Hunt Domain
The Hunt domain focuses on the primal way of life – one of the fundamental struggle between the hunter and the prey. The gods of the hunt promote worship through your acts rather than words.
To a cleric of the hunt, their arrows are their tools of sermon, the battlefield their altar. These clerics rarely pick up their weapons for gold and glory, but rather for the necessity of survival.
Gods of the hunt include Cerunnos, Eilistraee, Malar, or gods of foreign pantheons such as artemis or ullr.
Cleric Level | Spells |
1st | hunter's mark, longstrider |
3rd | invisibility, darkvision |
5th | nondetection, lightning arrow |
7th | freedom of movement, locate creature |
9th | conjure volley, holy weapon |
Bonus proficiencies
1st level Hunt domain ability
You gain proficiency with martial weapons. In addition, you gain proficiency in Perception and Stealth.
Slayer's alacrity
1st level Hunt domain ability
At the end of a long rest, you can touch a willing creature and grant it divine swiftness. Until you use this feature again, the creature adds your Wisdom modifier to its initiative rolls.
Channel divinity: Fated shot
2nd level Hunt domain ability
When a creature within your weapon's range or reach succeeds on an attack roll or saving throw, you can use your channel divinity as a reaction to make a weapon attack against it.
On a hit, the creature must reroll its attack or save, potentially turning it into a failure.
Blessed hunt
6th level Hunt domain ability
When you cast a cleric spell of 1st level or higher, the gods of the hunt bless your blade and arrows. Your next weapon attack deals additional damage on a hit, equal to 1d8 per level of the spell slot expended for the spell.
Divine strike
8th level Hunt domain ability
Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an additional 1d8 damage. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
Touch of artemis
14th level Hunt domain ability
Weapons you carry are tools of worship to your diety. You gain a bonus to weapon attack and damage rolls equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Hunt domain by Lucifer
Art by Houja