Mysteries of Materia

by TheInnkeeper

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Mysteries of Materia

Materia in Strife

The world of Materia reels from the devastation wrought by the 'Shattering', an event fifty years past that disrupted magic, the natural order and shook entire kingdoms.

Now, people scramble to gather the pieces of this broken world. From the failing peace of Ubrary, to the frigid wastelands of Strucia, to the nobility of Aglain and the dark creatures of Hazelheim, and beyond, to the unknown east, this is a world in strife.

Even now, forces beyond mortal comprehension prepare their subjects and supplicants for an invasion of innocence. Whether it is Dracula's hordes of undead, unknowable astral evils, political cutthroats or evil, unseelie fey, danger lurks in every corner of the world.

This book provides information for this Prime Material world's outsiders, travelers from the Planes or distant stars, that you might be prepared for this place's many dangers.

Book authored by Naerfi Vebrandsson, Ysgardian Skald and Sensate. Published by the S.I.G.I.S publishing company. 154 HR.

Part 1: Aglain

The Once-Kingdom

Once hailed throughout the world as a bastion of peace, prosperity and royal justice, the Principality of Aglain still finds itself reeling from the death of it's king five years past. Claimed at the age of thirty-five by a dreadful illness and ruled by a boy-king, this once proud nation is struggling to regain it's former glory.


One thousand years past, the Kingdom of Aglain was a prosperous unification of the entire southern continent, a union of humans and demi-humans (dwarves, halflings, gnomes) that arose after winning their freedom from the fey courts that once ruled the land. Over time, this ancient war came to be forgotten, and few who now live in Aglain even know of this treaty of past ages, save for the dwarves in their fortresses - known as they are as impeccable record-keepers.

In more modern history, fifty years prior, Aglain was shook apart by the Shattering, an event that was felt the world over. Terrible political tension had arisen from the Barony of Hazelheim, for the Duke Tepes had gained far too much power - practically lording over a half of the country - thanks to his efforts in the Orc-Horde war. In a bid to gain more power, he had his personal mages warp the fabric of magic - though for what purpose is still unknown. What is known is that the spell became uncontrollable, and shattered across the south of Hazelheim's once-sunny glades.

The resultant magical anomalies created have wreaked havoc the world over, and yet Aglain itself seems spared the worst of it. A twist of fate, or purposeful manipulation?


Modern-Day Aglain is known for it's staunch attitude to the southern undead hordes. Knights in shining steel with radiant blades watch the border, day and night, for dark interference by dreadful creatures of evil. The peasantry sleep safely in their beds, watched over by the Magus Scrying Network from the Tower of Clamor in Brusal, which oversees the network using talented diviners from the nearby Scholastica Magicka.

A Land of Constrast


This section describes notable individuals, institutions and locations within Brusal as a city.

Missing information may be elaborated on in further sessions - information that is hidden or otherwise secret will not be listed here - these facts must be remembered...

Brusal: The City by the Sea

The Scholastica Magicka

The Scholastica Magicka is the second most prestigious magical academy in the western world, behind the Unseen University of Baskrun. This school takes promising individuals from ages 10-20 and trains them in basic magical aptitude for free. Students seeking higher education may either pay for tuition fees, or, alternatively, sign a contract to become one of the Clamor Mages - a devision of diviners and abjurers that keep Aglain safe from unseen threats. The Archmage of both the Scholastica and the Tower of Clamor is Garth Imhuud (pictured below), a powerful wizard hailing from the eastern Nha Trang Empire.

Royal Aglain Castle

The Royal Aglain Castle is home to what was once the royal family of Aglain - now reduced only to the Boy-King Kien Aglain IV. As a child of only 13 summers, he is unfit to rule the kingdom - and thus in his place, Grand Vizier Fareman (pictured below) rules the country - though some say to his own ends. The castle itself is a wondrously opulent palace, filled with paintings, sculptures and magical artifice of all kinds. It is guarded tightly, with a retinue of knightly paladins patrolling 24/7.

The City of the Dead

Brusal's City of the Dead is sparsely populated as of recent years, for attacks of terror by agents of Hazelheim have resulted in many of those once buried here rising, then being put to the sword once discovered. The only graves that remain are either empty - traps laid for foreign necromancers - or closely guarded, warded, hallowed crypts of past rulers, high priests and heroes. None are allowed into the City of the Dead without express permission from the city's own Archpaladin. The current Archpaladin is Xarnon Ramshead (pictured below), who is the first Tiefling to hold the position. He is a kind and understanding soul, but staunchly devoted to destroying evil. He is the current acting high-priest of the church of St. Cuthbert.

The 5000 Holy Steps

Constructed before the rest of the city - and indeed, before the formation of Aglain as a country entirely - St. Cuthbert's Rise is found at the top of the 5000 Holy Steps, an endurance test up a small mountain, designed to test the faith and conviction of prospective priests or paladins

Greater Aglain

Wilderness & Beyond

This page describes - in brief - minor towns, settlements and notable locations within the country of Aglain.

The Magus Scrying Network

This is the network of magical towers that keeps the countryside safe from invaders, monsters and other threats. Designed twenty years prior, it saves the country hundreds of thousands of gold pieces a year, for the roads need not be patrolled. Not only do these towers allow the Clamor Mage (an average individual of which is pictured below) to observe up to five miles of land, they also allow them to cast any spell in their repertoire, ensuring that any invading force is met with a flurry of spells from an unseen foe that they cannot slay.

Deepwood Vale

The Deepwood Vale is an inhospitable deep forest, set to the western coast of Aglain. The forest itself is said to be alive - and malicious, as it willingly allows a tribe of violent, vile goblinoids - the Bastard Sun tribe - to live within it. Word is that this tribe is preparing for war - rangers and scouts that have peered within the forest have reported that strange machines, dreadful chanting and a thick scent of brimstone fill the air. Clamor Mages have peered into the future, and seen the terrible face of their leader - Warchief Ggzzugg (Pictured below.).



A quaint, simple town on the main tradeway to Brusal, Balinville is home to a mixture of Hin and Humans. Though it was originally a Hin town, the expansion of humanity to the dominant species has made this village once owned by the smallfolk more than 80% human. Still, they get on fine in relative harmony, and all the town tends to do is farm, smith and cater to travelers, on their way further afield.

Khem Darim

The dwarven fortress of Khem Darim disallows human visitors, unless they have a pre-planned purpose for entering the city, such as for trade, visiting family members or friends, or something like that. Humans accompanied by gnomes, halflings or dwarves are allowed entry, but watched warily. This great hall is carved into a deep valley, a stone roof created over what was once a canyon, now transformed into a magnificent display of dwarven engineering. Connected to the city is the Deep Train , which runs from every known (and some unknown) dwarven outpost.

South Swamps

Often unmarked on many maps, the South Swamps are home to several humanoid creatures, whom seldom leave their muggy mud-huts or tree-houses. Indeed, for many of the amphibian races that reside here, they know little of the realm beyond. Creatures such as Grung, Grippli, Bullywugs and Lizardfolk live in relative peace, here - though 'relative' is the operative word, as a small territory squabble may break out into a brief, but bloody all-out war at any moment.


The city of Vescal is nothing compared to Brusal, but is still home to a modest population. Fishermen by trade, this is a maritime city that trains many in the art of seafood - from the net to the kitchen. Indeed, they live quiet, peaceful lives, as their fleet that was once warships has become instead a legion of fishing vessels, for pleasure or for profit. Simply put - these people love the scent of the ocean. There's a saying in Vescal; 'It's not a good day - for if it were a good day, I'd be fishing,'


The Fortress-Monastery in the Canleigh mountain range is home to a secretive order of warrior-monks, who dedicate their lives to worship of Pelor, god of the sun, and to the protection of the border between Aglain and Hazelheim, in their occupation of Canleigh Keep. Little is known about them, as the only public face is one Ana Een, (pictured below) a Hazelheim native human who, while not being the order's leader, is their public speaker.

Canleigh Keep

Similar to the Monastery of Canleigh, Canleigh Keep is filled with the same warrior-monks as that mountain retreat. However, this keep is open to travellers, and holds not only monks, but priests and clerics, who are more than happy to aide any escapees from Hazelheim proper - provided that they are not a spy, necromancer or corrupted beyond redemption, of course...


Many rumors and myths surround Aglain, and below are just a few of them.

  • Rumor has it that a Golden Dragon sleeps beneath the stones of Brusal, awaiting the day one of royal blood, with a lion's heart, calls him to the defense of justice.
  • There is talk on the streets that the Regent Lord is a vampire - though these rumors are often swiftly dismissed as preposterous, as Fareman has been seen walking in the daylight several times.
  • A great beast supposedly slumbers in Lake Lupinus, south of Canleigh, and any who fish there are damned, cursed to false catches and rotten meat.
  • Word is that the Scrying Network is failing, for the Archmage's old age is beginning to call him to the grave.
  • The Eastern coast of Aglain is beginning to freeze over, as a frigid wind is pushed south from Strucia.

Part 2: Hazelheim

The Dark Lands

Hazelheim is a duchy in despair - a land cursed and scorned by the gods, where dreadful monsters stalk the land, and creatures worse than those rule it - for the roaming monsters are mindless, and the rulers have a keen intellect - an intellect to know of the suffering they cause.


Before the Shattering, Hazelheim was a prosperous, wondrous part of the Kingdom of Aglain. Sunny glades, bronze fields and tall trees dominated the landscape, with crystal-clear waterfalls. An ancient magical power slumbered beneath the earth, giving rise to great vistas of nature, beautiful animals, creatures and works of art - indeed, everything seemed to be easier, here - happier, kinder. When the countries that came to be called Ubrary declared war on each-other, one powerful young wizard from the town of Avolire worked his way to becoming the general of Hazelheim's forces, aiding Baskrun against the terrible orcish horde. So successful was he, the he earned the nickname of 'The Impaler', for his use of the Ice Storm spell. When the war came to a close, he was hailed as a hero - but that was all. Only by the people of Hazelheim was he respected, and the old king of Aglain never granted him, or his people, a reward. He and his retinue felt scorned, betrayed, and they sought their grand reward in the knowledge of dark magicks.

Soon after, seeking revenge, Duke Vladamir Tepes, the Impaler gathered his court of now Vampiric wizards and warlocks, with intent to devastate the land of northern Aglain.

The spell did not go as planned. Wild Magic warped across the land, causing untold devastation to countries near and far, whilst leaving Aglain practically unharmed. What caused the mishap is unclear - merely inexperience, perhaps?


Now, Hazelheim is a shadow of it's former self. Once lush wilderness is dead and silent, green and browns turned to black and grey, the proud beasts of the wild warped into unimaginable monstrosities. Villagers are left to fend for themselves, whilst the vampiric lords that rule over them lie in decadent, unholy grace, feeding and murdering however they see fit.

The future is dim for the people of Hazelheim, as infertility rises, alongside mass deaths for plague, monster and madness. Time will tell if these people will outlast the decade - or if they will succumb, as a casualty of the terrible Shattering.


The noble & the wild.

The following pages describe Hazelheim in detail - from the lofty vampiric castles to the ruins of former townships, to the dreadful state of the Scar.


The town of Marfall is one of the more well-off locations in Hazelheim - with a functioning guard, agriculture and trade economy, it is not entirely dangerous to reside within. Yes, indeed, the most dangerous thing within the town appears to be it's ruler - Lady Mourne (Pictured below). She is not known for making public appearances, and the only statue in town depicts Dracula, not her. She is rumored to sometimes send her Bone Knights out to kidnap villagers, testing them for something she refers to as the 'True Blood'.



Once renowned as a small seaside town, Farrowburg is now a grim place. A village that lives in dreadful fear of it's ruler, Lord Nicholas (pictured below).The villagers of this place do not dare travel the roads - for their lord allows monstrous beasts to terrorize them for the sport of it. Often seen on wild hunts of mortal men, this vampiric ruler is a truly unrepentant monster.



The township of Dayfall is unremarkable, as it is little more than one or two families, for it is newly established under the watchful eye of Lady Cassandra, a Vampire Lord who is, compared to many of her fellows, a relatively kind and fair ruler.


Much like Marfall, Madford is a functioning village. It holds the only still-standing Hallowed location in Hazelheim, the Temple of St. Cuthbert. The town is allowed relative autonomy, and even has it's own mayor and town council, as the villagers eek out a bare existence.

This is due to the kindness and understanding - or perhaps merely because of their constant bickering - of the trio of vampire lords that rule over Madford. Lords Alastair, Isaac and Young Alice Blackwell are the three ruling vampire lords, though ostensibly Isaac has final say on diplomatic matters, it is often Alastair who oversees the running of their lands, for the former is often too busy throwing wild parties.

Alice is far too young to rule, a vampirette of 15 summers. Assured that her pure-blood power will grant her immense boons in the coming years, she is tutored in art and warfare by her father (Isaac) and uncle. Her mother, another vampire lord, was called to Avolire Castle many years ago, and never returned.

The brothers' father is Lord Illirass Llaezzrr'in, the only Dark Elf Vampire Lord, who is detailed later in this chapter. This makes Isaac and Alastair Half Dark-Elves, and Alice quarter Dark-Elf.

The three lords are pictured below. drawing drawing drawing


The town of Dewfall is in a state of constant disrepair. The lord, Illirass Llaezzrr'in, (pictured below) cares little for the poor folk of this desperate village. A small population of less than a hundred eek out a miserable life tilling cursed ground, and their numbers fall by the day, as they have nobody to defend them from the horrors of Hazelheim - for why would their uncaring lord stand up for them?



Browbury is a simple town, filled with simple people. Their living conditions are average, and it is the most diverse village by far, featuring gnomes, orc-bloods and other monstrous creatures, living in relative peace with the human population. The village is ruled by Lord Slarkinos (pictured below), who takes tribute of the firstborn of each year for his experiments, deep in his underground castle. None know what becomes of these children - but they are never seen again.



A harsh hamlet at the base of Avolire castle's mountain, Blackbrooke is ruled by the recently-converted Northlander, Lord Victor, who attempted conquest of Hazelheim - but was transformed into a Vampire, and his invading force raised as a spiritual host that follows him always. He is known for taking out his rage on those who anger him - or any who get in his way.


Avolire Castle

The darkened spires of this once-grand castle stand at the peak of Mt. Avolire, overlooking the ruins of a township that collapsed into a chasm during the Shattering. The ghosts of noble warriors haunt this profane place, and from the tallest tower, a dark presence watches over this profane land.


Avolire is a cursed place - only the bravest or most foolish of adventurers would dare step foot there. It is from here that the dark host of Hazelheim is commanded - where Dracula himself makes roost, where he dares those who would challenge his supreme rule to ascend, through hordes of demonic bats, abyssal riders and slavering undead monsters to face him at the peak of his trap-laden castle.

Such riches, surely, could be gleaned from rifling through this keep - but does the risk outweigh the reward?


Across the furthest seas...

Through the misty mountains...

Over the deepest swamps...

Something stirs...

Far from the toils of Hazelheim and Aglain, far from the frigid waste of Strucia, from the strife of Ubrary, there is a land of nobility - of intrigue, spirituality, and honour.

In this place, an era is coming to an end. Weapons of war unlike anything seen before are being tested, used to enflame ancient grudges, rebuild anger, and tear alliances apart.

This is the Age of the Samurai.

And this is how it ends.

The Asarano Shogunate

Deep in the forests of central Yazawa, the ancient Kurobetsu Castle stands high at the foot of a mountain, surrounded by deep glades and ancient shrines. These primordial woods are untouched, and ancient spirits reside within, watching, waiting, protecting nature from all manner of threats.

The Shogunate itself is, human-led, broke away from the Empire of Yazawa's Celestial Dragon Emperor ten years past, during the Wolf Wars, a conflict that was brought about by the Empire doing little to defend against the incoming Northlander horde - an issue that the Asarano Shogunate is now facing itself.

With accusations of complacency, Shogun Itou Tanemochi is facing rebellion from the Samurai lords that once protected his lands. Little more than peasant militia now stands in the way of the legendary warrior

Mysteries of


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