Upcast Mage Armor

by Hyperdrift

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Upcast Mage Armor

Mage Armor

1st level abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: touch
  • Components: VSM (a piece of cured leather)
  • Duration: 8 hours

You touch a willing creature who isn’t wearing armor, and a protective magical force surrounds it until the spell ends. If its AC would otherwise be lower, the target’s base AC becomes 13 + its Dexterity modifier. The spell ends if the target dons armor or if you dismiss the spell as an action.

At Higher Levels. . When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher up to 5th level, choose one of the following aspects for the mage armor.

  • Animal Aspect: The target gains a bonus to initiative rolls equal to the spell level and adds 1d4 to Wisdom (Perception) checks to spot threats.

  • Clockwork Aspect: The target chooses an ability score for which it has a negative modifier and instead uses zero as the modifier for skill checks and saving throws using that ability. The target gains a bonus to survival checks for navigation. The bonus is equal to the spell level.

  • Cloud Aspect: The target reduces bludgeoning and fall damage by 1d4 per spell level above 1st. The target’s jump distance and height double.

  • Elemental Aspect: At casting, the target chooses one of the following damages types: cold, acid, fire, force, or lightning. The target reduces damage of that type by 1d4 per spell level above 1st. When the target takes damage of that type its movement speed increases by 5 ft. until the end of its next turn.

  • Earth Aspect: The target reduces slashing damage by 1d4 per spell level above 1st. The target gains tremor sense to a range of 10 ft., knowing both the direction and range to creatures that take movement, make attacks, or make other motions such as casting spells with somatic components, as long as the target and creature are in contact with the ground.

  • Radiant Aspect: The target reduces necrotic damage by 1d4 per spell level above 1st. The target gains the ability to cast the cantrip light once before this spell ends.

  • Root Aspect: The target adds 1d4 to saving throws to resist the prone condition and forced movement. At casting, the target chooses poison or piercing damage. The target reduces damage of the chosen type by 1d4 per spell level above 1st.

  • Shadow Aspect: The target reduces radiant damage by 1d4 per spell level above 1st. The target gains a bonus of 1d4 to stealth checks to avoid being seen.

  • Spirit Aspect: The target reduces psychic damage by 1d4 per level above 1st. At casting, the target chooses the spirit type: guiding or menacing. Guiding spirit aspect adds 1d4 to saving throws to resist or end the Frightened condition. Menacing spirit aspect adds 1d4 to Charisma (Intimidation) checks.

  • Water Aspect: The target gains a bonus equal to the spell level to checks to oppose shove and grapple attacks and end the Grappled or Restrained condition. The target gains a swim speed equal to their walking speed and doubles their constitution

Revised Warlock Invocation

The warlock invocation Armor of Shadows is revised as follows:

Armor of Shadows

You can cast Mage Armor on yourself at will at 1st level, without expending a spell slot or material components.

If your Warlock spell level is greater than 1st level, you may alternatively cast Mage Armor once at your current Warlock spell level without expending a spell slot. If you choose this option you regain this feature when you complete a long rest.

Flavoring Upcast Mage Armor.

The chosen aspect should ideally affect the appearance of the mage armor.

For example, cloud aspect mage armor may appear as a translucent bubble-like haze around the target, or may cause clothing to puff outward as if caught in a breeze.

Animal aspect mage armor may appear momentarily as the spectral visage of a predator looming over the target when they attack, or an animal-skin cloak with animated fur, or else the target’s skin may take on the appearance or markings of an animal.

Spirit aspect armor may appear as an apparition overlapping the target’s body. The target may experience fragments of memories or hear the spirit’s voice commenting on things they notice.

Shadow aspect mage armor may grant the target a dark, brooding or sullen appearance, or mute the colors of their clothing.

Radiant aspect mage armor may grant the bearer a joyful, exuberant aura, wreathing them in swirls of faint color.

Water aspect mage armor may give the bearer a smooth appearance that ripples as they move.

Contribution Credits

Type Source
Art: Sorcerer Jeff Dbury, pixabay noncomercial license.

Change Log

Date Change
2022.08.03 Initial release

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