Drict's Marksman Ranger Subclass

by TheTranMan

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Ranger Enclave


You are an expert with a bow, one among the deadliest ranged combatants in the world.

Marksman Features
Level Feature
3rd Countershot, Additional Proficiencies
7th Step Back
11th Rapid Shot

Additional Proficiencies

3rd-Level Marksman Ranger feature

You gain Proficiency with Herbalism Kit or Poisoner's Kit (your choice).


3rd-Level Marksman Ranger feature

When a creature you can see that isn't within 5 feet of you makes a Ranged Attack (Weapon or Spell Attack) against you or against an ally within 10 feet of you, you can use your reaction to make an attack against that creature with a ranged weapon you are currently wielding after the triggering attack.

Step Back

7th-Level Marksman Ranger feature

When you are within melee reach of a hostile creature, you can use your bonus action to move up to half your movement without provoking opportunity attacks, and gain advantage on your next attack with a ranged weapon this turn.

Rapid Shot

11th-Level Marksman Ranger feature

After you make one ranged weapon attack against a hostile creature on your turn, you can spend a bonus action to make an additional ranged weapon attack on the same target.

Where's the 15th-Level Feature?

Let's be honest, Campaigns don't averagely go to 15th-Level, if it does need to come up, I'll bring up options to the Player who selected this Subclass, and they can pick which one they prefer for the Character.


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