Ring of Glass Cutting

by MiltasEmporium

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Ring of Glass Cutting

Ring, uncommon

This obsidian ring is cold to the touch and is topped with a sharp edge.

When wearing the ring, you can use an action to cut through a piece of glass by placing the ring against the surface and tracing where you want to cut. Cutting glass like this makes no noise, although it does not prevent the glass from falling after it has been cut.

Alternatively, as a bonus action you can hit a surface of glass loudly shattering it.

You can neither cut through or shatter glass thicker than 1 inch.

The ring has 3 charges. As part of the action or bonus action taken to cut or shatter glass, you can expend 1 charge to turn the cut or shattered glass into sand instead. Doing this will also remove any sound caused by the glass being destroyed. Further, any number of charges can be expended to increase the thickness of the glass cut, adding 1 inch per charge used, to a maximum of 4 inches thick using 3 charges. The ring regains all expended charges daily at dawn.


Made by Milta's Emporium of Wonder and art made using Midjourney AI


Version 1.1:

  • The ring no longer grows and expands when using a charge, rather the charge is now expended as intended.
  • Max cutting thickness reduced from 2 inches to 1 inch.

Version 1.2:

  • Clarified that expending charges is a free action.
  • Added ability to cut through thicker glass using charges.

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