The Alchemist - A Halfcaster/Potion Class

by Dragonshard

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The Alchemist


Running from the flows of lava behind them, an adventuring party rounds a corner of the crumbling keep only to find a dead end. Two of the adventurers cast spells, getting themselves out of harm's way. A half-elf woman grabs her orcish companion and quickly gulps a vial from her belt. In a flash, the pair teleports just as the lava surges where they were just standing.

A sneaking gnome, sliding along a 3rd-story railing, spots his target through a window, a noble surrounded by his squad of guards. He grabs pinches of dust from his pouches, tosses them into a vial which immediately begins steaming violently. Throwing the concoction through the window, the inhabitants all begin sputtering and coughing, lurching around the room in a confused stupor. Disabled, they are now easy pickings for the gnomish assassin.

An ogre rampages about that battlefield, wreaking havoc on the opposing fighters. An elf coats an arrow with a putrid oil, takes aim, and fires it at the ogre. As soon as the arrow meets it mark, the ogre's movements become sluggish and uncoordinated, its attacks now easier to evade.

These adventurers, masters of potion and bomb, use their alchemical creations to overcome any challenge and defeat their foes. Although they are not casters in their own right, alchemists mimic the effects of magical spells in their extracts, able to be used by anyone who drinks them or is otherwise injected with them.

Alchemical Creations

Alchemists do not produce spells the way others do, instead distilling the energy of magical spells into extracts for themselves or others to consume. Their creative capability does not end at extracts, however. Alchemists also create mutagenic solutions, experimentally altering their own body to improve their capabilities, and alchemical bombs which are put to devastating use in combat.

Their magical extracts are able to be used in a matter of moments to produce the effects of a magical spell, allowing for easy use in tense situations. However, this ease of use has a cost as an alchemist must carefully choose and create their extracts in advance before danger arrives.

Exotic Discoveries

The reagants required to study and create powerful extracts are difficult and expensive to obtain in civilized settlements. Many alchemists set off on adventure to obtain exotic and rare ingredients to further their alchemical studies and
learn to produce new magical effects with their extracts.

In an adventuring party, alchemists provide a useful
source of magic to their allies, providing them with life-
saving and bolstering extracts to aid them in combat. Alchemists are also extremely effective at handling groups
of foes, throwing and detonating alchemical bombs where their enemies tightly packed.

Creating an Alchemist

When creating your alchemist, the first question to consider is how you began to learn alchemy. Did you have a mentor who set you on your alchemical journey? Did you become fascinated with the local flora and fauna of your home and began to experiment with their magical properties? Maybe you loved to create explosive and fiery concoctions, and searched ways to make the explosions bigger and brighter?

Most alchemists have a longterm goal with their alchemical studies. Legends often speak of the miraculous effects alchemy can have but few alchemists are able to achieve them. You might be seeking an elixir of eternal youth, allowing yourself to stave off the effects of age and degeneration? You might be seeking a cure-all to disease, whether to cure yourself or a loved-one of some vicious, malignant affliction.

Lastly, consider why you have set out on adventurer. Do you seek rare ingredients for your extracts, so they you can increase their power, and produce new magical effects? Are you looking for ancient knowledge of alchemy that can only be found in long-lost civilizations? Or maybe alchemy is just a means to an end as you seek after some other goal?

Quick Build

You can make an alchemist quickly by following these suggestions. First, make Intelligence your highest ability score, followed by Constitution or Dexterity. Second, choose the sage background. Third choose the cure
wounds and heroism extracts.

The Alchemist Table
Level Proficiency
Features Discoveries Extracts Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Extracts, Alchemical Bombs 2 2
2nd +2 Discovery, Toxic Edge 2 3 2
3rd +2 Swift Alchemy, Alchemical Specialty 2 4 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2 5 3
5th +3 3 6 4 2
6th +3 Mutagen 3 7 4 2
7th +3 Specialty Feature 4 8 4 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 9 4 3
9th +4 5 10 4 3 2
10th +4 Learned Immunity 5 10 4 3 2
11th +4 Specialty Feature 5 11 4 3 3
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 6 11 4 3 3
13th +5 6 12 4 3 3 1
14th +5 Greater Mutagen 6 12 4 3 3 1
15th +5 Specialty Feature 7 13 4 3 3 2
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 7 13 4 3 3 2
17th +6 7 14 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 Alchemical Body 8 14 4 3 3 3 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 8 15 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 Miraculous Extract 8 15 4 3 3 3 2

Class Features

As an Alchemist, you gain the following class features:

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per alchemist level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per alchemist level after 1st.


  • Armor: Light armor, shields
  • Weapons: Simple weapons
  • Tools: Alchemist's Kit

  • Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
  • Skills: Choose two skills from Arcana, History, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • Any simple weapon and a dagger
  • (a) leather armor or (b) a shield
  • (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) 10 darts
  • (a) an explorer's pack or (b) a scholar's pack
  • (a) An alchemist's kit


At 1st level, you use alchemical knowlege to distill magical properties into potions or extracts that can bestow their effects on whoever drinks them. These extracts mimic magical spells cast by wizards, clerics, druids, etc.

Extracts Known

You know two 1st-level extracts of your choice from the alchemist extract list. The Extracts Known column of the Alchemist table shows when you learn more alchemist extracts of your choice from this feature. Each of these extracts must be of a level for which you have extract
slots on the alchemist table.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you
can choose one of the alchemist extracts you know
from this feature and replace it with another extract
from the alchemist extract list. The new extract must
also be of a level for which you have extract slots on the Alchemist table.

Preparing Extracts

When you complete a long or short rest, you use your alchemist's tools to prepare extracts, choosing from your
known extracts. The number and type of extracts you can
prepare during your rest depends on the extract
slots you have available at your alchemist level. For each
extract slot you choose to expend, you can prepare one
extract of that slot's level or lower. Note that an extract's
level does not necessarily match the level of the corresponding spell (e.g. a confusion extract is 3rd level
while the confusion spell is 4th level). You regain all expended extract slots when you complete a long rest.

For example, if you are a 5th-level alchemist, you have four 1st-level and two 2nd-level extract slots, meaning you can prepare four extracts of 1st level and two extracts of 2nd or 1st level if you expend all your extract slots. Note that extract slots can also be used to create alchemical bombs (see the "alchemical bombs" feature).

Your extracts must be used within eight hours of their creation. After that time, your extracts lose their potency and are unable to bestow any magical effect.

Regaining Slots after a Short Rest

When you complete a short rest, you regain spent extract slots with a combined level up to half your alchemist level (rounded down, minimum of one). You can regain slots this way twice before completing a long rest.

Extract Material Components

If an extract's corresponding spell requires material components, that component is required for the extract as well. Material components that are consumed by a spell are also consumed when creating the corresponding extract.

Concentration Effects

Extracts of spells that require concentration are more difficult and time-consuming to produce. You may only prepare up to two extracts of concentration spells when you complete a long rest, and up to one when you complete a short rest.

Using Extracts

There are three ways an extract can be used:

  • Imbibe. A creature can use its bonus action to imbibe an extract it is holding and gain its effects.
  • Apply to a Weapon. A creature can use its bonus action to apply the extract to a weapon that deals piercing or slashing damage. For one minute, the next time that weapon deals damage to a creature, that creature suffers the effects of the extract.


  • Administer to another Creature.
    A creature can use its action to administer
    an extract to a willing or incapacitated creature
    within 5 feet, bestowing the effects of the extract on
    that creature.
Extract Effects

The effects of an extract are just like its corresponding spell, except that an extract targets the creature that imbibes it, and an extract does not require concentration even if the original spell does. For example, a creature that is affected by a "Slow" extract must make a wisdom saving throw against your extract save DC (see below) or experience the effects of the slow spell until they succeed on the saving throw or the 1 minute duration ends.

  • If a spell has multiple options, you choose which applies when you create the extract (e.g. blindness/deafness, enlarge/reduce, bestow curse).
  • If a spell's effect is relative to another creature (for example, if a spell causes a creature to be frightened of or charmed by something), the second creature is considered to be the alchemist that created the extract.
  • If a spell's effects normally require a roll to hit the spell's target, the corresponding extract automatically hits any creature affected by it.
  • If a spell normally requires the caster to make an ability check (e.g. dispel magic), the alchemist makes the check regardless of who imbibed the extract.

Alchemical Ability

Intelligence is your alchemical ability for your alchemist extracts. Whenever an extract refers to your spellcasting ability, you instead use your alchemical ability, intelligence. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for an alchemist extract you make.

Extract Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +

your Intelligence modifier

Alchemical Bombs

At 1st level, you prepare explosive combinations of reagants for use in combat or otherwise. When you complete a long
or short rest, you can expend extract slots to create one alchemical bomb for each slot expended.

You can use your action to prepare and throw one of your alchemical bombs at a point within 30 feet. The bomb detonates at the chosen location, dealing magical fire or thunder damage (your choice when you throw the bomb) to all creatures in a 5-foot radius of the targeted point. The damage dealt equals Xd8 plus your intelligence modifier, where X is two times the level of the extract slot expended to create the bomb (e.g. a bomb created with a 2nd-level extract slot deals damage equal to 4d8 + your intelligence modifier). A creature may make a dexterity saving throw against your extract save DC, taking only half
     damage on a success.


Beginning at 2nd level, you start making novel discoveries in the world of alchemy. The discovery column on the alchemist table shows when you make a new discovery, chosen from the list of alchemist discoveries, found after the main class features.

Discoveries fall into three categories: bombs, mutagens, and knowledge. Bomb discoveries grant you improvements to your alchemical bombs. Mutagen discoveries alter your body, granting you permanent physical benefits. Knowledge discoveries represent gaining greater skill in alchemy, improving your ability to use your extracts and toxins. When choosing a discovery, you can select from any category.

Toxic Edge

Beginning at 2nd level, you can use your bonus action to apply a dangerous alchemical toxin to one of your weapons that deals piercing or slashing damage, without using an extract. Until the end of your turn, the next time you hit with that weapon, the target creature must make a constitution saving throw against your extract save DC. On a failed save, the creature is poisoned until the beginning of your next turn and takes magical acid or poison damage (your choice) equal to your intelligence modifier plus half your alchemist level (rounded down). On a successful save, a creature is not poisoned and takes only half the acid or poison damage.

In addition, when you apply this toxin or one of your extracts to a weapon, you may use your intelligence modifier on attack rolls with that weapon until the end of your turn.

Swift Alchemy

     Beginning at 3rd level, you are adept at skillfully and
       swiftly creating alchemical supplies and potions, granting
      you the following benefits:

  • When making a skill check using your alchemist's supplies, you add your proficiency bonus twice to the roll.
  • Crafting with your alchemist's supplies takes you only half the normal time and gold cost.

Alchemical Specialty

            At 3rd level, you begin to specialize in a particular area
              of alchemy. Choose one of the alchemical specialties
              listed after the main class features. From your
             chosen specialty, you gain features at levels 3, 7, 11,
              and 15, as well as additional known extracts at the
             appropriate alchemist levels.

Ability Score Improvement

                  When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th,
                      16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability
                      score of your choice by 2, or you can increase
                     two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal,
                   you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using
                  this feature.

                Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking
               this feature to take a feat of your choice instead.


At 6th level, whether inadvertently due to alchemical exposure or as purposeful experimentation, your body has been permanently altered by your magical reagants and extracts. You gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Athletics, Acrobatics, Intimidation, Perception, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth.

Learned Immunity

At 10th level, your physical form becomes inured to the more common effects of alchemical ingredients, granting you the following benefits:

  • You are immune to the poisoned condition and have resistance to poison damage.
  • You have resistance to acid, cold, fire, lightning or thunder damage (your choice).

Greater Mutagen

At 14th level, your body is further altered by prolonged exposure to alchemical solutions. Choose one of the following skills that you have proficiency in: Athletics, Acrobatics, Intimidation, Perception, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth. You now add your proficiency bonus twice to checks using that skill.

Alchemical Body

                        At 18th level, you have finally achieved an
                       alchemical feat only dreamed of or spoken of in
                        legend, ascending your form beyond one of the
                          limitations of mortality. You gain one of the
                             following benefits (your choice):

  • You no longer need food or water to survive and cannot become exhausted from starvation or dehydration.
  • You are immune to all diseases and poisons, whether magical or mundane.
  • You have the appearance of a young adult of your species and no longer age. You cannot be magically aged.

Miraculous Extract

                              At 20th level, you learn to create an extract
                               of enormous magical power, distilling the
                              essence of a wish spell into a consumable
                             form. When you complete a long rest, you
                             can create an extract with one of the
                         following effects, without expending an
                       extract slot:

  • The consumer gains resistance to all damage for 8 hours.
  • The consumer gains immunity to a single spell or other magical effect of their choice for 8 hours. For instance, they could become immune to a lich’s life drain attack.
  • The consumer regains all hit points and any lost limbs, and all effects described in the greater restoration spell end for them. If the creature died in the last minute, they are brought back to life as if by the revivify spell.
  • Within one minute after imbibing the extract, the consumer can force a reroll of any one roll made within the last minute. Reality reshapes itself to accommodate the new result. For example, they could undo an opponent’s successful save, a foe’s critical hit, or a friend’s failed save. They can force the reroll to be made with advantage or disadvantage and can choose whether to use the reroll or the original roll.

As normal, this extract must be used within eight hours of its creation, or it loses its potency.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing with the Alchemist class, you must meet these prerequisites: 13 Intelligence.
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Alchemist class, you gain the following proficiencies: Light armor, shields, simple weapons, alchemist's kit.
Extract/Spell Slots. You add half your alchemist levels (rounded down) for the purposes of determining multiclass spell slots. These slots count as both your extract slots and spell slots. You can use these slots to prepare alchemist extracts, create alchemical bombs, or to cast spells you know or have prepared from other classes.


The following are the
discoveries available to
alchemists. The discovery column
on the alchemist table shows when
you make a new discovery.
Discoveries fall into three categories:
bombs, mutagens, and knowledge,
described in the following sections.

Bomb Discoveries

Bomb discoveries grant you additional
options for modifying the alchemical
bombs you create using your extract
slots. Whenever you throw an
alchemical bomb, you can choose to
alter it with any of the bomb
discoveries you have learned. The
following bomb discoveries are organized
by prerequisite alchemist level.

Unique Modifications

Bomb discoveries may have the "unique modification"
tag. A single bomb can only be modified by one unique modification. There is no limit to the number of non-unique modifications that can be applied to a bomb.


Bomb discoveries may have a prerequisite alchemist level and/or bomb level. Alchemist level indicates the number of alchemist levels you must have before you can learn a discovery. Bomb level indicates the minimum extract slot level used to create a bomb that is modified by that discovery. For example, a bomb must have been created by at least a 3rd-level extract slot to be modified by the adhesive sludge discovery.

No Prerequisite

Delayed Detonation

Prerequisites: None
You can choose to delay a bomb's detonation. When you choose this option, you may set a reaction trigger to activate the bomb. For example, you might use your reaction to detonate the bomb when a certain creature enters its damage range. You can alternatively use your bonus action on a subsequent turn to detonate the bomb.
   Once you have chosen to delay a bomb's detonation, it detonates immediately if moved from its current position. If a bomb is delayed for 24 hours or more, it loses its ability to explode and deal damage. You can only have one bomb with a delayed detonation at a time.

Elemental Bombs

Prerequisites: None
You can alter the detonation of your bomb to release a different harmful element. Choose one of the following damage types: acid, cold, lightning, or poison. You can change a bomb's damage type to the one you select.
   You can choose this discovery multiple times.

Explosive Missile

Prerequisites: None
When you use your action to create an alchemical
bomb, you can use your bonus action to attach it to a
ranged weapon. As part of that same action, you fire/throw the weapon and the bomb detonates in the spot it impacts.

Faerie Fire

Prerequisites: None
Unique Modification
You can cause your bomb to release faerie fire on detonation. When you do so, all creatures in the area affected by the bomb must make a dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature is outlined in light for one minute as in the faerie fire spell, granting advantage to attack rolls targeting that creature and nullifying any benefit from invisibility.

Focused Blast

Prerequisites: None
You can change a bomb's damage area from a sphere to a cone. When you do so, the area affected by the bomb changes to a cone with a length equal to double the original spherical radius, with a point of origin centered where the bomb detonated. You choose which direction the cone extends.

Grease Slick

Prerequisites: None
Unique Modification
You can cover your bomb with a slick grease. Creatures in the area affected by the bomb fall prone if they fail the dexterity saving throw to reduce the damage taken from the bomb.
   The grease covers the bomb's affected area for one minute. During this time, any creature that enters the area or ends its turn there must make a dexterity saving throw against your extract save DC, falling prone on a failed save.

Poison Burst

Prerequisities: None
Unique Modification
You can cause your bomb to release a burst of poisonous gas upon detonation. When you do so, creatures in the area affected by the bomb must make a constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature is poisoned for one minute. A creature may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.

Shrapnel Bomb

Prerequisites: None
Unique Modification
You can insert brutal, lacerating shrapnel into your bomb. When you do so, creatures in the area affected by the bomb must make a constitution saving throw against your extract save DC. On a failed save, a creature is lacerated, taking an amount of magical slashing damage equal to your intelligence modifier. A creature that took this damage must repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, taking the slashing damage again on a failed save. On a successful save, the effect ends for the creature.

Sleeping Gas

Prerequisites: None
Unique Modification
You can cause your bomb to release a magical knockout gas with its detonation. When you do so, the bomb applies its normal damage first and then you apply the effects of the sleep spell to the area affected by the bomb. The level of the sleep spell equals the extract slot level used to create the bomb.

5th-Level Prerequisite

Blast Area

Prerequisites: 5th Level Alchemist
You can increase a bomb's damage radius to 10 feet.

Breaching Detonation

Prerequisites: 5th Level Alchemist
You can design your bomb to effortlessly tear holes in structures. Your bomb deals double damage to structures and objects.

Darkness Bomb

Prerequisites: 5th Level Alchemist, 2nd+ Level Bomb
Unique Modification
You can imbue your bomb with magical darkness. The area affected by the bomb is covered by magical darkness as in the darkness spell for 10 minutes.

Deafening Burst

Prerequisites: 5th Level Alchemist, 2nd+ Level Bomb
Unique Modification
You can cause your bomb to unleash a deafening burst of sound upon detonation. Creatures in the area affected by the bomb must make a constitution saving throw against your extract save DC. On a failed save, a creature is deafened until the end of your next turn.

Enfeebling Toxin

Prerequisites: 5th Level Alchemist, 2nd+ Level Bomb
Unique Modification
You can cause your bomb to release a weakening gas in its immediate area. When you do so, one creature of your choice within 5-feet of the detonation must make a constitution saving throw against your extract save DC. On a failed save, a creature deals only half damage with attacks that use strength for the next minute. A creature can repeat the save at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.

Forceful Blast

Prerequisites: 5th Level Alchemist, 2nd+ Level Bomb
Unique Modification
You can increase the detonation strength of your bomb, causing it to knock back those in its blast radius. Creatures in the area affected by the bomb must make a strength saving throw against your extract save DC. On a failed save, the creature is thrown 10 feet away from the bomb and is prone. Any creature(s) in the 5-foot space the bomb detonated in that failed the save are launched directly upwards, falling prone in the same space.

Smoke Bomb

Prerequisites: 5th Level Alchemist, 2nd+ Level Bomb
You can cause your bomb to unleash a thick, dark smoke upon detonation. When you do so, the area affected by the bomb becomes heavily obscured for one minute or until a strong wind disperses it.

7th-Level Prerequisite

Concussive Blast

Prerequisites: 7th Level Alchemist, 2nd+ Level Bomb
Unique Modification
You can cause your bomb to release a powerful concussive blast in its immediate area. When you do so, one creature of your choice within 5-feet of the detonation must make a constitution saving throw against your extract save DC. On a failed save, a creature is stunned for 1 minute. A creature may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.

Flash Bomb

Prerequisites: 7th Level Alchemist, 2nd+ Level Bomb
Unique Modification
You can cause your bomb to unleash a disorienting blast of light upon detonation. Creatures in the area affected by the bomb must make a constitution saving throw against your extract save DC. On a failed save, a creature is blinded until the end of your next turn.

Moonlight Bomb

Prerequisites: 7th Level Alchemist, 2nd+ Level Bomb
Unique Modification
You can cause your bomb to unleash a burst of moonlight upon detonation. Creatures in the area affected by the bomb are immersed in a silvery, pale light and must make a constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 2d10 radiant damage or half as much on a success.
   Shapechangers in the area make the saving throw with disadvantage and revert to their original form on a failed saving throw (as in the moonbeam spell).

9th-Level Prerequisite

Adhesive Sludge

Prerequisites: 9th Level Alchemist, 3rd+ Level Bomb
Unique Modification
You can cover your bomb with an adhesive sludge. Creatures in the area affected by the bomb must make a strength saving throw against your extract save DC. On a failed save, a creature is restrained for one minute. A creature can use its action to repeat the saving throw, breaking free from its restraints on a success.
   Other creatures can make a melee attack against the sludge to attempt to break a creature free. The sludge has an AC equal to your extract save DC and 20 hit points.

Greater Blast Area

                                                              Prerequisites: 9th Level
                                                             Alchemist, Blast Area

                                                               You can increase a
                                                                 bomb's damage radius
                                                                  to 15 feet.

Necrotic Bomb

                                                           Prerequisites: 9th
                                                           Level Alchemist

                                                          You can cause your bomb to
                                                           unleash harmful, life
                                                           eroding energies. You can
                                                           change a bomb's damage
                                                             type to necrotic.

Psychic Bomb

                                                             Prerequisites: 9th
                                                             Level Alchemist

                                                               You can cause your bomb
                                                                to release harmful
                                                              psychic magics. You can
                                                                change a bomb's damage
                                                                 type to psychic.

Radiant Bomb

                                                        Prerequisite: 9th
                                                      Level Alchemist

                                                     You can cause your bomb to
                                                    detonate in a brilliant flash of
                                                    celestial light. You can change a
                                                   bomb's damage type to radiant.

Stink Bomb

                                                     Prerequisites: 9th Level
                                                    Alchemist, 3rd+ Level Bomb

                                                   Unique Modification
                                             You can cause your bomb to
                                            release a cloud of nauseating gas
                                         upon detonation. The area affected
                       by the bomb is covered in a stinking cloud
                    for one minute or until a strong wind
              disperses it.
           The area of the stinking cloud is heavily obscured.
    Creatures that start their turn in the cloud must make a constitution saving throw against your extract save DC.
On a failed save, a creature must spend its action retching and reeling. Creatures that are immune to poison or those that don't need to breathe automatically succeed on the saving throw.

Torporific Toxin

Prerequisites: 9th Level Alchemist, 3rd+ Level Bomb
Unique Modification
You can imbue your bomb with magical slowness, fatiguing those caught in its blast. Creatures in the area affected by your bomb must make a wisdom saving throw against your extract save DC. On a failed save, a creature undergoes the effects of the slow spell for 1 minute. A creature may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.

12th-Level Prerequisite

Anti-magic Bomb

Prerequisites: 12th Level Alchemist, 3rd+ Level Bomb
Unique Modification
You can imbue your bomb with anti-magical properties. Magical effects of the slot level used to make the bomb and lower end within the area affected by the bomb (as in the dispel magic spell).

Cursed Bomb

Prerequisites: 12th Level Alchemist, 3rd+ Level Bomb
Unique Modification
You can cause your bomb to release cursed necromantic magic. One creature of your choice within 5-feet of the detonation must make a wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, that creature is cursed for one minute. You choose the effect of the curse from those listed in the bestow curse spell.

Force Bomb

Prerequisites: 12th Level Alchemist
You can imbue your bomb with pure magical force. You can change a bomb's damage type to force.

15th-Level Prerequisite

Banishing Bomb

Prerequisites: 15th Level Alchemist, 4th+ Level Bomb
Unique Modification
You can imbue your bomb with magic that disrupts creature's connection to the current plane. One creature of your choice within 5-feet of the detonation must make a charisma saving throw against your extract save DC. On a failed save, the creature is banished as in the banishment spell. If the creature is native to the current plane, it is banished to a harmless demiplane for one minute.

Confusing Vapors

Prerequisites: 15th Level Alchemist, 4th+ Level Bomb
Unique Modification
You can cause your bomb to release disorienting vapors upon detonation. Creatures in the area affected by your bomb must make a wisdom saving throw against your extract save DC. On a failed save, a creature undergoes the effects of the confusion spell for 1 minute. A creature may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.

Gravity Bomb

Prerequisites: 15th Level Alchemist, 4th+ Level Bomb
Unique Modification
You can cause your bombs to unleash a magical gravity well centered on the bomb's detonation. Creatures in the area affected by the bomb must make a strength saving throw against your extract save DC. On a failed save, the creature takes 5d10 force damage, is pulled in a straight line towards the space the bomb detonated, stopping in the closest unoccupied space, and has its speed reduced to 0 until the end of your next turn. On a successful save, a creature takes half damage, is not moved, and retains its normal speed.

Paralyzing Toxin

Prerequisites: 15th Level Alchemist, 4th+ Level Bomb
Unique Modification
You can cause your bomb to release a potent paralyzing magic in its immediate area. When you do so, one creature of your choice within 5-feet of the detonation must make a wisdom saving throw against your extract save DC. On a failed save, a creature is paralyzed until the end of your next turn.

18th-Level Prerequisite

Cloudkill Bomb

Prerequisites: 18th Level Alchemist, 5th+ Level Bomb
Unique Modification
You can cause your bomb to unleash a cloud of extremely toxic gases upon detonation. Creatures in the area affected by the bomb must make a constitution saving throw against your extract save DC. A creature takes 5d8 poison damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful save. Creatures are affected even if they hold their breath or don't need to breathe.
   The cloud of gases covers the area affected by the bomb for one minute or until a strong wind disperses it. The area of the cloud is heavily obscured. When a creature enters the cloud of gas or ends its turn there, it takes 5d8 poison damage.

Incendiary Bomb

Prerequisites: 18th Level Alchemist, 5th+ Level Bomb
Unique Modification
You can cause your bomb to unleash a cloud of burning hot embers upon detonation. Creatures in the area affected by the bomb take an additional 5d8 fire damage (halved if they succeed on the dexterity saving throw to take half damage from the bomb).
   The cloud of embers covers the area affected by the bomb for one minute or until a strong wind disperses it. The area of the cloud is heavily obscured. When a creature enters the cloud of embers or ends its turn there, it takes 5d8 fire damage.

Plague Bomb

Prerequisites: 18th Level Alchemist, 5th+ Level Bomb
Unique Modification
You can lace your bomb with a extremely dangerous viral agent. When you do so, one creature of your choice within 5-feet of the detonation is afflicted with one of the disease options from the contagion spell. At the end of each of their turns, a creature afflicted by a disease must make a constitution saving throw against your extract save DC. After failing three saves, the creature is afflicted by the disease for 7 days and stops making saving throws. After succeeding three saves, the creature recovers from the disease and its effects end.

Mutagen Discoveries

Mutagen discoveries alter your own characteristics, including anything from proficiencies to hit points and even creature type. Unless otherwise stated, you can only choose a mutagen discovery once. The following mutagen discoveries are organized by prerequisite alchemist level.

No Prerequisite

Bitter Flesh

Prerequisites: None
Alchemy has made your skin and blood sickening to the touch. When another creature touches you, you may force them to make a constitution saving throw against your extract save DC. On a failed save, the creature becomes poisoned for 1 minute. At the end of each of its turns, a creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a success.

Chameleon Skin

Prerequisites: None
Your skin has been alchemically altered and now tends to mimic its surroundings. You can use your bonus action to blend in with a surface you are touching. While you remain in front of that type of surface, you have advantage on stealth checks.

Feral Mutagen

Prerequisites: None
You grow claws, fangs, spines, horns, or a different
natural weapon of your choice. Your attacks with
these weapons deal 1d6 bludgeoning,
piercing, or slashing damage, as appropriate
to the natural weapon you chose, and
you considered proficient with them.
    In addition, when you are not
wearing armor or wielding a shield,
your armor class equals 13 + your
dexterity modifier.

Memory Enhancer

Prerequisites: None
You improve your own memory
with cognitive-focusing reagants.
Choose arcana, history, nature,
or religion. You gain proficiency
in the chosen skill. If you are
already proficient, you now add
double your proficiency bonus
to checks using that skill.
   You can choose this
mutagen multiple times.


Prerequisites: None
You passively generate emotion
altering pheromones. Choose
deception, intimidation,
or persuasion. You have
advantage on the chosen
skill checks involving
creatures within 10 feet of you.

5th-Level Prerequisite

Elemental Resistance

Prerequisites: 5th Level Alchemist
Your body has learned to resist a certain dangerous element through alchemical exposure. Choose acid, fire, cold, lightning, or thunder. You gain resistance to the chosen damage type.

Toughened Form

Prerequisites: 5th Level Alchemist
Through alchemical manipulation, your body has become more durable. Your alchemist hit die become d10s, and your hit point maximum increases by an amount equal to your alchemist level.

Toxic Skin

Prerequisites: 5th Level Alchemist
Exposure to toxic reagants has altered your body to the point that you can excrete toxic chemicals/gases from your skin. When a creature within 5 feet hit you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to deal an amount of poison damage to that creature equal to half your alchemist level (rounded down) plus your intelligence modifier.

Healing Touch

Prerequisites: 5th Level Alchemist
Your touch has become infused with the magic of healing reagants. Once per short rest, you can use your bonus action to touch a creature. That creature restores a number of hit points equal to half your alchemist
level (rounded down) plus your
     intelligence modifier.

7th-Level Prerequisite


Prerequisites: 7th Level Alchemist
You use stronger cognatogens to further sharpen your mind at the cost of your physical capabilities. Choose either intelligence, wisdom, or charisma.
   If you choose intelligence, your intelligence increases by 2 and your constitution decreases by 1. If you choose wisdom, your wisdom increases by 2 and your dexterity decreases by 1. If you choose charisma, your charisma increases by 2 and your strength decreases by 1. As normal, an ability score cannot be raised above 20.


Prerequisites: 7th Level Alchemist
You use stronger cognatogens to further improve your physical capabilities at the cost of mental capacity. Choose either strength, dexterity, or constitution.
   If you choose strength, your strength increases by 2 and your charisma decreases by 1. If you choose dexterity, your dexterity increases by 2 and your wisdom decreases by 1. If you choose constitution, your constitution increases by 2 and your intelligence decreases by 1. As normal, an ability score cannot be raised above 20.

Spider Climb

Prerequisites: 7th Level Alchemist
Whether through small, stiff hairs on your fingers or through an adhesive excreted from your glands, you have gained the ability to effortlessly scale vertical surfaces. You gain a climb speed equal to your walking speed.

9th-Level Prerequisite

Adrenaline Surge

Prerequisites: 9th Level Alchemist
Once per long rest, as a bonus action, you can will your body to release an unnaturally large concentration of adrenaline. When you do so, you gain the effects of the haste spell for up to 1 minute, requiring your concentration to maintain.

Hardened Organs

Prerequisites: 9th Level Alchemist
Your soft tissues can magically harden in response to trauma. Once per long rest, as a reaction to taking bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, you may grant yourself resistance to those damage types for one minute.

12th-Level Prerequisite

Cognitive Boost

Prerequisites: 12th Level Alchemist
You use alchemical stimulants to bolster your focus or confidence. Choose either wisdom or charisma. You gain proficiency in saving throws of the chosen ability score, and you gain proficiency in one skill corresponding to that ability (e.g. persuasion for charisma, perception for wisdom, etc.).

Physical Boost

Prerequisites: 12th Level Alchemist
You improve your body's physical capabilities with alchemical help. Choose strength or dexterity. You gain proficiency in saving throws of the chosen ability score, and you gain proficiency in one skill corresponding to that ability (e.g. athletics for strength, stealth for dexterity, etc.).

Alchemical Spirit

Prerequisites: 12th Level Alchemist
Your spirit itself has been infused with alchemical strength, making you exceptionally hard to kill. You have advantage on death saving throws and can immediately roll one death saving throw when you are reduced to 0 hit points.

15th-Level Prerequisite

Grand Cognatogen

Prerequisites: 15th Level Alchemist, Cognatogen
You improve your congatogen to boost its effectiveness and remove its physically dampening side effects. The ability score you chose for cognatogen increases further by 1, and the corresponding penalty to another ability score is removed. As normal, an ability score cannot be raised above 20.

Grand Physatogen

Prerequisites: 15th Level Alchemist, Physatogen
You improve your physatogen to boost its effectiveness and remove its cognitively dampening side effects. The ability score you chose for physatogen increases further by 1, and the corresponding penalty to another ability score is removed. As normal, an ability score cannot be raised above 20.

Synthetic Wings

Prerequisites: 15th Level Alchemist
You have used alchemical stimulation to grow a functional pair of wings. You gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed.

18th-Level Prerequisite

Artificial Ascension

Prerequisites: 18th Level Alchemist
You use distilled holy/unholy magics to artifically grant yourself the characteristics of an angelic or demonic being. Your creature type becomes celestial or fiend (your choice), and you gain resistance to radiant and necrotic damage and immunity to poison damage. In addition, you gain angelic or demonic wings, granting you a flying speed equal to your walking speed.

Expanded Mind

Prerequisites: 18th Level Alchemist
You have managed to use alchemy to expand your own cognitive capabilities without side effect. Your intelligence score and maximum intelligence increase by 2.


Prerequisites: 18th Level Alchemist
You undergo a particular alchemical regimen that kills you but allows you to shortly rise afterwards as undead. Your creature type becomes undead, you gain resistance to cold and necrotic damage and immunity to poison damage. In addition, you have immunity to the frightened and exhausted conditions.
   In addition, your extracts now work on undead, even if they would have no effect normally (e.g. an extract of cure wounds can now heal undead).

Knowledge Discoveries

Knowledge discoveries represent gaining greater skill in alchemy or learning particular alchemical applications, including learning more extracts, creating an alchemical elemental, or enchanting your poisons with magic to make them harder to resist. Unless otherwise stated, you can only choose a knowledge discovery once. The following knowledge discoveries are organized
       by prerequisite alchemist

No Prerequisite

Arcane Study

Prerequisites: None
Your experience with alchemical magic has taught you how to produce a simple spell. You learn one cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list. Your spellcasting modifier for this cantrip is intelligence.
   You can choose this discovery multiple times.

Long-lasting Extract

Prerequisites: None
    When you complete a long or short rest, you may choose
           one of your created extracts that has a duration of 1
             minute or longer. That extract's duration is doubled.
            You can choose this discovery multiple times. Each
           time you select this discovery, you can increase the
               duration of one additional extract.

5th-Level Prerequisite

Enhanced Extract

        Prerequisites: 5th Level Alchemist
       When you complete a long rest, and before you expend
       extract slots, you may choose to increase the level of one
        of your extract slots by one. The slot must become a level
            for which you already have extract slots.
             You can choose this discovery multiple times. Each
              time you select this discovery, you can increase the
                 level of an additional extract slot.

Preserve Extract

                Prerequisites: 5th Level Alchemist
            Choose one extract that you have created. That extract
             will not lose its potency regardless of the amount of
             time that passes since it was created. You may choose
              to preserve another extract at any time, but any other
               extract you are preserving will immediately lose its
               potency and become unusable.
                You can choose this discovery multiple times. Each
               time you select this discovery, you can preserve one
             additional extract.

7th-Level Prerequisite

Alchemical Elemental

           Prerequisites: 7th Level Alchemist
           When you complete a long rest, you may expend one
               extract slot of 2nd level or higher to create an
                   alchemical elemental. This elemental has the
                    statistics of a magma mephit, except that any
                  reference to fire are replaced by acid, its alignment
                 is chaotic neutral, and the heat metal spell is
               replaced by acid arrow. In addition, the elemental
               does not know any languages but instinctively
           understands its alchemist. The elemental lasts for 8
          hours or until it is killed.
          In non-threatening situations, your elemental simply
           follows you unless you command it to do otherwise. In
            combat, you control your elemental, which acts on
                your initiative.

Combined Extracts

Prerequisites: 7th Level Alchemist
When you complete a long rest, you may choose two of the extracts you created and combine them. The resulting extract has the effects of both of the original extracts. At least one extract must not be a concentration spell.

You can choose this discovery multiple times. Each time you select this discovery, you can combine two additional extracts into one.

Extract Discovery

Prerequisites: 7th Level Alchemist
You learn three additional extracts. These extracts can be changed when you gain an alchemist level like other known extracts.

You can choose this discovery multiple times.

9th-Level Prerequisite

Alchemical Undead

Prerequisites: 9th Level Alchemist
You create a zombie or skeleton (your choice, your DM
has the statistics) from a combination of alchemy and
decaying flesh and/or bone. You must expend one
extract slot to create your creature and whenever
you complete a long rest in order to maintain your
creature. When you choose not to maintain your
creature or it is killed, your creature becomes
an inert pile of flesh and/or bone. You can
recreate your creature as a ritual that takes 10
minutes and requires expending one extract slot.

You can verbally command your creature to
perform simple tasks. If no task is given, the
creature follows you and defends itself against
attacks, acting on your initiative.

The statistics of your creature change depending
on what level of extract slot you last expended to create/maintain the creature. Your creature has a
number of hit points equal to Xd8 + your intelligence
modifier, where X is the extract slot level used (add
+1 to X if your creature is a zombie). In addition, its
bonus to hit equals your proficiency bonus plus your intelligence modifier, and the damage it deals with its
attacks equals Yd6 + your intelligence modifier,
where Y equals the extract slot level used.

Bottled Ooze

Prerequisites: 9th Level Alchemist
You alchemically create a gray ooze, a creature
capable of eating through nonmagical metal, which
you keep bottled (your DM has the statistics for a
gray ooze). As an action, you can throw the bottle to
an unoccupied space within 30 feet, releasing the gray
ooze onto that space. Alternatively, you can open the
bottle and release the ooze to a space adjacent to you.

Your gray ooze cannot be commanded. It will
approach the nearest creature or metal object, not
being worn or carried. If it's target is a creature, it
will attack with its pseudopods. If its target is a
metal object, it will attempt to corrode it. While
within 5 feet of the ooze, you can use your action to
magically rebottle it. If your ooze dies or is otherwise
lost, you can expend an extract slot of 2nd level or
higher after your next long rest to recreate it.

12th-Level Prerequisite

Swift Alchemist

Prerequisites: 12th Level Alchemist
When you complete a long rest, you may create one extract without expending an extract slot. The extract must be a level for which you have extract slots, and the corresponding spell effect cannot require concentration.

15th-Level Prerequisite

Soul Poisons

Prerequisites: 15th Level Alchemist
Your poisons directly interfere with the lifeforce or magical animation of a creature. When you deal poison damage or attempt to give another creature the poisoned condition, you may ignore immunity to the poisoned condition
and resistance to poison damage, and treat
            immunity to poison damage as


As much as they might want to, an
alchemist cannot specialize in every
facet of alchemical magic. As an alchemist
gains more experience in a particular field
of study, they become associated with a
particular alchemical specialty, which are
broad categorizations roughly describing
an alchemists' focus and abilities.

The following are the specialties available
to alchemists. From your chosen specialty,
you gain features at levels 3, 7, 11, and 15,
as well as additional known extracts at the
appropriate alchemist levels.


Many alchemist are content to use parts of
long-deceased creatures for their extracts
and studies. Some, however, study living and
recently-living creatures to uncover the
alchemical properties inherent to these beings.
These alchemists, called vivisectionists, seek to
understand the alchemy of the living form, learning
to harm and heal more effectively as their knowledge

Vivisectionist Extracts

Arcanist Level Spells
3rd Sleep
5th Hold Person
9th Revivify
13th Polymorph
17th Hold Monster


Beginning at 3rd level, you harvest magical components from fallen creatures to use in your extracts. Once per short or long rest, you may spend 1 minute harvesting from an incapacitated creature or a creature that has died in the last hour. When you do so, you regain one expended extract slot. The level of the regained slot can be up to half the challenge rating of the harvested creature (rounded down). You can perform this feature on a creature you have magically put to sleep without waking that creature. The creature remains magically asleep until you finish the vivisection regardless of the duration of the sleep effect.

In addition, you gain proficiency in medicine (or another alchemist class skill if already proficient).

Sleeping Gas

Beginning at 3rd level, you utilize sleeping gas to experiment on or treat creatures more freely. You gain the sleeping gas bomb discovery which does not count against your number of discoveries known.

Stimulate Healing

Beginning at 7th level, your helpful extracts stimulate the natural healing of those who drink them. Whenever you create extracts, you may choose any number of them to have a healing effect. In addition to their normal effects, these extracts restore a number of hit points equal to your intelligence modifier plus Xd8, where X is the level of the extract slot used to create the extract.

Anatomical Expertise

By 11th level, you have become expert at the anatomy of all kinds of creatures. You gain the following benefits:

  • Your attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
  • You roll one additional damage die when determining the damage of a critical hit.
  • You add double your proficiency modifier on medicine checks.

Regenerating Solution

Beginning at 15th level, whether for altruistic or more sinister alchemical reasons, you have developed a technique that can regenerate lost limbs. Once per long rest, you can spend 1 minute to grant a creature, within 5 feet, the benefits of the regenerate spell.


Toxicants specialize in the creation and application or poisons and other toxins to kill or disable their enemies without a direct fight. These alchemists are often employed by assassin's guilds to provide deadly toxins or by nobles to counter poisonous threats.

Toxicant Extracts

Arcanist Level Spells
3rd Ray of Sickness
5th Blindness/Deafness
9th Confusion
13th Blight
17th Contagion

Toxin-Infused Extracts

Beginning at 3rd level, you make your harmful extracts particularly toxic. When a creature fails an initial saving throw against one of your extracts, they are poisoned until the end of your next turn.

In addition, you have advantage on skill checks made to recognize, identify, or notice poisons.

Volatile Poisons

   Beginning at 3rd level, you learn to violently poison your
  foes with your bombs. You gain the poison burst bomb discovery which does not count against your number of discoveries known.

Trained Resistance

Beginning at 7th level, countless small exposures to toxic potions and reagants has built your resistance to harmful magical effects. Once per short rest, when you fail a saving throw against poison or a magical effect, you can reroll the saving throw, but you must take the new result.

Precision Poisoning

Beginning at 11th level, you have become expert at the applying poisons directly to creature's circulatory systems or their equivalent. Creatures have disadvantage on saving throws they make to avoid being poisoned by you.

Virulent Extracts

Beginning at 15th level, when a creature fails an initial saving throw against one of your extracts, you may choose to apply one of the following spell effects to that creature based on the slot level used to create the extract, instead of applying the poisoned condition with the "toxin-infused extracts" feature.

  • 1st/2nd Level Slots: Ray of Sickness
  • 3rd/4th Level Slots: Blindness/Deafness (your choice)
  • 5th Level Slots: Confusion

The effects last as long as the effects of your extract. However, if an extract's effects are instantaneous, these effects last until the end of your next turn. If the extract effects end early (e.g. a creature succeeds on a saving throw), the additional effects from this feature also end.


Some alchemists become intimately familiar with the magic of nature and plant life, understanding that even the smallest shrub has innate power and potential. These alchemists learn to draw out the potential of plants, awakening their own plant familiar to deliver extract effects and even using their alchemy to grant temporary sentience to surrounding vegetation in tense situations.

Horticulturist Extracts

Arcanist Level Spells
3rd Detect Poison and Disease
5th Locate Animals or Plants
9th Speak with Plants
13th Guardian of Nature
17th Commune with Nature

Awakened Plant

Beginning at 3rd level, your alchemical experimentation has resulted in the creation of your own plant familiar. This plant has the statistics of an awakened shrub, except that it has a number of hitpoints equal to 2 + 4 times your alchemist level and has a bonus to hit equal to your intelligence modifier plus your proficiency bonus. In addition, your plant familiar gains a thorn throwing attack with a range of 30 feet that deals piercing damage equal to 1d4 - 1 to a single target. Your plant familiar acts on your initiative and you control its actions. If
                               your plant familiar dies, you can revive it,
                                                                 or create a new one,
                                                                          when you next
                                                                                   complete a
                                                                                        long rest.

Whenever you create extracts, you can choose to expend one of them and infuse your plant familiar with its effects to bestow on another creature. The next time a creature is hit by your plant familiar's attack, it suffers the effects of the extract. Alternatively, your plant familiar can use its action to bestow the extract's effects on a willing or incapacitated creature within 5 feet. Once your plant familiar has granted the effects of its extract to a creature, it cannot do so again until you complete a long or short rest. Your plant familiar can only be infused with one extract at any time; infusing it with a new extract nullifies the previous extract.

In addition, you gain proficiency in nature (or another alchemist class skill if already proficient).

Natural Extracts

Beginning at 3rd level, you are adept at using the right herbs and reagants to extend an extract's effects. You gain the long-lasting extract discovery which does not count against your number of discoveries known.

Verdant Infusion

Beginning at 7th level, when you complete a long rest, you may choose one of your extracts to infuse with verdant natural powers. That extract gains the following effects, which last for one minute, in addition to its original effects:

  • The target's skin becomes tough and bark-like, granting it resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
  • The target creature gains a number of temporary hit points equal to your alchemist level.
  • The target creature makes constitution saving throws with advantage.

Awaken Vegetation

Beginning at 11th level, you repurpose the formulation that created your plant familiar to grant temporary sentience to all plants in an area. Once per long rest, you may use your action
  to choose a point within 120 feet. All plants within a 30-foot
   cube centered on that point are given a limited ability to
    move (as if by the awaken spell), can understand you, and
   are friendly to you and your allies. These plants cannot
        move from their current space, but they can move their
           limbs, roots, vines, etc. to inhibit foes or help you. This
              effect lasts for one minute.

              If there is plant-life present, this causes the 30-foot
                  area to become difficult terrain for all creatures of
                       your choice. Other capabilities of this feature
                           are possible at your DM's discretion. For
                           example, you might ask a tree to use it roots
                         or branches to block a nearby opening.

Nature's Wrath

                         Beginning at 15th level, awakened vegetation
                           becomes fiercely protective of you and your
                             allies. When you use your awaken vegetation
                               feature, the affected area is now a 60-foot
                               cube. In addition, the area undergoes all
                             the effects listed in the Wrath of Nature


Alchemical reactions consume or release energy depending on their nature. Some alchemists study this pattern of energetics to more directly control and utilize alchemical energy. These energists harness magical energies to amplify the effects of their extracts.

Energist Extracts

Arcanist Level Spells
3rd Longstrider
5th Dragon's Breath
9th Haste
13th Elemental Bane
17th Freedom of the Winds

Exoarcana and Endoarcana

Beginning at 3rd level, you amplify the inherent energy releasing or consuming nature of your extracts. When you create extracts, you determine which of your extracts release positive magical energy (exoarcanic) and which consume it (endoarcanic). When a creature is affected by an exoarcanic extract, they regain hit points equal to half your alchemist level (rounded down), plus your intelligence modifier. When a creature is affected by an endoarcanic extract, they lose hit points equal to the same amount.

In addition, you gain proficiency in arcana (or another
                     alchemist class skill if already proficient).

Elemental Energy

Beginning at 3rd level, you utilize varied elements in your alchemical bombs. You gain the elemental bombs discovery (cold or lightning, your choice) which does not count against your number of discoveries known.

Absorb Energy

Beginning at 7th level, you learn to draw upon the energies of magical effects around you. When you are a target of or in the area of effect of a spell of 1st-level or higher, you may use your reaction to gain temporary hit points equal to the level of the spell plus your intelligence modifier.

Efficient Absorption

Beginning at 11th level, you absorb magical energies with unmatched efficiency. When you use your reaction to use the absorb energy feature, you are considered resistant to any damage the triggering spell deals.

Improved Energetics

Beginning at 15th level, you further improve the energetics of your extracts. In addition to their normal effects, exoarcanic extracts increase the speed of creatures they affect by 10 feet and increase their dexterity score by 2 for one minute.

Similarly, endoarcanic extracts reduce the speed of the drinker by half for 1 minute. At the end of each of its turns, a creature affected by this slowing effect may make a constitution saving throw against your extract save DC, ending the effect early
on a success.


Some alchemists simply cannot resist the allure of huge explosions. These alchemists, called sappers, become expert at creating powerful, varied bombs for use in combat or as entertainment. Sappers are often utilized in sieges to create bombs that can take down enemy walls or devastate those hiding inside.

Sapper Extracts

Arcanist Level Spells
3rd Jump
5th Kinetic Jaunt
9th Thunder Step
13th Fire Shield
17th Immolation

Triggered Detonation

Beginning at 3rd level, you more precisely control when and how your bombs detonate. You gain the delayed detonation bomb discovery which does not count against your number of discoveries known.

Building Pressure

       Beginning at 3rd level, when you delay one of your bomb's
  detonations using the delayed detonation discovery, it builds pressure until it finally detonates causing a more powerful explosion. Each time you begin your turn and you have an undetonated bomb, that bomb's damage increases by 1d8. A bomb's maximum damage increase is equal to its original damage (e.g. a 1st-level bomb can gain up to 2d8 extra damage).

Blast Resistance

Beginning at 7th level, you have developed measures to protect yourself against your bombs and similar threats. You have resistance to all damage taken from area effects.

Bomb Expert

Beginning at 11th level, you are well-versed in all things explosive and unstable. Choose two bomb discoveries that you meet the prerequisites for. You learn the chosen discoveries.

High-Capacity Explosives

Beginning at 15th level, you learn to fit multiple different magical effects within a single detonation. You can now apply two unique modifications to a bomb. If a bomb has two unique modifications, at least one modification must have prerequisite level of 7 or less.

Alchemist Extract List

1st Level

Armor of Agathys
Cause Fear
Charm Person
Color Spray
Comprehend Languages
Cure Wounds
Detect Evil and Good
Detect Magic
Detect Poison and Disease
Disguise Self
Dissonant Whispers
Expeditious Retreat
False Life
Gift of Alacrity
Hideous Laughter
Inflict Wounds
Mage Armor
Protection from Evil and Good
Ray of Sickness
Shield of Faith
Speak with Animals
Zephyr Strike

2nd Level

Alter Self
Arcanist's Magic Aura
Borrowed Knowledge
Crown of Madness
Detect Thoughts
Dragon's Breath
Enhance Ability
Fortune's Favor
Gentle Repose
Hold Person
Kinetic Jaunt
Lesser Restoration
Locate Animals or Plants
Locate Object
Mirror Image
Misty Step
Pass without Trace
Protection from Poison
Ray of Enfeeblement
See Invisibility

Spider Climb
Tasha's Mind Whip
Warding Bond
Water Breathing
Water Walk

3rd Level

Ashardalon's Stride
Aura of Vitality
Bestow Curse
Dispel Magic
Enemies Abound
Fast Friends
Feign Death
Gaseous Form
Intellect Fortress
Protection from Energy
Remove Curse
Speak with Plants
Spirit Shroud
Thunder Step

4th Level

Aura of Life
Aura of Purity
Charm Monster
Death Ward

Dimension Door
Dominate Beast
Elemental Bane
Fire Shield
Freedom of Movement
Greater Invisibility
Guardian of Nature
Locate Creature
Phantasmal Killer
Resilient Sphere
Shadow of Moil
Wind Walk

5th Level

Antilife Shell
Circle of Power
Commune with Nature
Contact Other Plane
Dispel Evil and Good
Dominate Person
Far Step
Freedom of the Winds
Greater Restoration
Hold Monster
Legend Lore
Modify Memory
Negative Energy Flood
Raise Dead
Skill Empowerment
Tree Stride

The Alchemist

A half-caster/potion class for those who like mixing stuff together. Create magical extracts and throw devastating bombs with five alchemical specialties: the Vivisectionist, Toxicant, Horticulturist, Energist, and Sapper.