Path of The Felines Fury

by RedMorrighan

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Path of the Felines fury

(Path of the Crazy Cat Person)

From the moment they are born Cats are ready to fight and a barbarian can respect that, and some of them will even take them on as battle companions.

A Felines Fury Barbarian collects, trains and bonds with cats that they find worthy to join them in battle, creating an emotional bond with them.

Feline friends (Cat Obsessed)

Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level you can bond with a number of cats equal to your proficiency bonus, these cats act independently of you, but will obey your commands. they will always understand your emotions and intentions.

In combat your cats will roll separately for initiative, and they will all act on the same turn. When you enter your rage, your cats share in its benefits, and if your cats are hurt your rage will continue even if you personally have not hit or been hit.

Your cats can occupy the same space as you and hang out on your person.

Predatory Pounce (Cat Toss)

Beginning at level 6 while in your rage you can use your bonus action to move one cat within 5ft of you up to your strength score in a straight line, if it gets within melee range of anyone it can make a melee attack against it.

Connected Cats (I Speak Cat)

beginning at level 10 your connection to your cats deepens to the point where you develop a psychic link with them and you instinctively know what they know and vice versa.

Cat Climb (Cats in Everyones Pants)

Starting at level 14 when you use Predatory Pounce (Cat Toss), and the cat lands a hit on the target the cat will also latch onto the target.

A creature with a cat latched onto it has disadvantage on any attack rolls, and any attacks made against it are made with advantage.

If a latched cat takes any damage it unlatches from the target.

Ideas for Cat Stuff

If you Find normal cats to be too weak (cause they kind of are) you can of course make up new cats, cat weapons, cat magic items. This Subclass is meant to be a silly fun thing, so why not make a cactus cat.


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