Sorcerer - Cosmic Bloodline

by Bonno88

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Cosmic Bloodline

Your blood moves in tune with the rising and setting sun, the phases of the moon, and the circling stars above. Cosmic magic courses through your veins and you unleash your innate magic through sheer force of will and physical discipline.

Sorcerers who have a connection to the sun, the moon, and the stars can attribute their power to witnessing a rare celestial event such as a passing comet, a meteor shower, or an eclipse. You may have been born during the syzygy of astral bodies, or perhaps you travelled through the astral sea or the far realm, only to return bound to the cosmic cycle.

Just as the constellations move around the sky in a steady, imperturbable cadence, the magic of a cosmic sorcerer is strong and unshakeable, and tied to energies that can outlast all others.

Soul of the Cosmic Cycle

At 1st level, you become attuned with the cosmic cycle. At the end of a short or long rest, choose a cosmic phase and gain the following benefits:

  • 1 Phase of the Sun. The blazing sun awakens a fire within you. When a creature you can see within 5 feet hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to deal 5 fire damage back at that creature.
  • 2 Phase of the Moon. The watching moon envelops and protects you. When you become the target of an attack from a creature you can see within 5 feet, you can use your reaction to gain 5 temporary hit points that last until the start of your next turn.
  • 3 Phase of the Stars. You draw upon the power of distant stars. When an enemy that you can see within 5 feet misses you with their attack, you can use your reaction to teleport 5 feet to an unoccupied space you can see.

Your control over this cosmic power increases as you gain levels in this class. The benefit gained from this feature increases to 10 at 6th level, 15 at 12th level, and 20 at 18th level. The distance between you and the attacking creature also increases by 5 feet at 6th, 12th, and 18th level.

You can use this reaction a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Whenever you are hit by critical damage, fall below half your base hit points or are knocked unconscious, you must immediately change to the next higher numbered phase in the cycle (or back to Phase of the Sun if you are in the Phase of the Stars). In addition, any time you land a critical hit on an enemy, you may choose to immediately change to the next higher numbered phase in the cycle.

Student of the Cosmos

The sun, the moon, and the stars speak to you in the voiceless language of the cycles. You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Student of the Cosmos Spells table. Each spell counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know. You only gain access to the spells associated with your current Soul of the Cosmic Cycle phase.

Student of the Cosmos Spells
Sorcerer Level Phase of the Sun Spell Phase of the Moon Spell Phase of the Stars Spell
1st Cure Wounds Sanctuary Guiding Bolt
3rd Scorching Ray Moonbeam Augury
5th Daylight Bestow Curse Blink
7th Fire Shield Greater Invisibility Death Ward
9th Flame Strike AntiLife Shell Teleportation Circle

Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one spell you gained from this feature with another spell of the same level. To replace spells from the Phase of the Sun, the new spell must be from the Cleric spell list. To replace spells from the Phase of the Moon, the new spell must be from the Wizard spell list. To replace spells from the Phase of the Stars, the new spell must be from the Warlock spell list.

Astral Weave

Beginning at 6th level, the cosmic cycle influences your spells. When you cast any spell of 1st level or higher from your Student of the Cosmos feature, you can cast it by expending a spell slot as normal or by spending a number of sorcery points equal to the spell's level. If you cast the spell using sorcery points, you gain a benefit based on your current Soul of the Cosmic Cycle phase:

  • 1 Phase of the Sun. Your magic fuels you with the eternal fires of the sun. You regain a number of hit points equal to twice the spell's level.
  • 2 Phase of the Moon. Your magic conceals you like the dark side of the moon. The next time you would move this turn, you become invisible for a number of feet equal to 5 times the spell's level.
  • 3 Phase of the Stars. The constellations guide your magic. You choose a number of creatures equal to the spell's level within 60 feet of you. Until the end of your next turn, chosen creatures gain a 1d4 bonus to their next attack roll or ability check.

Celestial Body

Additionally, at 6th level, the cosmic cycle has altered your physical being. You gain a bonus equal to your Constitution modifier to skill checks associated with your current Soul of the Cosmic Cycle phase:

  • 1 Phase of the Sun. Athletics and Intimidation checks.
  • 2 Phase of the Moon. Deception and Stealth checks.
  • 3 Phase of the Stars. Insight and Persuasion checks.

Cosmos Call

At 14th level, you can spend 2 sorcery points as a bonus action to call upon the well of cosmic energy within you. For 1 hour, you shed bright light in a 10 foot radius and dim light shines 10 feet beyond that. You also gain a benefit based on your current Soul of the Cosmic Cycle phase:

  • 1 Phase of the Sun. Wings formed from rays of sunlight appear at your back. You gain a flying speed equal to your current speed and can hover.
  • 2 Phase of the Moon. A bright pale moonlight surrounds your form. You reveal invisible creatures and objects within 20 feet of you, and you can illuminate the presence of magic that is not behind total cover.
  • 3 Phase of the Stars. You become nebulous and filled with starry motes of light. You gain resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

You can temporarily dismiss this benefit as a bonus action, and it ends early if you move into a new Soul of the Cosmic Cycle phase.

Celestial Concordance

At 18th level, you can spend 6 sorcery points as an action to move into a cosmic cycle phase of your choice. For 1 minute, you embody your chosen Soul of the Cosmic Cycle phase and gain the following benefits:

  • 1 Phase of the Sun. You borrow the sun’s radiance to become a beacon of solar energy. For the duration, you shed bright light in a 15-foot radius sphere and dim light shines 15 feet beyond that. This light is sunlight.
    Whenever an enemy creature starts its turn inside the bright light, that creature must make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or take 2d6 fire and 2d6 radiant damage and be blinded until the end of its next turn. Undead and oozes have disadvantage on this saving throw.
    At the cost of 1 sorcery point per round, you also gain the ability to restore 2d8 hit points to a creature within the sunlight (including possibly yourself) as a bonus action.

  • 2 Phase of the Moon. A ray of shimmering moonlight shines down from above to protect you. For the duration, a 15-foot radius, 40-foot-high cylinder filled with dim light appears centered on your current position. If this light overlaps with an area of magical darkness, the spell that created the darkness is dispelled.
    Whenever an enemy creature ends its turn inside the moonlight, it must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or take 2d6 cold and 2d6 radiant damage and suffer disadvantage to the next saving throw it makes whilst inside the moonlight. A shapechanger makes this saving throw with disadvantage. If it fails, it also instantly reverts to its original form and can't assume a different form until it leaves the moonlight.
    At the cost of 1 sorcery point per round, you can grant 2d8 temporary hit points to a creature inside the moonlight (including possibly yourself) as a bonus action.

  • 3 Phase of the Stars. A starry firmament appears above and sends shafts of light down upon your foe. Six shooting stars immediately descend towards points you choose within 120 feet of you. Once the stars reach their destination or impact against a solid surface, they explode into 10-foot cubes of twinkling starlight originating from the points of impact. The areas are filled with dim light and become difficult terrain for the duration.
    Whenever an enemy creature moves into or within an area of starlight for the first time on its turn, it must make dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC or take 2d6 lightning and 2d6 radiant damage and the next attack against that creature has advantage. Aberrations make this saving throw with disadvantage.
    At the cost of 1 sorcery point per round, you also gain the ability to teleport a willing creature within the the starlight (including possibly yourself) to another unoccupied area of starlight within 30 feet of you as a bonus action.

During this time you cannot be forced out of your chosen phase through critical damage or by falling below half your base hit points. However, Celestial Concordance ends early if you move into a new Soul of the Cosmic Cycle phase.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again on the same cosmic phase until the next dawn.

Art Credits

Kekai Kotaki - Destiny Sunsinger Warlock

Dave Rapoza - Cosmic Sorcerer

Zoltan Boros - Dragonborn Celestial Sorcerer


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