
by Araziel

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Path of the Berserker

Path of the Berserker

The rage of the berserker is always close to the surface, it does not need rituals, tradition or spirits to channel it. Berserkers are able to tap into their rage to perform amazing feats of strength, turning even the most simple attacks into lethal strikes.


3rd level Path of the Berserker feature

You gain proficiency in the intimidation skill, if you are already proficient you gain expertise instead.

In addition, you are no longer proficient with light and medium armor, instead your unarmored defense improves to 13 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier. You still gain the benefits of using a shield.

Fueled by Rage

3rd level Path of the Berserker feature

Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, when you enter your rage you gain a number of Rage Points equal to your barbarian level plus your constitution modifier (Minimum 1) and they fuel several of your abilities, which are detailed below.

During combat while raging you can recover Rage Points in the following ways:

  • Rolling the highest result possible on any weapon damage die.
  • Rolling a critical hit on a weapon attack roll using strength.

You cannot regain rage points above your maximum number of rage points this way.

You lose all unused Rage Points when your rage ends.

Rending Wounds

When you make a weapon attack roll using strength, if one or more weapon damage die roll a 1, you can take the maximum possible result for each of those die, spending one Rage Point per die you maximise.

At level 10 you may use this ability on a result of 1 & 2.

When you maximise a weapon damage die, it does not regain a Rage Point.

Rush of battle

While raging, if you haven't attacked a hostile creature creature since your last turn, or taken damage since then, you may spend a rage point to maintain your rage.


When you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points while raging, you may spend a rage point to target a hostile creature within 30ft, that creature must pass a wisdom save or suffer the effects of the Fear spell, Strength is your spellcasting ability for this spell. At 15th level you may target a number of hostile creatures equal to your proficiency bonus, you must spend a rage point for each creature affected. You may only use this ability once on each creature during an encounter.

Baersark Warrior

6th level Path of the Berserker feature

You have mastered new ways to use your rage, detailed below.

Mindless Rage

You can't be charmed or frightened while raging. If you are charmed or frightened when you enter your rage, you may spend a rage point upon entering your rage, to suspend the effects for the duration of your rage.

Furious Leap

While raging you may spend a rage point to to jump as part of any movement action without making an Athletics test. The distance you may jump is equal to your remaining movement for that movement action.

Example: If you move 10ft, then you may jump the remaining 20ft.

Trance of Fury

10th level Path of the Berserker feature

When a friendly creature within 30ft deals a critical hit, as a reaction you may spend a rage point and apply your Brutal Critical class feature to the damage of their attack.

God of War

14th level Path of the Berserker feature

The first Rage Point you use on your turn is free.

In addition, while raging, when you hit a creature with an attack roll using strength, you may spend a Rage Point to choose one of the following options:

  • Gain resistance against all damage the target of the attack deals until the start of your next turn.
  • Shove that creature 5ft if they are huge or smaller.
  • Knock that creature prone if they are huge or smaller.
  • Automatically succeed on your next grapple check against that creature if they are the same size as you or smaller until the end of your turn.

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