A dying man wanders the streets, looking for any help he can, and comes across a small shack with an old man inside. The man stumbles in with his fading vision and begs for help of the stranger, and right before he falls unconscious he sees the old figure pull out some needles and string, and with a strong yet soothing voice say, "Do not worry, I'm a Doctor", before his vision finally goes dark.
A great red dragon roars at the group of adventurers, attempting to steal its horde instilling fear in their hearts. Except one immediately runs at the dragon and with a quick look shouts out its weakness, with a quick stab breaking off it's scales creating an opening for its allies to use.
Through the clanging of metal and the splatter of blood on a harsh battlefield, a singular figure calmly walks through it. It walks wearing a dark mask with dark bottles in its hands. Each of the steps bringing dark miasma with him, with foes around it immediately falling to their knees, coughing up blood, and screaming in terror.
Physicians may come in various forms, but one thing they all have in common is their understanding of life. Both of how to save it and make it blossom, as well as how to unmake it and make it crumble onto itself, slowly but inevitably through their great understanding.
The Man In a World of Magic
In a world of magic, filled with followers of gods and mages capable of bending the very fabric of reality, the physician is a humble existence. While magic can heal wounds with a snap, not everyone is blessed with such power and talent, or even the ability to try. Because of that, many take up books to still try and understand medicine and how to save lives. While creatures of magic can heal without fully understanding what they are doing, physicians pride themselves on their knowledge, which allows them to fix things that even magic couldn't, and with great precision at that.
True Understanding
All physicians seek to study and comprehend the world with all of its intricacies, hoping to prove the might of every person and the power a mere man can possess, with the might of knowledge and understanding, wielding it as their eternal weapon and shield.
Never Ending Study
A physicians journey to true understanding is a long one, often through many trials and tribulations. To understand all creatures, how life truly works and the very nature of the world, is a destination with no certain path, so many take different roads. Some study it in battle, through dissecting their opponents and understanding what makes them act the way they do, while others sit in studies researching herbs and reading theory, to try and comprehend the laws of the world. But few in the end see the peak of the path. Those that do, become creatures of myth, who very often are even misunderstood as miracle workers and creatures of magic themselves, without even doing a singular bit of magic. All through the simple, unchanging power of science.

Class features
As a physician, you gain following class features.
Hit Points
- Hit Dice: 1d8 per physician level
- Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
- Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per physician level after 1st
- Armor: light armor, medium armor
- Weapons: Simple weapons, Rapiers, Hand Crossbows
- Tools: Herbalism kit
- Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
- Skills: Medicine and choose three from Arcana, Insight, Deception, Nature, Perception, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth or History.
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- • (a) Two simple weapons of your choice or (b) Rapier.
- • (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) two daggers.
- • Herbalism kit
- • leather armor and a scholar's pack.
Quick Build
First, make Intelligence your highest ability score. Your next-highest score should be Dexterity. Second, choose the sage background.
The Physician
Level | Proficiency Bonus | Features | First Aid |
1st | +2 | Student Of Medicine, Unarmored Defense, First Aid | 1d8 |
2nd | +2 | Battle Inquiry | 1d8 |
3rd | +2 | Physician Study Feature | 2d8 |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | 2d8 |
5th | +3 | This is for the Future, You're Doing it wrong! | 3d8 |
6th | +3 | Prosthetics, Total Body Shut down | 3d8 |
7th | +3 | Physician Study Feature | 4d8 |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 4d8 |
9th | +4 | You're not dying on me. | 5d8 |
10th | +4 | Physician Study Feature | 5d8 |
11th | +4 | Experimental Treatments | 6d8 |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 6d8 |
13th | +5 | Self-Treatment | 7d8 |
14th | +5 | Risky Stitches | 7d8 |
15th | +5 | Physician Study Feature | 8d8 |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 8d8 |
17th | +6 | Complete Understanding | 9d8 |
18th | +6 | Physician Study Feature | 9d8 |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement, Countless Experience | 10d8 |
20th | +6 | Trust me, I'm a Doctor | 10d8 |

Student Of Medicine
At 1st level, you have gathered enough knowledge to know intricacies of a body quite well. You can now use your Intelligence instead of Wisdom modifier when making Medicine checks. In addition, your proficiency bonus with those checks is doubled.
Unarmored Defense
Beginning with 1st level, you have understanding of creatures physiology, allowing you to predict their movements and attacks. While you are not wearing any armor, your Armor Class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Intelligence modifier.
First Aid
At 1st level, you have enough experience to perform simple and quick treatments when needed. As an action you can give first aid to a creature within 5ft of you. When you do so, choose a number of First Aid Dice available to you according to the The Physician class table, then make an Intelligence (Medicine) check. These dice are not expended. The DC for the Intelligence (Medicine) check is 10, plus 2 for each First Aid Die you chose when beginning the attempt. On a success, roll the First Aid Dice and the target creature heals that many hit points plus your Physician level. On a failure, they regain half the number of hit points. If the result of the Intelligence (Medicine) check is greater than the DC by 5 or more, you roll twice the number of First Aid Dice you chose when beginning the attempt. A creature can only be healed by First Aid number of times equal to your proficiency modifier, before requiring to take a short rest to be healed this way again.
Additionally, you may stabilize an unconscious creature as a bonus action, and doing so does not require an Intelligence (Medicine) check, as long as you are familiar with the creature’s general biology.
Battle Inquiry
Beginning at 2nd level, you have gained some battle knowledge, allowing you to know your foes even better, especially after seeing a bit of their innards. After you hit an enemy with an attack, as a bonus action you may choose them as a target of Analysis. Make an Intelligence (Medicine) check contested by your target's Charisma (Deception) check. If you succeed, you find out one piece of information from the following list at random:
- Highest Ability Score
- Lowest Ability Score
- Its maximum hit points
- If any, one vulnerability, resistance or immunity. If it has multiple, it is determined at random and it doesn't have any you find that out as well.
Once you successfully study a creature this way, it becomes "Analyzed" and for the next minute, whenever you hit it with an attack, you may additionally add your Intelligence modifier to the damage roll.
Physician Study
At 3rd level, choose the type of study you focus. Each choice is detailed after the class' description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th, 10th, 15th and 18th.
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
This is for the Future
When you reach 5th level, you know that the people you take care of tend to constantly get in trouble, so when you patch them up you can now take precautions. When using First Aid, any healing that would exceed the creature’s Hit Point maximum is converted into Temporary Hit Points, which last for 1 minute. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of once). You regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest.
You're Doing it wrong!
At 5th level, when you see a creature roll dice for healing by a spell or an ability, as a reaction you may allow the target to reroll any of the dice and use the new result instead. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of once). You regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Beginning with 6th level, managing to make do with minimal resources has become your daily reality; and from this you have learned much, including the means by which to replace certain limbs, even in the heat of battle. Whenever you make an Intelligence (Medicine) check on an allied creature, if you succeeded by 5 or more, you may improvise a replacement for an organ or a limb that the target is missing (as long as the replacement is even slightly plausible). Examples are: Inanimate objects, limbs of nearby corpses or stitching on the previously lost limb.
Total Body Shutdown
Also 6th level your familiarity with biology of all the creatures you have worked on so far has allowed you to know just what you need to do to bring a body to the brink of a complete breakdown. When you hit a creature with an attack, you may immediately as a bonus action make an Intelligence (Medicine) check, as though you were attempting First Aid. If you succeed, target takes Necrotic damage equal to the total of your First Aid roll. Additionally if you succeed by 5 or more, the number of dice is doubled. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
You're not dying on me.
Beginning at 9th level you have gained expertise in treating near death patients and will not allow people to die on your watch. If a creature has died within the last minute, as long as there is a body, you may attempt to resuscitate them. To do so, make an Intelligence (Medicine) Check with DC equal to 10 + the creatures level (or CR). On a success the creature is brought back to life with 1 hp and gains a level of exhaustion. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
Experimental Treatments
At 11th level you have created some new treatments for various sicknesses and afflictions that you have encountered through your travels and studies. As an action you may end one of the following conditions:
- Poisoned
- A Poison of your choice
- Petrified
- A disease of your choice
- Maximum hit Points reduction
- Paralyzed
- Stunned
- Blindness
- Deafness
Additionally you may attempt to end a magical debilitating effect affecting a creature withing 5 feet of you. Make an ability check using your Intelligence Modifier. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s level. On a successful check, the spell ends.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of once). You regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest.
When you reach 13th level you have become experienced enough to even perform surgery on yourself during desperate situations. While at 0 hit points during your turn, when you would have to make your death saving throw, through a flash of consciousness choose to patch up your injuries and stabilize yourself. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Risky Stitches
Beginning with 14th level, you have learned that sometimes mediocrity is just not enough and only perfection is acceptable. When you use First Aid and make the Intelligence (Medicine) check after seeing the result, you may choose to "stitch deeper", after which you reroll the check and use the new roll instead. If the result of the Intelligence (Medicine) check is greater than the DC by 5 or more, you roll twice the number of First Aid Dice you chose when beginning the attempt. Otherwise you roll the First Aid Dice chosen and the aided creature takes half of the roll result as damage that cannot be prevented. Additionally this ability cannot be used for Total Body Shutdown.
Complete Understanding
At 17th, after all the surgeries and incisions you have done you have gained an eye for understanding all the intricacies of a creature from just a single "check up". When using Battle Inquiry, if you beat the opponents roll by 5 or more, you find out all of the information from the list and that creature becomes "Understood" instead. Additionally, whenever you hit it with an attack, you may additionally add double your Intelligence modifier to the damage roll.
Expert Practitioner
When you reach 19th level, your skills have been deemed peerless by many after all the battles and people you have seen, leading to your medical skill set being near flawless. When you roll for First Aid and fail, you count as if having succeeded instead.
Trust me, I'm a Doctor
At 20th level you have gained complete understanding of the biological world, knowing all of its ins and outs, allowing you to treat even the deadliest of wounds with absolute ease. When rolling dice for healing, you always treat it as if rolling the maximum result.

Physician Studies
Studies of the physicians vary greatly, for while many are able to patch people up with relative ease, the true expertise of theirs and their goals can be noticed from the studies they take and the actions that follow.
Study of the Analyst
Analysts are physicians who focus on truly understanding the biology of all organisms, knowing what makes them tick and what makes them not. Those who study analysis of the body are experts at finding weaknesses and breaking down the opponents body, therefore often serve of the front lines of army's as well as working as combat medics.
First Response
When you reach 3rd level, your study of combat and your situational awareness has allowed you to respond immediately, to your allies being harmed. When an allied creature is reduced to 0 hit points within your view, you may as a reaction move up to your movement speed, to that creature.
Open the Wound
At 3rd level, you have learned methods to create openings in your enemies after finding out more about them. When you analyze a creature with battle inquiry, the creature becomes exposed and the next attack made against it gains advantage and on a hit deals 1d8 extra damage. This damage increases to 2d8 at 7th level and 3d8 at 15th level.
Expose Weakness
Beginning with 7th level, you can read a status of a creature like a book and you can break open its weaknesses even where there were none. After analyzing a creature you may choose a resistance of your choice and disable it until the end of your next turn. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of once). You regain any expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.
Incision Strike
When you reach 15th level, your understanding of a creatures physiology has grown to near perfection, allowing to meddle with it as you wish. When successfully using Total Body Shut-down, you may choose an affliction from the following list:
- Blinded.
- Deafened.
- Reduce the creatures movement speed to 0.
- The creature cannot regain hit points.
- Disadvantage on an Ability check of your choice.
The creature becomes afflicted this way until the end of it's next turn.
Three Steps Ahead
At 18th level, once you analyze a creature and gain full understanding of it, it no longer surprises you, allowing you to evade it with ease. Understood creatures gain disadvantage on attack rolls against you and you gain advantage on all saving throws caused by them.

Study of the Pharmacist
Those that study pharmacy very often work close with alchemy as well as a large part of nature, knowing what things can mix into various useful potions and elixirs. These physicians are highly looked out for, often serving as personal physicians to rich nobles as well as researchers of various new cures, or as simple doctors in small villages, saving all the lives they can.
Basic Alchemy
At 3rd level, you have simple understanding of using various herbs and liquids in medicine. You gain proficiency with Alchemist's supplies. Additionally when crafting potions, you half the cost and time required to make them.

Pharmaceutical Elixirs
Beginning with 3rd, level your studies have allowed you to learn and make various elixirs from be it herbs or other magical components. As a part of taking a long rest, you may make a number of elixirs equal to up to your Intelligence modifier (up to a minimum of one). Elixirs are potions from any official D&D books, except their duration is 1 minute if it would be longer otherwise. At 3rd level you can make potions of up to common rarity, uncommon at 10th level and rare at 18th level. You can see all the current possible potions at the end of the class.
Once you take a long rest, any old elixirs become inert.
Vaporous Tonics
When you reach 7th level, you gain the ability to inject your elixirs or potion on you with a substance that immediately turns it into vapor for inhalation. As an action you may you may turn an elixir or a potion you have, into a gas projectile and throw it near a creature within 20 feet of you, after which that creature gains the benefits of the potion.
Spontaneous Reagent
At 10th level, you have done your research and have concocted a reagent that can turn into many different things when mixed with various other reactants, in a matter of seconds. As an action you turn an elixir you still have and turn it into a different one as if you were preparing it during the long rest, except it becomes inert at the end of your next turn. Additionally as part of the same action, you may immediately either throw it or drink it. Once you use this feature, you can't use it until you finish a long rest.
Mixed Elixirs
When you reach 15th level, you have invented your own unique methods of alchemy allowing you to mix elixirs that would not normally work together, into a singular one. When making elixirs during a long rest, you may choose to create Mixed Elixirs. Mixed Elixirs take up two uses of your Pharmaceutical Elixirs, but in return you may choose two different potions of your choice that are available to you and combine them into a singular elixir. When a creature consumes that elixir, it gains benefits from both mixed potions. You can't create a Mixed Elixir using the Spontaneous Reagent feature.
Perfected Alchemy
At 18th level, your comprehension of alchemy and pharmaceuticals has reached its peak allowing you to make concoctions of quality rarely ever seen. During a 24 hour period you may begin making a potion. After the 24h roll a Intelligence (Medicine) check at DC 30. If you succeed, you may choose a potion of very rare rarity or lower, but if you succeed on the DC by 5 or more, you may instead make a Legendary potion of your choice. On a failure, you create a potion of rare or lower rarity instead. These potions act as regular potions and do not become inert. Once you use this feature, you can't use this feature again for the next seven days.
Study of The Toxicologist
While many physicians study the body and the natural world to fix it and save as many people as possible, some look at it through more diabolic lenses. Toxicologists study nature and the living to create various poisons and substance to break down the living tissue in the most efficient and calculated ways possible. Many of them end up as suppliers to assassins guild, some serve in armies as alchemists, poisons and spreading plagues in the fields, while others learn how to make toxins, to try and stop others from using the same methods. In the end, all of them are specialists in ending lives be it first hand, or second.
Poisoner's Knowledge
Beginning with 3rd level, you understand the tools of your craft to a deadly extent. You gain proficiency in the Poisoner's Kit and it takes you quarter the amount of time and cost required to craft poisons.
Tainted Strike
At 3rd, you have developed an adaptive poisonous substance that you can envelop your weapons in, allowing you to slowly, but surely break down your opponents bodies, until their own bodies fail them. When you make a weapon attack, you may use this ability. On a hit, choose either Strength, Dexterity or Constitution and afterwards make an Intelligence (Medicine) check, trying to beat the the Ability Score chosen for the opponent A tainted creature is afflicted by all negatives of it's stage and ones below according, to the Taint Stage Table (which can be seen at the end of the class). Additionally at the end of its turn, roll a number of dice equal to the taint stage and it takes the amount of damage equal to the result (for example at level three, at taint stage 1, the tainted takes 1d4 poison damage). At the end of each if its turns, it may roll a saving throw with the previously chosen Ability Score (If you target Constitution, the target makes a Constitution saving throw) against your Taint Save DC reducing Taint to stage 0 on a success. On a failure, the poison continues coursing through the creature and grows in intensity, increasing it's stage by 1, up to a maximum of your proficiency modifier. The creature may repeat this saving at the end of each of it's turns. If the tainted creature gets hit by Tainted Strike again, it's taint increases by 1 stage, no check required. Taints damage die at 3rd level is a d4 and increases to a d6 when you reach 5th level, d8 at 11th level and d10 at 17th level.
If the result of the Intelligence (Medicine) check is higher by 5 or more than needed to succeed, the creature begins at a stage equal to half your proficiency modifier rounded up.
Taint Save DC
Adaptive Toxin
When you reach 7th level, the substances you create have proven themselves to be quite resilient, even against the most resistant of creatures. You treat poison immunity as resistance and additionally, if your Tainted Strike succeeds by 5 or more, you treat resistance as no resistance.
Unrelenting Degeneration
Beginning at 10th level, the substance you have created is relentless to break the body once in the system, not stopping and persisting even against the toughest of subjects. When A creature succeeds on a Saving Throw, to reduce your Taint stage, it is reduced to stage 1 instead of 0.
Virulent Taint
At 15th level, you have developed a way for the taint to spread as if a manufactured plague, spreading chaos on the battlefield at your whims. When a tainted creature dies, the taint inside it begins spreading and all creatures within 10 feet of it must make a saving throw of your choice (that you could choose with Tainted Strike). On a failure, they become tainted as if affected by Tainted Strike.
Angel of Death
When you reach 18th level, your work with various kinds of poisons and toxins have accustomed your body to the worst of their affects, allowing you to spread even more death, with no more caution about your own safety. You become immune to poison damage as well as the poisoned condition. Additionally, now as an action you may spread the taint around you in a 10 feet radius for the next 1 minute. When a hostile creature first enters the area or starts its turn there, it must make a saving throw of your choice (that you could choose with Tainted Strike) and on a failure they become tainted. When a tainted creatures starts its turn in the area, it must repeat the same saving throw and on a failure the creatures taint stage increases by 1 stage. You may end this ability as a free action. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again, until you finish a long rest.

Study of The War Surgeon
Battle is the lifeblood of the world, determining a great amount of who live and who die. Because of that some physicians have noticed the pattern and have concluded that where there is death, is a place where they are needed the most. With that they sharpen their syringes and their swords as they ready themselves to travel through blood and mud to not only save lives, but to take them from those who would aim to deal harm.
Push The Advantage!
Beginning with 3rd level, you have grown a taste for battle and the opportunities it provides. When you or an ally reduces a creature to 0 hit points within 30 feet of you, you may as a reaction move up to half your movement without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Battle Ready
At 3rd level, your battle experience has taught you to be prepared to fight even as a doctor. When you start your turn within 5 feet of a hostile creature, you gain temporary hit points equal to half your level (rounded down), until start of your next turn.
Deadly Precision
When you reach 7th level, your eye for detail when it comes to seeking your opponents weakness has grown as precise as a scalpel, with you ready to operate at any time. The additional damage when attacking Analyzed creatures is no longer equal to your Intelligence modifier, but your physician level instead.
Quick Fix
Beginning with 10th level, the pace of battle has rarely left you enough time for a proper medical procedure, forcing you to learn to improvise. You may use First Aid as a bonus action, but when you do so the healing is halved. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again, until you finish a short or long rest. Additionally you regain the use of this feature if you reduce a creature to 0 hit points.
Adrenaline Shot
At 15th level, you have concocted an injection, that increases the speed and strength of the subject, as well as numbing its pain. As an action you may administer an injection to a willing creature within 5 feet of you. The injected creature for the next minute gain the effects of the Haste spell and in addition, having 0 hit points doesn't knock it unconscious. It still must make death saving throws, and it suffers the normal effects of taking damage while at 0 hit points. However, if it would die due to failing death saving throws, it doesn't die until the Adrenaline Shot ends. Lastly, if the creature affected by the Adrenaline shot reduces a hostile creature to 0 hit points it regains 1 hit points and clears all of its death saves unless it failed 3 of them already in which case it still dies at the end of the effect. Once you use this feature, you can't use it until you finish a long rest.
Vital Strike
When you reach 18th level, you have understood that the true medicinal calling is not that of healing the harm, but the prevention of it in the first place, through precise and lethal cuts. You gain an additional use of Total Body Shutdown and when you use it, as long as the targeted creature is not a construct or an ooze, if you get a success on the medicine check, it counts as a critical success instead. You regain both uses of Total Body Shutdown after you finish a long rest.

The Taint Table
Stage | Affliction |
1 | -5 Movement Speed and additionally at every odd numbered stage it slows down by an additional 5 feet movement speed, up to a maximum of -15 Movement Speed. |
2 | -1 AC |
3 | Tainted creature subtracts 1d4 from all of it's Attack Rolls and Saving Throws |
4 | Disadvantage on all taint Saving Throws |
5 | Blinded |
6 | The creature can not make saving throws to reduce taint for the next 1 minute. |
Elixir List (By Rarities)
- Potion of Climbing
- Potion of Comprehension
- Potion of Healing
- Potion of Watchful Rest
- Bottled Breath
- Oil of Slipperiness
- Philter of Love
- Potion of Acid Resistance
- Potion of Advantage
- Potion of Animal Friendship
- Potion of Cold Resistance
- Potion of Fire Breath
- Potion of Fire Resistance
- Potion of Force Resistance
- Potion of Greater Healing
- Potion of Growth
- Potion of Hill Giant Strength
- Potion of Lightning Resistance
- Potion of Necrotic Resistance
- Potion of Poison
- Potion of Poison Resistance
- Potion of Psychic Resistance
- Potion of Radiant Resistance
- Potion of Thunder Resistance
- Potion of Water Breathing
- Elixir of Health
- Oil of Etherealness
- Potion of Aqueous Form
- Potion of Clairvoyance
- Potion of Diminution
- Potion of Fire Giant Strength
- Potion of Frost Giant Strength
- Potion of Gaseous Form
- Potion of Heroism
- Potion of Invulnerability
- Potion of Maximum Power
- Potion of Mind Control (beast)
- Potion of Mind Control (humanoid)
- Potion of Mind Reading
- Potion of Stone Giant Strength
- Potion of Superior Healing
Very Rare
- Oil of Sharpness
- Potion of Cloud Giant Strength
- Potion of Flying
- Potion of Invisibility
- Potion of Longevity
- Potion of Mind Control (monster)
- Potion of Possibility
- Potion of Speed
- Potion of Supreme Healing
- Potion of Vitality
- Potion of Dragon's Majesty
- Potion of Giant Size
- Potion of Storm Giant Strength
Base Release!
Base Class
- Additional Medicine Proficiency at level 1.
- General clarifications.
- Quality of Life Changes.
- Grammar and typo fixes (Great thanks to Reddit u/critical-drinking for editorial help!).
- Battle Inquiry - info selection is now random.
- Experimental Treatments - has been buffed to be able to remove deafness and blidness and additionally to end magical effects not listed as if casting Dispel Magic.
Study of the Analyst
- Adrenaline Surge - reworked, to be more in line with existing features and rules and moved to a different subclass, to give the Analyst a tighter direction and has been replaced by Shared Understanding.
- Shared Understanding - Grant your allies a damage boost by sharing your understanding of the enemies!
Study of the Pharmacist
- Pharmaceutical Elixirs - Quality of life change, added a list of potions you can make at the end of the class.
Study of the Toxicologist
- Taint - 1st stage effect has been adjusted to be clearer.
Study of Battle
- First Release! - A subclass for a front line medic that wishes to deal great damage while still being able to heal their allies and themselves!
Art Sources
Note of Appreciation
I am unfortunately not a very artistic person, so I take most of the art off the internet and try to credit as well as I can. So I wish to say thanks to all the great artists whose art is used.
Additionally if any artist whose art is used deems it to be not credited appropriately or wishes it to be removed, you can feel free to contact me and I will fix it up immediately!
Once again great thank you and appreciations!
Plague Hunter
by Andrew Pappas
Vicovaro Medic
by Lorenzo Mastroianni
Stitcher Geralf
by Karla Ortiz
Frantic Search
by Mitchell Malloy
Disease Slasher Ditellius
by Yang Mansik
Vicovaro Novice
by Bruno Biazotto
Sudden Spoiling
by Alan Pollack
Eileen the Crow (Bloodborne)
by hukutuuprunes
This class has been made by BreathingPotato
Heal your allies and analyze your foes with The Physician class for D&D 5th edition! Pick your style of medicine and choose your path with the following subclasses:
The Analyst - The Pharmacist - The Toxicologist
This brew has been made by /u/Fun_Kiddo
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