"...so the good news is we figured out what happened to your missing bullets..."
Weapon (sling), uncommon
A lighty worn sling made of sun-bleached, braided leather, its most distinctive feature being a certain tendency to fold in half and animate when not wielded. As a creature, slingsnake has the statistics of a poisonous snake, except its type is construct, its Intelligence is 5, its Charisma is 7, it has a climb speed of 40 feet instead of a swim speed, and its bite attack deals no piercing or poison damage.
While feral, it acts much as a snake, including a tendency to bite ineffectually if threatened and a strange instinct to gather and nest on sling bullets. It quickly imprints on any creature which attempts to wield it as a sling, acting as a loyal, trained pet, affectionate and capable of following simple instructions.
Sling. While the loop is held, slingsnake unfurls and goes limp, acting as a sling. It assists in making attacks, giving a +1 bonus to attack and damge rolls made with it, but its attacks are not considered magical unless the ammunition is.
Constructed Nature. Slingsnake doesn't require air, food, drink or sleep, though it enjoys sunning itself.
Persistent. If reduced to 0 hit points, slingsnake regains 1 hit point after 2d4 hours if sufficiently repaired, e.g. with an hour's work with leatherworker's tools or the mending spell.
Artwork commisioned from Lim Guo Liang
Yet Another von
Boomslang Original - Want more?
Sling Bullets
Cast lead pellets or painstakingly selected stones, these bullets are premier ammunition for a sling. A sling loaded with bullets (rather than cheap stones) is a martial weapon which deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage and has a range of 60/240. A bag of 20 sling stones weighs 2 lb. and costs 1 gp.
Slingsnake, Encrusted
Weapon (sling), rare.
A slingsnake, its leather restored to pristine condition and recharged with fresh magic. It decorated itself with the shards of a shattered scarab of detection.
Improved. Each of the slingsnake's attributes increases by 1 and it learns one language spoken by its user, though it still cannot speak. It has to make do with expressive, often dramatic or sarcastic full-body gesturing.
Detection. The shattered scarab functions as if whole. Strong magical auras cause it to spark and heat up in a concerning but ultimately harmless way.
Imbue. As a bonus action, the slingsnake's user can convince it to imbue a bullet with magic. When rolling for damage for an imbued bullet, replace any d6s with d8s. The imbuement lasts one minute, and slingsnake will definitely not be offended if you let its effort go to waste and not use the bullet. Promise.
Scarab of Detection
Wondrous item, uncommon
The glass-inlaid wings of this bronze beetle brooch open and become colored when it is touched to a faint magical aura, or within 1 foot of a moderate one. The color corresponds to the school of magic of the aura, as per the detect magic spell. Stronger auras cause the brooch to actively glow and cast light; touching a strong aura has a 10% chance of causing the scarab to shatter every round it is exposed, 30% if touching an overwhelming one.
School | Example Appearance |
Abjuration | Pale blue, pulsing outwards |
Conjuration | Green, opaque, rounded, multiplying |
Divination | Faint violet, glimpses of other places |
Enchantment | Gold or magenta, heartbeat pulse |
Evocation | Bright, iridescent, sparking, fractal |
Illusion | Purple, glittering, hard-edged, reflective |
Necromancy | Oily, black, tinges of green or purple |
Transmutation | Shifting, multicolored, amorphous |