Samuilo Prorok Zapad's
Samuilo Prorok Zapad's
Superlative Guide to Sailing the Astral Seas
V 1.8
Variant Spelljamming Rules
"Mid-Ranged" Combat. One can expand the dimension of spelljammer combat, skewing the relative speeds of spelljammers for a "mid-ranged" combat system. On a hex grid, the area a spelljammer occupies is just one hex. For the sake of this "mid-ranged" combat system, each hex represents around a 200-foot diameter amount of space, allowing ships to eventually enter each other's hex and perform "close-range" combat on a normal playing scale with the spelljammer's traditional speeds.
Spelljammer Actions
On its turn, the spelljammer can take 3 actions, choosing from the options below. It can take only 2 actions if it has fewer than half of its crew and only 1 action if it has fewer than a quarter. It can’t take these actions if it has fewer than three crew.
- Fire Primary Weapons. The spelljammer can fire its ballistae or any other primary weapons it possesses and has crew enough to operate.
- Fire Secondary Weapons. The spelljammer can fire its mangonels or any other secondary weapons it possesses and has crew enough to operate.
- Move. The spelljammer can use its helm to move up to the speed possible for it, with the amount of facing turns per its maneuverability (see section details). As part of this move, it can use its ram if it has one.
Maneuverability Rating
To determine a spelljammer's maneuverability, divide the spelljammer's flying speed by 5. This is also the amount of hexes a spelljammer can move in combat on it's turn. Then divide that number by 3 (rounded down) to get the amount of hex facings a spelljammer can turn per round of combat.
Speed | Hexes | # of Facings per Turn |
25 ft | 5 | 1 |
30 ft | 6 | 2 |
35 ft | 7 | 2 |
40 ft | 8 | 2 |
50 ft | 10 | 3 |
70 ft | 14 | 4 |
The rules presented within this document use the hex grid system of gameplay for ship combat and exploration.
Firing Arcs
If you want the precision of knowing which way a spelljammer is facing, consider using this optional rule.
Each spelljammer has a forward-facing arc (the direction it faces), port and starboard side arcs, and an aft-facing arc. A spelljammer can also change its facing as a reaction when any other spelljammer moves within range, depending on the number of facing turns it can perform per round. Executing this reaction limits the amount of actions a spelljammer can carry out on its following turn by 1 (see the 'Spelljammer Actions' section for details).
A spelljammer can normally target only spelljammers in its arcs where weapons are positioned. It can’t fire into its blind arcs. This means an attacker in the spelljammer’s blind arc makes attack rolls against it with advantage.
Feel free to determine that not all spelljammers have every type of arc. For example, a tyrant ship could treat three random arcs as guarded ones due to the erratic nature of their ships, while another spelljammer might only have two guarded arcs and two blind ones because of build limitations.
Hex Grid Firing Arcs
On hexes, determining the front, rear, and side arcs requires more judgment. Typically, the spelljammer’s bow has a space where weapons are positioned that creates a wedge shape expanding out from there for the front arc, with any side of the spelljammer with weapons as its side arcs. The unprotected stern of the spelljammer usually is where the rear arc is.
A hex might be in more than one arc, depending on how you draw the lines from a spelljammer’s space. If more than half of a hex lies in one arc, it is in that arc. If it is split exactly down the middle, use this rule: if half of it lies in the front arc, it’s in that arc. If half of it is in a side arc and the rear arc, it’s in the side arc.
Use the 'Adjudicating Areas of Effect' section of the Dungeon Master's Guide for more reference on how to handle arcs.
Wildspace System Examples
d12 | System | Worldpool Colors |
1 | Aebrynispace (Birthright) | Red and White |
2 | Clusterspace (The Astromundi Cluster) | Red and Orange |
3 | Dominiaspace (Magic, the Gathering) | Purple and Red |
4 | Doomspace* | Black and Orange |
5 | Greyspace (Greyhawk) | Grey and Blue |
6 | Knownspace (Mystara) | Blue and Orange |
7 | Krynnspace (Dragonlance) | Red and Platinum |
8 | Luxonspace (Critical Role's Exandria) | Yellow and Platinum |
9 | Realmspace (Forgotten Realms) | Green and Blue |
10 | Vodonispace (SJA4 Under The Dark Fist) | Black and Silver |
11 | Xaryxispace* | Gold and Green |
12 | Siberspace (Eberron) or Athaspace (Dark Sun) | - |
*from the Light of Xaryxis Adventure
Finding a Wildspace System
- Free-Sailing. Finding the right worldpool is a matter of chance and navigation through the astral without using an astral compass† or phlogiduct takes time.
- Point-to-Point Astral Navigation. When attempting to reach a destination using an astral chart†, the amorphic nature of the Astral Sea causes slight variations of travel time depending on which wildspace system you are trying to reach as shown on the table below.
Gateways leading from the Astral Sea to other wildspace systems also can appear as undulating, three-dimensional whirlpool-like rifts, 2d20 × 10 feet in diameter. These "gateways" to other worlds can be identified by their rippling colors, as shown on the Wildspace System Examples table. When a spelljammer crosses paths with a "worldpool", the crew must succeed on their hazard check or the spelljammer is pulled into the worldpool's wildspace. The worldpool's destination can be determined randomly or chosen by the GM using the table below. If the hazard check fails by 5 or more, the spelljammer takes 22 (4d10) force damage and loses one of its components in the process.
Worldpool Hazard
- Hazard Check: Dexterity (Vehicles, space)
- Assigned Role: Quartermaster, Captain
Crew Assistance
Role | Ability Check |
First Mate, Captain | Wisdom (Insight) |
Quartermaster, Bosun | Wisdom (Survival) |
Bosun | Strength (Athletics) |
*(For rules regarding officers, crew and hazards, see Of Ships and the Sea)
Astral Phlogiducts
Phlogiducts, not to be confused with color strands, are denser, energy-laden planar currents that run to-and-fro throughout the Astral Sea. These are guaranteed to get you to a destination quickly, depending on your knowledge of where you are going and how to read the astral currents. It takes you half the normal time to reach your desired destination using the correct course of Phlogiducts but each current on your route is imbued with different frenetic planar energies that make it hazardous to cast any spells tied to the primordial essences that each current is made up of. Most phlogiducts deposit a spelljammer a couple of hours or half a day from the chosen destination. These can be tied to the worldpools mentioned above or you can use something like the example included below.
Casting any spell that creates a damage type that is of the same nature as the phlogiduct the spell is cast within causes the spell to immediately trigger with the caster as the center of the area of effect. If the spell targets a creature with an attack roll, the attack still immediately triggers upon the caster dealing damage appropriately.
Example: Tied to Color Pools
Spells of a randomly selected elemental damage or of the psychic damage type erupt in the chaotic phlogiducts tied to the color pools of Limbo, while radiant damage-based spells backfire when cast from within the gloriously brilliant phlogiducts connected to the color pools of Mount Celestia.
Any damage type can be tied to one of the Outer Planes and the currents themselves don't have to lead a spelljamming vessel to the color pools they are associated with.
Spelljamming Helms
Expanded Rules
These variants are meant to be transposed over the pre-existing spelljamming helm magic item rules with the idea that "specific overrides general" in mind. If the variant mentions a speed, it is referring to the flying speed of the spelljammer it it installed upon. Like mentioned before, this specific speed overrides the general speed of the statblocks presented in the official release.
Helm Drawbacks
You need to have at least one spell slot available to use a spelljamming helm. While attuned to the helm, you cannot expend your own spell slots without having a spelljamming focus. Once you have piloted a spelljammer for 16 straight hours, you cannot pilot the ship again until you have finished a long rest, even if you still possess more spell slots.
A character with spell slots may operate a spelljamming helm continuously for 16 hours but will begin to tire after 8. For each additional hour of travel beyond 8 hours, the character must make a Constitution saving throw at the end of the hour. The DC is 10 + 1 for each hour past 8 hours. On a failed saving throw, a character suffers one level of exhaustion.
Each exhaustion level gained from spelljamming reduces a spelljammer's maximum speed by 5 feet. This exhaustion stays with the spelljammer until they take an appropriate amount of rests to recover from it. Regardless of exhaustion level, after 16 hours of continuous attunement to a spelljammer helm the operator will be knocked unconscious and be unable to said consciousness until after taking a long rest.
Spelljamming Focus
Helm upgrade, legendary
After installation, this magical focus allows a spelljammer to be able to spend their spell slots as they normally would, disregarding the limitations described in the helm drawbacks section. They can also wander freely amongst the spelljammer's air envelope, still being able to pilot the helm remotely while defending the spelljammer from attacks.
If the spelljammer the focus is installed upon is within 1 mile of the attuned creature, the creature can beckon the vessel to its location causing the ship to fly there within just 4d4 minutes.
This magic item can only be used on a spelljamming vessel with a standard spelljamming helm or an upgraded standard spelljamming helm.
Upgrading a Spelljamming Helm
An upgraded helm, or major helm as the old wildspacers call it, costs 15,000 gp, requires 10 days of labor by six skilled mage shipwrights (included in the cost) and works in the exact same fashion as a normal spelljamming helm, except the spelljamming helmsman is able to add 5 x their
proficiency bonus to the number of feet that the spelljammer can move on its turn. Consult the table in the Maneuverability Rating section for the number of base hexes a spelljammer can move with the flying speed provided in their stats and adjust the hex facings accordingly (to a maximum of 6).
When upgrading a spelljamming helm, if the helm has multiple units like a series helm, you upgrade the entire helm, not each individual unit.
Helm Variants
Forge Helm
Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement by an Artificer)
Instead of using the typical spelljamming magicks to create propulsion, the Forge channels the creative powers of the artisans working within it.
For every artificer attuned and working in the foundry, the spelljammer gains 10 feet of movement (up to a maximum of 50 feet of movement for a helm that hasn't been upgraded). The faster the spelljammer, the larger the space it has reserved for the Forge. Assuming a ship has an amount of artisans to keep working around the clock, the spelljammer can effectively function 24 hours a day if crewed accordingly.
Additional Forge helms may be required to give any spelljammer larger than 100 tons lift (multiply a spelljammer's cargo capacity by 2 to find out it's tonnage), requiring more creative energy by additional artificers and only increasing the speed by 5 feet per attuned artificer. This helm cannot be upgraded.
Ki Helm
Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement by a Monk)
Creatures with access to the natural forces of ki have developed a form of spelljamming helms known as Ki Helms. In a round, a ki helm moves a spelljammer at 10 ft/creature concentrating on the helm, up to a maximum of 5 creatures.
Upgraded. Once per day, the spelljammer can perform the Dash action as a bonus action for up to a minute's time, dropping back down to normal speed once the minute has passed.
Lifejammer Helm
Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement by a Spellcaster)
Using an action to touch the helm, a spellcaster can cause the lifejammer helm to grapple an unwilling creature (escape DC 16) and hold it forcibly in place. For every day that the spelljammer is in operation the creature grappled by the helm loses 1d4 points of Constitution and must make a DC 5 Constitution saving throw. Lifejamming helms can be used continuously until the creature grappled by the helm escapes or is killed either by failing their Constitution saving throw, or the reduction of its Constitution score drops to zero, whichever comes first. Constitution points lost in this process cannot be regenerated while the creature remains within the helm but come back once the creature takes a long rest.
Upgraded (Deathjammer helm). The DC for the helms grapple increases to 19. Unless the creature is immune to being charmed, a deathjammer helm has the added function of charming the grappled creature into not wanting to break free, thinking that they are safe and comfortable while they are being siphoned by the helm's necromantic magic.
A dispel magic spell at 5th-level or the greater restoration spell drops the charm from the creature and allows it to regain its faculties, although it is still grappled by the lifejammer helm.
The Beholders of the Astral Sea and Wildspace don't use standard spelljamming helms. Instead they have a type of beholderkin, mutated and warped into a tool to propel the Beholder's Tyrant Ships. Tyrant ships can have up to a total of 5 orbi on board propelling the spelljammer, requiring concentration like a standard spelljamming helm from each orbus to maintain its hold on the vessel. When an orbus loses concentration, falls unconscious or drops to 0 hit points, its speed is reduced from the Tyrant ship's total until the orbus is replaced or resuscitated.
Since the orbus is a creature and not a magical item, it cannot be upgraded
Medium aberration, neutral
- Armor Class 13 (Natural armor)
- Hit Points 27 (6d8)
- Speed 0 ft., fly 15 ft. (hover)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 6 (-2) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 3 (-4) 4 (-3) 3 (-4)
- Condition Immunities Prone
- Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 7
- Languages Understands Beholder, but can't speak
- Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Antimagic Sphere. An orbus' central eye continually produces a 60-foot radius sphere of antimagic. All magical and supernatural powers and effects within the sphere are suppressed (the orbus deactivates the sphere by shutting its central eye).
Propel Spelljammer. Orbi have the innate ability to propel a spelljammer through wildspace without the use of a spelljamming helm. Each orbus provides 15 feet of movement to the vessel per round, up to a maximum of 75 feet with five orbi.
Pool Helm
Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement by an Illithid)
Despite being piloted by a spelljammer, what powers the pool helm is not the innate psionics or magic of just one creature but the combined life-pool of the entire ship's crew and passengers. A pool helm does not prohibit the creature attuned and piloting the spelljammer from utilizing their psionics or other forms of abilities that consume spell slots, but it does stunt hit dice the crew and passengers can
restore while resting within the spelljammer's air envelope by 1.
Upgraded. An upgraded pool helm does not siphon as much magic from its passengers and crew. Instead of stunting hit dice, once per day the helm grants each creature of the pilot's choice with the effects of the death ward spell until the effect triggers, releasing the spell from all bestowed creatures.
Pump Helm
Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)
Pump helms are designed to burn objects and convert the combustion energy into magical fuel. These helms also do not require a spellcaster for attunement, needing only to be attuned by the creature who will be feeding the helm its fuel, maintaining concentration in effort to sustain the helm's thrust.
One pound of raw material propels the spelljammer for up to 1 hour, assuming the raw goods have a coin value of at least 10 sp. Magical objects such as items, scrolls, potions and artifacts cannot be broken down by the helm, obstructing the helm's functions and causing it to malfunction for 2d10 hours, not coming back online until a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check (DC 15) is passed and the object is removed by a creature.
Upgraded. When a pump helm is upgraded, it can run on any sort of material, even on the corpses of deceased creatures. Any corpse utilized in this manner cannot be resurrected short of a wish spell.
Series Helm
Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement by Innate Spellcasting or Psionics)
Series helms are powered by the innate magic or psionics of the creatures linked through the connected array of helms that make up the overall series helm. Each helm provides the spelljammer with 10 feet of movement in a round, up to the maximum of 50 feet of movement (total of 5 units).
Upgraded. The spelljammer's weapon attacks are considered magical as it siphons off extra magical energy from the creatures attuned.
Random Ship Samples
Goblin Fleet
- Scorpion ship Pride of Maglubiyet, captained by Raath Thragash (hobgoblin captain) and crewed by 1 hobgoblin devastator (first mate), 7 hobgoblins, 1 bugbear (chef), and 1 hobgoblin iron shadow [Upgraded pump helm]
- Hammerhead ship Hammer of War, captained by Sharuuc Korllesh (hobgoblin warlord) and crewed by 12 hobgoblins, 2 hobgoblin iron shadows (spelljammer) and 1 chain devil [Upgraded pump helm]
- Lamprey ship Sukkagut, crewed by 10 goblins, 2 spined devil and one captain (goblin boss) [Pump helm]
Elven Armada
- Star moth Blessed Winds, captained by Xophia (astral elf commander) and crewed by 1 astral elf star priest, 11 astral elf warriors and 1 astral elf honor guard [Upgraded spelljamming helm]
- Wasp ship Auspex, captained by Eldra (astral elf aristocrat) and crewed by 4 astral elf warriors [Spelljamming helm]
Neogi Zealots of Acamar
- Nightspider Pacify, captained by Filkreth (neogi void hunter) and crewed by 16 neogi pirates and 8 umber hulks [Deathjammer helm]
Orcish War Batallions
- Bombard Cyclopean Fury, captained by Golgathraan (orc war chief), piloted by an aartuk priest and crewed by 4 aartuk warriors, 3 orc magewright artisans, 3 orc eye of Gruumsh and 2 tanarukk [Forge helm]
- Space galleon Luthic's Wrath, captained by Dorgash (orc war chief) and crewed by 1 orc werebear (first mate), 5 orc magewright artisans, 3 orc claws of Luthic , and 10 orcs [Forge helm]
Star Spawn of Acamar
- Nautiloid Acamar's Hunger, crewed by 1 star spawn seer (captain), 1 star spawn larva mage (pilot) with 2 star spawn hulks, 1d6 star spawn manglers and 1d6 star spawn grue as passengers [Pool helm]
Thri-kreen Refugees
- Damselfly ship Wingwarden, captained by Krik'rik-Chik (thri-kreen gladiator) and crewed by 1 thri-kreen mystic, 2 thri-kreen hunters and 5 thri-kreen (psionics variant) [Series helm]
- Squid ship Slarkrethel’s Fury, captained by Marn’aakral (marid) and crewed by 1 water elemental myrmidon (first mate), 2 water elementals, and 12 nothics (former crew) [Lifejammer Helm]
- Tyrant ship the Xenocryst, crewed by 1 beholder hive mother, 2 spectator twins that fight over who is first mate, 1 eyedrake that stands perched on a broken eyestalk of the ship, 1d4 gauth chained up in the belly of the ship and 2d6 gazers for crew [4 orbi]
- Turtle ship Equanimity, captained and piloted by three martial arts adepts and crewed by 15 priests [Ki helm]
Hitting Cover
When a ranged attack misses a target that has cover, you can use this optional rule to determine whether the cover was struck by the attack.
First, determine whether the attack roll would have hit the protected target without the cover. If the attack roll falls within a range low enough to miss the target but high enough to strike the target if there had been no cover, the object used for cover is struck.
Common Cover Types
Cover Type | AC | Hit Points (Medium, Large) | Immunities | Resistances | Vulnerabilities |
Ceramic | 13 | 4 (1d8), 5 (1d10) | Acid, Poison, Psychic | Fire, Lightning | Cold |
Wood | 15 | 18 (4d8), 27 (5d10) | Poison, Psychic | Bludgeoning and Piercing from Nonmagical Attacks that aren't Siege Weapons or Adamantine | Fire |
Stone | 17 | 18 (4d8), 27 (5d10) | Poison, Psychic | Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks that aren't Siege Weapons or Adamantine | Thunder |
Metal | 19 | 18 (4d8), 27 (5d10) | Poison, Psychic, Necrotic, Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks that aren't Siege Weapons or Adamantine | Cold, Fire | Acid |
Check the 'Objects' section in Chapter 8 of the Dungeon Master's Guide for more information on objects and their statistics
Vulnerabilities, Resistances, and Immunities
A spelljammer’s vulnerabilities and resistances only apply to its components if it is noted as part of the design in its stat block. Other wise they are immune to poison and psychic and share the same condition immunities with their spelljammer they are affixed on.
Spelljammers are typically immune to poison and psychic damage (additional immunities can be found on the Common Cover Types table). They are also usually immune to the following conditions: blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned, and unconscious.
Wildspace Generator
To start, determine what sort of celestial body (or bodies) inhabits the central point of your wildspace system. This can be a star, planet, moon, or any other wacky construct or creature you can think of.
Then determine the number of planetary bodies surround your central point by rolling on either a 1d6 for a smaller system; a 1d12 for a medium-sized system; or 1d20 for a larger wildspace system. Then roll for each celestial body from the tables provided below.
A few celestial objects that you can add as you see fit are things like asteroid belts, comets, even black holes if your story calls for such.
Planetary Types
d6 | Type |
1 | Earth body (1d4 satellites) |
2 | Air body (1d10 satellites) |
3 | Water body (1d6 satellites) |
4 | Fire body (1d8 satellites) |
5 | Constructed (DM discretion) |
6 | Ringed (Roll again) |
Planetary Shapes
d6 | Shape |
1 | Spherical |
2 | Disk |
3 | Ring |
4 | Geometric (Pyramid, Cube, etc.) |
5 | Coupling or Cluster |
6 | Irregular |
Planetary Sizes
d20* | Size Class (Diameter in Miles) |
1 | Size A (Less than 10) |
2 | Size B (10 -100) |
3-4 | Size C (101-1,000) |
5-8 | Size D (1,001-4000) |
9-12 | Size E (4,001-10,000) |
13-14 | Size F (10,001-40,000) |
15-16 | Size G (40,001-100,000) |
17-18 | Size H (100,001-1,000,000) |
19 | Size I (1,000,001-10,000,000) |
20 | Size J (10,000,001 and greater) |
*optional: roll 1d8 for moons and 1d12 + 4 for planets
Planetary Orbit
d6 | Orbit Type |
1 | Circular |
2 | Elliptical |
3 | Helix |
4 | Spiral |
5 | Dead |
6 | Retrograde (Roll again) |
Total Biomes
d4 | Biome Amount |
1 | One dominant biome |
2 | Two unique biomes |
3 | 5 (2d4) unique biomes |
4 | 7 (2d6) unique biomes |
For finding unique creatures to inhabit each of your biomes, turn to the tables from Xanathar's Random Encounters for more guidance.
Random Biomes
d12 | Environment |
1 | Arctic |
2 | Coastal |
3 | Desert |
4 | Forest |
5 | Grassland |
6 | Hill |
7 | Mountain |
8 | Swamp |
9 | Underdark |
10 | Underwater |
11 | Urban |
12 | Wasteland* |
*New biome (see the Mournland -Eberron: Rising from the Last War for inspiration)
Biome and Settlement Generation
The following sections from the Dungeon Master's Guide are helpful when fleshing out the rest of the details regarding your new planetary bodies.
- Mapping Out Areas - Building a Dungeon, Mapping a Wilderness, Settlements (Towns, Villages, Cities)
- Meteorology - Weather
- Random Hazards - Dungeon Hazards, Wilderness Hazards
Spacefaring Magic Items
Astral Chart
Wondrous Item, uncommon
An astral chart gives the location of 1d4 wildspace systems within the Astral Sea. The vague quality of the charts makes it hard for novice adventurer's to understand the subtle symbols that sporadically pop up, requiring proficiency in Navigator's tools or Survival to decipher their meanings.
Astral Compass
Wondrous Item, uncommon
An astral compass points to the nearest wildspace systems within the Astral Sea. Due to the complexity of the compass, you must have proficiency with Navigator's tools or Survival to use it properly.
If you fail your roll searching for a rumored wildspace system, roll a d6. On a 5-6, you search for an additional 1d12 days, finding the destination regardless of success or failure.
OneD&D Spelljammer Species
Creature Type: Aberration
Size: Medium (about 4-7 feet tall) or Small (about 3-4 feet tall), chosen when you select this lineage
Speed: 30 feet
Life Span: 50-750 years (depending on host)
As a ceremorph you gain these special traits.
- Cranial Sustenance. You must consume 1 brain per week or suffer the effects of starvation. If you go a number of days after equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) without such a meal, you gain one level of exhaustion. While you have any levels of exhaustion from this trait, you can’t regain hit points (unless through your Consume Brain ability), use your spells from your Psionic Nature, use your Pineal Blast feature, or remove levels of exhaustion until you consume at least one brain.
Consume Brain. If you are grappling an unconscious creature, you can choose to make a lethal unarmed attack and kill the target by extracting and devouring its brain.
- Darkvision. You have Darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
- Pineal Blast. At 5th level, you gain the ability to unleash your mind violently. When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can replace one of your attacks with a psionic blast in a 15-foot cone. The save DC for this blast is 8 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus. Each creature in the cone must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw or become stunned until the start of your next turn.
- Psionic Nature. You have innate abilities possessed by those of your kind, expressing themselves as various supernatural powers. You know either the light, mage hand or mind sliver cantrip. Starting at 3rd level and again at 5th level, you gain the ability to cast a higher-level Spell with this trait, harnessing the powers of the charm person or command spell at 3rd and again later gaining either the detect thoughts, levitate, or Tasha's mind whip spell at 5th. Once you cast the Spell with this trait, you can’t cast that Spell with it again until you finish a Long Rest*; however, you can cast the Spell using any Spell Slots you have of the appropriate level. Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting ability for the Spells you cast with this trait (choose the ability when you select the lineage).
- Magic Resistance. You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Creature Type: Fey
Size: Small (about 3-4 feet tall)
Speed: 25 feet
Life Span: 100 years on average
As a dohwar you gain these special traits.
- Competitive Merchants. You have proficiency in the Persuasion skill.
- Fey Attentiveness. You have advantage on Dexterity and Wisdom saving throws.
- Peek in Minds. You can cast the detect thought spell a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest but can only glean a creature's surface thoughts.
- Swim Speed. You have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed.
- Telepathic Merger. You and another dohwar can have a telepathic conversation with each other and a third willing creature of your choice, provided all three of you are within 30 feet of each other and can understand at least one language. Your telepathic link to a creature is broken if you and the other dohwar move more than 30 feet apart, if either of you is incapacitated, or if either of you mentally breaks the contact (no action required).
Creature Type: Giant
Size: Medium (about 4-7 feet tall) or Large (about 8-12 feet tall), chosen when you select this lineage
Speed: 30 feet
Life Span: 350 years on average
As a mercane you gain these special traits.
- Helmsmonger. When you make a Charisma (Persuasion) check or an ability check involving trading, bartering, haggling or dickering, you can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the ability check.
- Large Stature. On your turn, one of your attacks with a weapon or an unarmed strike can deal an extra 1d6 damage to a target on a hit. This extra damage can be utilized a number of times per day equal to your proficiency modifier.
- Psionic Nature. You have innate abilities possessed by those of your kind, expressing themselves as various supernatural powers. You know either the light, mage hand or prestidigitation cantrip. Starting at 3rd level and again at 5th level, you gain the ability to cast a higher-level Spell with this trait, harnessing the powers of the detect magic spell at 3rd and again later gaining either the invisibility or misty step spell at 5th. Once you cast the Spell with this trait, you can’t cast that Spell with it again until you finish a Long Rest*; however, you can cast the Spell using any Spell Slots you have of the appropriate level. Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting ability for the Spells you cast with this trait (choose the ability when you select the lineage).
- Telepathy. You have the magical ability to transmit your thoughts mentally to willing creatures you can see within 60 feet of yourself. A contacted creature doesn’t need to share a language with you to understand your thoughts, but it must be able to understand at least one language. Your telepathic link to a creature is broken if you and the creature move more than 60 feet apart, if either of you is incapacitated, or if either of you mentally breaks the contact (no action required). You are able to communicate telepathically with any other mercane you know, regardless of the distance between you and them.
Creature Type: Humanoid
Size: Medium (about 4-7 feet tall) or Small (about 3-4 feet tall), chosen when you select this lineage
Speed: 30 feet
Life Span: 500 years on average
As a reigar you gain these special traits.
- Glory. For calculating your Armor Class, you use your Charisma modifier in place of your Dexterity modifier.
- Psionic Nature. You have innate abilities possessed by those of your kind, expressing themselves as various supernatural powers. You know either the light, mage hand or prestidigitation cantrip. Starting at 3rd level and again at 5th level, you gain the ability to cast a higher-level Spell with this trait, harnessing the powers of the color spray, disguise self, or wrathful smite spell at 3rd and again later gaining either the air bubble, misty step, or suggestion spell at 5th. Once you cast the Spell with this trait, you can’t cast that Spell with it again until you finish a Long Rest*; however, you can cast the Spell using any Spell Slots you have of the appropriate level. Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting ability for the Spells you cast with this trait (choose the ability when you select the lineage).
- Talarith. You are able to wield the item know to those privy of such splendor as the Talarith.
- Wildspace Wanderer. You can hold your breath for up to 1 hour and have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed.