9th-level Spells, the Bamstacks Variant

by Bamstacks

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Spells (9th): The Bamstacks Variant

Blade of Disaster

9th level Conjuration

  • Spell Lists: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: 60 Feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 10 Minutes

You create a blade-shaped planar rift about 3 feet long in an unoccupied space you can see within range. The blade lasts for the duration. When you cast this spell, you can make up to two melee spell attacks with the blade, each one against a creature, loose object, or structure within 5 feet of the blade. On a hit, the target takes 4d12 force damage. This attack scores a critical hit if the number on the d20 is 18 or higher. On a critical hit, the blade deals an additional 4d12 force damage on top of the normal critical damage (for a total of 8d12 + 48 force damage).

As a bonus action on your turn, you can move the blade up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see and then make up to two melee spell attacks with it again.

The blade can harmlessly pass through any barrier, including a wall of force.


9th level Conjuration

  • Spell Lists: Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60 Feet
  • Components: V, S, M (a diamond worth at least 5,000 gp)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 Minute

You conjure a portal linking an unoccupied space you can see within range to a precise location on a different plane of existence. The portal is a circular opening, which you can make 5 to 20 feet in diameter. You can orient the portal in any direction you choose. The portal lasts for the duration.

The portal has a front and a back on each plane where it appears. Travel through the portal is possible only by moving through its front. Anything that does so is instantly transported to the other plane, appearing in the unoccupied space nearest to the portal.

Deities and other planar rulers can prevent portals created by this spell from opening in their presence or anywhere within their domains.

When you cast this spell, you can speak the name of a specific creature (a pseudonym, title, or nickname doesn't work). If that creature is on a plane other than the one you are on, the portal opens in the named creature's immediate vicinity and draws the creature through it to the nearest unoccupied space on your side of the portal.

When you summon the creature and on each of your turns thereafter while concentrating on this spell, you can issue a verbal command to it if you choose (requiring no action on your part), telling the creature what it must do on its next turn. If you issue no command, the creature acts as the DM deems appropriate. It might leave, attack you, or help you.

At the end of each of the creature’s turns in which it has followed a verbal command, it makes a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the creature continues to obey you. On a successful save, your control of the creature ends for the rest of the duration.


9th level Abjuration

  • Spell Lists: Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 Minute
  • Range: 30 Feet
  • Components: V, S, M (a vellum depiction or a carved statuette in the likeness of the target, and a special component that varies according to the version of the spell you choose, worth at least 500 gp)
  • Duration: Until Dispelled

You create a magical restraint to hold a creature that you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be bound by the spell; if it succeeds, it is immune to this spell if you cast it again. While affected by this spell, the creature doesn't need to breathe, eat, or drink, and it doesn't age. Divination spells can't locate or perceive the target.

When you cast the spell, you choose one of the following forms of imprisonment.

Burial. The target is entombed far beneath the earth in a sphere of magical force that is just large enough to contain the target. Nothing can pass through the sphere, nor can any creature teleport or use planar travel to get into or out of it.

The special component for this version of the spell is a small mithral orb.

Chaining. Heavy chains, firmly rooted in the ground, hold the target in place. The target is restrained until the spell ends, and it can't move or be moved by any means until then. The special component for this version of the spell is a fine chain of precious metal.

Hedged Prison. The spell transports the target into a tiny demiplane that is warded against teleportation and planar travel. The demiplane can be a labyrinth, a cage, a tower, or any similar confined structure or area of your choice. The special component for this version of the spell is a miniature representation of the prison made from jade.

Minimus Containment. The target shrinks to a height of 1 inch and is imprisoned inside a gemstone or similar object. Light can pass through the gemstone normally (allowing the target to see out and other creatures to see in), but nothing else can pass through, even by means of teleportation or planar travel. The gemstone can't be cut or broken while the spell remains in effect.

The special component for this version of the spell is a large, transparent gemstone, such as a corundum, diamond, or ruby.

Slumber. The target falls asleep and can't be awoken. The special component for this version of the spell consists of rare soporific herbs.

Ending the Spell. During the casting of the spell, in any of its versions, you can specify a condition that will cause the spell to end and release the target. The condition can be as specific or as elaborate as you choose, but the GM must agree that the condition is reasonable and has a likelihood of coming to pass. The conditions can be based on a creature's name, identity, or deity but otherwise must be based on observable actions or qualities and not based on intangibles such as level, class, or hit points.

A dispel magic spell can end the spell only if it is cast as a 9th-level spell, targeting either the prison or the special component used to create it.

You can use a particular special component to create only one prison at a time. If you cast the spell again using the same component, the target of the first casting is immediately freed from its binding.

Power Word Heal

9th level Necromancy

  • Spell Lists: Bard, Cleric, Odic
  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V
  • Duration: Instantaneous

A wave of healing energy washes over the creature you choose within range. The target regains all its hit points. If the creature is blinded, charmed, deafened, suffering from at least one level of exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned, or unconscious, the condition ends. If the creature has expended hit dice, they are recovered. If the creature is prone, it can use its reaction to stand up. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.

Power Word Kill

9th level Enchantment

  • Spell Lists: Bard, Odic, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60 Feet
  • Components: V
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You utter a word of power that can compel one creature you can see within range to die instantly. If the creature you choose has 100 hit points or fewer, it dies. Otherwise, the spell deals 100 hit points of necrotic damage to the target and its hit point maximum is reduced by the same amount.

Storm of Vengeance

9th level Conjuration

  • Spell Lists: Druid
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Sight
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 Minute

A churning storm cloud forms, centered on a point you can see and spreading to a radius of 360 feet. Lightning flashes in the area, thunder booms, and strong winds roar. Each creature under the cloud (no more than 5,000 feet beneath the cloud) when it appears, and each round thereafter while the spell persists must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 5d6 thunder damage and becomes deafened for 5 minutes. On a successful save the creature takes half as much damage and is not deafened.

Each round you maintain concentration on this spell starting on the first round, the storm produces the effect of your choice on your turn.

Acid rain. Acidic rain falls from the cloud. Each creature and object under the cloud takes 5d6 acid damage.

Lightning strikes. You call six bolts of lightning from the cloud to strike six creatures or objects of your choice beneath the cloud. A given creature or object can't be struck by more than one bolt. A struck creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. The creature takes 14d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Giant hailstones. Hailstones rain down from the cloud. Each creature under the cloud takes 5d6 bludgeoning damage.

Torrential sleet. Gusts and freezing rain assail the area under the cloud. The area becomes difficult terrain and is heavily obscured. Each creature there takes 3d6 cold damage. Ranged weapon attacks in the area are impossible. The wind and rain count as a severe distraction for the purposes of maintaining concentration on spells; a creature within the effect concentrating on an effect must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw at the start of each of its turns or else lose concentration. Finally, gusts of strong wind (ranging from 20 to 50 miles per hour) automatically disperse fog, mists, and similar phenomena in the area, whether mundane or magical.

Time Stop

9th level Transmutation

  • Spell Lists: Sorcerer, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 Reaction, which you take when a creature you can see takes an action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You briefly stop the flow of time for everyone but yourself using your reaction. This occurs when a creature you can see begins taking an action, but before the effects of that action take place. No time passes for other creatures, while you take 1d4 + 1 turns in a row, during which you can use actions and move as normal.

This spell ends if one of the actions you use during this period, or any effects that you create during this period, affects a creature other than you or an object being worn or carried by someone other than you. In addition, the spell ends if you move to a place more than 1,000 feet from the location where you cast it.

Once the spell ends, the interrupted action immediately is resolved. The effects of your turns taken while time was stopped may affect the results of that action as the DM deems appropriate.

True Resurrection

9th level Necromancy

  • Spell Lists: Cleric, Druid
  • Casting Time: 1 Hour
  • Range: 30 Feet
  • Components: V, S, M (a sprinkle of holy water and diamonds worth at least 25,000 gp, which the spell consumes)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You touch the remnants of a creature or the location where the creature died, where the creature has been dead for no longer than 100 years and died for any reason except old age. The creature's soul must be free and willing.

The resurrection DC set by this spell is 1 + 1/2 times the number of times the creature has died, rounded down. Up to 100 creatures within the range of the spell for the spell's duration can attempt an appropriate skill check against the resurrection DC, decreasing the DC the creature has to make to come back by 3 on a success, to a minimum of 1. The dead creature then rolls a d20, coming back to life with all their hit points if they meet or succeed the resurrection DC.

This spell closes all wounds, neutralizes any poison, cures all diseases, and lifts any curses affecting the creature when it died. The spell replaces damaged or missing organs and limbs. If the creature was undead, it is restored to its non-undead form.

The spell can even provide a new body if the original no longer exists, in which case you must speak the creature's name. The creature then appears in an unoccupied space you choose within 10 feet of you.

If this spell fails to bring back a soul, that soul cannot be brought back by any spells of 9th level or lower.


9th level Illusion

  • Spell Lists: Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 120 Feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 Minute

Drawing on the deepest fears of a group of creatures, you create illusory creatures in their minds, visible only to them. Each creature in a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on a point of your choice within range must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature becomes frightened and paralyzed with fear for the duration. The illusion calls on the creature's deepest fears, manifesting its worst nightmares as an implacable threat. At the end of each of the paralyzed creature's turns, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 4d10 psychic damage. On a successful save, the paralysis ends for that creature.


For all spells not listed here but listed in a variant's spell list, you can find their source here:

Source Spell
meowmagic all time low*, aurora occidens, divine right, eldritch grapple, light of heaven, nova
The Arcanist's Handbook orb of chaos, seal fate, spell void
The Complete Devout Handbook epidemic, mass awaken, weapon of god
Silverflame's First Compendium cataclysm, seed of chaos, sphere of annihilation, transmute lava
u/Sensitive_Coyote_865 genesis

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