D&D 5e Class - Explorer

by gregolopogus

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The Explorer

Explorer v8

Eyes straining to see any signs of traps in the walls, a gnome creeps down a dark stone hallway - the first living being to walk here in a millenium. At the far end of the hall on a carved pedestal she sees a faint glimmer of gold, nearly invisible beneath the thick layer of dust and a smile creeps across her face.

A blade narrowly misses a wide-eyed human and her heart beats faster as she lashes out with her whip, catching her foe around the leg and pulling them off balance as her rogue friend comes up behind to deal a fatal blow.

A grizzled halfling shades his eyes against the sunlight as the first rays of dawn crest the peak of an unknown mountain. He stops briefly to ink the location of the peak onto his map, before marching the expedition deeper into uncharted lands.

No dungeon is too deep, nor land too distant, to dissuade an explorer from uncovering the hidden secrets it holds. Explorers constantly find themselves in the midst of danger and yet somehow seem to always find themselves coming out the other side unscathed. However, for these adventurers it is this thrill of danger that is exactly what they seek and they thrive on the razor's edge.

Seekers of Knowledge

Explorers pride themselves in their knowledge whether it be ancient civilizations, fantastic creatures, or inhospitable places. The mere rumour of a new discovery in some dangerous place is enough to get most explorers digging around. Explorers make a living finding and selling this knowledge, and the guides and compendiums written by renowned explorers are invaluable to fledgling and seasoned adventurers alike. Because of this endless pursuit of the unknown, many explorers naturally find themselves a part of a larger group of adventurers in order to delve to depths they could not reach on their own.

Confounding Combatants

Due to all their time crawling through perilous places, explorers have a natural knack for narrowly avoiding danger. This makes them very frustrating enemies for their foes. Explorers seem to become emboldened every time they narrowly avoid an enemy's blade or dodge out of the way of a deadly trap. And although explorers can hold their own in a fight, they often prefer to focus on putting their foes into vulnerable positions for their allies to capitalize on rather than to deal the mortal blow themselves.

Creating an Explorer

As you create your explorer character, consider what drives them to explore such dangerous locales. Is it the fame or fortune that comes from unearthing and selling ancient treasure or relics? Or is it the pursuit of knowledge and the thrill of being the first to discover some previously unknown creature or long-lost civilization? Or do they explore for the thrill of exploration itself, and the thought of a place never before seen by mortal eyes that lies just beyond the horizon is enough to keep them moving ever forward.

The Explorer
Level Proficiency Bonus Create Opening Features
1st +2 1d8 Expertise, Create Opening
2nd +2 1d8 Adrenaline, Coordinated Offense
3rd +2 1d8 Field of Study
4th +2 2d8 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 2d8 Adrenaline Fueled Attack
6th +3 2d8 Cavern Crawler
7th +3 3d8 Field of Study Feature, Evasion
8th +3 3d8 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 3d8 Fight and Flight
10th +4 4d8 Field Research
11th +4 4d8 Field of Study Feature
12th +4 4d8 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 5d8 Daredevil
14th +5 5d8 The Razor's Edge
15th +5 5d8 Field of Study Feature
16th +5 6d8 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 6d8 Hysterical Strength
18th +6 6d8 Battle Rush
19th +6 7d8 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 7d8 Surging Adrenaline

Consider what area of study your explorer specializes in. They should be very well versed in the history of their chosen area of study. You might want to even discuss with your DM and have them reveal some additional lore that your character will know about the world in their chosen field that you can reveal to the other players.

Also, consider what was the trigger that drives your explorer's current pursuits? Was there a specific artifact they uncovered that warrants more investigation? Did they discover some secret that was better left undiscovered and now certain parties want that information for themselves? Have they been hired by a mysterious benefactor to find a specific artifact or lead an expedition? Or did the riches they unearthed draw attention from the wrong people and now they are on the run?

Quick Build

You can make an explorer quickly by following these suggestions. First, Dexterity should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Choose Intelligence instead if you wish plan on playing the Archaeologist subclass. Second, choose the Sage background.


You must have a Dexterity score score of 13 or higher in order to multiclass in or out of this class.

Class Features

As an explorer, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per explorer level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution Modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per explorer level after 1st.


  • Armor: Light armor
  • Weapons: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, rapiers, shortswords, scimitars, whips
  • Tools: Climber's Kit

  • Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
  • Skills: Choose four from skills Acrobatics, Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Perception, Persuasion, Religion, and Stealth.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a shortsword or (b) a quarterstaff
  • (a) an explorer's pack, or (b) a dungeoneer's pack
  • A whip, a hand crossbow, and 20 bolts
  • Leather armor


At 1st level, choose two of your skill proficiencies. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies. Alternatively you can replace 1 of the skill proficiencies with another language that you learn.

Create Opening

Beginning at 1st level, your wily style of fighting can put your enemies into compromised positions. Once per turn, when you hit a creature with a melee attack you may choose to create a breach in their defenses called an Opening. The next weapon attack, spell attack, or unarmed strike that hits the creature takes advantage of the Opening and deals an additional 1d8 damage. The Opening lasts until the beginning of your next turn or until an attack is made against the target. Regardless of if the next attack hits or misses, the Opening ends.

The amount of extra damage increases as you gain levels in this class, as shown in the Create Opening column of the Explorer table.


By 2nd level, you thrive off of the rush of narrowly avoiding danger. When you are in a situation that causes your adrenaline to spike you gain an Adrenaline Point. The maximum number of Adrenaline Points you can have at one time is equal to your proficiency bonus. You gain Adrenaline Points in the following ways.

  • Entering Battle. Gain 1 Adrenaline Point when you roll initiative.
  • Dodging Attacks. If a hostile creature misses you with an attack roll gain 1 Adrenaline Point. You can only gain Adrenaline Points in this way once per hostile creature per round.
  • Avoiding Danger. If you succeed on a saving throw against an effect that would cause you to take damage, gain 1 Adrenaline Point.

You can use your Adrenaline Points to fuel various features. You start knowing 3 adrenaline features: Numb the Pain, Heighten Reflexes, and Adrenaline Rush. You learn more as you gain levels in this class.

Adrenaline is short lived, and if a minute passes without gaining or using an Adrenaline Point all points fade away. You also lose all Adrenaline Points if you become incapacitated or fall unconscious.

  • Numb the Pain. As a reaction to taking damage, you can spend 1 Adrenaline Point to reduce the damage by 1d8 + your Constitution modifier + your Explorer level.
  • Heighten Reflexes. Using a bonus action, you can spend 1 Adrenaline Point to add +2 to your AC and Dexterity saving throws until the start of your next turn.
  • Adrenaline Rush. You can spend 1 Adrenaline Point to take the Dash action as a bonus action.
Tracking Adrenaline Points

Unlike many class resources, Adrenaline Points are gained and consumed frequently during combat. If you use a paper character sheet, consider tracking Adrenaline Points with physical tokens rather than writing on your sheet to avoid constant erasing.

Coordinated Offense

Starting at 2nd level, you have an knack for working with your allies and you always seem to know the right time to make your move. Immediately after you roll Initiative, you can swap your Initiative with the Initiative of one willing ally in the same combat. You can't make this swap if you or the ally is Incapacitated.

Field of Study

At 3rd level, you choose a field of study that fits your interests as an Explorer: Archaeologist, Zoologist, or Cartographer, all detailed at the end of the class description. Your field choice grants you features at 3rd level and then again at 7th level, 11th level, and 15th level.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. Alternatively, you can choose a feat instead.

Adrenaline Fueled Attack

At 5th level, you have learned to harness the rush of adrenaline you get from evading danger and can now turn it against your enemies.

  • Incisive Strike. When you hit a target with a melee attack you can spend 2 Adrenaline Points to create an Opening and capitalize on it all in one strike, dealing the additional Create Opening damage yourself.

  • Restraining Strike. When you create an Opening, you can spend 1 Adrenaline Point to attempt to maneuver the target into such a compromised position that they cannot move. The target must make a Strength or Dexterity saving throw (their choice) against a DC equal to 8 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus. If the target fails they become restrained. The target is restrained as long as the Opening remains or they can use their action to make a Dexterity or Strength check against the DC to free themselves.

Cavern Crawler

By 6th level you have learned to get around in even the most inaccessible places. You gain climbing speed equal to half of your movement speed and you are no longer slowed down by non-magical difficult terrain.


At 7th level, your instinctive agility lets you dodge out of the way of certain area effects, such as a blue dragon's lightning breath or a fireball spell. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

Fight and Flight

At 9th level you no longer provoke opportunity attacks when you take the dash action, unless you wish to. Additionally, your movement speed increases by 5 ft for every Adrenaline Point you have.

Field Research

By 10th level, you are renowned for your ability to pick up new information and commit yourself to study. When you are in an unfamiliar region or city, you can spend 8 hours of studying to grant yourself advantage on any Intelligence (history) checks about the region for one week.


Starting at 13th level, as long as you have at least one Adrenaline Point you cannot be frightened. If you are frightened when you gain a point of Adrenaline, the effect ends for you.

The Razor's Edge

At 14th level, you throw yourself headfirst into peril, trusting your reflexes to bring you through unscathed. If you are reduced to 0 hitpoints you can spend all your current Adrenaline Points (minimum 1) to keep fighting. Roll a number of d8's equal to the number of Adrenaline Points expended and add your Constitution modifier, your remaining hitpoints becomes this number instead of 0. Once you use this feature you can not use it again until you take a long rest.

Hysterical Strength

At 17th level, you can push your body to the limits in critical situations. You can spend 3 Adrenaline Points to treat any Strength, Constitution, or Dexterity check or saving throw as if you rolled a 20 on the die. You can use this feature once per long rest without any adverse effects, but each additional time you use it without resting results in you gaining one point of exhaustion.

Battle Rush

At 18th level, the excitement of the start of a battle is enough to get your blood pumping. When you roll initiative, you gain 2 Adrenaline Points instead of 1.

Surging Adrenaline

At 20th level, nothing can stop the adrenaline surging through your veins. As long as you have at least one point of adrenaline, no spell or magical effect can slow your movement or cause you to become paralyzed or restrained, and you have advantage to escape any non-magical restraint or grapple. Additionally, while you have at least one Adrenaline Point you ignore any adverse effects of exhaustion.

Fields of Study

All explorers have one thing in common: a desire to see all that the world has to offer and the secrets that it keeps. However, most explorers will hone in on a specific facet of the world that fascinates them the most. At 3rd level you choose a field of study that you focus your mind on to uncover what secrets you may find. Choose from either the Archaeologist, the Botanist, the Cartographer, the Psychonaut, or the Zoologist below.


As an archaeologist, you spend your time searching for lore and artifacts in long-forgotten tombs and dusty ruins. Archaeologists are obsessed with the ancient world and lost civilizations and will travel to the most remote locations if it means scrounging up some new treasure or relic.

Arcane Artifact

At 3rd level you unlock the secrets of an ancient artifact you've acquired at some point throughout your adventures. You choose the form and the history of your arcane artifact, and it is considered an arcane focus for the purpose of casting spells. This artifact allows you to harness the arcane energies around you and bend them to your will.

Spellcasting Ability. This artifact allows you to cast spells. Your spellcasting ability with the artifact is Intelligence as it comes from your knowledge and study of the artifact and its history.

Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +

your intelligence modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +

your intelligence modifier

Arcane Grasp. The artifact buzzes with energy whenever spells are cast nearby. Any time a spell is cast around you that you can see, you may use your reaction to attune your artifact to the energy of that spell and store it in the artifact. The spell must be of a level equal to or lower than you can cast, or the reaction fails. If you attempt to store a new spell and the maximum number of spells the artifact can hold has already been reached, one of the existing spells must be replaced.

Artifact Charges. You can use an Action and consume 1 artifact charge to cast any spell stored in the artifact without any components. Your artifact has a number of charges as shown in the Arcane Artifact Spellcasting table and recharges all spent charges at dawn.

Spell Levels. The Arcane Artifact Spellcasting table shows how many spells the artifact can hold at one time and at what level. Cantrips also count towards the total spells stored in the artifact.

Leveled spells are always cast as if using the highest level spell slot the artifact can learn. Cantrips can be cast without consuming a charge.

When you first get this feature, choose a combination of 3 cantrips or 1st level spells from the Wizard spell list that are already stored in the artifact.

History Buff

When you choose this Field of Study at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the following skills: Arcana or History. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses your chosen proficiency. Additionally, you learn an additional language of your choice.

Arcane Artifact Spellcasting
Level Spells Stored Artifact Charges Spell Level
3rd 3 2 1st
4th 3 2 1st
5th 4 3 1st
6th 4 3 1st
7th 5 3 2nd
8th 5 3 2nd
9th 6 4 2nd
10th 6 4 2nd
11th 7 4 2nd
12th 7 4 2nd
13th 8 5 3rd
14th 8 5 3rd
15th 9 5 3rd
16th 9 5 3rd
17th 10 6 3rd
18th 10 6 3rd
19th 11 6 4th
20th 11 6 4th

Arcane Opening

At 7th level, when you create an Opening on a creature, that creature has disadvantage on the next saving throw it makes against a spell you cast before the end of your next turn.

I Know A Guy

By 7th level you have a wide range of knowledge and contacts regarding the trade of rare and expensive items. When you attempt to find a buyer or seller for a magic item you do so in half the time and half the expended gold cost. Additionally, you have advantage on attempts to haggle the prices of non-magical treasure such as gems, jewelry or art objects.

Archaeological Intuition

By 11th level, you have gained extreme sensitivity to magical energy through the use of your artifact. You gain the ability to cast the Detect Magic and Identify spells at will, requiring no components. Additionally, you gain the spell Dispel Magic and can cast it for free once per long rest. These spells do not count towards the spells stored in your Arcane Artifact.

Artifact Collector

At 15th level, you have grown so knowledgeable about rare artifacts that you can now be attuned to 4 magic items at one time.


Botanists are naturally drawn to the myriad plants of the world. They can sit for hours in a field of grass, carefully inspecting and cataloging each type of plant they find. However, their careful analysis and collection of various plants has given them a collection of incredible specimens that they can use in their travels to find even more exotic species.

Botany Study

When you choose this Field of Study at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with Herbalism kits and in the Nature skill. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of these proficiencies.

Seed Pouch

During your travels you have collected a wide range of seeds from magical and wondrous plants. By 3rd level you have 4 different Seed Varietals, and you gain 2 more each at 7th, 11th and 15th level. The list of varietals is listed at the end of this subclass description.

During a long rest you can cultivate a number of seeds equal to twice your Intelligence modifier (minimum 2 seeds cultivated), turning them into seedlings. You may choose to cultivate as many or as few of each varietal up to your maximum as you see fit (for example, you could choose to cultivate one of each type you have or 4 of a single type).

Each Seed Varietal has a unique effect and growing time, but in every case the seedling is consumed once you plant it, until you cultivate more on a long rest. Once a seed has been cultivated into a seedling, it only lasts until the next long rest before it withers away.

Planting a seed. If the Seed Varietal does not specify it can be planted from a distance it is assumed that you must plant it in a location on the ground within your reach. The look of each plant is up to you.

Due to the magical nature of these plants, the seedlings can be grown in nearly any conditions or material, but the plants, and any effects they cause, only last up to one minute after planting unless otherwise stated, before withering away.

Destroying a plant. Each plant is an object with an AC of 10 and hitpoints equal to your explorer level. The plants have vulnerability to fire and immunity to psychic damage.

Saving Throws. Some of the seeds require your target to make a saving throw to resist the seed's effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Seed save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Improved Cultivation

At 7th level, you can cultivate seeds quickly in a pinch. You can cultivate one seedling during a short rest, up to your maximum.

Additionally, if one of your plant effects deals damage you can add your Intelligence modifier to the damage roll.

Horticulture Expert

By 11th level, you have mastered the art of splicing and modifying plants to achieve a specific purpose. Each time you use one of your seedlings, you can choose to give it an additional effect, choosing from one of the options below.

Increase Size. If the plant specifies a size or an area of effect, the plant grows to be one size larger, or the area of effect is doubled.

Increase Yield. If the plant specifies a number of things grow on it, the number is doubled.

Increase Potency. If the plant deals damage or provides healing, the number of dice rolled for the healing or damage is doubled.

Irritating Spores. One of the creatures that suffers an effect from this plant also gains an Opening.

Practiced Planter

At 15th level, you can plant seedlings at blinding speeds. When you plant a seedling as an action, you may plant another as a bonus action.

Seed Varietals

The varietals are listed in alphabetical order.

Blackfruit tree. As an action you plant this seedling in the ground and one minute later a sapling appears containing one juicy blackfruit. A creature can use its action to eat the fruit. Eating the fruit restores 2d4+2 hitpoints, and the fruit provides enough nourishment to sustain a creature for one day. Once picked, the fruit loses potency after 24 hours.

Bramblethorns. As an action you can throw this seed to a point you can see within 60 ft. At the end of your turn the seed sprouts into a dense patch of thorns and brambles 20 feet in radius. The region becomes non-magical difficult terrain and any creature who is slowed down by the bramblethorns also takes 2d4 slashing damage for every 5 feet it moves within.

Carnivorous leafjaw. As an action you plant this seed in an unoccupied space and at the end of your turn a medium sized hook-toothed carnivorous plant sprouts and grows a single head. Immediately after growing, and at the end of each of your turns, the leafjaw makes an attack against an enemy within 5 feet of it (using your proficiency and Intelligence modifier for the roll) dealing 1d6 piercing damage on a hit. If the leafjaw hits with the attack, the creature becomes grappled and takes 2d6 acid damage at the end of each of its turns. A leafjaw head can only grapple one creature at a time.

Corpse flower. As an action you plant this seed in an unoccupied space in the ground and at the end of your turn a medium sized plant grows. The flower stinks of death and all creatures, other than you, who are within 30 feet of the flower must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become poisoned until they move outside of the area.

Creeping vines. As an action you plant this seed in the ground or at the base of an object and the vines immediately spring upward. If planted in the ground, the vines grow upwards 30 feet and spread outwards 15 feet wide, forming a wall of tough vines. If planted at the base of an object, the vines can grow as tall as 120 feet and are sturdy enough for a Large or smaller creature to climb them as if they had a climbing speed. The vines are more sturdy than most plants and have an AC of 15 and each 5 foot by 5 foot section of vines has hitpoints equal to twice your explorer level, though they are still vulnerable to fire damage.

Devil's ivy. As a bonus action, you place the seedling at the base of a weapon you are holding, so thats its sap oozes down the weapon. For the next minute, all attacks made with that weapon deal an additional 1d4 poison damage. This plant is not affected by Improved Cultivation's increased damage.

Flying lily. As an action you plant this seedling in the ground and at the end of your turn 3 lily pads grow and begin to float in the air. Each lily pad is a circle 5 feet in diameter and they can be moved around with a simple push either horizontally or vertically upwards. However, the pads can't be pushed lower as they resist falling towards the ground. A single lily pad can support up to 500 pounds before it collapses to the ground and loses its ability to float.

Goodberry bush. As an action you plant this seedling in the ground and one minute later a bush with 10 berries appear. A creature can use its action to eat one berry. Eating a berry restores 1 hit point, and the berry provides enough nourishment to sustain a creature for one day. Once picked, the berries lose potency after 24 hours.

Grasping sundew. As an action you plant this seedling in an unoccupied space in the ground and at the end of your turn a medium sized plant sprouts that grows 3 sticky, grasping tentacles. The tentacles each have a reach of 15 ft and reach out towards the 3 nearest creatures, other than you, and those creatures must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or become grappled. At the end of a creatures turn who does not free themselves from the grapple, they are pulled 5 ft closer towards the plant.

Lovely rose. As an action you plant this seedling in the ground and 1 minute later a single magnificent rose blossoms. The rose gives off an alluring aroma and as an action you may allow a creature within 5 feet of you to smell the rose, forcing that creature to succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you for the next hour. When the rose is picked it retains its potency for 24 hours, or until you use your action to attempt to charm a creature.

Nightshade flower. You plant this seedling in the ground or a pot and 24 hours later a plant grows with a single black flower. If a creature ingests the flower they must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 6d6 poison damage and become paralyzed for 1 hour. If they succeed on the saving throw they take half damage and are not paralyzed.

Possumwood burstpod. As an action you throw this seedling at a point within 60 ft. All creatures within 15 ft of the point must succeed on a saving throw or take 3d8 bludgeoning damage as the seedling explodes, shooting hard seedpods in every direction.

Springleaf clover. As an action you plant this seedling in an unoccupied or occupied space in the ground and at the end of your turn a medium sized plant sprouts on the ground. A creature can share the same space as the plant and if a creature starts its turn on the springleaf clover or moves into the space during its turn is is launched into the air. A medium or smaller creature is launched 60 ft, a large creature is launched 30 ft, and a huge or large creature is unaffected. If the springleaf is large sized, it can launch a huge creature 30 ft as well. An unwilling creature can make a Dexterity saving throw to avoid the effect.

Tanglefoot vines. When you restrain a creature use your Restraining Strike feature, as a bonus action you can use this seedling to cause grasping vines to wind their way around the foe. The creature remains restrained until they are able to break free, regardless of if the Opening has been used or not. The vines shrivel and die when the creature successfully escapes from them.

Trapdoor pitcher. As an action you plant this seedling in an unoccupied space on a surface that extends at least 6 feet deep. At the end of your turn, the seedling sprouts downward into a medium sized pitcher plant with the top of the plant flush with the surface it grew on. The plant camouflages itself into the surface so that a creature will not see it unless it succeeds on a Perception check equal to your Seed DC. If a medium or smaller creature enters the same space as the pitcher plant they must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be swallowed by the plant. A swallowed creature is Blinded and Restrained, and it has total cover from attacks and effects while within the plant and it takes 3d6 acid damage at the start of each of its turns. The creature can attempt to free themselves from the plant by making an Athletics or Acrobatics check with their action. The trapdoor pitcher can only have one creature swallowed at a time.


A cartographer loves to explore for the sake of exploring. They will excitedly board a ship destined for the edge of the world if it means seeing some new undiscovered place. Due to their navigational skills, cartographers are often hired to lead expeditions into the unknown, and often make their living journeying to uncharted lands to draft maps and charts that they bring back for future expeditions.

Expert Navigator

When you choose this Field of Study at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with Cartographer's tools, Navigator's tools, and your choice of Vehicles (land) or Vehicles (water). Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses any of these proficiencies.

War Map Tactician

By 3rd level, your study of maps allows you to view the battlefield from a bird's eye view and make tactical decisions to turn the battle to your favour. Always the opportunist, you strike when the enemy is most vulnerable. You gain the following features.

Feign Retreat. When you provoke an opportunity attack from an enemy on your turn you can spend 1 Adrenaline Point to impose disadvantage on the roll and make an attack against them as a bonus action with a weapon you are wielding.

Pincer Maneuver. If you attack a creature while one of your allies is within 5 feet of that creature and is not incapacitated, you add your proficiency bonus to the damage roll.

Reposition. When you create an Opening on a creature, you can use the opportunity to allow one willing creature who can hear or see you to use their reaction to immediately move up to half its movement speed without provoking opportunity attacks as long as it is not incapacitated.

Bird's Eye View

At 7th level, through clever positioning and tactics you have learned how to create openings in a foe's defenses from afar. You gain the ability to create an Opening using ranged weapons.

Map Maker

At 7th level, you can spend your downtime drafting maps. As long as you have access to cartographer's tools, you can spend up to 8 hours per day during travel or downtime drafting a map of a region you are familiar with or are currently exploring. Every 8 hours you spend on the map increases its map quality modifier by +1 up to a maximum of +10.

Navigating by map. As long as a creature can read the map, they automatically succeed on any Wisdom (Survival) check to navigate while traveling along roads shown on the map, and they gain a bonus to all other Wisdom (Survival) checks to navigate using the map equal to the map quality modifier. All creatures navigating using the map can travel at a fast pace with no penalties.

Selling maps. Maps are valuable items. The selling price of a map increases with the map quality modifier, with a base gold value equal to the map quality modifier multiplied by 25. However, the true value is whatever someone is willing to pay for it and the price can go up or down depending on where the map leads.

Cartographer's Intuition

At 11th level, you can perform a special investigation of a map to determine the location of a specific place somewhere on it. You can spend 1 hour studying a map to determine the location of a plant, creature, building, or object of your choice that you are familiar with.

By studying the geographic features of the region and applying your deep knowledge of cartography you are able to determine the likely location of many places such as where an encampment of bandits is hidden, the lair of a creature, where a specific herb might grow, or the headquarters of a cultist group in a city.

At the end of the hour you make an Intelligence (Cartographer's tools) check to determine how accurately you are able to pinpoint the location based on the table below. If the map you are using is one of your own, you add the map quality modifier to the check.

Once you use this feature, you can not use it again until you take a long rest.

Cartography Check Location Accuracy
1-14 Undetermined
15-19 Within 10 Miles
20-24 Within 1 Mile
25-29 Within 500 Feet
30+ Exact Location

Coordinated Attack

At 15th level, you have honed your ability to see the whole of the battlefield and work together with your allies to achieve victory. When you take the Attack action against a target, you can use a free action to allow an ally who can see or hear you to immediately make a single weapon attack against the same target using their reaction if they can do so.


While many explorers push outwards into the unknown, psychonauts turn inward, choosing instead to explore the corners of their own minds. Whether through substance, meditation, or other means, psychonauts end up taking numerous journeys through the expanses of their consciousness and in the process end up waking dormant psionic abilities.

Adrenaline-Fueled Psionics

Starting at 3rd level, the adrenaline you thrive off of powers your psionic abilities as well. You gain the features listed below. If a feature requires a saving throw, the DC is equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your intelligence modifier.

  • Harrowing Vision. You create a terrible vision in the mind of a creature. As an action you can spend 1 Adrenaline Point to force a creature within 30 ft of you to succeed on Wisdom saving throw or become Frightened of you for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the start of each of its turns to end the effect on itself.
  • Mind Reader. You gain advantage on Insight checks against creatures that are within 30 ft of you. Additionally, you can spend 1 Adrenaline Point and target a creature within 30 ft of you. That creature has disadvantage on any attack rolls against you until the start of your next turn.
  • Telekinesis. You can target a loose Tiny object within 30 ft of you and move it up to 30 ft in any direction, both horizontally, vertically, or both. Additionally, you can spend 1 Adrenaline Point to increase the size of object you can move up to Large, including willing creatures, but not yourself.

Psionic Opening

Also at 3rd level, when you create an Opening on a creature you can choose to create a break in their mental defenses rather than their physical ones and create a Psionic Opening instead. The Psionic Opening lasts until the start of your next turn, or until the next spell is cast against the creature. While the Psionic Opening remains, the creature has disadvantage on Wisdom, Intelligence or Charisma saving throws and if it fails a saving throw against an effect that deals damage, it takes additional damage equal to your Create Opening damage. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all uses after a long rest.

Forced Projection

By 7th level, you gain the ability to psionically force a creature's soul out of their body. When you touch or hit a creature with a melee attack you can spend 2 Adrenaline Points to force them to make a Wisdom saving throw against your Psionics DC. On a failure, the creature's soul is separated from their body and the creature falls unconscious for up to 1 minute, or until it takes damage. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end the effect.

You cannot create an Opening and use Forced Projection with the same attack.

Once you successfully use this feature, you cannot use it again until you take a short or long rest.

While a creature suffers this effect, their soul floats in the Ethereal Plane, connected to their material body by a silver cord. The creature's soul can move anywhere within 30 feet of their body and can see and hear things around them, but they cannot interact in any way and are invisible except to those with Truesight or who can see the Ethereal Plane.

Mind's Eye

Also at 7th level you gain the ability to cast the Clairvoyance spell without requiring components. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest.

Mind Fortress

At 11th level your mastery over your mind give you protection against mental attacks. You gain resistance to psychic damage and you can expend 1 Adrenaline Point to give yourself advantage on a Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma saving throw.

Ego Death

At 15th level, you can sever the link between body and soul. When a creature's soul is separated from their body due to your Forced Projection feature, you may use an action to psionically sever the silver cord connecting them. The creature must make a Constitution saving throw. If they fail their soul is separated from their body and they die instantly. If they succeed they take psychic damage equal to twice your Create Opening damage and are returned to their body.


As a zoologist, your passion is the infinite variety of creatures that call this world home. Wherever you travel you go out of your way to look for new creatures to discover, document, and bring back stories to eager listeners at home.

Bonus Proficiency

When you choose this Field of Study at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the following skills: Animal Handling and Nature. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of those proficiencies.

Animal Friend

At 3rd level, you can perform a 1 hour ritual, which can be done during a short rest, to attract and bond with a creature that isn't hostile to you. When you complete the ritual you gain an animal companion who is friendly to you and obeys your commands.

Your animal friend can be any beast that is no larger than Small and has a challenge rating of 1/4 or lower, or one of following Special forms: Pseudodragon, Archeopteryx (stat block at the end), Myconid Sprout, or Tressym. Your animal friend gains additional hitpoints equal to your Explorer level.

In combat, the animal friend shares your initiative, but goes immediately after you do. You can verbally command it to move or take any action on its turn (no action required by you) but it cannot take the Attack action unless you use your action to command it to do so. If your animal friend hits a creature with a melee attack, you can also have it create an Opening against that target.

Combat Training

Starting at 7th level, when you take a long rest you can select a number of nearby beasts who are friendly to you up to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) and those creatures all gain increased maximum hitpoints equal to twice your explorer level. This replaces the additional hitpoints gained by your Animal Friend.

This feature has no effect on creatures temporarily assuming the form of a beast due to a spell or other effect.

Anatomy Study

At 7th level, you have gained a near encyclopedic knowledge of creatures of all kinds. When you see a creature that is either a Beast or a Monstrosity you may use your Action to make an Intelligence (Nature) check contested by the creature's Charisma (Deception). If you succeed, you recall your choice of of the following information about the creature:

  • One of the creature's damage vulnerabilities, resistances or immunities
  • One of the creature's condition immunities
  • The ability of its highest or lowest saving throws. If there is a tie between saving throws the DM chooses which to reveal.

Once you use this feature, you cannot attempt it again on a creature of the same species for 24 hours.

The check can also be made against the corpse of a creature, assuming enough of it remains to gather information from, in which case the check automatically succeeds.

Beastial Bond

By 11th level, your knowledge of beasts has given you an uncanny ability to commune with wild animals. You gain the ability to cast the Animal Friendship and Speak with Animals spells at will, requiring no components. You can also cast Dominate Beast once per long rest (spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your intelligence modifier).

Pack Leader

At 15th level, your excitement is infectious to the animal companions around you, and the bond you have with animals bolsters you as much as it does them. While you have at least 1 Adrenaline Point all beasts within 30 feet of you who are friendly to you gain temporary hitpoints equal to 1d8 + your proficiency bonus at the start of each of their turns.

If any beast within the same area is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if it fails. It can't use this trait if it's incapacitated.

Additionally, at any time, as long as there is one beast within 30 feet of you that is friendly to you and not incapacitated, you gain a +1 bonus to all ability checks, attack rolls, damage rolls and saving throws.

This feature has no effect on creatures temporarily assuming the form of a beast due to a spell or other effect.


Tiny Beast (Dinosaur) , Unaligned

  • Armor Class 12 natural armor
  • Hit Points 9 (2d6 + 2)
  • Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft.

10 (+0) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 5 (-3)

  • Skills Perception +2, Acrobatics +4
  • Senses Passive Perception 11
  • Languages --
  • Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
  • Proficiency Bonus +2

Flyby. The archeopteryx doens't provoke an opportunity attack when it flies out of an enemy's reach.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 +2) piercing damage

Change log


  • Dungeon Delver changed to any skill checks.
  • Trap Sense passive perception changed from double proficiency to add Intelligence modifier. Changed to advantage on any skill checks.
  • Create Opening damage changed from double damage to 1 additional damage die to reduce sneak attack shenanigans.
  • Added Painful Opening at lvl 5 to increase damage of class.
  • Lvl 6 Create Opening removed. Replaced with lvl 9. Improvement changed to extra damage dice instead of additional attacks.
  • Removed lvl 6 Trap Sense Improvement.
  • Elemental strike is now passive ability to change damage types.
  • Hero's Spirit is now passive ability to drop you to 1hp instead of going down.
  • Removed lvl 9 Expertise.
  • Added Crypt Crawler at lvl 6.
  • Removed Perfect Vulnerability.
  • Moved artifact collector from lvl 20 to lvl 18.
  • Added Adrenaline Surge capstone ability.


  • So much...
  • Both previous subclasses removed and remade into the Archaeologist subclass.
  • Added Zoologist subclass.
  • Added Cartographer subclass.
  • Added Coordinated Offense as lvl 2 ability
  • Changed subclasses from Artifacts to Fields of Study
  • Moved Dungeon Delver, I Know A guy and Artifact Collector into subclass features for Archaeologist
  • Removed most other previous subclass features
  • Crypt Crawler now called Cavern Crawler to better fit new vibe
  • Painful Opening now called Incisive Strike
  • Added Razor's Edge at lvl 14
  • Added Battle Rush at lvl 18


  • Removed advantage on Create Opening
  • Create Opening low lasts until the beginning of your next turn
  • Added spell table to Archaeologist subclass
  • Added Multiclass requirements
  • Removed image on Archaeologist page to fit :'(


  • Swapped Create Opening and Adrenaline Rush to avoid 1 lvl multiclass dips for a very good defensive ability. Also gives a unique combat option at level 1.
  • Changed scaling of Create Opening to use a number of d8s rather than extra damage dice. This keeps damage more predictable between allies, even though it now feels more like a sneak attack clone. The average damage per round now follows much more closely with Fighters and Rogues through all levels
  • Removed Incisive strike. Allows for all the damage to be in the one hit by an ally. If it feels bad that all your damage happens off your turn, consider rolling the extra Create Opening damage instead of your ally.
  • Changed intelligent Defense to half of Intelligence modifier.
  • Added Restraining Strike, as Create Opening Improvement no longer exists


  • Changed Animal Friend to not use the Find Familiar spell to not allow weird interactions that the familiars allow that weren't intended for Animal Friend. Now gain some extra HP for your friend.
  • Added Combat Training at level 7 to allow the animal friend to trigger Create Openings.


  • Major Revision!
  • Completely reworked all adrenaline focused abilities to use Adrenaline Points instead of temporary HP
  • Added Adrenaline Fueled Attack at lvl 5 to give an opportunity for Explorers to do damage on their own
  • Create Opening no longer requires a bonus action, dual wielding can allow Explorers a second change and creating an Opening as well as reaction openings
  • Made "Opening" a keyword to make some text easier to understand
  • Restraining strike now restrains and requires a save instead of contested roll
  • Subclass bonus proficiencies now get expertise
  • Razor's Edge is a stay-alive mechanic rather than teammate support
  • Cavern crawler only gives 1/2 movement climbing speed


  • Big update! Updated all the art, design style and added 2 new subclasses!!!
  • Restraining Strike moved to level 5 feature, replaced with Daredevil
  • Incisive Strike AP cost upped to 2 - Openings should primarily be used by teammates to promote teamwork
  • Removed the ability to gain AP from taking damage - offered too many opportunities to gain AP
  • Razor's Edge can only be used once per long rest instead of on a long or short rest
  • Adrenaline Rush (9th level feature) renamed Fight and Flight to avoid overlap with Adrenaline ability of the same name
  • Intelligence Defense removed and replaced by Hysterical Strength
  • Prep Time renamed Field Research and the 2nd part of it removed since it would be unfun for DMs <3
  • Adrenaline Surge renamed Surging Adrenaline and now gives essentially the freedom of movement spell while you have adrenaline and you ignore exhaustion
  • Archaeologist removed Dungeon Delver and added History Buff which is bonus proficiencies and a language. Dungeon Delver was awkward since it make PP very strong and gaining advantage on a check when you dont know if its there is weird.
  • Added Arcane Opening to Archaeologist to mirror Eldritch Knight and Arcane Trickster features
  • Combined Bonus Proficiency into Expert Navigator for Cartographer

V8 Continued

  • War Map Tactician Updated to give more "tactical" abilities
  • Added Bird's Eye View to Cartographer to make level 7 have some combat abilities to match the other subclasses.
  • Changed order of Zoologist to be alphabetical
  • Anatomy study buffed to be more useful. Now gives more info
  • Combat Training changed to give extra hitpoints to pets and mounts, making them less likely to die at higher level play.
  • Removed Flying Mount and replaced it with Pack Leader. Forcing a flying mount into the party might not be good for all tables. Pack Leader further adds survivability to the party's pets and gives a small buff to everything if the explorer is near a beast.
  • Added Botanist subclass
  • Added Psychonaut subclass
Art Credits
  • Written and designed by gregolopogus
  • All art generated using Midjourney AI with a paid subscription.

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