Alternative Guns - Renaissance Firearms

by UnderpaidGolbin

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Improved Guns

Renaissance Firearms


Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Matchlock Pistol 70gp 2d4 1 lb Ammunition (60/240), long-load, inaccurate
Flintlock Pistol 100gp 2d4 1 lb Ammunition (50/450), light, slow-load, inaccurate
Dueling Pistol 130gp 2d6 1 lb Ammunition (20/150), light, slow-load
Wheellock Pistol 150gp 2d6 1 lb Ammunition (30/120), light, loading
Blunderbuss Pistol 100gp 2d6 1 lb Ammunition (10/50 ft.), light, slow-load, spread
Matchlock Musket 100gp 2d6 20 lbs Ammunition (60/500), two-handed, long-load, inaccurate
Flintlock Musket 150gp 2d6 20 lbs Ammunition (50/600), two-handed, slow-load
Wheellock Musket 180gp 2d8 20 lbs Ammunition (50/750), two-handed, loading
Blunderbuss 150gp 2d8 20 lbs Ammunition (10/80 ft.), two-handed, slow-load, spread


Some improvements and alterations were made throughout history to some of the above guns. An alteration could be made afterwards by a skilled gunsmith, or be included during manufacturing.


Cost: 30 gp
Replaces the loading, long-load, or slow-load property from a gun so long as reserve ammo is in the gun. A gun may hold up to 6 reserve pieces of ammunition, and takes 1 minute to reload. (Using the optional jamming rule, a jammed gun with the repeating property raises the DC to un-jam the gun by 2)

Created By: Underpaid_Goblin
Published By: Re-brew


Cost: 20 gp
Adds a melee attack to the gun, uses the same statistics as a dagger. If the bayonet is removable, it takes a bonus action to affix or remove.


The firearms listed above contain special properties not found in other WoTC content.


A weapon with the long-load property requires 1 minute to load before it can be fired again.


A weapon with the slow load property takes 1 action to load before it can be fired again.


An inaccurate weapon ignores proficiency when making attack rolls.


When a creature is attacked by a weapon with the spread property, they must make a dexterity saving throw against the user's attack roll. On a failed save, they are hit.


Firearm experts have developed special techniques useful for the blossoming gunslinger.


you have intimate knowledge of firearms and their mechanics.

  • Increase your Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You are proficient with Tinker's Tools, if you weren't already.
  • You have advantage on checks made to build, repair, or unjam firearms.


Prerequisite: Dexterity 13 or higher

  • Increase your Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain advantage on initiative rolls while not surprised.
  • You can draw and stow a firearm as part of the attack action.

Expert Marksmanship

Prerequesite: character level 4 or higher.

  • Weapon attacks you make with firearms ignore 1/2 and 3/4 cover.
  • Critical hits made with a firearm multiply the damage dealt by an amount equal your proficiency bonus, so long as you did not have disadvantage on the attack.
Re-Brew | Improved Guns

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