Circle Of Hunger

by Blue4Eternety

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Circle Of Hunger

Circle Of Hunger

This Circle is nothing but a curse imposed by the magic within nature itself. Eating humanoids' flesh due to desperation infects you with this curse. These druids have many names, Wendigo, Witiko, and Wee-Tee-Go are a few of them, all roughly translating to "the evil spirit that devours." Few have some control over the beast within, and those who don't, all they can do is watch as the monster takes control and hunts for its prey, toying with the victim before ripping them to shreds.

Circle Of Hunger Features
Druid Level Spells
2nd Circle Of Hunger Quirks, Circle Spells,
The Hunger Within, Wendigo Form
6th Never-Ending Famine
10th Shaman Form
14th Bloodlust For The Hunt

Circle Of Hunger Quirks

At your option, you can pick from or roll on the Circle Of Hunger Quirks table to create a quirk for your character.

d8 Quirk
1 You have a voice inside your head that isn't your own. You feel it's hunger.
2 Whenever you eat something that isn't raw meat, you feel a urge to throw up.
3 A deer skull is permanently attached to your head. A representation of your Circle.
4 The body fat you once had is gone, with nothing but bones and skin remaining.
5 Your skin is pale, with a gray-ish coloration, and your eyes are white as snow.
6 The though of eating a humanoid's meat once bothered you, now you crave it more than ever.
7 Druidic runes cover your body. All of them are unique, but have the same meaning. "Hunger".
8 Your blood is thick as petroleum, cold as the winter, and dark as the night.

Circle Spells

Your connection with the hunger grants you access to certain spells. At 2nd level, you learn the Primal Savagery cantrip.

When you reach certain Druid levels, you gain access to the spells below. These spells count as druid spells for you and you always have them prepared, but they don't count against the number of spells you prepare each day.

Druid Level Spells
3rd Blur, Pass Without Trace
5th Fear, Hunger Of Hadar
7th Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Of Moil
9th Mislead, Wrath Of Nature

The Hunger Within

"Hungry... I must eat... Food taste like... Nothing... I want flesh... Humanoid flesh... But I can't... I won't allow it..."

When you adopt this Circle at 2nd level, a protective ward caused by your starvation protects you. When you finish a long rest, you gain this ward. It has hit points equal to twice your druid level + your Wisdom modifier. Whenever you take damage, the ward takes the damage instead. If this damage reduces the ward to 0 hit points, you take any remaining damage.

While the ward has 0 hit points, it can't absorb damage, but its magic remains. When you use your Wendigo Form or Shaman Form feature, your wards regains a number of hit points equal to your druid level + your Wisdom modifier.

Wendigo Form

"I can hear it. It calls for blood. For flesh... Must control it... I must myself...!"

Also at 2nd level, you can use a bonus action to expend a use of your Wild Shape and take the form of a Wendigo.

When you assume this Wendigo form, you retain your game statistics, but your limbs grow into bony claws, a spiked tail appears on your back, and a deer skull with huge horns emerges through your head. While in your Wendigo Form you gain the following benefits:

  • Your speed increases by 15 feet.
  • You grow one size category larger (Small to Medium; Medium to Large; and so on).
  • You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, cold, and necrotic damage.
  • When you cast any spell, add your Wisdom Modifier to the damage it deals on a hit.
  • You can use your Wisdom modifier in place of your Strength modifier when making Strength checks and Strength saving throws.
  • When you make a melee attack roll, your reach for it is 5 feet greater than normal.

Your Wendigo form last for 1 hour, until you use your Wild Shape again, or when you end it as an action.

Never-Ending Famine

"Just... A little taste... It won't be long. No one will see..."

Starting at 6th level, you can spend a minute to devour a corpse of any size and type, except from undeads and constructs.

Doing so, roll accordingly to the table below. Roll the dice equal to the size of the corpse a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. The ward regains a number of hit points equal to the sum of the rolls, and any overlapping number of hit points heals you. You choose to half the total roll (rounded down) to reduce a exhaustion level by one.

You can use this feature once before you must finish a long rest.

Creature Size Dice Roll
Tiny d4
Small d6
Medium d8
Large d10
Huge d12
Gargantuan d20

Finally, your Primal Savagery cantrip ignores resistances against it's damages types. Also, you may change the damage type of your Primal Savagery to bludgeoning, cold, necrotic, piercing or slashing when you deal damage.

Shaman Form

"IT STRENGTHNED ME! HAHAHAHA! Why did I refuse its call? It was so gracious! THE FLAVOR! I want more..."

Beginning at 10th level, the hunger within reaches it's apex. You can expend two uses of Wild Shape as a bonus action to transform into an advanced form of the Wendigo, a Shaman. While in your Shaman Form, you gain the benefits of the Wendigo Form, and the added bonuses:

  • You grow two size categories larger (Small to Large; Medium to Huge; and so on).
  • You may add one additional die to your Primal Savagery damage and they become a d12.
  • Your ward maximum hit points increases by your druid level, gaining as much when transforming.
  • You gain a bonus to your AC equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of +1).

Bloodlust For The Hunt


At 14th level, the last remaining fraction of humanity inside you vanishes, becoming animalistic beast on battle. While in your Wendigo or Shaman Form and your ward doesn't have all it's hit points, you have advantage on attack rolls.

In addition, while under half your hit points maximum (rounded down) you can use your action to use your Never-Ending Famine feature. If you have no uses left, you can grant yourself a exhaustion level to use it again.

Circle Of Hunger

A everlasting starving subclass for the druid. Become a Wendigo and devour your enemies whole, but be wary, walking this path leads to your own downfall as sentient being...

Artist Credit:
Cover Art: Diana Franco
Page 2: Jacob Jagoda
Page 3: Valentina Govedarica
Back Art: Mabs_Gabs

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