Fighter Archetype: Field Medic

by TableSaltDM

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Fighter Archetype

Field Medic

Though clerics and paladins are welcome sights on battlefields, not all are so lucky as to have received the blessings of a god. For those passed over by the gods and whose hearts cry out for the suffering of the wounded and dying, there is but one path for them to walk. Alternatively known as Combat Surgeons, individuals who dedicate themselves to saving lives on battlefields earn the right to be called Field Medic.

Medical Training

At 3rd level, you have dedicated part of your studies to understanding the intricacies of the body and know the basic functions of most typical forms of life. You gain proficiency in the Medicine skill and you also gain the Healer feat.

Anatomical Strike

Also at 3rd level, your medical knowledge allows you to strike at your foes with deadly accuracy causing maximal harm to them. As part of your attack action, you give yourself either advantage on the attack or cause the attack to do maximum damage.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your intelligence modifier, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.

First Aid

At 7th level, your understanding of humanoid anatomy has deepened allowing you to issue urgent medical assistance during combat or while on the move. As an action, you touch a creature causing it to expend up to two hit die healing an amount equal to the roll.

The amount of hit die that can be expended increases by one at 10th, 15th, and 18th level to a maximum of five.

Surgical Precision

At 10th level, your grasp on the practical applications of medicine and anatomy surpass even the most learned of scholars. You gain expertise in the Medicine skill if you did not already have it. Additionally, anytime you would restore health by rolling dice, you can instead choose to roll the maximum amount and add your intelligence modifier to the total.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your intelligence modifier, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.

Wake the Dead

At 15th level, the application of your studies in advanced life functions allows you to bring the recently deceased back to life. As an action, you touch a creature that has died in the last minute or is unconscious immediately restoring them to life or consciousness with a number of hit points equal to your Medicine skill.

Medical Contingency

At 18th level, you are prepared for the worst case scenario where it is impossible to reach your target for urgent healing. As an action, you fire a special crossbow at a creature that you can see within 120 feet of you delivering a potent restorative cocktail healing the target an amount of hit points equal to your fighter level plus your Medicine skill.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your intelligence modifier, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.

Additionally, if you take damage that reduces you to 0 hit points and doesn't kill you outright, you can use your reaction to inject yourself with one of the uses of this feature.


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Happy Adventuring!

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