Wizard - Order of Astromancy

by somanyrobots

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Arcane Tradition

Order of Astromancy

All wizards learn through academic study, but Astromancers in particular focus on the study of the stars. They derive power from the motion of the heavens, and observe the cycles of the stars. Astromancers can augment their spells by casting down starlight, and may keep their spellbooks in the form of complicated star charts.

Wizards of the Order of Astromancers tend towards lawful alignments, as they are often individuals who believe in systems and strive to find patterns in the world. They may become adventurers for any purpose - seeking lost knowledge of the heavens, or rejected by more traditional wizards for their esoteric researches.

Order of Astromancy Features

Wizard Level Feature
2nd Astronomical Charts, Starlight Motes
6th Starstuff
10th Conjured Constellations
14th Starlight Shaper

Astronomical Charts

At 2nd level, you are already an expert in charting the movements of the heavens. You gain proficiency in Survival and Navigator's Tools, or a skill or artisan's tool of your choice respectively if you are already proficient. When you are making any ability checks involving knowledge of the stars, you can add your Intelligence modifier to the roll.

Starlight Motes

Also at 2nd level, you learn to call down starlight to aid your allies and hinder your foes. When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher, you may place a mote of starlight at a location you can see within 30 feet as part of the same action. This mote provides dim light in a 10-foot radius, and lasts for 10 minutes.

As a bonus action, you can cause every mote to flare and cast starlight on every creature within its light radius. Starlit creatures glow brightly, granting advantage on all attack rolls against them until the end of your next turn. The motes dissipate after flaring in this manner.

Additionally, when a friendly creature attempts an ability check within a mote's light, you may grant them the stars' guidance, dissipating the mote to add 1d4 to the ability check.


At 6th level, you can call on the stars and spin their very essence to create matter or foretell events. Augury and divination become wizard spells for you, and are automatically added to your spellbook.

Additionally, after you use your Arcane Recovery feature, you may cast any one divination or conjuration spell you know, of a level up to your proficiency bonus, without expending a spell slot.

Conjured Constellations

At 10th level, when you flare your starlight motes, they connect to form a dazzling constellation. Creatures of your choice on straight-line paths between two motes must make a Dexterity saving throw or suffer 3d10 radiant damage and be blinded until the end of their next turn. A creature can be affected by this only once per turn.

Additionally, when you cast a spell above 1st level, you may chose to immediately place a number of motes up to the spell's level (maximum 5). You can place motes in this way once, regaining the ability after a long rest.

Starlight Shaper

At 14th level, when you stand in the light of any of your motes, you are immune to radiant damage and the blinded condition. You also have truesight of all areas within the light of motes you can see.

Order of Astromancy quirks

The following are some optional quirks for a player of this Domain to choose from.

d6 Quirk
1 You pepper your sentences with phrases in Celestial, even if you don't know what they mean.
2 You believe you were abducted in a past life by creatures from beyond the stars.
3 You frequently fall asleep stargazing.
4 You spend so much of the night staring at the sky that you're always sleepy in the daytime.
5 You suspect, against all evidence, that the sun is just a big star. You often stare directly at it.
6 You doodle constellations on any document you find.

Change Log


  • Changed flaring the motes to a bonus action


  • Some language and phrasing tweaks


  • Updated art and license


  • Initial Draft
Credits & References:

Order of Astromancy created by somanyrobots
Discord | Patreon


Order of Astromancy Wizard, by Duong Thanh Lam

Background Image Stains

Jared Ondricek


© 2024 somanyrobots, CC BY-NC 4.0

5E SRD Content
  • This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC, available here.

  • The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available here.