
by Avanhellica

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Not to be confused with the monsters that sometime terrorize villages in Skahdrach and Mu'uthesh, chimera are a race of humans spread throughout the wilds of Endorrain. Also known as Beastfolk or Animalfolk, chimera share their ancestry with ancient Primals. They were formerly seen as the guardians of nature but had intermingled their magic with humans, creating what is now known as the "chimera".

Chimera were once believed to have been slaves to the elven race many millennia ago, which is how chimera first had a baseline for learning language and communicating. While many now can be found in the wilds of Halycon, they are probably one of the most diverse race in Endorrain and can be found all over the region. Their varying types of animalistic forms often make them better suited for more extreme regions compared to others, such as Glacies and Mu'uthesh.

Chimera have created themselves a unique social structure based off their appearance. Those who look closer to the original animal form - called high aspects - are held to a higher regard than those who look more "human" - referred to as low aspect. While low aspect chimera are not viewed as highly within their own communities, low aspect chimera have found they better blend and fit in with other races compared to those who share more physical animal traits.

Due to their animalistic instincts and appearance, chimera are sometimes considered to be wild and savage by other races. This, of course, is not always true for every chimera. They do have a more feral, wild instinct because of their animalistic sides, but most of them are still dominated by their human intelligence and emotions. Chimera that don't learn at a young age how to keep their animal instincts in check ultimately lose control: falling under a "prey" or "predator" category, depending on what animal they match.

Animal Instincts

Chimera come in a very large range, due to the fact they take after the physical attributes of animals. Every chimera has a trait that is shared with only one particular animal. You won't ever find a chimera that shares traits with more than one animal (such as having a lizard tail and cat ears).

Chimera may look entirely human, with a simple animal feature like cat ears or a cat tail. These are considered low aspect chimera, since they look more human than animal. Other chimera may look far more like the animal they take after, being covered fully in fur or having anthropomorphic legs: these are considered high aspect chimera.

They represent many different forms of animals, but notably take after land animals as opposed to sea or air, save for a few exceptions. It's not uncommon to find chimera act similar to their animal matches. Chimera which take after wolves either prefer to be alone or may work in groups, like a pack. Reptile chimera are often more sluggish during cold weather and are significantly more active through the day. While not all may be exact replicas of their animal counterparts, knowing more about the animal they represent can help a chimera truly feel comfortable in their own skin.

A list of common chimera species include: felines, canines, reptiles (such as turtles, lizards, or snakes [often they are confused for "naga"]), equines (also commonly called "centaurs"), ursine, elephantidae, giraffids, rhinocerotidae, etc.

Less common chimera species include bats, amphibians, and salamanders.

Chimeran Names

It's not uncommon for chimera to have two names. One of them is in their "native" tongue which consists of animal-like sounds which border it's own language that typical people can't pronounce or say because they don't have the ability to understand growls, yips, caws, hisses, or anything similar that would be spoken among their own kind.

The second name would be their more common name which they would share with others. Their secondary names vary wildly - it's not uncommon for them to have regular human-sounding names - but some will have that correlate to physical features on their body. Using apostrophes to help break up their name to add more emphasis on certain aspects is also common.

Chimeran Names: Blackstripes, Crimson Eyes, Greyfeet, Horns-of-Reaching-Branches, Khi'dell, Moongazer, Oo'lyra, Silverspun Stars

Chimeran Traits

Ability Score Increase. Choose any +2; choose any other +1

Age. Chimera age at the same rate as humans, reaching adulthood in their late teens and living to be about a century old.

Size. Often a chimera's size depends on the animal they take their form after. Those who appear like bears or elephants for example tend to have larger sizes - reaching easily up to eight feet in height or more. Those who take after smaller animals such as rabbits or mice would have smaller

heights of four feet or so. Your size is medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Of the Land. As a being who descends from the great primals, you have natural traits and abilities that are a part of your nature. You can choose two breed traits from the below list to apply to your chimera.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Elvish, and Beast Speech. When speaking Beast Speech, you can communicate with animals as if under the effect of the spell Speak with Animals.

Breed Traits

Adept Climber

Gain proficiency in Athletics. You have a climb speed of 30 feet.


While you have two free hands, you have a burrowing speed of 25 feet.


You emit sounds inaudible to most humanoids. You have blindsight up to 30 feet away.


Gain proficiency in Athletics or Acrobatics. Your jump distance is doubled.

Keen Senses

Gain proficiency in the Perception skill and choose one sense. You gain advantage on Perception rolls that utilize that sense.

Kin to Beasts

Gain proficiency in Animal Handling. Your proficiency bonus is doubled when you make Animal Handling checks.


Gain proficiency in Acrobatics. Your basic walking speed is 40 feet.

Natural Armor

This can only be taken if your character realistically has something that would work (armadillo, turtle, etc).

When you are struck by an attack you can spend your reaction to interpose your natural armor between you and your attacker, giving you +2 AC against the attack.

Natural Weapon

You have a natural weapon that you are proficient in, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. This could be a bite, claw, quill, club, tail or other bestial feature. You can choose to add your strength or dexterity modifier to the attack roll and deal 1d4 + strength or dexterity modifier damage. The damage type should be selected when you take this trait: bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing.


Gain superior darkvision up to 120 feet.

Powerful Build

You gain +1 ac. In addition you count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.


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