Harvesting and Crafting System for D&D 5e

by Frozenfeet2

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D&D Harvesting and Crafting System


This document has been created to incorporate a monster harvesting and crafting system for D&D 5e. Monster parts can be collected and used to make potions and poisons.

Monster parts have been given one or more crafting tags to denote the essence that the monster part contributes to the alchemical crafting process. These tags are: Acid, Air, Arcane, Cold, Earth, Fire, Flora, Lightning, Poison, Psychic, Stealth, Strength, Unholy, Vitality, and Water, representing a variety of innate arcane, elemental, and physical characteristics of these monsters.

These crafting tags are then used in alchemical crafting tables to show which type of monsters need to be sought to create a particular potion or poison.

Monster Harvesting

When a monster is killed, parts can be harvested for alchemical use. A player can make a Strength or Dexterity check (DM's choice) depending on the type of body part and size of monster. The DC of the check depends on the difficulty of collecting the desired monster part, as well as the size of the monster, as shown in the Monster Harvesting DC table below. On a roll of 1, or after 3 failed attempts, the harvested part is damaged beyond repair. When a creature leaves behind general remains such as smoke, ectoplasm, or ichor, no check is required to collect the parts but they dissipate or degrade after 1 minute.

The Monster Parts tables list the monsters from the Monster Manual that have useful parts to harvest. A suggested monster part is given for each monster, as well as the associated crafting tags.

Monster Harvesting DC
Part Tiny Small Medium Huge Gargantuan
Easy: Appendages e.g. skull, claws, tentacles 12 10 10 12 14
Medium: Features e.g. mandibles, scales, horns 15 13 13 15 17
Hard: Organs e.g. heart, eyes, gland 18 16 16 18 20

Storing Harvested Parts

Monster parts can be stored in a preserved state such as by use of a Jar of Preservation (below), which may be available for purchase from an alchemist or enchanter.

Jar of Preservation

Wondrous item, uncommon

This jar contains an extradimensional space filled with a cold, sterile solution. Up to three items harvested from monsters can be placed into the solution where they will remain preserved indefinitely until retrieved.

Art Credits

Artwork from Wizards of the Coast

Monster Parts
Monster Part Crafting Tag
Aarakocra Feathers Air
Aboleth Eyes Psychic, Strength, Water
Angels Heart Air, Arcane, Strength, Vitality
Ankheg Mandibles Acid, Earth
Azer Skull Fire
Banshee Ectoplasm Unholy
Basilisk Gullet Lining Earth
Behir Gland Lightning, Strength
Death Tyrant
Central Eye
Central Eye
Arcane, Unholy
Blights Plant Material Flora, Unholy
Bugbear Hide Stealth
Bulette Claws Earth
Bullywug Tongue Water
Cambion Horns Fire, Unholy
Carrion Crawler Tentacles Poison
Chimera Horns Air, Fire
Chuul Tentacles Poison, Water
Cloaker Wings Air, Stealth
Cockatrice Skull Air, Earth
Couatl Feathers Air, Vitality
Cyclops Eye Strength
Darkmantle Hide Stealth
Death Knight Skull Arcane, Strength, Unholy
Demilich Dust Arcane, Unholy
Demons Ichor Unholy
Devils Ichor Unholy
Dinosaurs Teeth Strength
Displacer Beast Tentacles Psychic
Doppelganger Brain Psychic
Dracolich Claws Air, Arcane, Unholy
Dragon, Shadow Smoke Air, Stealth
Scales Acid/Cold/Fire/
Lightning/Poison, Air
Arcane, Strength
Scales Acid/Cold/Fire/
Lightning/Poison, Air
Monster Part Crafting Tag
Dragon Turtle Gland Fire, Strength, Water
Drider Pincirs Poison, Stealth, Unholy
Dryad Bark Arcane, Flora, Stealth
Elementals: Air/Earth/ Fire/Water Elemental Remains Air/Earth/
Drow Warrior
Drow Mage
Drow Priestess
Arcane, Stealth
Arcane, Stealth
Empyrean Heart Arcane, Strength, Vitality
Ettercap Pincers Poison
Ettin Tusks Strength
Faerie Dragon Skull Air, Arcane, Stealth
Flameskull Skull Fire, Unholy
Flumph Brain Air, Poison
Fomorian Eyes Psychic, Strength
Fungi Spores Flora
Galeb Duhr Dust Earth, Strength
Gargoyle Dust Air, Earth
Genies: Dao/Djinni/ Efreeti/Marid Elemental Remains Arcane, Strength, Earth/Air/Fire/Water
Ghost Ectoplasm Unholy
Ghouls Tongue Unholy
Air, Strength
Fire, Strength
Cold, Strength
Earth, Strength
Lightning, Strength, Water
Gibbering Mouther Ichor Psychic
Gith Ears Psychic
Goblins Ears Stealth
Golems Runestone Arcane, Strength
Gorgon Horns Earth, Strength
Grell Brain Poison, Stealth
Griffon Feathers Air
Arcane, Unholy
Arcane, Water
Monster Part Crafting Tag
Half-Dragon Scales Acid/Cold/Fire/ Lightning/Poison
Harpy Feathers Air, Psychic
Hell Hound Gland Fire
Helmed Horror Helmet Arcane
Hippogriff Feathers Air
Hydra Skulls Strength, Vitality
Intellect Devourer Brain Psychic
Kraken Heart Arcane, Psychic, Strength, Water
Kuo-toa Eyes Psychic, Water
Lamia Heart Arcane, Unholy
Lich Brain Arcane, Unholy
Lizardfolk Hide Stealth
Magmin Elemental Remains Fire
Manticore Skull Air
Medusa Skull Earth, Stealth
Mephits: Dust/ Ice/Magma/Mud/ Smoke/Steam Elemental Remains Earth/Cold/Fire/ Earth/Fire/Fire
Merfolk Fins Water
Mimic Ichor Acid
Mind Flayer Tentacles Psychic, Stealth
Mummy Brain Unholy
Mummy Lord Brain Arcane, Unholy
Myconid Spores Flora
Naga Skull Arcane
Nightmare Hooves Fire, Unholy
Nothic Eye Psychic
Oni Heart Arcane, Vitality
Ooze Ichor Acid
Owlbear Claws Strength
Pegasus Feathers Air
Peryton Feathers Air
Pixie Wings Air, Stealth
Purple Worm Stinger Acid, Earth, Poison, Strength
Rakshasa Heart Arcane, Unholy
Remorhaz Teeth Acid, Earth, Fire
Revenant Heart Unholy, Vitality
Monster Part Crafting Tag
Roc Feathers Air, Strength
Roper Tendrils Stealth
Rust Monster Antennae Acid
Sahuagin Gills Water
Salamanders Elemental Remains Fire
Shadow Smoke Stealth
Shambling Mound Plant Material Flora
Shield Guardian Runestone Arcane, Vitality
Skeletons Skull Unholy
Slaadi Claws Arcane, Strength, Vitality
Specter Ectoplasm Unholy
Sphinxes Heart Arcane, Earth, Vitality
Sprite Wings Air, Stealth
Succubus/Incubus Heart Psychic, Stealth, Unholy
Tarrasque Claws Strength
Thri-kreen Mandibles Poison
Treant Bark Flora, Strength
Troll Claws Vitality
Umber Hulk Mandibles Earth, Strength
Unicorn Horn Vitality
Vampire Mist Stealth, Strength, Unholy, Vitality
Vampire Spawn Heart Stealth, Unholy, Vitality
Water Weird Elemental Remains Water
Wight Brain Unholy
Will-o'-wisp Smoke Lightning, Unholy
Wraith Smoke Unholy
Wyvern Stinger Air, Poison
Xorn Hide Earth, Stealth
Abominable Yeti
Hide Cold, Stealth
Cold, Stealth, Strength
Yuan-ti Tongue Arcane, Poison, Stealth
Yugoloths Ichor Unholy
Zombies Brain Unholy

Crafting Potions and Poisons

A potion or poison can be crafted from monster parts. The Potion Crafting and Poison Crafting tables below show the required crafting tags that the monster parts must contain, plus any other components required to make the potion or poison. One monster part can contribute more than one crafting tag. The other components can be purchased for the cost provided or sourced naturally.

Potions and poisons can be created without a check by anyone proficient with Alchemist's Supplies or a Poisoner's Kit, respectively, so long as they have a formula. Anyone proficient with a Herbalism Kit can similarly craft a potion or poison if it uses plant material (marked with an asterisk in the tables). The Alchemist's Supplies, Poisoner's Kit, and Herbalism Kit provide the necessary equipment to produce the final potion or poison.

Anyone not proficient with an appropriate Alchemist's Supplies, Poisoner's Kit or Herbalism Kit can make a DC 15 Intelligence check when attempting to create the potion or poison if they have the correct equipment and formula. On a success, the potion or poison is crafted. On a failure the components are used up and the attempt was unsuccessful.

The number of monster parts for crafting a potion or poison is commensurate with its rarity. The cost given for potions is proportional to the item's sane magic item value.

Potion Crafting
Item Monster Components Other Components Cost (GP)
Elixir of Health* Poison, Vitality Phosphorescent moss, Tree sap 30
Oil of Etherealness Cold, Unholy Spirit of ether 480
Oil of Sharpness Acid, Cold, Earth Oil of turpentine, Platinum shards 800
Oil of Slipperiness Water Quicksilver, Treacle 120
Philter of Love* Psychic Passionfruit, Rose petals 20
Potion of Animal Friendship* Psychic Food scraps, Huckleberries 50
Potion of Clairvoyance* Psychic, Stealth Lemongrass, Jasmine 45
Potion of Climbing Earth Three types of dirt 45
Potion of Diminution* Lightning, Stealth Six different food dishes 70
Potion of Fire Breath* Fire Mandrake root, Peppercorn 40
Potion of Flying* Air, Lightning, Stealth Dandelion, Pixie dust 125
Potion of Gaseous Form Air, Unholy Incense 75
Potion of Hill Giant Strength Strength Hearty stew, Powdered Garnet 125

Item Monster Components Other Components Cost (GP)
Potion of Frost Giant Strength Cold, Strength Icicle, Sapphire dust 500
Potion of Stone Giant Strength Earth, Strength Onyx dust, Stalactite 500
Potion of Fire Giant Strength Fire, Strength Lava, Ruby dust 750
Potion of Cloud Giant Strength Air, Arcane, Strength Diamond dust, Solid cloud 1250
Potion of Storm Giant Strength* Cold, Lightning, Strength, Water Coral, Powdered aquamarine, Thundervine 1500
Potion of Growth* Strength Bamboo, Dragonfruit 70
Potion of Healing* Flora Goodberries 10
Potion of Greater Healing* Flora Goodberries, Silver powder 35
Potion of Superior Healing* Flora, Vitality Goodberries, Gold powder 110
Potion of Supreme Healing* Flora, Strength, Vitality Goodberries, Platinum powder 340

Item Monster Components Other Components Cost (GP)
Potion of Heroism Fire, Vitality Powdered lapis lazuli 45
Potion of Invisibility Acid, Arcane, Stealth Distilled water, Silver powder 45
Potion of Invulnerability Fire, Strength Diamond dust 960
Potion of Longevity Acid, Arcane, Lightning Life essence of three creatures 2250
Potion of Mind Reading Air, Psychic, Stealth Copper powder, Quartz 45
Potion of Poison* Poison Yewberries 25
Potion of Acid Resistance Acid Chalk, Lye 75
Potion of Cold Resistance* Cold Spearmint, Winterberry 75
Potion of Fire Resistance* Fire Chili pepper, Firethorn 75
Potion of Force Resistance Arcane Powdered garnet 75
Potion of Lightning Resistance Lightning Salt water, Silver powder 75
Potion of Necrotic Resistance Unholy Amber, Potash 75
Potion of Poison Resistance* Poison Arrowroot, Serpentvine 75
Potion of Psychic Resistance* Psychic Cinnabar, Sage 75
Potion of Radiant Resistance* Vitality Elysian fruit, Holy water 75
Potion of Thunder Resistance Air Black powder 75
Potion of Speed* Arcane, Fire, Lightning Coffee beans, Honey 100
Potion of Vitality* Flora, Poison, Vitality Gooseberries, Jungle moss 240
Potion of Water Breathing* Water Red kelp 45
Poison Crafting
Item Monster Components Other Components Cost (GP)
Assassin's Blood* Flora, Poison Fine wine 40
Burnt Othur Fumes* Fire, Flora Oleander, Othur moss 125
Crawler Mucus Poison Saliva from a creature with spider climb ability 50
Drow Poison* Earth, Poison Deathcap mushroom 50
Essence of ether* Poison, Unholy Chronolily, Potash 75
Malice Air, Poison Brimstone, Calomel 60
Midnight tears* Cold, Poison Teardrops, Thyme 375
Oil of Taggit* Flora, Poison Oil of vitriol, Taggit root 100
Pale tincture* Poison, Water Milkweed 60
Purple Worm poison Acid, Earth, Poison, Strength Blood of a creature with a 20 ft or greater burrowing speed 500
Serpent venom Poison, Stealth Snake oil 50
Torpor* Flora, Poison Licorice root 150
Truth serum* Air, Psychic, Water Nightshade 40
Wyvern poison Air, Poison Blood of a draconic creature 300

* can be crafted using Herbalism Kit

Selling Harvested Parts

An alternative to crafting is to sell the harvested part to a collector, alchemist, or enchanter. An approximate guide for the value of a particular monster part is given in the Monster Part Value table, below, assuming the monster part is preserved appropriately.

Monster Part Value
CR Value (GP) CR Value (GP)
0-1 1-10 10-11 500-1000
2-3 10-50 12-13 1000-1500
4-5 50-100 14-15 1500-2000
6-7 100-200 16-17 2000-5000
8-9 200-500 18+ 5000-10000