Planar Sniper - Ranged Class

by Fun_kiddo

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The Planar Sniper

The Planar Sniper

Deep breath in, deep breath out... The man calmly begins aligning his aim, with the target. He feels the wind as he aims at the foe and measures distance, until the final breath, with which only a slight 'click' is heard, before the rifle in his hands lights up. Colors of yellow, red, and black surge through the gun as the bullet flies out, only leaving the flaming trace behind, puncturing through stone, wood, and metal, unstoppable and untethered, for it will find its mark in the end.

The sounds of scraping, rough metal, and heavy footsteps echo through the empty dungeon halls until a single figure is found in front. The panicked bandit raises his crossbow and shoots, seeing the shot pierce the unknown figure's body. A heartbeat passes, but no blood flows and nobody moves; only a mix of lights shows from the inside as a single emotionless voice is heard "Threat Engaged".

A laughing man runs through a battle with a gun at his side, never staying long in one place, shooting and screaming his victories. Blood pools beneath him, but he does not care as arrows fly by him and swords cannot touch him. He dances the dance of death — his true and endless performance of mayhem. Looking for more and more subjects to show it off to!

Planar Snipers may seem ordinary to some, but they carry a tool of rare existence, the Planar Rifle. Their aim is supported by it, and its deadliness being able to see through to the death of anything. But such power meets the hands of few, and who it is varies greatly, as do the very guns they carry, leaving only the question, "What will you do with it?".

Planes Made Manifest

Rifles of The Planes are rare existences, formed from the primal energies themselves, sometimes naturally and sometimes artificially, but either way, their creation is a long and near impossible process. Each one is unique, made of different planar energies that form themselves in unique and special ways, becoming empowered by their planes of origin.

Unlikely Fate

The Planar Rifles are rare beyond belief, with only a few existing throughout the planes themselves, so finding one is near impossible. Be it dark dealings with an outsider entity, sometimes determined by one's very fate, or sheer improbable luck, but no matter who finds it, it changes the course of the individual's life forever.

Eternal Bond

Once the owner of the planar rifle is found, it attunes itself to the owner's soul, drawing itself partially into the gun and shaping itself to fit the owner more. With the weapon and the wielder bonding eternally, they are even connected after the user's death, permanently becoming one until a new user is found.

Class features

As a planar sniper, you gain following class features.

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d6 per planar sniper level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier per planar sniper level after 1st

  • Armor: light armor
  • Weapons: Simple weapons, Planar Rifle
  • Tools: Tinker's Tools

  • Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence

  • Skills: Choose three from Acrobatics, Arcana, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Persuasion, Stealth.

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • • Planar Rifle
  • • (a) a shortsword or (b) two daggers.
  • • (a) burglar's pack (b) explorer's pack.
  • • tinker's tools
  • • leather armor
Quick Build

First, make Dexterity your highest ability score. Your next-highest score should be Intelligence. Second, choose the Bounty Hunter background.

The Planar Sniper
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Charges
1st +2 Planar Scope -
2nd +2 Planar Charge, Weapon Bond 1
3rd +2 Rifle's Mark Feature 1
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2
5th +3 Extra Attack 2
6th +3 Planar Visor, Foreign Understanding 3
7th +3 Rifle's Mark Feature 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4
9th +4 Planar Stock 4
10th +4 Rifle's Mark Feature 5
11th +4 Planar Loading 5
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 6
13th +5 Planar Bipod 6
14th +5 Desperate Charge 7
15th +5 Rifle's Mark Feature 7
16th +5 Beyond The Material, Ability Score Improvement 8
17th +6 Planar Merge 8
18th +6 Rifle's Mark Feature 9
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 9
20th +6 Reap What You Sow 10

Rifle of The Planes

Starting at 1st Level you gain the use of a Rifle of the Planes, which has the following statistics.

Planar Rifle

Weapon(Planar Rifle), range, artifact

Planar Rifle

16 lbs. 1d10 Piercing ammunition (150/600ft.), special, two-handed

The Planar Rifle's damage increases with your Planar Sniper level, to 2d10 at 9th level, 3d10 at 13th level and 4d10 at 17th level.
Ammunition. You can use a weapon that has the ammunition property to make a ranged attack only if you have ammunition to fire from the weapon. Each time you attack with the weapon, you expend one piece of ammunition. Once per long rest you may make an amount of magazines equal to your Intelligence modifier each containing 4 bullets. To reload, you must use an action. After you make new magazines, your old ones become inert. Additionally reloading while a magazine still has ammo, you transfer the remaining ammo into the new magazine.
Range. A weapon that can be used to make a ranged attack has a range shown in parentheses after the ammunition or thrown property. The range lists two numbers. The first is the weapon's normal range in feet, and the second indicates the weapon's maximum range. When attacking a target beyond normal range, you have disadvantage on the attack roll. You can't attack a target beyond the weapon's long range.
Two-Handed. This weapon requires two hands to use. This property is relevant only when you attack with the weapon, not when you simply hold it.
Special Your shots may pierce through materials and objects with AC less than 15, and that are less than 3 inches thick.
Starting at 6th level, your Planar Rifle shots count as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks and damage.

Additionally, if you find a magical ranged weapon, during a short rest you may have its magic be absorbed by the Planar Rifle. If you do, the weapon loses it's magical properties and The Planar Rifle gains them. If you absorb magic of another weapon, while already having had absorbed one previously, the previous effects are lost and replaced by the new ones. Some weapons may not be absorbed this way, up to GMs discretion.

Planar Scope

At 1st level, you may also select a Planar Scope Upgrade. Planar Upgrades are how you determine the abilities of your rifle. Scope Planar Upgrades may be selected from the list below.

  • Elemental Plane of Fire - Thermal Scope.

Your scope highlights sources of heat, allowing you to see invisible creatures through your scope and ignore penalties for shooting heavily obscured creatures. This effect does not work through obstacles.

  • Elemental Plane of Air - Adjustable Scope.

You do not gain disadvantage for shooting an enemy within 5 feet of you.

  • Elemental Plane of Water - Tracking Marker.

The scope places a marker against your foes allowing you to predict its movements and granting you advantage on your first attack on each of your turns as long as the enemy is at least 60 feet away from you.

  • Elemental Plane of Earth - Metal Sight.

As a bonus action you may activate this sight to see through objects. When you do so, you can see into and through solid matter until the start of your next turn. This vision has a radius of 30 feet. To you, solid objects within that radius appear transparent and don't prevent light from passing through them. The vision can penetrate 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, or up to 3 feet of wood or dirt. Thicker substances block the vision, as does a thin sheet of lead. You can use this ability number of times equal to your Intelligence Modifier (minimum of one). You regain all expended uses once you finish a long rest.

Planar Charge

Beginning with 2nd level, you have gained the ability to charge your shots with the planar energies of your rifle, empowering them with various effects. You gain access to Planar Charges as listed on the Planar Sniper class table as well as Planar shots listed at the end of the class, that associate with the planes that your rifle is made out of. Whenever you take the attack action, you may declare any of your shots to be a Planar Shot. If you do, you lose the appropriate amount of charges and the shot takes effect. You regain any expended charges when you finish a long rest. Your Planar Shots and class abilities use the Planar DC.

Planar DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +

your Intelligence modifier

You learn an additional Planar Shot of your choice when you reach level 8, level 12 and level 16. You may only use amount Planar Shots that you have enough charges to use. Additionally in a singular use, you may only expend an amount of charges equal to up to your proficiency bonus.

Weapon Bond

At 2nd level, you learn a ritual that creates a magical bond between yourself and the Planar Rifle.

Once you have bonded the Planar Rifle to yourself, you can't be disarmed of that weapon unless you are incapacitated. If it is on the same plane of existence, you can summon that weapon as a bonus action on your turn, causing it to teleport instantly to your hand.

Rifle's Mark

When you reach 3rd level, you choose a Mark. Choose between the Mark of the Sniper, Mark of Assault, Mark of the Unseen, and Mark of the Symbiote, all detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th, 10th, 15th and 18th level.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Planar Visor

At 6th level, your connection to your Rifle, and thus to the Planes it is connected to, has deepened. This connection has reached sufficient depth to unlock the Rifle's companion, the Realm Visor. The Visor appears to be a black head wear of your choice with a clear pane on the front. From the outside, this pane appears to be opaque, and of a color chosen by the wearer. The Visor may be freely worn and removed by the wearer, but may not be removed by an outside force. When wearing the Visor, you may choose to see through the scope of your Rifle remotely from any distance. You may also select a Planar Visor Upgrade from the list below.

  • Astral Plane - Astral Control.

This visor allows you to aim and shoot your rifle remotely at a distance of up to 500 feet, rotating in space in the last place that it was set down. If while in this state it takes any damage, its remote control stops functioning, until you repair it during a long rest. While broken in this way you may still summon it to your hands and use it as normal.

  • Neutral Aligned Plane - Plane Vision.

You can see the home plane and true form of any creature. Additionally you gain advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks against extraplanar creatures and can see into the ethereal plane.

  • Shadowfell - Darkened Eyes.

You can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet.

Foreign Understanding

Beginning with 6th level, the experience you have gathered through working and bonding with the planar rifle, has given you a better understanding of all things otherworldly. You have advantage on all checks to gather knowledge about extraplanar creatures as well as all Charisma checks when conversing with them.

Additionally, your understanding of the Planes has given you insight to easier recharge your Planar Rifle. Once per day when you finish a short rest, you can choose to regain up to half your maximum Planar Charges (rounded up).

Planar Stock

Starting at 9th level, the Planes integrate further into your Rifle, altering and expanding its capabilities. You may select one Planar Stock Upgrade from the list below.

  • Chaos Aligned Plane - Break The Shackles.

As a bonus action you may attempt to brush off all of the effects of one spell or condition, of your choice, that is currently affecting you and gain advantage on the Saving Throw to end the condition until the start of your next turn. If you are unable to take actions on your turn and have at least 1 hit point, when you start your turn, without having to use your bonus action you gain advantage on the Saving Throw to end the condition.

  • Law Aligned Plane - Fate Predetermined

When you miss an attack with the Planar Rifle, you may instead treat the die roll as a 10, potentially turning a miss into a hit. Once you use this feature, you can't use it use again until you finish a short or long rest.

  • Good Aligned Plane - See The Stained.

As an action, you may see the Stained. For the next minute, you see a bloody mark over the head of those who have committed certain crimes. This manifests as a tear for those who have killed a creature of Intelligence 4 or more in the last 24 hours, a coin for those who have consciously stolen anything in the last 24 hours, and a clenched fist for those who have harmed another creature of Intelligence 4 or more in the last 24h.

  • Evil Aligned Plane - Smell The Prey.

When you deal damage to a creature with the Planar Rifle, as a reaction you may Mark the creature. For the next 24 hours, you always know the exact location of the Marked creature and if it's on the same plane as you are. You may only have one creature marked at a time and if you Mark a new creature, the previous Mark disappears.

Planar Loading

At 11th level, your rifle has adapted to imbue the ammunition with the power of one of the energy planes. You may select one Planar Loading Upgrade from the list below.

  • Positive Energy Plane - Blessed Bullets

Your Planar Shots have +4 to hit.

  • Negative Energy Plane - Corrupting Ammo

Your Planar Shots deal 2d8 extra Necrotic damage.

Planar Bipod

Starting at 13th level, you have taken the power of the darker Planes and incorporated them into your Rifle. You may select one Planar Bipod Upgrade from the list below.

  • The Abyss - Contained Wrath

As an action, you may steady your aim and gain +1 to hit and increase your critical hit range to 19 and 20 for the next attack you make within the next minute. You may repeat this action to keep increasing the benefit up to a +10 to hit and critting on a 10 or higher. If you move or take any other action than aiming, you lose the benefit of Contained Wrath and have to start over.

  • Limbo - Unknown Existence.

While prone, you may as a bonus action become invisible. You remain invisible for as long as you stay prone and additionally you do not gain disadvantage on ranged attacks while prone.

  • Nine Hells - Call of the Underworld.

Once per Long rest, you may have a bullet you fire transform upon impact into a Fiend of CR equal to half your level (rounded down) or lower, that remains for 1 minute or until it dies. The Fiend is friendly to you and hostile to everyone else, and will obey verbal instructions.

Desperate Charge

When you reach 14th level, you have figured a way to draw upon more power in the most desperate of times no matter the price. As an action you may regain up to half (rounded up) expended Planar Charges. Afterwards roll 2d6 for each charge regained and take the the rolled result as Necrotic damage that cannot be prevented or reduced. Once you use this feature, you can't use it use again until you finish a short or long rest.

Beyond The Material

At 16th level, the bond with your weapon has allowed you to tear open a interdimensional space between different planes, granting you a way to travel between them. You may Cast Plane Shift once per long rest, without requiring material components.

Planar Merge

Starting at 17th level, you and your Rifle, and thus the Planes it embodies, have become so deeply intertwined as to be inseparable. This has allowed you, not just your Rifle, to harness the power of the Synergy Planes. You may select two Planar Merge Upgrades from the list below.

  • Synergy Plane of Lightning - Lightning Reflexes.

Grants a +5 to initiative, and if an opponent makes a melee attack against you, you may use your reaction to grant yourself +5 AC against that attack and then move up to half your movement speed, without provoking attacks of opportunity.

  • Synergy Plane of Vacuum - Elemental Void.

Once per long rest, as a Reaction to an attack that deals Lightning, Cold, Fire, Psychic, Radiant, Necrotic, or Force damage, you may gain immunity to that damage type for the next minute.

  • Synergy Plane of Steam - Flowing Form.

As an action, you may become steam for the next minute. While in steam form, you have a +5 to Stealth checks and can fit through spaces of up to 1 inch additionally all the gear on you gets transformed with you and you may still attack while in this form. Once you use this feature, you can't use it use again until you finish a long rest.

  • Synergy Plane of Salt - Withering Soul.

When a creature hit's you with a melee attack, it takes necrotic damage equal to half your level (rounded down). Plant type creatures take double damage from this feature.

  • Synergy Plane of Dust - The Ground Around Us.

Your walking speed increases by 20 feet of movement, and you gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. Additionally, you may dash as a bonus action and when you take the dash action, you don't provoke attacks of opportunity.

  • Synergy Plane of Minerals - Deep Blade.

You gain a finesse, magical natural weapon that deals 1d10 piercing damage and 2d10 force damage. Additionally when you hit an enemy with this attack and if you're at 0 Planar Charges, you regain 3 Planar Charges.

  • Synergy Plane of Ash - Ashes to Ashes.

Once per short or long rest, you may dissolve into ash as a bonus action. While in ash form all of your gear is transformed with you, you may not be harmed, and have a speed of 0, though others may still move you. You also can sense all heat sources out to 120 feet, and may reform within 5 feet of one of them as an action.

  • Synergy Plane of Radiance - Divine Eruption.

You may, as a bonus action, allow the pure radiant energy of the Plane of Radiance to flow through and out of you. Every creature in a 15-foot radius emanating from you must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Planar DC or be blinded for 1 minute. Once you use this feature, you can't use it use again until you finish a short or long rest.

Reap What you Sow

Starting at 20th level, you have become an Embodiment of the Rifle of the Planes. As such, you may combine the power of all Planes for one brief, glorious second. Once per day, as an Action you may make a Pure Shot. You make a number of shots against a number of enemies in a 500-foot radius that you can see. You may make 5 shots against 1 target, 3 shots against 2-5 targets, 2 shots against 6-10 targets, or 1 shot against 11 or more targets. There is no maximum to the number of targets that may be hit at once by the 1 shot per target ability. This ability does not require ammo.

Rifle's Mark

Each Planar Rifle is a unique creation, very often adapting to the user, to fit their preferred fighting style, be it an assassin who seeks to kill their target and leave without ever even having been seen or an adrenaline junkie, seeking to get in close and personal and experience the thrill of battle. The gun shall morph and as sometimes the user as well.

Mark of The Sniper

Those of the, Mark of The Sniper, aim to end their fights quick and safely with as few shots as possible. Their deadliness is unrivaled and their targets, rarely return due to the snipers peerless aim as well as unrelenting nature, leaving no one safe in the snipers aim.

Armor Piercing

Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to break through your opponents defenses. If you make a shot with your Planar Rifle against a creature wielding a shield or wearing armor (including natural armor), you get +1 to hit. This increases to a +2 to at 10th level, and to a +3 at 15th level.

Vital Shot

When you reach 3rd, you may focus on trying and hitting the truly important spots. Whenever you make an attack, you may choose to get disadvantage on the attack, but you deal extra 1d10 damage in return. This damage increases to 2d10 at 10th level and 3d10 at 15th level.

Stop For Nothing

Starting at 7th level, your bullets let nothing stand between them and their target. You now ignore half cover and three quarters cover. Additionally your bullets can now freely penetrate materials with a standing armor class of 17 and up to 5 inches thick This increases to a standing armor class of 19, 8 inches thick. And a final upgrade in penetration power to a standing armor class of 21, 12 inches thick. This feature doesn't apply to penetrating through a conscious creature's AC, but going through object they are hiding behind.

Let None Escape

Starting at 10th level, you make sure that no enemy can flee from you. Whenever you hit a creature with an attack, the creature takes -5 movement penalty for the next 1 minute and continuous hits increase this penalty by -5 up to a maximum of -20. Additionally you may take the Search actions as a bonus action.

Undeniable Damage

Starting at 15th level, your rifles power has managed to find weakness even in your enemies strengths. Any damage you deal with your Rifle or its abilities overcomes resistance. At 20th level, any damage you deal with your Rifle or its abilities also overcomes Immunity.

Deaths Approach

Starting at 18th level, you have become the pinnacle of a Marksman. As such, you have been granted by the Planes a shot to topple empires. Once per week, as long as the target is within 20 miles and you have seen it in the last month, you may as an Action fire a Death Shot. Once fired, the Shot teleports directly in front of the target, in the nearest unoccupied space. If there is no unoccupied space in front of the target, the Shot teleports to a random unoccupied side. The Death Shot hits automatically and deals 4d10 Piercing damage, 4d10 Force damage, 2d10 Fire damage, 2d10 Cold damage, 2d10 Radiant damage, and 2d10 Necrotic damage.

Mark of Assault

Be it the thrill of combat, or the courage to see your foe face to face, those of the Mark of Assault are not afraid to face their enemies at close range and use their rifles up close and evade their enemies with speed and fervor seen nowhere else. Their shots deadly and their instincts precise, their foes shall heal a deafening bang before their last breath.

Up Close and Personal

Starting at 3rd level, being in close-range with the enemy becomes your zone of comfort. whenever you hit a creature within 15 feet of you with the Planar Rifle, you may add twice your Proficiency bonus to the damage roll of the attack.

Killer Instinct

Starting at 7th level, you have honed your instincts to manifest an aggressive reaction against even the fastest threats. Whenever a creature you can see moves into a space within 5 feet of you, you may use your reaction to immediately make an attack against it with your Planar Rifle. You do not have disadvantage on this attack as a result of being within 5 feet of the creature.

Fervor of Battle

Starting at 10th level, whenever you hit a creature within 15 feet with an attack with your Planar Rifle, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to half of your Planar Sniper level. These temporary hit points last for one minute.


Starting at 15th level, you can nimbly dodge out of the way of certain area effects, such as a red dragon's fiery breath or a lightning bolt spell. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

Unrivaled Speed

Starting at 18th level, you become unparalleled in close-quarters combat. You gain an additional action on each of your turns. This additional action can be used only to take the Attack (one attack only), Disengage, Dodge actions. You can also use this action to reload. To use this action to take the Attack action, the target of the attack must be within 15 feet of you, and the attack must be made with your Planar Rifle.

Mark of The Unseen

One should always be on guard once one of the Mark of The Unseen is after them, for you can never know when they strike. They are evasive to the senses and leave no trace after they're done. One might be right by you and you may never know untill it is far too late.

Cloaking Mesh

Starting at 3rd level, you have managed to create ways to gain an advantage in battle or escape the heat when needed. As a bonus action you may cast Invisibility, except it only lasts until the start of your next turn. Additionally as a part of the same bonus action, you may take the Hide action. You can use this ability number of times equal to your Intelligence Modifier (minimum of one). You regain all expended uses once you finish a short or long rest.

Hidden Assailant

Beginning with 7th level, your bullets are specially made to to not reveal your location and your skills have been honed to never reveal your true location. You have advantage on all of your Dexterity (Stealth) checks and while you're hidden, shooting with your Rifle, does not reveal you as long as you are in cover from the creature you shot.

Predator and Prey

At 10th level, your invisibility and stealth has made you the apex predator on the battlefield and you know how to take advantage of it. When you use the Cloaking Mesh ability, your next shot deals 2d8 extra damage.

To Never Be Seen Again

Starting at 15th level, your swiftness of foot and your bond with the Planar Rifle has allowed you to warp your very existence, so you are never at a disadvantage. While invisible, instead of moving you may instead teleport a distance away equal to your movement speed to a point within range. This kind of movement, does not reveal your position.

Ghost In The Walls

When you reach 18th level, the bond has started to fade your very presence from the planes and the minds of those who have met you. As an action, for the next 1 minute, you may become a translucent black and white Apparition. While you're in this form, you can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. You take (2d10) force damage if you end your turn inside an object. Additionally, anyone who sees you and then looks away from you must make a Wisdom Saving Throw against your Planar DC or lose all memory of having seen you for that period of time. This memory may not be regained through any means except by a Wish spell. Once you use this feature, you can't use it use again until you finish a long rest.

Mark of The Symbiote

The Mark of The Symbiote and their rifles bond with their weapons unnaturally well, causing to gain complete understanding of them and their tools and have them act as partial extensions of themselves. But beware such closeness to the energies and the powers of the Planar Rifle for eventually, you may struggle finding where the gun ends and you begin.

Deepened Bond

Starting with 3rd level, your soul has shown to be especially compatible with the Planar Rifle, giving you some additional benefits. You learn 2 additional Planar Shots, your hit points increase by 1 for each level you have in Planar Sniper and whenever you level up in this class, your hit points maximum increases by one. Additionally you may now reload as a bonus action.

Planar Suit

Starting at 6th level, you have widened your connection with not only your Rifle, but your Visor. As such, when the Visor is worn, it generates a skintight suit of armor that goes beneath any armor you are currently wearing. While wearing it you gain various benefits:

  • Whenever you hit a creature with your Rifle, you regain 1d6 hit points.
  • Your AC is equal to 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Intelligence modifier.
  • You gain a climbing and swimming speed equal to your movement speed.
  • You do not need to breathe.

Combat Brace

Beginning with 10th, you have adjusted the armor to be able to stand your ground especially well. As a an action, you may choose to plant yourself into a terrain within 5 feet of you. While planted your movement is reduced to 0 and you gain the following benefits:

  • When you take the attack action with the Planar rifle's range is reduced to 200 ft., it's damage dice is reduced to a d6 instead of a d10, but you gain double the amount of attacks.
  • You cannot gain disadvantage on attacks against creatures within your Planar Rifle's range.
  • Planar suit's healing is increased to 2d6 per hit.

You may end this ability as a bonus action and additionally forced movement ends this ability.

Mechanized Production

When you reach 15th level, you have created methods of keeping your ammo and gun ready and loaded at all times, even at detriment of yourself. As an action you may take 2d6 damage and create a full magazine for your Planar Rifle. Additionally as a bonus action, you may regain a use of Desperate Charge, if you do, your maximum hp is reduced by your Planar Sniper level. You regain these hit points after you take a long rest.

One With The Gun

Starting at 18th level, you have become a single entity with your Gun, Visor and Armor. There is no longer a creature inside the Armor, you are the Armor. As such you gain the following benefits:

  • You are immune to Critical Hits.
  • You take no damage from falling
  • You gain Darkvision out to 120 feet, if you already have Darkvision, it's range gets increased by 120ft.
  • You become immune to the Poisoned condition and have resistance to Poison damage.
  • You no longer need to eat or drink and you stop aging.

While benefiting of Combat Brace, as a reaction when you get hit by an attack but before damage, you may gain resistance to the damage types of the attack until the start of your next turn. Lastly the Armor and Visor may no longer be removed under any circumstances.

Planar Shots


Elemental Plane of Fire

  • Charge Cost: 1-6 Charge
  • Perequisite: None

When you hit a creature with this Planar shot, the creature is set ablaze. At the start of each of it's turns it takes 1d6 fire damage for each charge expended. The creature as can extinguish itself by dropping prone and using an action to put themselves out.

Swift Current

Elemental Plane of Air

  • Charge Cost: 1 Charge
  • Perequisite: None

Your shot leaves behind an air current, allowing you to quickly maneuver the battlefield. You deal 1d4 Force damage and additionally after making this attack, until the start of your next turn, your movement speed is increased by 10 feet and you don't provoke attacks of opportunity.

Water Blast

Elemental Plane of Water

  • Charge Cost: 1-6 Charge
  • Perequisite: None

When you hit a creature with this Planar shot, the creature is blasted by a powerful wave of water and is pushed 10 feet away from you. The distance increases by 15 feet for each additional charge expended. Additionally the creature makes a Strength Saving Throw, and is knocked down prone on a failure.

Earthly Grasp

Elemental Plane of Earth

  • Charge Cost: 1 Charge
  • Perequisite: None

When you hit a creature with this Planar shot, nearby stone and terrain starts wrapping around the creature. The creature makes a Strength Saving Throw, becoming restrained on a failure. As an action they may attempt to break out of it with a successful Strength (Athletics) check against your Planar DC.

Witness of The Vast

Astral Plane

  • Charge Cost: 1 Charge
  • Perequisite: None

When you hit a creature with this Planar shot, it's mind gets flooded by vastness of the Astral Plane. The creature takes additionally 1d10 Psychic Damage and must make a Intelligence Saving Throw, on a failure, until the start of your next turn, it has disadvantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma Ability checks and Saving Throws.

Castigating Shot

Neutral Aligned Plane

  • Charge Cost: 1 Charge
  • Perequisite: None

When you hit a creature with this Planar shot, it deals additional 1d10 it gains disadvantage on attacks against you until the start of your next turn.

Spreading Dark


  • Charge Cost: 2 Charge
  • Perequisite: None

The spell Darkness is cast, with it being centered on the point of impact.

Confused Mind

Chaos Aligned Plane

  • Charge Cost: 1 Charge
  • Perequisite: None

When you hit a creature with this Planar shot, the creature gets filled with great emotion, forcing it to act immediately. The creature must make a Wisdom Saving throw, on a failure it has to expend it's reaction to move towards the closest creature visible to it and make an attack against a random creature within range.

Ordered Shot

Law Aligned Plane

  • Charge Cost: 1 Charge
  • Perequisite: None

When you shoot a creature with this shot, the creatures movements and actions gain temporary, unearthly precision. This shot deals no damage, but the creature adds half of your level to all of it's attack rolls next turn and it additionally deals extra damage equal to your Intelligence Modifier with all of it's attacks.

Guardian Angel

Good Aligned Plane

  • Charge Cost: 2 Charge
  • Perequisite: None

Instead of choosing a singular target, your attack becomes a line area of effect, with it's range being equivalent to your Planar rifle's first range increment. In that line, all creatures of your choice, until the start of your next turn gain a bonus to their AC equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of one). This attack deals no damage.

Malicious Intent

Evil Aligned Plane

  • Charge Cost: 1 Charge
  • Perequisite: None

When you make an attack against a creature with this Planar shot, an unstoppable feeling of dread starts filling it's mind as it starts fearing your very existence. The creature must make a Wisdom Saving Throw, becoming frightened of you for the next 1 minute on a failure. At the end of each of it's turns, the creature takes 1d6 Psychic damage and it may repeat the saving throw, ending it on a success.

Saving Grace

Positive Energy Plane

  • Charge Cost: 2 Charge
  • Perequisite: None

When you take this Planar Shot, you infuse your allies with positive energy, mending their wounds. Your range instead becomes a 60 feet line and all creatures of your choice in it, regain hit points equal to 2d10 + Your Intelligence Modifier.

Withering Wave

Negative Energy Plane

  • Charge Cost: 3 Charge
  • Perequisite: None

When you take this Planar Shot, you release a wave of negative energy that corrodes your enemies. Your range instead becomes a 60 feet line and all creatures in it must make a Dexterity Saving throw or take Necrotic damage equal to your current Planar Rifle's damage dice + Intelligence Modifier. On a success the creatures take half damage, rounded down.

Flaming Reckoning

The Abyss

  • Charge Cost: 2 Charge
  • Perequisite: None

When you take this Planar Shot, you imbue the shot with the unbridled fury of The Abyss. This attack deals extra Fire damage equal to twice your level, but the next turn you cannot take the Attack action with the Planar Rifle.

Translocating Shot


  • Charge Cost: 2 Charge
  • Perequisite: None

When you take this Planar Shot, you rip a tear in space as you attempt to switch positions with your target. You switch locations with the target and if it's willing, it takes no damage, but if the target is unwilling it must make a Charisma Saving throw, on a failure switching places with you and takes 2d6 Force damage.

Blood for Blood

Nine Hells

  • Charge Cost: 2 Charge
  • Perequisite: None

When you take this Planar Shot, you spill your own blood to empower the bullet with unholy fiendish power. Expend up to half your total Hit Dice and roll that amount. You take Necrotic damage that cannot be prevented or reduced equal to the rolled amount and on hit, your next attack deals 1d10 extra Necrotic damage for each Hit Dice expended.



  • First Draft!
  • 4 Starting Subclasses: Mark of The Sniper, Mark of Assault, Mark of The Unseen, Mark of The Symbiote.


General changes

  • Wording and grammar.
  • Adjusted reload ability, to clarify that you don't waste ammo when reloading.

Base Class

  • Rifle of The Planes: can now absorb magical weapons, to get upgraded! Rifle damage scaling reduced by 1d10, due to it being way too high, with extra attack.
  • Elemental Plane of Earth: Due to being a bit too powerful, now has limited uses.
  • Astral Plane: Has been adjusted, due to previously the gun never stating that it could be damaged while set up. Now if it takes damage while set up, it stops working.
  • Neutral Aligned Plane: You can now see into the Ethereal Plane.
  • Foreign Understanding: Now you can regain up to half your Planar Charges after a short rest!
  • Law Aligned Plane: Now once per long or short rest.
  • Good Aligned Plane: Has been adjusted so the criteria are a bit more specific and squashing an ant or a mosquito do not count lol.
  • Planar Loading: Removed the benefits granted to non-Planar Shots, to reduce classes overall damage and put a higher emphasis on Planar Shots.
  • Nine Hells: It didn't really scale well into later levels, so has been adjusted to be able in higher levels to summon more powerful fiends.
  • Synergy Plane of Steam: You can still attack while in the steam form.
  • Synergy Plane of Salt: Adjusted for the damage to be half rounded down.
  • Synergy Plane of Minerals: Is now a magical weapon.
  • Reap What you Sow: Adjusted to have more proper wording.

Mark of The Sniper

  • A Shot to Topple a Tyrant: has been renamed to Death Shot, removed the 1 mile range minimum limitation and increased its damage by 6d10 total to feel more impactful by the point you get it.

Art Sources

Note of Appreciation

I am unfortunately not a very artistic person, so I take most of the art off the internet and try to credit as well as I can. So I wish to say thanks to all the great artists whose art is used.

Additionally if any artist whomst art is used deems it to be not credited appropriately or wishes it to be removed, you can feel free to contact me and I will fix it up immediately!

Once again great thank you and appreciations!

Destiny Fan Art(Twitter)

by Линэ Виспер | Sennoma

2018 07 12

by Dante Liu


by Линэ Виспер | Sennoma

World War 2 Series - Lookout

by James Paick

Helghast Snipers

by Guerilla Games Killzone Visual Design Artbook Link to it: lDesignArtBookByKBG_201812/page/n21/mode/2up


by porxys

Project Dune

by Mark Molnar

This class has been made by BreathingPotato



Build your own gun and slay your foes from distance with this class for D&D 5th edition! And connect and build your unique character with the following subclasses:

The Sniper - Assault - The Unseen - The Symbiote

This brew has been made by /u/Fun_Kiddo

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