Simple Weapons
Cost (GP) | Weapon | Damage | Weight | Properties |
0.1 | Club | 1d4 B | 2 lb. | Light |
2 | Dagger | 1d4 P | 1 lb. | Finesse, Light, Thrown (20/60) |
0.2 | Greatclub | 1d8 B | 10 lb. | Two-Handed |
5 | Handaxe | 1d6 S | 2 lb. | Light, Thrown (20/60) |
0.5 | Javelin | 1d6 P | 2 lb. | Thrown (30/120) |
2 | Knuckles | 1d4 B | 2 lb. | Light, Fist |
2 | Light Hammer | 1d4 B | 2 lb. | Light, Thrown (20/60) |
5 | Mace | 1d6 B | 4 lb. | — |
0.2 | Quarterstaff | 1d6 B | 4 lb. | Versatile (1d8) |
1 | Sickle | 1d4 S | 2 lb. | Light |
1 | Spear | 1d6 P | 3 lb. | Thrown (range 20/60), Versatile (1d8) |
- | Ranged Weapons | - | - | — |
25 | Crossbow, Light | 1d8 P | 5 lb. | Ammunition (range 80/320), Loading, Two-Handed |
0.05 | Dart | 1d4 P | 0.25 lb. | Finesse, Thrown (range 20/60) |
25 | Shortbow | 1d6 P | 2 lb. | Ammunition (range 80/320), Two-Handed |
0.1 | Sling | 1d4 B | - | Ammunition (range 30/120) |
Martial Weapons
Cost (GP) | Weapon | Damage | Weight | Properties |
10 | Battleaxe | 1d8 S | 4 lb. | Versatile (1d10) |
20 | Claw Gauntlet | 1d8 S | 3 lb. | Finesse, Fist, Strapped |
10 | Flail | 1d8 B | 2 lb. | — |
20 | Glaive | 1d10 S | 6 lb. | Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed |
30 | Greataxe | 1d12 S | 7 lb. | Heavy, Two-Handed |
50 | Greatsword | 2d6 S | 6 lb. | Heavy, Two-Handed |
20 | Halberd | 1d10 S | 6 lb. | Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed |
10 | Lance | 1d12 P | 6 lb. | Reach, Special (Lance) |
15 | Longsword | 1d10 S | 3 lb. | Versatile (1d10) |
10 | Maul | 2d6 B | 10 lb. | Heavy, Two-Handed |
15 | Morningstar | 1d8 P | 4 lb. | — |
5 | Pike | 1d10 P | 18 lb. | Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed |
5 | Punch Dagger | 1d6 P | 3 lb. | Finesse, Fist, Light, Strapped |
25 | Rapier | 1d8 P | 2 lb. | Finesse |
25 | Scimitar | 1d6 S | 3 lb. | Finesse, Light |
10 | Shortsword | 1d6 P | 2 lb. | Finesse, Light |
5 | Trident | 1d6 P | 4 lb. | Thrown (20/60), Versatile (1d8) |
5 | War Pick | 1d8 P | 2 lb. | — |
15 | Warhammer | 1d8 B | 2 lb. | Versatile (1d10), Alt-Side (B, P) |
2 | Whip | 1d6 S | 3 lb. | Finesse, Reach |
- | Ranged Weapons | - | - | — |
5 | Atlatl | 1d8 P | 3 lbs. | Ammunition (javelins, range 40/150), Loading |
10 | Blowgun | 1 P | 1 lb. | Ammunition (range 25/100), Loading |
75 | Crossbow, Hand | 1d6 P | 3 lb. | Ammunition (range 30/120), Light, Loading |
50 | Crossbow, Heavy | 1d10 P | 18 lb. | Ammunition (range 100/400), Heavy, Loading, Two-Handed |
50 | Longbow | 1d8 P | 2 lb. | Ammunition (range 150/600), Heavy, Two-Handed, Draw Weight (Str 11) |
100 | Oversized Longbow | 2d6 P | 12 lb. | Ammunition (range 150/600), Heavy, Two-Handed, Draw Weight (Str 19), Special (Oversized) |
1 | Net | — | 3 lb. | Thrown (10/20), Special (Net) |
Exotic Simple Weapons
Cost (GP) | Weapon | Damage | Weight | Properties |
5 | Cestus | 1d4 B | 2 lb. | Light, Fist, Strapped |
1 | Fishing Hook | 1d4 P | 3 lb. | Reach, Versatile (1d6) |
1 | Kama | 1d4 S | 2 lb. | Finesse, Light |
0.5 | Pickaxe | 1d8 P | 10 lb. | Two-Handed |
2 | Shovel | 1d8 B | 5 lb. | Two-Handed |
0.1 | Tonfa | 1d4 B | 1 lb. | Light |
- | Ranged Weapons | - | - | — |
3 | Bolas | — | 2 lb. | Special, Thrown (range 20/60) |
0.05 | Shuriken | 1d4 S | 0.25 lb. | Finesse, Thrown (range 20/60) |
Exotic Martial Weapons
Cost (GP) | Weapon | Damage | Weight | Properties |
60 | Bastard Sword | 1d10 S | 8 lb. | Versatile (1d12) |
50 | Chain Whip | 1d8 B | 7 lb. | Finesse, Reach |
100 | Double-Bladed Scimitar | 2d4 S | 6 lb. | Double, Two-Handed |
80 | Zweihander | 2d8 S | 16 lb. | Heavy, Superheavy, Two-Handed |
- | Ranged Weapons | - | - | — |
500 | Compound Longbow | - P | 4 lb. | Special, Ammunition (range 200/800), Heavy, Two-Handed |
75 | Heavy Double Crossbow | 2d10 P | 20 lb. | Ammunition (range 60/240), Heavy, Loading, Two-Handed |
75 | Elven Longbow | 1d10 P | 3 lb. | Ammunition (range 200/800), Heavy, Two-Handed, Draw Weight (Str 13) |
300 | Portable Ballista | 3d10 P | 40 lb. | Ammunition (range 120/480), Heavy, Superheavy, Loading, Two-Handed |
Damage Abbreviations
- B = Bludgeoning
- P = Piercing
- S = Slashing
Weapon Properties
Many weapons have special properties related to their use, as shown in the Weapons table:
Alt-Sided. When making an attack with an Alt-Sided weapon, typically one that has both a sharper and blunted side, you can choose to deal one of its other damage type. The type of which appears in parentheses with the property.
Ammunition. You can use a weapon that has the Ammunition property to make a ranged Attack only if you have ammunition to fire from the weapon. Each time you attack with the weapon, you expend one piece of ammunition. Drawing the ammunition from a Quiver, case, or other container is part of the attack (you need a free hand to load a one-handed weapon). At the end of the battle, you can recover half your expended ammunition by taking a minute to search the battlefield.
If you use a weapon that has the Ammunition property to make a melee Attack, you treat the weapon as an Improvised Weapon. A sling must be loaded to deal any damage when used in this way.
Double. Whenever you make an attack using the attack action with a double weapon, you can make another attack with the other end of the weapon as part of the same action, no more than only once per turn.
Draw Weight. Draw Weight in bows is the amount of strength needed to pull a bow. You cannot attack with this weapon effectively if you do not meet the Strength requirement of the weapon, of which appears in parentheses with the property.
Finesse. When making an Attack with a finesse weapon, you use your choice of your Strength or Dexterity modifier for the Attack and Damage Rolls. You must use the same modifier for both rolls.
Fist. This weapon is considered both an unarmed strike and a melee weapon, for the purposes of it being a melee weapon attack or unarmed strike.
Heavy. Creatures that are Small or Tiny have disadvantage on Attack rolls with heavy Weapons. A heavy weapon’s size and bulk make it too large for a Small or Tiny creature to use effectively.
Light. A light weapon is small and easy to handle, making it ideal for use when Fighting with two Weapons. See the rules for two-weapon Fighting in " Making an Attack " section.
A light weapon is also small enough to be hidden within one's apparel or clothing, making any appropriate Stealth or Sleight of Hand checks required to do so.
Loading. Because of the time required to load this weapon, you can fire only one piece of Ammunition from it when you use an action, Bonus Action, or Reaction to fire it, regardless of the number of attacks you can normally make.
Range. A weapon that can be used to make a ranged Attack has a range in parentheses after the Ammunition or thrown property. The range lists two numbers. The first is the weapon’s normal range in feet, and the second indicates the weapon’s long range. When attacking a target beyond normal range, you have disadvantage on the Attack roll. You can’t Attack a target beyond the weapon’s long range.
Reach. This weapon adds 5 feet to your reach when you Attack with it, as well as when determining your reach for Opportunity Attacks with it (see Making an Attack).
Special. A weapon with the special property has unusual rules governing its use, explained in the weapon’s description (see “Special Properties” later in this section).
Strapped. This weapon is strapped your arm like a shield does. You can't be disarmed with this weapon, however you can't wield or hold items while it continues to be strapped. You can strap and unstrap a weapon as an bonus action.
Superheavy. This weapon is unusually large and unwieldy for most medium-sized creatures. You must have a Strength score of 19 or higher to wield a superheavy weapon if you aren't large-sized or larger.
Thrown. If a weapon has the thrown property, you can throw the weapon to make a ranged Attack. If the weapon is a melee weapon, you use the same ability modifier for that attack roll and damage roll that you would use for a melee attack with the weapon. For example, if you throw a Handaxe, you use your Strength, but if you throw a Dagger, you can use either your Strength or your Dexterity, since the Dagger has the finesse property.
Two-Handed. This weapon requires two hands when you Attack with it.
Versatile. This weapon can be used with one or two hands. A damage value in parentheses appears with the property—the damage when the weapon is used with two hands to make a melee Attack.
Special Properties
Weapons with special rules are described here.
Bolas. A medium or smaller creature hit by a bolas falls prone until it is freed. A creature can use its action to make a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach on a success. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the bolas (AC 10) also frees the creature without harming it, ending the effect and destroying the net.
Compound. This weapon has a complex series of pulleys, cams, and levers, which can be adjusted to grant greater force at the cost of a more demanding draw. Using the settings first requires proficiency with the weapon type and you require the listed minimum Strength score, or else you cannot fire the wepaon. It takes a minute to adjust to adjust the weapon to a new setting.
- Setting 1—1d6 Piercing
- Setting 2 —Str 13, 1d8 Piercing
- Setting 3 —Str 15, 1d10 Piercing
- Setting 3 —Str 19, 1d12 Piercing
Lance. You have disadvantage when you use a lance to Attack a target within 5 feet of you. Also, a lance requires two hands to wield when you aren’t mounted.
Net. A large or smaller creature hit by a net is restrained until it is freed. A net has no effect on creatures that are formless, or creatures that are huge or larger. A creature can use its action to make a DC 10 Athletics (Strength) check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach on a success. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the net (AC 10) also frees the creature without harming it, ending the effect and destroying the net.
Oversized. An Oversized Weapon, specifically a Ranged Weapons requires Oversized Ammunition to fire, such as having Oversized Arrows for the Oversized Longbow. Oversized Arrows can be crafted by one who has Proficiency in Woodcarvers Tools, provided they have wood or resources to spare in its craft. Oversized Ammunition, if found sold by a merchant, typically costs double and weighs double its original amount.
See Here for Beyond-Damage-Dice
Renaissance Era Weapons
Cost (GP) | Weapon | Damage | Weight | Properties |
- | - | - | - | — |
- | Firearms (Sidearms) | - | - | — |
125 | Flintlock Pistol | 1d10 BA | 3 lb. | Ammunition (range 30/90), Loading, Misfire |
200 | Palm Pistol | 1d10 BA | 3 lb. | Ammunition (range 20/60), Loading, Light, Misfire |
- | Firearms (Longarms) | - | - | — |
300 | Blunderbuss | 2d8 BA | 10 lb. | Ammunition (range 15/60), Kickback (Str 11), Loading, Two-Handed, Misfire, Scattershot |
250 | Musket | 1d12 BA | 10 lb. | Ammunition (range 40/120), Loading, Two-Handed, Bayonet, Misfire |
- | Firearms (Heavy) | - | - | — |
500 | Handheld Cannon | 3d10 B | 50 lb. | Cannon Ammunition (range 120/480), Kickback (Str 19), Loading, Heavy, Two-Handed, Misfire |
- | Ammunition | - | - | — |
3 | Pellets (10) | - | 3 lb. | — |
35 | Powder Horn | - | 2 lb. | — |
Additional Firearm Properties
Firearms have special properties related to their use, as shown in the Weapons table:
Damage Abbrevations
BA = Ballistic
Ammunition. The ammunition of a firearm is destroyed upon use.
Cannon Ammunition. The rules of cannon ammunition (i.e. cannonballs) are explained further in Siege Equipment in a following chapter.
Bayonet. A bayonet is a sharp-ended spike that fights on the muzzle of a firearm, effectively allowing the weapon to be wielded like a spear-like weapon. A creature can treat a firearm with a bayonet as if it was a Spear without the thrown property.
Kickback. Also called recoil, when the firearm discharges, creatures that have a Strength score less than the requirement listed have disadvantage on attack rolls with kickback weapons, and also get shoved 5-feet away from the target of their shot. A recoil weapon's firing rounds might injure the wielder without proper handling or lacking the physical strength to withstand the blow.
Misfire. Whenever you make an attack roll with a firearm, and the roll is a 1, roll the weapon's damage dice. If the result equals half or more of the die's max damage roll, the weapon misfires. The attack misses, and it deals the die's result in damage to it and the weapon can't be fired again until you spend an action to try and repair it if it wasn't destroyed. To repair a firearm, you must make a successful Tinker's Tools check (DC equals 8 + the total damage it dealt to itself). If your check fails, the weapon continues to be broken and it must be mended out of combat, and at a quarter of the cost of the firearm.
Scattershot. You have advantage on attack rolls against Large or larger creatures within your normal range. This weapon also uses 5 pellets as its ammunition.
Powder Horn. Renaissance Firearms rely on a powder horn that's filled with gunpowder. The powder horn is sealed and waterproof. Renaissance firearms that become submerged in water or are underwater don't function, and must spend 1 hour to dry.
Industrial Era Weapons
Cost (GP) | Weapons | Damage | Weight | Properties |
75 | Chainsword | 1d8 S | 5 lb. | Versatile (1d10), Fueled, Sawblade (2d4 SR) |
125 | Chainaxe | 1d12 S | 8 lb. | Heavy, Two-Handed, Fueled, Sawblade (3d4 SR) |
200 | Gunlance | 1d12 P | 12 lb. | Heavy, Reach, Fueled, Special (Gunlance) |
- | Firearms (Sidearms) | - | - | — |
500 | Pistol, Automatic | 2d6 BA | 3 lb. | Ammunition (range 50/150), Automatic, Burst Fire, Reload (15) |
450 | Revolver | 2d6 BA | 3 lb. | Ammunition (range 40/120), Reload (6) |
- | Firearms (Longarms) | - | - | — |
300 | Hunting Rifle | 1d10 BA | 8 lb. | Ammunition (range 80/240), Reload (5), Two-Handed |
650 | Automatic Rifle | 2d8 BA | 8 lb. | Ammunition (range 60/180), Automatic, Burst Fire, Reload (30), Two-Handed |
550 | Semi-Auto Rifle | 2d10 BA | 8 lb. | Ammunition (100/300), Reload (6), Two-Handed |
400 | Double-Barreled Shotgun | 2d12 BA | 12 lb. | Ammunition (Range 10/30), Recoil (Str 15), Reload (2), Two-Handed, Blastwave, Quickfire, Scattershot |
500 | Shotgun | 2d12 BA | 9 lb. | Ammunition (range 15/45), Recoil (Str 11), Reload (10), Two-Handed, Scattershot |
2000 | Sniper Rifle | 2d10 BA | 10 lb. | Ammunition (range 1,500/4,500), Accurate Shot, Recoil (Str 13), Reload (5), Two-Handed |
- | Firearms (Heavy) | - | - | — |
1500 | Minigun | 6d4 / 6d10 BA | 25 lb. | MG Ammunition (range 100/300), Burst Fire, Heavy, Recoil (Str 15), Reload (600), Two-Handed, Gun Mount, Special (Minigun), Anti-Infantry |
1250 | Rocket Launcher | 2d8 BA | 20 lb. | Explosive Ammunition (range 3000/6000, 5d6), Heavy, Recoil (Str 15), Loading, Two-Handed, Gun Mount, Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Structure |
500 | Grenade Launcher | - | 10 lb. | Grenades (range 120), Special (Grenade Launcher, see Grenades) |
- | Ammunition | - | - | — |
10 | Bullets (10) | - | 2 lb. | — |
200 | MG Ammunition (100) | - | 10 lb. | — |
150 | Rocket (1) | - | 20 lb. | — |
Additional Weapon Properties
Industrial Era weapons come with new features, new tech, and new properties as shown in the Weapons table:
Fueled. Fueled weapons use some form of gas or oil, that you must spend 30 seconds to refuel from an appropriate fuel container.
The fuel can last for up to 1 hour, all at once or in several shorter uses, each one using a minimum of 1 minute from the duration (example being Combat). When the fuel's duration expires, you can no longer use the weapon's property that requires it.
Sawblade. This weapon uses a chained array of serrated teeth, the teeth spin at high velocities, causing an attack that connects to hurt quite painfully.
You can use a bonus action to activate the Sawblade, and you can use a bonus action to de-activate it. While the Sawblade is active, you deal additional damage (the damage die listed in its property), and add it to the weapon's total damage rolls per hit.
The Sawblade, while active, is incredibly unwieldy and you must have a Str score of 13 or else you have disadvantage on attacks with it.
Whenever you make an attack roll and the roll is a 1, roll the weapon's Sawblade damage dice. If you roll a 1 on one of the dice, the weapon malfunctions and you remove that 1d4 extra damage from the rolls. The damage is removed from an active sawblade until you replace the saw teeth, which you can do during a long rest.
Firearm Properties
Firearms have special properties related to their use, deviating and following Properties from Firearm Properties back in the Renaissance Era, but different if listed here.
The ammunition of a firearm is destroyed upon use.
MG Ammunition. Machine-Gun Ammunition is fed to the gun in belts to maximize shots-per-second. The Minigun specifically fires 10 rounds per second, firing and using 60 rounds per attack made with it.
Explosive Ammunition. Upon a hit, everything within a 30-foot radius of the target must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw (adding your Proficiency bonus if you are Proficient with Explosives) or suffer fire damage listed in the explosive property on a failed save, half as much on a successful one. If the weapon misses by 5 or more, the ammunition fails to detonate, or bounces away harmlessly before doing so.
Alternatively whenever you attack with Explosive Ammunition, you can choose a point within range, and upon impact with a surface, causes it to explode, read above for the explosion.
Grenades. The rules of Grenades are explained further in Explosives, a following chapter. A grenade is destroyed upon use.
Reload. A limited number of shots can be made with a weapon that has the reload property (the amount listed in paranthesis). A character can then reload it, using an action or bonus action.
Accurate Shot. Whenever you critically hit against a creature, you can force them to make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or lose a Limb from the Limb-Loss table, provided they have said limbs.
A creature is protected from Accurate Shot if it is immune to piercing damage, has legendary actions, or the GM decides that the creature is too big for its limb to be lost with the attack's ammunition (such as a Huge or Gargantuan creature). Such a creature instead takes an extra 6d8 ballistic damage from the hit .
Automatic. In addition to making ranged attacks normally, a weapon with this special property can fire in fully automatic mode. No action is required to toggle a weapon between making normal ranged attacks and using automatic mode.
When use an attack action with a weapon in automatic mode, you can attack in a cone with half of the weapon's normal range. Roll one attack against each target in the cone, starting with those closest to you. Attacks made with a weapon in automatic mode can't score critical hits. Each attack against an individual creature in the cone uses up the same amount of ammunition or charges as if taking three shots, and once you no longer have enough ammunition to attack another target, you stop making attacks.
For example, if you were using the Rifle, Automatic with 19 rounds remaining, you would target the nearest 6 creatures in the cone and use up 18 ammunition, leaving the gun with 1 round remaining.
If more than one creature is equidistant and you don't have enough ammunition remaining to shoot at all equidistant creatures, determine randomly which one you can target. You can't you shoot any creature more than once in the cone, even if you have enough ammunition to fire more shots than you have targets.
Blastwave. When you fire a weapon with the blastwave property, it targets all creatures within a 10-foot cone originating from your in a direction of your choice. Such creatures in that area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw (DC equals 10 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier [your choice]). On a failed save, the target takes the weapon's normal damage as if you hit it with an attack. Roll damage only once, and apply it to all targets that fail.
Burst Fire. A weapon that has the burst fire property can make targeted attacks, alternatively it can fire against targets within a 10-foot cube at a point within the weapon's normal range. If you're able to make multiple attacks with the Attack action, Burst Fire replaces one of them.
Each creature in the area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw (DC equals 10 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice). On a failed save, the target takes the weapon's normal damage as if you hit with an attack. Roll damage only once, and apply it to all targets that fail. This action uses 10 ammunition (the Minigun uses 60 ammunition).
Quickfire. When you would make a ranged weapon attack with a weapon with the quickfire property, you can instead unload on a single target, consuming all ammunition of the weapon. On a hit with the weapon, roll the weapon's damage dice twice and add them together, adding relevant modifiers as normal.
Recoil. Also called Kickback, when the firearm discharges, creatures that have a Strength score less than the requirement listed have disadvantage on attack rolls with kickback weapons. A recoil weapon's firing rounds might injure the wielder without proper handling or lacking the physical strength to withstand the blow.
Gun Mount. A weapon with the Gun Mount property comes with an add-on that allows you to mount the weapon to the floor for the purposes of stabilization and reducing Recoil.
As a bonus action, you can mount the weapon to the floor or part of cover. If the weapon is mounted to the floor, you must go prone to use it (though you do not suffer disadvantage on attack rolls made with this weapon while prone). While the weapon is mounted, you must spend another bonus action to unmount the gun or else it cannot be moved or carried, unless done by a forceful effect.
When you mount the weapon to the floor, you pick a 90° cone direction extending from the weapon. Whenever you make attacks with a mounted weapon, you no longer have disadvantage on Ranged Attacks when you fire at its long range nor do you have disadvantage if you did not meet the Str requirement if it had the Recoil property.
Scattershot. You have advantage on attack rolls against Large or larger creatures within your normal range.
Anti- Prefixed Weapons are specifically utilized in warfare against individual foes, such as the grand warmachines of the future or legions of vile warriors.
Anti-Armor. Anti-Armor Weapons deal two different damage against certain targets. It deals its lesser damage against targets that are using Light, Medium, or Natural Armor / Unarmored Defense. It deals its higher damage against target creatures that are in Heavy Armor or are Objects or Structures that are made of inorganic material that has a Natural AC of 17 or higher.
Anti-Infantry. Anti-Infantry Weapons deal two different damage against certain targets. It deals its lesser damage against targets that are: in Heavy Armor or are Objects or Structures that are made of inorganic material that has a Natural AC of 15 or lower. It deals its higher damage against target creatures that are: using Light, Medium, or Natural Armor / Unarmored Defense.
Anti-Structure. Anti-Structure Weapons deal Double Damage to Objects and Structures. This doesn't include vehicles, that's why there's an anti-vehicle tag.
Anti-Vehicle. Anti-Vehicle Weapons deal Maximum Damage with its damage dice to Objects and Structures that are part of a Vehicle. Anti-Vehicle Weapons also automatically overcome any Damage Thresholds the Vehicle may have.
Special Properties
Weapons with special rules are described here.
Grenade Launcher. Grenades you launch, firing with the grenade launcher can be thrown 120 feet instead of 60 feet. The Grenade Launcher can used in place of an attack, for the purposes of replacing an attack if you had the Multiattack feature.
Minigun. You must spin the Minigun's barrel before making attacks with it. You must spend a bonus action to spin the barrel, of which continues to spin as long as you make attacks with it. If your turn ends and you haven't fired the weapon since your last turn, the barrel stops spinning.
You have disadvantage when you use a lance to Attack a target within 5 feet of you.
A fully fueled gunlance has 10 charges (1 per 10 minutes of fuel left). These charges can be used on the following:
Charge Blast. As an action, you can choose to expend up to all of your charges and charge a devastating explosive attack. You can use this action only if you haven't moved during this turn, and after you use the action, your speed is 0 until the end of the current turn as you take a steady stance.
If at any effect shoves you, moves you from your position, incapacitates you, or knocks you prone, you fire off a premeditative blast that deals half of the blast's damage, in a random direction. Otherwise at the start of your next turn, you fire off the blast (no action required).
An explosive burst of destruction sweeps out from the gunlance, each creature in a 15-foot cube originating from you or the gunlance must make a DC 8 + your Proficiency bonus + the amount of charges spent on this action. On a failed save, a creature takes 1d6 fire damage per charges spent on this action, or half as much damage on a successful saving throw. In the aftermath, you are pushed 5-feet away in the opposite direction of the blast, unless you have a Str score of 15 or higher, you are also knocked prone.
Explosive Jab. Whenever you hit a creature with an attack with the gunlance, you can expend 2 charges to deal fire damage to the target, in addition to the weapon's damage. The extra damage is 2d8.
Futuristic Era Weapons
Cost (GP) | Weapons | Damage | Weight | Properties |
2000 | Plasma Saber | 2d8 F | 5 lb. | Powered, Finesse |
- | Firearms (Sidearms) | - | - | — |
4000 | Elek Pistol | 3d6 L | 3 lb. | EC Ammunition (range 120/480), Reload (50), Overheat (6), Electric Arc |
5000 | Force Blaster | 3d10 FO | 3 lb. | EC Ammunition (range 120/480), Reload (50), Overheat (6), |
2000 | Laser Pistol | 3d6 F | 2 lb. | EC Ammunition (range 120/480), Reload (50), Overheat (6), Lasik Convection |
3000 | Plasma Pistol | 5d6 / 5d10 F | 3 lb. | EC Ammunition (range 60/240), Reload (15), Overheat (10), Plasma Burst, Anti-Armor |
- | Firearms (Longarms) | - | - | — |
10000 | Antimatter Rifle | 6d8 / 6d12 N | 10 lb. | EC Ammunition (range 400/1,600), Reload (2), Two-Handed, Anti-Infantry |
2500 | Laser Rifle | 3d8 F | 7 lb. | EC Ammunition (300/1,200), Reload (30), Two-Handed, Overheat (6), Lasik Convection |
8000 | Gauss Rifle | 4d8 P | 12 lb. | MA (range 500/2,000), Reload (5), Accurate Shot, Two-Handed, Penetrating |
2000 | Nuka-Rifle | 3d10 N | 8 lb. | EC Ammunition (range 150/600), Reload (30), Overheat (6), |
- | Firearms (Heavy) | - | - | — |
5000 | Gatling Laser | 6d12 F | 30 lb. | EC Ammunition (range 200/600), Burst Fire, Heavy, Reload (600), Two-Handed, Overheat (12), Lasik Convection, Special (Gatling) |
15000 | HS-Gauss Rifle | 6d8/6d10 P | 22 lb. | MA (range 600/2,400), Reload (30), Automatic, Heavy, Recoil (Str 15), Two-Handed, Penetrating, Anti-Armor |
- | Ammunition | - | - | — |
50 | EC (Energy Cell) | - | 1 lb. | — |
100 | 1 MA (Magnetic Ammunition) | - | 1 lb. | — |
Damage Type Abbreviations
- F = Fire
- N - Necrotic
- PO - Poison
Additional Weapon Properties
Futuristic Era weapons come with new features, new tech, and new properties as shown in the Weapons table:
Powered. Powered weapons use Energy Cells, that must be exchanged when empty which can be done as an action.
An Energy Cell for most weapons lasts for 1 minute when activated, all at once or in several shorter uses, each one using a minimum of 6 seconds from the duration. As a bonus action, you can activate a Powered Weapon, and deactivate it as a bonus action (i.e. just turning it on and off uses 12 seconds). When the Energy Cell expires, you can no longer use the Weapon's Property that requires it.
The Plasma Saber specifically can only deal its damage while powered.
Futuristic Firearm Properties
Firearms have special properties related to their use, deviating and following Properties from Firearm Properties back in the Renaissance Era, but different if listed here.
Ammunition. Futuristic Firearms use Energy Cells as ammunition. Ammunition of a firearm is destroyed upon use. One Energy Cell counts for all of shots made with a futuristic firearm, listed with the reload property.
Reload. A limited number of shots can be made with a weapon that has the reload property (the amount listed in parenthesis). A character can then reload it, using an action or a bonus action.
The continued use of a Futuristic Firearm that has the Overheat property causes it to quickly heat up with prolonged shots, which can do both harm to the user and the target.
Whenever you make an Attack with a Futuristic Firearm that has the Overheat property, it gains 1 Heat Charge (min 0). Heat Charges decrease by 1 at the start of your turn. A firearm that has Heat Charges above the number listed in its Overheat property overheats, and deals 1 of its damage dice to you and to itself (read the weapon sundering rules for how a weapon can be destroyed; if the weapon has different damage dice, it is the lower of the two options).
Whenever you make an Attack with a firearm that has the Overheat property, you can generate more Heat Charges to pull off different properties the weapon has, such as the following:
- Charge Shot (Any Futuristic Firearm with the Overheat Property). When you make an Attack, you generate 1 Heat Charge to deal the weapon's damage dice. If you make a Charge Shot, you can make an Attack, but generate 2 Heat Charges to deal an additional die of the weapon's damage dice.
- Electric Arc (Any Futuristic Firearm that deals Lightning Damage). When you make an Attack, you can generate 2 Heat Charges to activate the Electric Arc. When you hit or miss the target of your attack, the Electricity leaps to a different creature of your choice within 30 feet of it. Make a new attack roll against the target, and make a new damage roll, which deals 1 less die of damage if it has already leaped to a new creature. Once there are no more targets in range or available, or the damage dice have dropped to 0 after hitting a previous target, the Electric Arc stops. If you target a creature you have already hit with the Electric Arc, you have advantage on the attack.
- Lasik Convection (Any Futuristic Firearm with this Property). When you make an Attack, you can generate 2 Heat Charges to activate the Lasik Convection. On a hit, the target of your attack retains the heat of the shot, which continues to channel through their body and on the start of their next turn, they take the weapon's die of damage. At the start of each of their turns, they take this damage, but the dice cumulatively decreases by 1 die of damage until it entirely drops to 0. Consecutive shots with Lasik Convection cumulatively increase the damage dice each time the target is hit.
- Plasma Burst (Any Futuristic Firearm with this Property). When you make an Attack, you can generate 2 Heat Charges to activate the Plasma Burst. When you hit or miss the target of your attack, plasma explodes, and the target and each creature within 5 feet of it must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw (DC equals 10 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice) or take the weapon's damage dice on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
Special Properties
Weapons with special rules are described here.
Gatling Laser. You must spin the Gatling Laser's barrels before making attacks with it. You must spend a bonus action to spin the barrel, of which continues to spin as long as you make attacks with it. If you turn ends and you haven't fired the weapon since your last turn, the barrel stops spinning.
The Gatling Laser specifically fires 10 lasers pers second, firing and using 60 shots per attack made with it. Every 50 shots costs 1 Energy Cell.
Force Impact. Mauls, hammers, and especially battering rams are enchanted by Force Impact, an arcanically charged weapon that causes it to immediately pulse with hyperphysical energy, which allows it to easily create catastrophic damage.
Penetrating. This weapon ignores Magical and Nonmagical Resistance to its damage. It also ignores any Damage Thresholds, but not Damage Reduction.
Power Blade. A futuristic power blade is an arcanically charged weapon, creating a small field of disruption that destabalizes matter and allows it to easily tear through armor, creatures, or objects.
Cost (GP) | Explosive | Damage | Weight | Properties |
- | Renaissance Explosives ~ | - | - | --- |
150 | Powder Bomb | 3d6 F | 1 lb. | Thrown (60 feet), 5-foot Radius, DC 12 Dex save for none |
250 | Gunpowder, Small Keg | 7d6 F | 20 lb. | Gunpowder, 10-foot Radius, DC 12 Dex save for half |
35 | Powder Horn | 3d6 F | 2 lb. | Gunpowder, 5-foot Radius, DC 12 Dex save for none |
- | Industrial Explosives ~ | - | - | --- |
10 | Dynamite (Stick) | 3d6 B | 1 lb. | Thrown (60 feet), 5-foot Radius, DC 12 Dex save for half |
80 | Dynamite (8 Sticks) | 10d6 B | 8 lb. | Timer, Thrown (20 feet), 20-foot Radius, DC 12 Dex save for half |
- | Grenades ~ | - | - | --- |
50 | Grenade, Fragmentation | 5d6 P | 1 lb. | Thrown (60 feet), 15-foot Radius, DC 15 Dex save for half |
100 | Grenade, Incendiary | 3d6 F | 1 lb. | Special, Thrown (60 feet), 15-foot Radius, DC 15 Dex save for half + Special |
100 | Grenade, Poison | 5d6 PO | 1 lb. | Special, Thrown (60 feet), 15-foot Radius |
50 | Grenade, Smoke | - | 1 lb. | Special, Thrown (60 feet), 15-foot Radius |
100 | Grenade, Sleep | - | 1 lb. | Special, Thrown (60 feet), 15-foot Radius |
- | Missiles ~ | - | - | --- |
150 | Rocket-Propelled Grenade (RPG Missile) | 5d6 F | 20 lb. | Rocket (6000FPR), Range (30000 feet) 30-foot Radius, DC 15 Dex save for half, Anti-Structure, Anti-Vehicle |
Gunpowder is sold in small wooden kegs and in waterproof powder horns.
Setting fire to an ounce of gunpowder causes it to flare for 1 round, shedding bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet.
Powder Bomb. As an action, a character can light and throw this bomb to a point up to 60 feet away. Each creature within 5 feet of that point must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 fire damage.
Lit Powder Keg. You can roll or throw the keg up to 15 feet as part of the same action. The keg explodes at the start of your next turn, and each creature must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 7d6 fire damage and is knocked prone. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and isn't knocked prone.
Every other keg of gunpowder within 20 feet of an exploding keg has a 50% chance of also exploding. Each keg only rolls the chance once per turn, no matter how many other kegs explode around it.
Lit Powder Horn. You can throw the horn up to 20 feet as part of the same action. Each creature within 5 feet of that point must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 fire damage.
As an action, a creature can light a stick of dynamite and throw it at a point up to 60 feet away. Each creature within 5 feet of that point must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
A character can bind sticks of dynamite together so they explode at the same time. Each additional stick increases the damage by 1d6 (to a maximum of 10d6) and the burst radius by 5 feet (to a maximum of 20 feet).
Dynamite can be rigged with a longer fuse to explode after a set amount of time, usually 1-6 rounds. Roll initiative for the dynamite (with a modifier of +0). After the set number of rounds go by, the dynamite explodes on that initiative.
As an action, a character can throw a grenade at a point up to 60 feet away. With a Grenade Launcher, a character can launch the grenade up to 120 feet away. The grenade either detonates on impact with a surface or detonates on a timer that causes them to explode at the start of your next turn.
Each creature within 15 feet of an exploding fragmentation grenade must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d6 piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Incendiary Grenade. All creatures in the within a 15 foot radius must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 5d6 fire damage, half as much on a successful save. Flammable objects in the area of effect that aren't being worn or carried catch fire. Next round, and for 1d4 rounds thereafter, each creature that failed the saving throw against the explosion suffers an additional 1d6 fire damage from residual chemicals burning. A DC 15 Constitution saving throw is allowed at the end of the affected creature's turn, ending the ongoing damage on itself on a successful one. Each half a gallon of water thrown on the target will reduce the time the target is on fire by 1, and total immersion in water will negate residual burns and end the effect.
Poison Gas Grenade. All creatures within a 15 foot radius must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. Creatures failing their saving throw take 5d6 poison damage, or half as much damage on a successful one. All creatures taking damage from the poison gas are also poisoned until the end of their next turn. The cloud of poisonous vapors persists for 1 minute in a stagnant area, causing the area to be lightly obscured. In a ventilated area it will be gone in 5 rounds. In windy situations (such as if targeted by gust of wind), it will last only 1 round. The grenade cannot be used effectively in very windy situations. Any creature ending their turn within the gas grenade's area of effect must make a Constitution saving throw if they have not already done so, suffering the effects of the gas again.
Sleep Gas Grenade. All creatures within a 15 foot radius where the grenade lands must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, as light clouds of sleeping gas billow forth. A creature that breathes the gas and fails the saving throw becomes poisoned for 1 hour. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, it is also unconscious while poisoned in this way. The creature wakes up if it takes damage or if another creature takes an action to shake it away.
Any creature ending their turn within the gas's radius must make another saving throw against its effects, even if they have already succeeded. This reflects persistent qualities of the gas. Cloud persistency is the same as if it was a poison gas grenade.
Smoke Grenade. One round after a smoke grenade lands, it emits a cloud of smoke that creates a heavily obscured area in a 15-foot radius. A moderate wind (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses the smoke in 4 rounds; a strong wind (20 or more miles per hour) disperses it in 1 round.
Missiles must be fired from a Rocket Launcher of the varying types, to act how they are written. Otherwise a remote detonated or thrown unprimed missile can be treated as a grenade.
When a Missile is fired, it targets a point within range, which either requires sight or is electronically programmed by the missile launcher's device (a computer system or GPS system). The Missile doesn't automatically move to the designated point, rather moves up to its FPR (feet-per-round) until it reaches the point and explodes on impact with a surface. It moves immediately up to its FPR when fired, and on subsequent turns it moves at the start of the turn of the creature which fired the missile.
The current version of missile presented here is an RPG (Rocket-Propelled Grenade), which is used by infantry, or hand-held operatives for the purposes of an short-range antitank missile. Variants of missile launching systems include Cruise Missiles, Hypersonic Missiles, Missile Defense System. These missiles all ambiguously work AAM (air to air), SAM (surface to air), but unless they have the Torpedo property, will not function for AUM or SUM (air/surface to underwater) and will automatically fail to detonate underwater.
Cruise Missile. A cruise missile fires at very long distances, and has an installed tracking system which designates its movement to a set location, usually programmed and designated when launched. Such a missile has a range calculated in miles.
Hypersonic Missile. A hypersonic missile moves incredibly fast.
Missile Defense System. Missile Defense Systems use systems in place to target, track, and intercept other missiles, hopefully before it reaches any target point. A missile in motion is considered an object, with AC 25 and HP equal to 5 x the amount of damage dice it deals (ex: the RPG has HP of 25).
Missile Defense Systems activate as a reaction, when missile(s) enter into their range (and presumably will intercept them from the target following the trajectory). The Defense System either intercepts or misguides the missile.
An intercepted missile takes one dice of the Missile Defense System's damage at a time, to which the targeted missile (if it is still moving when the reaction takes place) still moves 1/10th of its movement speed after taking one damage dice at a time. Repeat the process until the missile is destroyed from the damage, or until the missile avoids the interception and reaches the target point.
A misguided missile is typically led astray by confusing the missile's systems, which either track a heat-source, magical-source, or similar system. Sending out decoys or fake-sources, roll a 1d20 for each missile that is misguided in this way. On a nat 1, the decoy fails to lead the missile astray and it continues uninterrupted to its target point. Otherwise, each misguided missile tracks a decoy and changes trajectory from its original target point, rendering it a miss.
Once used, a Missile Defense System takes 1 minute to refuel its decoys or intercepting missiles.
Torpedo. A torpedo is a propelled missile which is used to target underwater or aquatic targets. Unless a missile has the torpedo property, is unable to detonate underwater or target points underwater.
Demolitions Skill
A creature Proficient with Demolitions can add their Proficiency Bonus to the DC of any Explosives they use or set.