Necrons, Awakening of Pariah Nexus Protocol

by Thesrekt

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Pariah Nexus Protocol

Necrons, Awakening of the Pariah Nexus Protocol

Racial Introduction: Necrons

The Necrons are amongst the most ancient and powerful races in the galaxy. Armoured bodies of living metal, they advance in inexorable lockstep upon their terrified foes. Their weapons unleash fundamental energies of the cosmos, even as flickering portals beam Necrons into battle across impossible interstellar gulfs. Shattered shards of insane star gods warp reality itself to annihilate the enemy, even as deranged nobles command mighty war engines to eradicate their victims wholesale. Terrible, monstrous beings with bladed limbs and glowing eyes stalk their victims fromt he shadows, attacking in sudden explosions of insane butchery. As the Necrons' archeotechnological tomb cities rise up from below and their eerie invasion fleets sweep down from the skies, their enemies feel the icy grip of terror clutch their hearts; surely their doom is upon them.

In Search of Immortality

Most of the galaxy's most sentient races know the necrons as the terrifying beings they are now. Indeed, it took the Lesser Races many centuries ever to recognize them as a coherent xenos race. The Necrons' ruling nobility were clearly seen to be sentient and ferociously intelligent. However, few amongst them made any efforts

to elaborate upon their origins or motivations to what they consider to be the lesser races. They have simply exterminated them.

Yet hints exist even now, in deeply buried xenoarcheological remnants, in the long memories and hidden lore of the Astral Elves( or what the Necrons call the Aeldari) and in commonalities of primitive artwork and tribal mythologies, of a race very different to the Necrons known and feared far from when Necrons roamed every corner of the cosmos, every corner of the Wildspace systems.

The War in Heaven

Once, the legends suggest, the Necrons were a flesh-and-blood race known as the Necrontyr. Short-lived and warlike, these beings were obsessed with death and - for all their wondrous technologies and star-spanning empires - were in fact quarrelsome and fractious. Legends tell that, desperate to unite their people, the Necrons' rulers began a war with the beings known as the Old Ones. It was a war over the secrets of immortality, and also a war that the Necrontyr could never win.

If cogent details of this War in Heaven stil exist, they do so only in the memories of the Necrons themselves. However, the Aeldari lore suggests the Old Ones were the creators of the mystical Weave.TheOld Ones used the Weave to fend of the Necrons on all fronts during the War in Heaven.

It was in the Necrontyr's darkest hour, during the reign of Szarekh, last of the Silent Kings, that the C'tan( Elder Gods) - those that are called the Yngir - came before the Necrontyr with an offer to aid. The legends speak of ancient star gods, beings formed of the fundementals of life's very existence in the universe, who offered Szarekh and his people all they have ever desired: power and immortality. All it would cost was the Necrontyr to ally themselves with the C'tan to destroy the hated Old Ones forever.

Szarekh deliberated long, but in the end he accepted the offer. In doing so, he damned his entire race. Fragments of lore describe what followed; the nightmare process of biotransference that placed the minds of the Necrontyr into living metal bodies and transformed them into the Necrons. The price was their souls, devoured by the leering C'tan and - for all bu those of ruling castes - the obliteration of almost all personality and free will. No more would the Necrons war and politick with one another, for their wills were bound to Szarekh's control through-iron command protocols. Yet the cost of this unity had been monstrous indeed.

The legends continue, scattered fragments telling of the defeat of the Old Ones and of how, in the moment when the C'tan were at their weakest following the titanic conflict, the Necrons took their revenge and shattered the duplicitous starv gods. They describe how Szarekh saw that his people's time was done, for they could not face the Old Ones' vengeful servants - the Aeldari cheif amongst them. It is said that the Silent King commanded


his people to inter themselves within the stasis-crypts of their tomb cities, there to sleep out the aeons until they could rise again to conquer all. Finally, destroying his command protocols and freeing his race, Szarekh took his ship into the intergalactic void to seek whatever solace he might amongst the empty darkness.

The Awakening

The Necrons have slept for sixty million years, if the Aeldari Book of the Mournful Night is to be believed. Now they are waking at last, rising to take back what once was theirs, and the galaxy temples temples before them.

The technologies that facilitated the Great Sleep were so far beyond Human comprehension that they might as well have been sorcery. Hyperintelligent master programs and legions of Canoptekh slave-constructs watched over the Necron tombs as the ages crept vrept past. Despite all this, manifold disasters beset the slumbering race. Some tomb worlds worlds were plundered by lesser races or purposefully purged by vengeful Aeldari. Others faced cascade failures in their stasis-crypts, were obliterated by stellar by stellar catastrophe or comet strike, or endured such a violent tectonic shifts that entire tombs were flooded with lava.

Even those worlds that survided ended up far from their original positions, scattering the dynastic territories of old and leaving the Necrons fragmented and factionalised. The chronostats of many tomb worlds slipped due to mechanical failure or empyric distortion. Thus, rahter than rising up as one across the galaxy, the Necrons have awoken piecemeal. Some emerged from stasis during the days of the Cosmos's unification, while others slumber still.

Nor have the Necrons themselves come through the process unchanged. Corruption has crept into the minds of many, either during the ages or while enduring slow and unsettling process of revivification. Nihilistic madness or madness stupor claim some, while personality engrams of others have been distorted by countless subtle derangements.

For all this, many billions of Necrons have already awoken and trillions more stir. Their noble leaders might, in many cases, be mad, but they have lost none of their arrogant sense of superiority, nor their desire for conquest. Every Overlord and Phaeron, has their own agenda, be it to stockpile and fortify, to raid and destabilise, to send forth imperious envoys or to begin omnicidal purges of non-Necron life. To other races, the Necrons' behaviour seems random to the point of insanity, yet in truth most are working towards the same core goals: reconquer the stars they once ruled and restore to glory whichever dynasty they once belonged to.

A Thousand Empires

Most Necron nobles are still traditionalists, cleaving to ancient social and martial forms. They impose rigid hiearchies on their underlings and order and deploy their legions in accordance wiht - or defiance or - the codes of the Triarch that once governed them all. Most importantly, they still fight for their ancient dynasties.

Sautekh, Mephrit, Nihilakh, and Ogdobekh - these and countless other dynasties make up the splintered Necron race. All are technically united in subservice of the Silent King. In truth, amny believe themselves as far above the fival dynasties as all Necron nobles believe their species above the lesser races. Dynasties are as likely to fall into conflict as to ally, and countless smaller dynasties have been subsumed into the territories of the larger and more powerful conquerors.

For all this, mnore Necrons awaken all the time. As their numvbers grow, so too do the dire threats they they pose to the galaxy. Now Szarekh, last of the Silent Kings, has returned and seeks to unite his people in galactic conquest again. Whispers precede him of a diabolical plan to negate the galaxy-ending threat of Chaos and subjugate the lesser races once and for all. With his enemies locked in a war of mutual annihilation and more Necrons rallying to his banner by the day, it may already be too late for any to stop him...

Necrons: Racial Features

Necrons take the forms of large mettalic skeletons, with fused ribs, long skulls, with deep pulsing light sprouting from the gaps in their bodies. They are broad shouldered and tall, even with most of them hunched over. In the center of their chests sits a small intricate sigil, featuring either the mark of the triach, or the dynastic emblem(generally reserved for royalty).


To better understand necron society, understanding the past helps. Way back before they were robbed of their souls, the necrontyr lived in strict, rigid monarchies. Due mostly to the short and cancer riddled nature of their lives, these positions had high turn-over rates. However, after the replacement of flesh with cold hard metal, these positions quickly became permanent. So while it still is technically a monarchy, there isn't much in the way of succession. Necron society is split into dynasties, overruled by a phaeron. This phaeron manages a royal court, containing overlords and crypteks who advise and have tasks delegated to. These overlords rule over a small sect of planets, and their own royal court of lords, and the lords manage individual planets and their own small court of those who help to manage the tomb world. In this system, the phaeron holds absolute power over the dynasty, with the lower rungs of lords and overlords having less and less freedom to act outside of orders as it goes down. There isn't much to these societies past the nobility, as only some of the elites of the army, immortals, deathmarks, and lychguard namely, have kept some form of sentience.


Necrons don’t seem to take last names, however, many in positions of authority tend to take titles.

Male Names: Anrakyr, Imotekh, Orikan, Trazyn, Szarekh, Szeras

Female Names: Xun'bakyr, Hasokh, Osovet, Tarekh

Necron Traits

Ability Score Increase. Your constitution score increases by 2.

Age. While they can degrade over time, necrons are biologically immortal, as they have no biology. Almost every necron is well over sixty million years old, however most of this time has been spent in stasis.

Alignment. While the rank and file of the necrons tend to lack personalities and as such alignments, and Immortals and Destroyer Cults are almost always lawful evil, the rest can vary heavily, if sticking to a lawful bend.

Size. Your size is Medium. To set your height and weight randomly, start with rolling a size modifier.

  • Size modifier = 2d6
  • Height = 5 feet + 10 inches + your size modifier in inches
  • Weight in pounds = 270 + (4 x your size modifier)

Speed. Your Walking speed is 25 feet.

Command Protocols. Every Necron is equipped with a set of protocols that adjusts their abilities in combat. When determining which protocol to use when you are in combat you must either select a group directly after you take a long rest or roll 1d6 (if the number rolled is your main protocol you choose the closest protocol to said number). The Command Protocols are listed down below in numerical order.

1. Protocol of Eternal Guardian. Temporary dimensional shielding flickers into being around the Necron as they stand tall upon the battlefield like graven statues.

  • directive 1: If you didn't move this round, you gain benefits of half cover.
  • Directive 2: Each time you get melee attacked, you can either Hold Steady or Set to Defend.

If you Hold Steady, then until the end of that creatures turn you can make a ranged attack.

If you are Set to Defend, then at the beginning of your next turn your character can act as though it has an Extra attack feature (if it already has one it adds on).

2. Protocol of the Sudden Storm. Arcing energies leaps from you, lending speed to their limbs and causing your lenses to blaze.

  • Directive 1. Add 5 feet to your movement score until the end of your turn (unless this is part of your mained protocol).
  • Directive 2. If you are focusing on a spell or anything of the sort, until end of your turn you no longer need to roll saving throws to maintain concentration.

3. Protocol of Vengeful Stars. Criss-cross fire leaps from you, forming a blazing corona of deadly energy from which there is no escape.

  • Directive 1. Each time you make a ranged attack, you gain +1 force damage for that roll until end of turn.
  • Directive 2. Each time you make a ranged attack within half range, until the end of your turn the target doesn't receive the benefits of cover

4. Protocol of the Hungry Void. You strike with data augmenting your accuracy, your murderous attack as inescapable as the killing cold space.

  • Directive 1. Each time you make a melee attack roll, until the end of your turn you gain a +1 to the attack roll.
  • Directive 2. Each time you make a melee attack and if you moved this turn towards a hostile creature or a hostile creature moved towards you last turn, then until the end of your turn you can make one additional attack.

5. Protocol of the Undying Legions. At a hissing static signal, nanoscarabs are released in boiling black clouds that whirl around you and effect constant repairs.

  • Directive 1. Each time you activate your Living Metal feature, until the end of your next turn you can roll one additional dice.
  • Directive 2. Until the end of your turn, each time you roll a death saving throw you can roll one additional dice.

6. Protocol fo the COnquering Tyrant. You employ strategies of the masters before yours in perfect synchrocity.

  • Direcitve 1. Until the end of your next turn, add 15 feet to the range of your aura's and increase the range of the following abilities by 15 feet (to a maximum of 60 feet): Lords Will; My Will be Done; Rites of Reanimation.
  • Directive 2. Until the end of your turn, if you move out of a hostile creature's melee attack range and it attacks you as a reaction, you can use a reaction to make a ranged attack before or after it attacks you. If you do decide to make this ranged attack, all penalties of close ranged combat are removed for said attack and replace them with -1 to the attack roll.

Construct Form. Your creature type is construct, instead of humanoid.

Constructed Resilience. Thanks to the Biotransference in the War in Heavan, this constructed form of yours is especially designed for the attrocities of war.

  • You have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned, and you have resistance to poison damage.
  • You don’t need to eat, drink, or breathe.
  • You are immune to disease.
  • You don't need to sleep, and magic can't put you to sleep.

Reassemble. As an action, or a bonus action if you took damage last round, you may spend one hitdie and gain that many hitpoints.

Necrodermis. Your body is made up of some of the strongest material in the known universe, which can literally put itself back together. When you aren't wearing armor, your AC is 13 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor.

As a bonus action, you can spend a number hit dice equal to half your proficiency bonus (Rounded up). You roll the hit die and add your constitution modifier to it. You regain hit points equal to the total result and regrow any severed body parts. You can use this feature again after a short or long rest.

Sentry's Rest. When you take a long rest, you must spend at least six hours in an inactive, motionless state, rather than sleeping. In this state, you appear inert, but it doesn’t render you unconscious, and you can see and hear as normal.


Mephrit Dynasty

Once, civilizations all across the galaxyknew to dread the Mephrit dynasty. When an example needed to be made, or a redoubtable opponent shattered, it was they who executed the deed. Employing spaceborne weaponry of incalculable power, the Mephrit mercilessly slew the stars that gave enemy systems life, leaving their foes frozen in the void or annihilated in seething storms of stellar fire. Many other Necron dynasties found such

conduct dishonorable and distasteful; few lauded the Mephrit for their deeds, despite the fact that countless interstellar campaigns were swiftly and decisively concluded this way. Their peers might have scorned their methods, but none have been foolish enough to court the Mephrit Dynasty's displeasure. In the end, the Mephrit themselves were satisfied that to be feared was an even greater boon than to be accorded honour and respect.

The millenia have not been kind to the Mephrit Dynasty. Though many of their tomb worlds survive intact, the dynasty's phaeron - Khyrekh the Eternal - was slain by pernicious Aeldari infiltrators while he still slumbered. Worse still, the Mephrit have awoken to find their grand weapons of solar execution lost or destroyed by the violent caprice of an uncaring galaxy.

Rule of the Mephrit Dynasty is now hotly contended for. Ambitious nobles such as Zarathusa the Ineffable, Eknothet the Glorious and Anubitar of the Thousand Victories strive to outmanoeuvere one another, providing their supremacy through military victories and deeds of grandeur. In truth, though, the first to reclaim the ability to murder stars will surely reign supreme. It is for this reason that several contenders have now turned to the Technomandrites for aid.

Ability Score Increase. Increase your dexterity score by 1.

Star Executioner.

  • Add 15 feet to the ranged charateristic of ranged weapons that you're proficient with.
  • Each time you make a ranged attack against a target within half range, you gain a +1 bonus to the attack roll.
  • Your main protocol is 'Protocol of Vengeful Stars' (this means you can select both directives, and they stay active always).

Nephrekh Dynasty

When the tomb complex deep beneath the surface of the oasis planet of the twin suns of the Aryand Wildspace stirred to wakefulness, its inhabitants emerged to find that the legions of the Altymhor Dynasty lay had lay claim to their world. These rivalries have been drawn, in part, by a desire to enslave humanoid settlers who had long basked in Aryand's solar bounty. However, the Altymhor had also sought to harness the energies of the trinary stars for their own military use.

The Nephrekh phaeron, Sylphekh, wasted no time in fighting back. the Great Sleep had corrupted Sylhpekh's personality engrams and left not just appreciative of his crownworlds neighboring stars , but completely obsessed by them. He was incensed by what he saw as the desecration of his dynasties sacred rites; the campaign for retribution that Sylphekh led was lightning-swift and ferocious, soon driving Altymhor Necrons and humanoid forces alike from the system.

Since that day, the Nephrekh have basked in the light of their stars. Harnessing these energies has allowed them to amass arsenals of doomsday weaponry and other potent technologies with which to blast their foes to ashes. Sylphekh's obsessions have also played their part, for his desire to be draped in the molten glory of his stars led his dynasty's Crypteks to fashion him skin of living metagold that - through advanced hyperalchemical process - allows him to transform into pure light and cross incredible distances in an eye-blink. Believing himself a celstial diety, Sylphekh has since bestowed this golden form upon his most trusted Overlords and other lieutenants, and has even had the technology worked into the burnished bodies of his lesser soldiery. Now, the grand legions of the Nephrekh Dynasty advance in gilded magnificence, stuttering and blinking across the battlefield with terrifying speed.

Abiltity Score Increase Increase your Dexterity Score by 1.

Meta-Gold. When Sylphekh, your phaeron laid eyes upon the legion for whcih you belonegd to, he devoted some of his technomandrites to arm you with the blessed Mate-Gold that he praises ever so zealously.

  • Whenever you take damage you may expend a number of d6 equal to your proficiency modifier, when you do, for each 6 you ignore 6 damage. When you expend this dice you can only regain them all when you complete a long rest.
  • As a bonus action you can technologically teleport up 35 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. Once you use this trait, you can only do this a number of times equal to your dexterity modifier and you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
  • Your main protocol is '2. Protocol of the Sudden Storm.' (the protocol is active always and both directives are as well).

Nihilakh Dynasty

The well-appointed Nihilakh legions had another advantage in this war for survival; greatest of the dynasty's cosmic treasures was the preserved head of the Yth seer - the last of its race and a means by which the Necrons could peer into the skeins of the future. Armed with such prescient intelligence, the Nihilakh struck precisely where and when they needed to in order to crush any interlopers, transforming their defensive stance into a more offensive march for conquest. Now the Nihilakh legions are on the march, seizing and heavily fortifying new territories with noctolith pylons before advancing again. They have openly aligned themselves with the returned Silent King, and seek nothing short of galactic dominance for their people.

Ability Score Increase. Increase your Wisdom by 1.

Aggressively Territorial. Regal and arrogant, you a warrior of this proud dynasty will not give a single inch for your inch to their foes. You stand your grand defiantly, unleashing a formidably accurate hail of fire that cleanses the stain of the lesser races from your dynasty's rightful lands.

You gain the following traits.

  • Each time you are attacked and you can see an ally within 15 feet of you, you can increase your armor class by 1, and you can only use this a number of times equal to your wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) and regain all uses whenever you take a long or short rest.
  • Your main protocol is '1.Protocol of the Eternal Guardian' (the protocol is active always and both directives are as well)

Novokh Dynasty

Few Necrons are as frightening to face in battle as those of the Novokh Dynasty. It is one thing to witness flesh-and-blood warriors slashing a path through their foes, but to see glassy-eyed androids mve from methodical, mechanical killing to ever more frenzied industrial slaughter is another scale of horror entirely. The Novokh offer no quarter, no mercy for their victims. Instead they hack them apart like lunatic butchers set loose in a pen of livestock. They do not stop killing until their living metal bodies are drenched in fore and their victims are not but dismembered meat.

Ability Score Increase. Increase your strength score by 1.

Awakned by Murder. The crimson hosts of Novokh remember well of the sacred rites of blooding preformed by your kind in ancient times. The dynasty's martial heritage awakens a spark of violent pride within its legions, lending power and ferocity to their attacks.

You gain the following benefits:

  • When moving towards a hostile creature you gain an additional 5 feet.
  • Each time you make a melee attack against a creature, if you moved that turn, or the creature moved to you in the previous round, add a bonus +1 to the attack rolls to that creature.
  • The main protocol for you is '4. Protocol of the Hungry Void.' (the protocol is active always and both directives are as well).

Sautekh Dynasty

The Crownworld of the Sautekh Dynasty is known as the Mandragora the Golden, and it is the embodiement of the Sautekh themselves. Sepulchrally grim in its macabre magnificence and fortified on a scale that makes the notion of invasion seem a dark jest, Mandragora is centre for military power, unimaginable riches and the singular obsession of ultimate galactic conquest.

This is but one world of the Suatkeh Dynasty, of course - in the centuries since the first Suatekh tomb complexes awoke, this dynasty have claimed hundreds more - though Mandragora is undoubtedly their greatest. The Sautekh legions march tirelessly, the dynasty's entire focus bent upon marshelling

Ability Score Increase. Increase your intelligence score by 1.

Relentless Advance. Nothing can hault the inexorable march of the Suatekh. These disdainful conquerors will stop at nothing to retake their ancient domain, obliterating any who dare to defy them in a storm of death and destruction.

  • Each time you make a Charisma Saving throw or to a Charisma check, you can add a d6 to the roll total.
  • If you are making a(n) ranged attack on a target within 90 feet of you, you can add a d6 to the total.
  • Your main protocol is '6. Protocol of the conquering Tyrant.' (the protocol is active always and both directives are as well).

Szarekhan Dynasty

At the time of the War in Heaven the Szrekhan Dynasty was preeminent among the Necrontyr, with its members serving as the Silent King for many generations. This included the last Silent King, Szarekh. After the end of the War in Heaven and the shattering of the C'tan, Szarekh took some of his now-Necron Szarekhan Dynasty into the intergalactic void with him on his mission of exile and penance. Though in stasis, they remained with Szarekh for millions of years until he discovered the Tyranids within the void and returned to the galaxy in late M41.

The Tomb Worlds of the Szarekhan Dynasty remaining in the Galaxy suffered in the meantime. First against Eldar attacks and then by embittered Necrons of other Dynasties who felt the Silent King had abandoned them. The Szarekhan were slow to rise. In M18, Warp Storm Asmodeor devastated the worlds of the Szarekhan Dynasty.[8b] These problems only exacerbated the issue, as rival dynasties caused further acts of sabotage while they continued to sleep. When they were finally brought back, they found their numbers much depleted. Despite these difficulties, they wasted no time in asserting their dominance once again and believed in a prophecy that the Silent King would one day return to lead their people to salvation. Their faith was eventually rewarded, for in late M41 the Silent King appeared openly.

With news of the Silent King's return, many Necron Dynasties now eagerly ally themselves with the Szarekhan. Other Necron Dynasties have rebelled against the Szarekhan, blaming them for the terrible fate that befall the Necrons.[8b] The Szarekhan nobility views the galaxy with a sense of entitlement, and they are quick to subjugate their rivals and annihilate those who refuse to comply.[2] The Dynasty currently has territories in both Segmentum Tempestus and south of the Galactic Core in Ultima Segmentum.

Necron memories regarding the Szarekhan Dynasty are unclear and inconsistent, and even individuals such as Orikan the Diviner have difficulty discovering the past of the Dynasty. Even to the Necrons themselves, when the Szarekhan Dynasty formed and how long they have been awake is inconsistent. Disturbingly, no Necron seems able to concentrate on the topic long enough to discover an answer.

Ability Score Increase. Increase your intelligence score by 1.

Uncanny Artificer. The Szarekhan dynasty exhibit a deep-rooted ability to fashion and maintain the finest wargear of any Necron dynasty. Enemy fire ricochets harmlessly from your magnificent android form while, in return, every blast and blade stroek the Szarekhan level at their enemies is lethal and extreme.

  • Each time you would lose a number of hit points as the result of magic, roll a number of d6 (the dice's pool is equal to your consitution modifier), you regain a number of hit points to what the dice rolled. The pool is refilled at the end of every long rest.
  • Each time you would make a ranged attack, you gain advantage with that attack. You can only use this feature a number of time equal to your intelligence modifier (minimum of 1).
  • Your main protocol is '5. Protocol of the Undying Legions.' (the protocol is active always and both directives are as well).

Suggested Characteristics

d8 Personality Traits
1 I take my time to assess the situation and react accordingly. Giving into impulse is suicide.
2 I default to the opinions of my superiors, they know better.
3 Some say I have a short fuse. I do not take lightly to such insults.
4 You say dishonorable, I say viable strategy.
5 I have well-set plans for everything. Everything.
6 Fighting is a trivial manner I wish not to participate in. Such action are for those of lesser stature.
7 My respect must be earned. It is not a baseline, nor is it free.
8 I am grateful for this world, and the time I have in it.

d8 Ideal
1 To serve and protect is my life. (Lawful)
2 Progress. I have been gifted eternal life, and all the time in the world! Not using this for scientific progress should be a crime. (Any)
3 Annihilation. The lesser beings hold no right to existence. I will prove this, singlehandely if I must. (Evil)
4 To Be Whole. This soulless metal shell is a prison. I will become as flesh again at all costs. (Any)
5 Perfection. With all this time to practice, I will become the greatest. (Any)
6 Savior. With my unique situation, I am the greatest shepard, the other races my sheep. My duty is to help them. (Good)
7 Rebuild. With a shattered empire, we are like headless chickens. Only through unification will we be whole. (Lawful)
8 Domination. I am the strongest, and all will be subject to my rule. (Evil)
d8 Bond
1 My liege is my life, I would rather die than allow harm to come to him.
2 An entire race has personally wronged me. They’ll regret it.
3 While trying to rise in power, I may or may not have angered a few powerful people.
4 I have made... uneasy allies with others in the past. Even if they may be lesser, my word is everything.
5 I was exiled from my royal court by the phaeron. I still hold a connection to one of my old colleagues.
6 My brethren are strange and cruel at best, my kinship lies with the less sentient machines.
d6 Flaws
1 Paranoia? WHAT paranoia? I’m not paranoid!
2 I am the greatest being, of the greatest race! To deny my power is a fool’s errand!
3 Living for millions of years can leave some people bored. I’m one of those people.
4 What do you mean I’m “made out of metal”? I’m just like you!
5 To interrupt my work is a death wish.
6 I haven’t felt an emotion in forever.

Random Height and Weight

Base Height Hegith Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
5'11 +3d12 500 lb. x (1.5) lb.

*height = base height + height modifier

**Weight = = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

Racial Feats

Aeons of Study

Prerequisite: Intelligence 13

The sheer amount of time you have spent learning the secrets of the universe has left you knowledgeable, if slightly insane.

  • Choose two skills you are proficient in. You double your proficiency bonus when making checks with these skills.
  • Roll once on the Indefinite Madness table. You now suffer from this.

Destroyer Cult

Prerequisite: Strength 13

Whether recent infections, or corruption during the great sleep, you are geared towards absolute obliteration.

  • Whenever you make a melee attack, you may use a bonus action to make one attack with the same weapon.
  • Whenever you land a critical hit with a melee weapon, you may roll one additional damage die, of the same kind as your highest damage die for that attack.

Hyperspace Hunter

Prerequisite: Dexterity 13

You are specially trained in following those who do not wish to be followed, even through hyperspace.

  • Your Dexterity score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • When a creature you can see teleports, you can use your reaction to travel with them, appearing up to 20 feet away from them. If they are unwilling, you must make a Charisma saving throw against their Spell Save DC they used for the spell that allowed them to teleport. If they didn’t cast a spell to do this, the DC is equal to 8 + their Charisma modifier + their Proficiency bonus. If they were unwilling, as part of the same reaction you can make a weapon attack against them.

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