Fallout Ghouls

by LAZRider

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The Ghoul

-A human variant inspired by the popular Fallout Franchise.

A tough life

Ghouls are a result of exposure to intense heat and radiation (or poison, undead magic) and good genetics. These humans survived the worst that the world had to offer only to prolong their life at the cost of most of their facial traits and the color of their skin.

Ghouls like most humanoids live in society amongst other humans or other races across the material realm. Their retain what they have learned in the past and what they learned during the next few centuries that they shall live.

Ghoul names

  • Ghoul names remains the same after the ghoulification of the person. Male Ghouls and female ghouls are barely distinguishable. They can be unidentified by the sound of their voice and whats left of their reproductive organs.

Ghoul Traits

Ability Score increase Your constitution is increased by 2 but your charisma goes down by 2. Additionally two different ability scores of your choice increase by 1.

Age Ghouls will keep their physical appearance from when their transformed but will not grow older. Ghouls can live up to 300 years.

Speed You have a walking speed of 30 feet.

Languages You can speak, read, and write Common and one extra language of your choice.

Ghoulification The ghoulification comes with good traits for your survival but at the cost of some aspects of your social life.

  • You are immune to diseases (and radiation!). Additionally you are immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition. Poison will heal you instead of damaging you.

  • You have disadvantage for any rolls that requires charisma or charisma saving throw. If you have advantage to that roll, the roll becomes normal.

Zombie looks You have proficiency in intimidation due to your undead resemblance. Additionally you have advantage to stealth roll against the undead as they will confuse you for one of their own.

At level 3, any undead under challenge rating 1/2 will not attack you on sight. This increases by 1/2 each time you increase by 3 levels.

Racial Feats : The glowing one

Prerequisite : Human - Ghoul variant.

In rare cases ghouls can be even more exposed and become glowing. Even luckier are the ones that are still themselves after the process of becoming a glowing one.

Your constitution increases by 2 even if you are at 20 constitution. However you lose another 2 charisma as you are now a glowing humanoid.

You have disadvantage to your stealth roll expect against the undead to witch you succeed without rolling.

The undead challenge rating increases by 1 more level each time you level increases by 3. This work even if you take this racial feat late.

You have advantage with any intimidation rolls. This cant be negated by your own disadvantage.

  • Healing bomb. As a bonus action, you can create a small poisonous (or radioactive!) explosion around you (10 feet circle) that will heal you an amount equals to your character level. This also damages any one around you to this amount as poison (or radiation!) damage. You can use this once per long rest.

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