Combat Styles

by Pocket

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Combat Style

The features provided by Combat Style replace the Fighter's Fighting Style class feature at 1st-level, and the Ability Score Increase feature at 6th and 14th level.

Although this document is written for Fighters, the 1st tier Features also replace the Paladin and Ranger's 2nt-level Fighting Style feature, and they learn the 2nd and 3rd tier features at 9th and 17th level, respectively.

You adopt a favored style of combat that provides new features as you gain levels in this class, choose one of the following:

Cunning Duelist

You've learned to rely on your skill and guile where others favor speed or strength.

Epée Bâtarde

Starting at 1st level, while wielding a single melee weapon that lacks the heavy and reach properties, you gain the following benefits:

  • You can treat your weapon as a 1d8 one-handed weapon with the versatile (1d12) property.

  • When a creature misses you with a melee weapon attack, you can use your reaction to attempt to shove, grapple or disarm the attacking creature.

Devious Dancer

At 6th level, while wielding a single melee weapon that lacks the heavy and reach properties, you gain the following benefits:

  • When you have a free hand, you can make a one-handed melee weapon attack with an additional 5 feet of range.

  • When you make a melee weapon attack as part of an action on your turn and miss, you can use your bonus action to make a melee weapon attack against that creature.


At 14th level, while wielding a single melee weapon that lacks the heavy and reach properties, you gain the following benefits:

  • At the end of each of your turns you assume a defensive posture, the first melee attack roll made against you is made with disadvantage until the start of your next turn. You must be conscious and able to see the attacker.

  • When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack on your turn, you mark them until the end of your turn. Whenever you hit a marked creature with a melee weapon attack, you remove the mark from the creature and deal additional damage equal to 1d10.

Thank you to u/Quad49nine. Part of their homebrew: Versatile Fighting is used above.

Image Credit:

Fierce by Miguel Coimbra

Dual Wielder

You've mastered the art of dual wielding more to dissuade would be attackers, than to defend against them.

Main Gauche

Starting at 1st level, you gain the following benefits while dual wielding:

  • Your main-hand weapon can lack the light feature.

  • When a creature misses you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to make an off-hand weapon attack against the creature.


At 6th level, you gain the following benefits while dual wielding:

  • Your off-hand weapon can lack the light property.

  • You can add your ability modifier to the damage of your off-hand weapon attacks.

Blade Storm

At 14th level, you gain the following benefits while dual wielding:

  • When you hit a creature with a weapon attack on your turn, they have disadvantage on opportunity attacks they make against you until the end of your turn.

  • When you make a main hand-melee weapon attack as part of an action on your turn, you can use your bonus action to make two off-hand melee weapon attacks.

Great Weapon Master

To master your weapon's weight and power, you’ve learned to exploit any opening in your opponents' guard.


Starting at 1st level, you gain the following benefits while wielding a melee weapon with the heavy property:

  • Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.

  • You're too dangerous to turn away from. When a creature makes an attack against a target other than you, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against the attacking creature.

Fell Handed

Starting at 6th level, you gain the following benefits while wielding a melee weapon with the heavy property:

  • On your turn, you can make your first melee weapon attack with advantage if you have not moved 5 or more feet before attacking.

  • On your turn, when you score a critical hit with a melee weapon or reduce a creature to 0 hit points with one, you can make one melee weapon attack as a bonus action.


Starting at 14th level, you gain the following benefits while wielding a melee weapon with the heavy property:

  • When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you knock the target prone.

  • Once on each of your turns when you make a melee weapon attack, you can make another melee weapon attack against a different creature as part of the same action.


You have mastered ranged weapons and can make shots that others find impossible.


Starting at 1st level, while wielding a ranged weapon, you gain the following benefits:

  • Your ranged weapon attacks ignore half and three-quarters cover.

  • When a creature you can see hits or misses you with a ranged weapon or spell attack, you can use your reaction to make a ranged weapon attack against that creature immediately after its attack.


At 6th level, while wielding a ranged weapon, you gain the following benefits:

  • Your ranged weapon attacks ignore the disadvantage caused by your target being prone.

  • When you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack on your turn, you can use your bonus action to gain advantage on your next ranged weapon attack against the target until the start of your next turn.


At 14th level, while wielding a ranged weapon, you gain the following benefits:

  • Attacking at long range doesn't impose disadvantage on your ranged weapon attack rolls.

  • When you have advantage on a ranged weapon attack roll and hit, you score a critical hit if the lower of the two d20 rolls would also hit the target.

Mounted Combatant

You are a dangerous foe to face while mounted.


Starting at 1st level, while you are mounted and aren't incapacitated, you gain the following benefits:

  • You have advantage on melee attack rolls against any unmounted creature that is smaller than your mount.

  • You can force an attack targeted at your mount to target you instead. If your mount is subjected to an effect that allows it to make Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if it fails.

Animal Husbandry

At 6th level, while you are mounted and aren't incapacitated, you gain the following benefits:

  • When you finish a long rest, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to 5 times your fighter level. These temporary hit points are applied not to yourself, but only to a mount that you are currently controlling and that shares your initiative. They last until you finish your next long rest, or until they are depleted.
Image Credit:

Dragon Rider Approach by Akeiron

  • When you control a mount, you can use your bonus action to command it to use an action other than dash, disengage or dodge. That action can be one in its stat block or some other action.

Dragon Rider

At 14th level, while you are mounted and aren't incapacitated, you gain the following benefits:

  • You can use an intelligent creature as a controlled mount that you command and that shares your initiative in combat. The creature must be willing to bear you.

  • When a hostile creature that you can see ends its movement within a distance equal to your mount's speed, you can use your mount's reaction to move up to half its speed in any direction.


You've mastered the use of the shield to protect not only yourself, but your friends as well.


Starting at 1st level, while wielding a shield, you gain the following benefits:

  • You gain an additional +1 to your shield's AC bonus.

  • When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you you can intercede as a reaction. Add your shield's AC bonus to the target's AC until the start of your next turn, or until you and your target are separated by more than 5 feet.

Sturdy Arms

At 6th level, while wielding a shield, you gain

the following benefits:

  • When you hit a creature with a melee

    weapon attack, you deal additional

    damage equal to your shield's AC


  • After making a melee weapon

    attack as part of an action on your

    turn, you can use a bonus action to

    try to shove a creature within 5 feet

    of you with your shield. When you

    successfully shove a creature away

    from you, you can shove them a

    number of feet equal to your shield's

    AC bonus x 5.


At 14th level, while wielding a shield, you

gain the following benefits:

  • You can protect nearby allies passively

    instead of using your reaction. When a

    creature within 5 feet of you is the target of

    an attack, they gain a bonus to their AC equal

    to your shield's AC bonus. You must be conscious

    and able to see the attacking creature to grant

    this bonus.

  • When a creature you can see attacks a target that is within a number of feet equal to your speed, you can use your reaction to move, or have a mount you control move, to within 5 feet of the target, granting them your protection. This movement provokes opportunity attacks as normal.

Image Credit:

Dwarven Forge Cleric by Bob Kehl


You've developed the skills necessary to hold your own in close-quarters combat.


Starting at 1st level, you gain the following benefits:

  • Your unarmed strikes deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier on a hit. When you make an unarmed strike against a creature you have grappled, the d6 becomes a d8.

  • When a nearby enemy is struck, you can pile on with an attack of your own. When a creature that is within 5 feet of you is hit with a melee attack by a creature other than you, you can use your reaction to make an unarmed strike or an improvised weapon attack against the targeted creature.

Tavern Brawler

At 6th level, you gain the following benefits:

  • Your unarmed strikes count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.
Image Credit:

Unfinished Business by Toru-meow

  • When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike or an improvised weapon on your turn, you can use a bonus action to attempt to grapple the target.

Submission Fighter

At 14th level, you gain the following benefits:

  • You have advantage on unarmed strikes you make against creatures you have grappled.

  • When a creature you have grappled attempts to cast a spell, you can use your reaction to force them to first make an Intelligence arcana check contested by your Strength athletics. If you win the contest, the creature’s spell fails and has no effect. The creature adds the spell's level to their arcana check.


You've mastered the reach of your weapon to control the battle field around you.


Starting at 1st level, while wielding a melee weapon with the reach property you gain the following benefits:

  • When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack, the creature's speed becomes 0 for the rest of the turn.

  • Creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you when they move 5 feet or more while within your reach.


At 6th level, while wielding a melee weapon, you gain the following benefits:

  • Creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you when they enter the reach of your weapon.

  • When you end your turn without using your bonus action, you can use it as a special reaction during another creature's turn, until the start of your next turn. You can use this special reaction only to make an opportunity attack, and you can not use it on the same turn you use your standard reaction.


At 14th level, while wielding a melee weapon with the reach property you gain the following benefits:

  • When there are no hostile creatures within 5 feet of you, your opportunity attacks are made with advantage.

  • When you end your turn without using your bonus action, you can use it as a special reaction that you can take once on every creature's turn, until the start of your next turn. You can use this special reaction only to make an opportunity attack, and you can not use it on the same turn you use your standard reaction.

Base Rules

Critical Strike Rework

When you score a critical hit, roll the weapon's damage dice twice, and roll the damage dice from effects that deal extra damage whenever you hit a target (Such as those from Hunter's Mark, Improved Divine Smite and the magic weapon Flame Tongue)

When you roll a natural 20 on an attack roll you score a critical hit, additionally you can double the damage dice you roll from all sources, even those you add after seeing the roll (Such as those from Divine Smite, Sneak Attack and Trip Attack).

Power Attack

From Treantmonk's Temple

When you make an attack with a weapon or unarmed strike as part of the attack action on your turn, you can choose to take a -5 penalty to the attack roll. If you do so and the attack hits, it deals +10 damage.

Dual Wielding

These rules replace the Two Weapon Fighting rules.

When you are wielding separate melee weapons in each hand, use one as your main-hand weapon for attacks you make as part of the attack action, and for any melee attack you make as part of an action that does not specify: off-hand weapon attack. Use the other for off-hand weapon attacks. Both weapons must have the light property.

When you make a main-hand melee weapon attack as part of an action on your turn, you can use a bonus action to make an off-hand weapon attack. You don’t add your ability modifier to the damage of off-hand weapon attacks, unless that modifier is negative.

If either weapon has the thrown property, you can throw the weapon, instead of making a melee Attack with it.

When you interact with an object on your turn, you can draw or stow both your main and off-hand weapons.

Shields as Weapons

Shields and bucklers can be used as martial melee weapons. Proficiency in their use as a weapon is granted by all classes that have proficiency in all martial weapons. You can also wear a shield solely as armor and forgo its use as a weapon to ignore the rules for dual wielding.

Improvised Weapons

Improvised weapons are a simple weapon proficiency, available to classes who have proficiency in all simple weapons.

Versatile Weapons

The increased damage denoted by the versatile trait can be a product of the power generated from a second hand on the hilt, or from the additional speed and balance provided by your free hand.

There's no need to depict yourself swinging a dagger about in both hands to gain the benefits of Epée Bâtarde.

Thrown Weapons

When you throw a weapon as part of an attack, you can draw another weapon immediately after, as part of the same action.

Disarm (DMG 271 Unchanged)

You can use a weapon attack to knock a weapon or another item from your target’s grasp. You make an attack roll contested by your target’s Strength (Athletics) check or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. If you win the contest, the attack causes no damage or other ill effect, but your target drops the item.

The attacker has disadvantage on its attack roll if the target is holding the item with two or more hands. The target has advantage on its ability check if it is larger than you, or disadvantage if it is smaller.

New Weapons

Martial Melee Weapons
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Buckler 10 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 3 lbs Shield (AC +1), light
Chain 5 gp 1d6 slashing 10 lbs Reach
Shield 10 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 6 lbs Shield (AC +2)

New Weapon Properties

Shield. This weapon is also a piece of armor, and grants the wearer a bonus to AC. The bonus is equal to the value in parenthesis. You can benefit from only one shield at a time. If you are dual wielding, a shield can not be used as your main-hand weapon.

You must be proficient in shields as armor, or suffer the disadvantages associated with wearing armor you are not proficient with.


This document borrows from, and makes obsolete the following features:

Fighting Styles



Cavalier, Champion


Crossbow Expert, Dual Wielder, Fighting Initiate, Grappler, Great Weapon Master, Sentinel, Sharpshooter, Shield Master. Tavern Brawler, Mage Slayer and Polearm Master.


Combat Initiate

You adopt a favored style of combat, choose one of the following:

Cunning Duelist. While wielding a single melee weapon that lacks the heavy and reach properties, you gain the following benefits:

  • You can treat your weapon as a 1d8 one-handed weapon with the versatile (1d12) property.

  • When a creature misses you with a melee weapon attack, you can use your reaction to attempt to shove, grapple or disarm the attacking creature.

Dual Wielder. You gain the following benefits while dual wielding:

  • Your main-hand weapon can lack the light feature.

  • When a creature misses you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to make an off-hand weapon attack against the creature.

Great Weapon Master. You gain the following benefits while wielding a melee weapon with the heavy property:

  • Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.

  • You're too dangerous to turn away from. When a creature makes an attack against a target other than you, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against the attacking creature.

Mounted Combatant. While you are mounted and aren't incapacitated, you gain the following benefits:

  • You have advantage on melee attack rolls against any unmounted creature that is smaller than your mount.

  • You can force an attack targeted at your mount to target you instead. If your mount is subjected to an effect that allows it to make Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if it fails.

Marksman. While wielding a ranged weapon, you gain the following benefits:

  • Your ranged weapon attacks ignore half and three-quarters cover.

  • When a creature you can see hits or misses you with a ranged weapon or spell attack, you can use your reaction to make a ranged weapon attack against that creature immediately after its attack.

Protector. While wielding a shield, you gain the following benefits:

  • You gain an additional +1 to your shield's AC bonus.

  • When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you you can intercede as a reaction. Add your shield's AC bonus to the target's AC until the start of your next turn, or until you and your target are separated by more than 5 feet.

Pugilist. You gain the following benefits:

  • Your unarmed strikes deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier on a hit. When you make an unarmed strike against a creature you have grappled, the d6 becomes a d8.

  • When a nearby enemy is struck, you can pile on with an attack of your own. When a creature that is within 5 feet of you is hit with a melee attack by a creature other than you, you can use your reaction to make an unarmed strike or an improvised weapon attack against the targeted creature.

Sentinel. While wielding a melee weapon with the reach property you gain the following benefits:

  • When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack, the creature's speed becomes 0 for the rest of the turn.

  • Creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you when they move 5 feet or more while within your reach.


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