Physical Sparking Body
Green Poison Noxious Gas
Pink Psychic Dissonant Spirit
Yellow Radiant Brilliant Aurora
Purple Thunder Reverberating Moves
Multicolor Aetherion Omnichromatic Clouding

Elemental Effects

Here are the visual effects of each elemental overcharge.

Acid - Corrosive Pooling Acid pours and pools off of you, creating an expanding puddle and aura that follows you as you move.

Cold - Frosted Fog A cold fog of frost, snow, and ice swirls around you, freezing the surrounding area.

Fire - Fiery Smoke Fire and embers swirl and dance around you, producing a heated cloud of fiery smoke and flames that burn the area.

Force - Shifting Aura Your movements leave displacing afterimages of your body and your form glows with unnatural arcane force, blasting the surroundings.

Lightning - Energized Storm Electricity arcs and tears around you, forming a mass of energized bolts that strike the vicinity.

Necrotic - Dark Shadows Darkened shadows of decay and death swirl and seep from you, corrupting the area around you.

Physical - Sparking Body Your body is wreathed in a slight aura of sparking metal and dust that lacerates, punctures and strikes everything around you.

Poison - Noxious Gas A cloud of vile and lethal poison pours from you and infects the surrounding area.

Psychic - Dissonant Spirit Your soul warps and flares off of you, becoming visible as a shifting mass of energy and whispers that terrifies or astounds all those who see it.

Radiant - Brilliant Aurora Light flares and flickers all over your body, becoming an extremely bright and shining aura.

Thunder - Reverberating Moves Your body vibrates and resounds with a charged ringing that threatens to obliterate the surrounding

Aetherion - Omnichromatic Clouding You are subjected to a maddening array of all previous Elemental effects above at once, and surrounded by an aura of multichromatic colors.