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# Swiftsteel
Swordfish These swashbuckling celestials
take the form of dazzling swordfish.
Their divine origin is made
apparent by the radiant aura
illuminating their scales, casting
marvelous rainbow-colored
lights across their fins. This aura
almost seems to be a manifestation of the
swordfish's larger-than-life personality, and
wherever they go, they dazzle others with their
charm and confidence. ***Blade Masters.*** The extended nose of this
celestial is no ordinary natural weapon, but a
blade composed of divine steel. With it, the
swordfish can duel foes with the skill of an expert
fencer and look good doing it. On top of its raw
talent, the swordfish's overpowering charisma
leaves its opponents starstruck and unable to
defend themselves against its masterful
techniques. The swordfish combines all this with
its unbeatable swim speed to become a deadly
and difficult to pin down marine combatant. ***Traveling Adventure-Seekers.*** Swiftsteel
swordfish originate from the oceans of the outer
plane known as Arborea, a wild realm associated
with the chaotic good alignment. Thanks to their
intelligence and adventurous wanderlust, these
swordfish often find themselves leaving their home
in search of grand adventures, making friends and
enemies in equal measure. A swiftsteel swordfish
is loath to turn down an opportunity to prove its
metal or show off its skills, and they are quick to
embark on any sufficiently exciting quest
that will make for an epic story. When swiftsteel swordfish meet fellow
adventurers, their first instinct is usually to duel
the newcomers to test their worth, though they
will rarely slay their opponents in these duels.
Opponents who fight well and display admirable sportsmanship will earn the swordfish's respect,
and it may invite them to participate in its
adventures or offer to aid them in theirs. ### Swiftsteel Swordfish Adventures The following table provides some ways to introduce these swashbuckling celestials into your games: ##### Swiftsteel Swordfish Adventure Hooks | d6 | Adventure Hook | |:---:|:-----------:| | 1 | While in a small boat at sea, the players are attacked by a trio of traveling swiftsteel swordfish who seem to mistake them for "vile villains" they've been tracking. | | 2 | The players meet a triton knight seeking the undersea sorceress that transformed him into a magical swordfish.|
| | | |:---:|:-----------:| | 3 | The players learn of a swiftsteel swordfish who's lost his mind and, in his mad delusions, begun imagining nonexistent adventures that result in him wreaking havoc wherever he goes. | | 4 | One or more swiftsteel swordfish seek worthy adventurers to aid them in a quest. The worth of adventurers is measured by their dueling capabilities. | | 5 | A swiftsteel swordfish asks for the players' aid in avenging his brother, who was slain and had his sword-nose taken as a trophy. | | 6 | An adventuring swiftsteel swordfish has amassed a rogue's gallery of villainous rivals, all seeking payback. The swordfish seeks allies to help make a stand against the incoming onslaught of evil-doers. |
\pagebreak ___ ___ > ## Swiftsteel Swordfish > *Medium celestial, chaotic good* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 16 (natural armor, 19 with Blade Flourish) > - **Hit Points** 91 (14d8 + 28) > - **Speed** 0 ft., swim 80 ft. >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|12 (+1)|18 (+4)|14 (+2)|12 (+1)|14 (+2)|16 (+3)| >___ > - **Saving Throws** lnt +4, Cha +6, Wis +5 > - **Skills** Acrobatics +7, Perception +5, Persuasion +6 > - **Senses** passive Perception 15 > - **Languages** Aquan, Celestial, Deep Speech, Sahuagin > - **Senses** darkvision 90 ft., passive Perception 15 > - **Challenge** 6 (2,300 XP) **Proficiency Bonus** +3 > ___ > > ***Charge.*** If the swordfish moves at least 20 feet straight towards a target and then hits it with a slash attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 7 (2d6) slashing damage. If the target is a creature, its speed is reduced by 10 feet until the start of the swordfish's next turn. > > ***Keen Sight.*** The swordfish has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. > > ***Magic Weapons.*** The swordfish's weapon attacks are magical. > > ***Water Breathing.*** The swordfish can breathe only underwater. > > ### Actions > ***Multiattack.*** The swordfish makes two attacks. It can replace one of its attacks with a Blade Flourish. > > ***Slash.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. *Hit:* 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage. > > ***Blade Flourish (1/Short Rest).*** Each creature within 10 feet of the swordfish must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. Creatures under the effect of the swordfish's Panache Pattern ability have disadvantage on the saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 7 (2d6 damage) slashing damage and is pushed back 10 feet. On a pass, the creature takes half as much damage and is not pushed back. After using this ability, the swordfish gains +3 bonus to its ac until the start of its next turn. > > ### Bonus Actions > ***Panache Pattern (1/Short Rest).*** The swordfish dazzles and cows foes with its roguish confidence, forcing each creature of its choice within 100 feet that can see it to make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. If a creature fails the save, the swordfish has advantage on attacks against it, and it provokes opportunity attacks from the swordfish even if it takes the disengage action before leaving the swordfish's reach. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending this effect on a success. > > ### Reactions > ***Riposte.*** When a creature misses the swordfish with a melee attack while within 10 feet of it, the swordfish can make a melee weapon attack against that creature. ### Art Credit * Swiftsteel Swordfish - Amber Conrad * Hawaiian Dream - Amber Conrad *
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