Pact of the [dEAL mAKER]

by ChimeraTheDork

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Pact of the Deal Maker

WO W IF IT ISN’T A [concerned and confused] VIEWER! DON’T YOU WANT [quick kromer fast]? WANT TO RIDE AROUND IN YOUR [hot] [[cungadero]]? WANT [hot single in your area]? ALL IT TAKES IS THOSE WACKY [numbers on the back] AND YOUR [eternal servitude] AND [soul] AND EVERYTHING YOU WANT CAN BE [hyperlink blocked]

Warlock Spells

You gain the following spells added to the list of spells you can cast:

Pact of the Deal Maker Spells
Warlock Level Spells
3rd Tasha’s Hideous Laughter, Distort Value
5th Spiritual Weapon, Enthrall
9th Fast Friends, Incite Greed
13th Confusion, Summon Construct
17th Animate Objects, Gaes


At 1st level spells gained from this subclass are automatically considered as known and do not count against the number of spells you know, additionally spells cast from this spell list are considered as 1 spell slot level higher for the purposes of upcasting.


At 6th level you may tug at a creature's “strings” ; they must make a CHA saving throw against your spell save DC or else be restrained and hoisted up to 30ft in the air. You may concentrate on this ability for a number of rounds equal to your CHA modifier. Constructs and warlocks have disadvantage on this spell saving throw. You can perform this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, resetting upon a short rest. Creatures still take fall damage when the effect ends.


At 10th level your power can tremendously increase, as an action you may enter a new, abominable form hoisted by ethereal strings that lasts for 1 minute, granting you the following benefits. Once you use this ability you cannot use it again until you finish a short rest.

  • a flying speed equal to your walking speed
  • resistance to ALL non magical damage with immunity to psychic and poison damage
  • Deal 2d10 psychic damage with “IT PULLS ON THE [strings] AND MAKES THEM [ring]”


At 14th level when you use THE SWEET [TASTE] OF NEO!!!! You also are affected by Investiture of Wind for the duration of the feature, additionally if you are not already large sized then you become large sized and the duration of the feature becomes 1 hour instead of 1 minute.


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