Retold Feats

by PortentPress

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Updated feats are presented here in alphabetical order for groups that use them.

Defensive Duelist

Prerequisite: Dexterity 13 or higher.

When you are wielding a finesse weapon with which you are proficient, you gain a bonus to your AC. The bonus is determined by the damage die of the weapon: +3 for a d4 weapon, +2 for a d6, or +1 for a die size greater than d6. If you are engaged in two-weapon fighting with finesse weapons with which you are proficient, you gain a +1 bonus from the second weapon in addition to the bonus granted by your primary weapon. You can choose which weapon is used as your primary and secondary.

You gain no bonuses from this feature while you wield a shield.

Savage Attacker

Your attacks carry a deadly malevolence, gaining the following benefits:

  • When you roll damage for a weapon attack, you can reroll the weapon's damage dice and use either total.
  • Your weapon attacks ignore AC bonuses granted by nonmagical reactions that increase the target's AC, such as a Bandit Captain's Parry reaction.
  • Once on your turn when you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points with a weapon attack, you can immediately gain extra movement for your
    current turn equal to your speed.

Weapon Master

You have practiced extensively with a specific weapon to become a master, gaining the following benefits:

  • Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • Choose a weapon. You gain proficiency with that weapon if you don't already have it, and when you hit with that weapon, you can add half your proficiency bonus to the weapon's damage roll.

Whenever you reach a level that grants the Ability Score Improvement feature, you can replace this feat’s weapon with another one.

Art Credit: Joseph Meehan
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