Barbarian: Butcher

by Lucifer1389

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Butchers earn their titles through the trail of blood and gore left in their wake. Often wielding axes and other slashing arms, they employ brutal passion and glee in their craft.

A butcher's is rarely a life of devotion, restraint or discipline. Your weapons are simple, your job simpler. Rip and tear until it is done.

Slice n dice

3rd level Butcher ability
You gain the Two-Weapon fighting style. The first time you hit a creature on a turn while raging, you deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus.

Blade salvo

6th level Butcher ability
You can use your weapons to parry away the enemy's assault. You gain a bonus to AC, as well as to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws equal to the number of weapons you wield.

Gore savant

10th level Butcher ability
You revel in blood and viscera. When you engage in Two-Weapon fighting and hit with all three attacks, you gain temporary hit points equal to your barbarian level.

Cleaver's cut

14th level Butcher ability
The first time you attack on a turn, you can cleave through all creatures within reach. Make a single weapon attack, which targets every creature within 5ft of you.

Butcher by Lucifer

Art by Houjae


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