
by Jadeor

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Additional Artificer Infusions

Enhanced Gauntlets

Item: a pair of gloves or gauntlets

While wearing this item a creature has a +1 bonus to the attack rolls and the damage rolls it makes with unarmed strikes.

The bonus increases to +2 when you reach 10th level in this class.

Ring of Holding

Item: a ring

As an action, a creature wearing this ring can touch an object that weighs 25 pounds or less and cause the object to be teleported to an empty demiplane and stored there. As long as an object is being stored this way, a creature wearing the ring can teleport the object into their hand as a bonus action.

The ring can only store one object at a time.

Horseless Carriage

Prerequisite: 6th level

Item: A land vehicle, such as a carriage or cart

The vehicle no longer needs horses or other steeds to pull it, it can now propel itself.

The vehicle has a speed of 50 feet. A creature on or inside the vehicle can give it a simple command in a language you speak such as "go straight", "turn left" or "follow this road" as an action. The vehicle will follow the given command provided it is simple enough.

Mirror of Far Seeing

Prerequisite: 10th level

Item: a mirror (requires attunement)

The mirror has 4 charges. As an action a creature holding the mirror may do one of the following things:

  • They may expend 1 charge to cast Clairvoyance without consuming a spell slot or material components.
  • They may expend 2 charges to cast Arcane Eye without consuming a spell slot or material components.
  • They may expend 3 charges to cast Scrying without consuming a spell slot or material components.

Whenever a creature casts any of these spells this way, instead of being able to see or hear what the spell shows it directly, the mirror reflects what that creature would be able to see and reproduces any sounds it would be able to hear through casting that spell.

Intelligence is the creature's spellcasting modifier for any of the spells they cast using this item. The mirror regains 1d4 charges daily at dawn.


Prerequisite: 14th level

Item: any item that weighs 50 pounds or less (requires attunement)

The item becomes sentient and gains 6 charges. The item can speak telepathically with any creature within 30 feet that shares a language with it and has a blindsight of 30 feet.

It's Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma scores all become 15. It has proficiency in one of these saving throws of your choice and one skill of your choice among Arcana, Deception, History, Intimidation, Insight, Investigation, Nature, Religion, Perception, or Persuasion. The item's proficiency bonus is equal to that of the creature it's attuned to and it speaks all languages you speak.

Whenever a creature carrying or wearing the item would make an ability check or saving throw that uses Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma, they may expend a charge and choose to let the sentient item make the check in their place.

The item regains 1d6 charges daily at dawn.

Sky Galleons of Mars by Flaviobolla


Prerequisite: 14th level

Item: A water vehicle, such as a boat or ship

The vehicle gains a flying speed equal to its normal movement speed.

True Timepiece

Prerequisite: 14th level

Item: a timepiece such as a clock or another item used to tell the time (such as an hourglass), requires attunement

The timepiece has 4 charges. Whenever a creature holding this timepiece fails an ability check or saving throw, or misses an attack roll, they can expend 1 charge as a reaction to reroll the check, saving throw or attack roll, they must use the new result.

Whenever another creature hits a creature holding this timepiece with an attack roll, as a reaction the holder may expend 1 charge to force the creature to reroll the attack roll. They must use the new result.

The timepiece regains 1d4 charges daily at dawn.


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