Marigold Humans

by DestrudoFates

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Marinian: Marigold Human

Only a man of power can rightly steer the course of civilization. And in this land of creeping mendacity, that one truth will prove its salvation.

-Edward Marigold, Emperor Victorious

The Marinian's are a people who had suffered greatly during the calamity, before finding the means to fight back, in doing so becoming conquerers in their own right. Marinians and Marigold Citizens value advancement and ability, while looking down on those who are happy to sit in stagnation, and its this dogged dedication which has allowed them great success in the world.

Marigold Humans

The Marinians are a hearty people whose life under the rule of their Empire has provided them with strong bodies and minds. Their most striking feature though is the pearl like third eye which sits in the center of their forehead. This special third eye provides Marinians with improved recognition. These two great assets were met only with a damning disadvantage, an extreme difficulty when manipulating magic. Though there are Marinians capable of overcoming even this obstacle who go on to master aetherial manipulation as well.

Cursed Humanity

Marinian's however are not blessed like other Humans are, they lack something within them that they lost during the Calamity. The ability to weave magic around them. It is impossible for them to cast spells or receive magical benefits, however their curse comes at a great benefit when confronting those with magic.

Remembering the Calamity

While the Calamity happened 800~ years ago, due to some sick joke of nature, Marigold Humans remember it through genetics alone. They dream of it always. The fear and the pain... the hopelessness, but they all dream of the same thing... being herded as cannon fodder by the other races and used to distract the Eldrazi... it fuels their hatred and it never stops them from enacting revenge on others.

Must be Better

Due to the dreams or more accurately the nightmares they have, they always strive to be better and while they cannot do that by themselves, they can do it through technology which they excel at above all races. They invented weaponry that spewed fire to be on the same level as Dragonborn, they invented guns to keep up with magic, and they have improved their way of life with technology.

Why they Adventure

Marinians may adventure for a variety of reasons, but two stand out amongst all the possibilities. The first would be for the benefit of the Marigold Empire, to act as an ambitious patriot who seeks to better Marigold's position in the world through hard work. The other may be to seek freedom from the chains of their society, coming from a rigid hierarchy where moving upwards is only possible by military activity leaves a bad taste in many people's mouths, so in the name of freedom and peace some Marinians may break away from their homeland and chase their dreams.


  • Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2, and one other ability scores of your choice increase by 1.

  • Age. Marinian's age at about the same rate as normal Humans.

  • Size. Marinian's are very similar in size to Humans, if not a bit slimmer. Your size is Medium

  • Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.

  • Magically Inert. You have great difficulty casting magic on your own power and require the aid of technology to do so. You cannot cast spells from the Spellcasting Class Feature other than the Artificer Spellcasting feature. Additionally You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

  • Curse of the Inert. Whenever a Beneficial spell would be cast on you, you must make a DC 10 + Spell Level check. The stat of the spell level is decided by the stat used to cast the spell. If you fail, the spell has no effect.

  • Nightmares of the Calamity. Whenever you are sleeping, you dream of the Calamity and the horrors that unfolded. Spells and Effects cannot change your dreams. The dream is a memory from one of your ancestors and always pertains to being used as cannon fodder. You may choose one race that is allowed in Helvetica that isn't human or a half race that you see in the dream. You deal an extra 1d6 Damage to members of that race.

  • In Arms We Trust. You gain proficiency in the Perception. Additionally, ranged weapon attacks you make have an increased normal range of 10ft.

  • Strength of an Empire. Your genetics have been altered from your ancestors struggles. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

  • Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.


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