Warlock of Curses

by Maskappi

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Warlock of Curses

Warlock Pact Boon

Pact of the Needle

As part of a Long Rest, you may perform a ritual that lasts 1 hours to create an accursed magical needle or other trinket. The trinket is made out of organic material such as wood, hair or bone which you provide within the ritual. The trinket is a tiny cursed magical item and spells and features that can do so show that the trinket is cursed and evil. The trinket rots and is detroyed if you finish your next long rest or create another trinket before cursing another creature using it.

When the trinket touches the bare skin of a creature other than you, the trinket becomes Invisible and immediately sinks into the creature's skin, leaving no traces behind. That creature is then cursed which lasts until all the accursed trinkets within that creature is destroyed. A creature may touch another creature with the trinket as part of an action that allows them to touch another creature. Spells that remove curses destroy all the trinkets within the creature.

For each of your trinkets within it, the creature have a -1 penalty to Saving Throws made against your spells and you have a +1 bonus to spell attacks made against that creature. Whenever this penalty or bonus is applied to a roll, one of the trinkets within the creature is destroyed. A creature can only have a number of your trinkets within its body up to your proficiency bonus, additional trinkets immediately destroys itself upon entering the creature's body.

Pact Invocation

Eyes of the Newt

Prerequisite: Pact of the Needle

You know the general direction to each of your accursed trinkets and the distance to each of them in miles.

Ancient Curses

Prerequisite: Pact of the Needle

A creature that attempts to remove or identify your curses with a spell must succeed on an ability check with their Spellcasting Ability against your spell save DC as part of the spell. On a failure, the spell fails.

Pelet (Love Curse)

Prerequisite: 5th level, Pact of the Needle

When you touch a creature with your trinket, you may force that creature to succeed on a Wisdom Saving Throw or be Charmed by a creature that you know. The Charmed creature gain advantage on the Saving Throw if they're hostile to the other creature, they gain disadvantage if they don't know of the other creature. The Charm lasts as long as one of your trinkets is in the creature, or if you end it early as an Action.

Susuk (Impart Invocation)

Prerequisite: 9th level, Pact of the Needle

When you touch a creature with your trinket, you may choose one of your other Eldritch Invocation. While that creature have one of your trinkets in them, they can use and gain the benefit of the Eldricth Invocation as if they're a Warlock that meets all the prerequisite of the Invocation and you can't use or gain the benefit of that Eldritch Invocation. You may take back the Invocation as an Action. A creature may only gain 1 Eldritch Invocation from other Warlocks, additional Invocation replaces the previous ones.

Warlock Patron

The Coven

Your patron is a powerful witch or a coven of witches. They are a being of mysterious knowledge, following ancient traditions and ritual to invoke powers that corrupts anything it touches. Your patron's goals are often told in riddles, if at all, often involving the corruption of something pure and the accumulation of more power.

You may enter a pact with such patron from a deal gone south with a witch, or from a desire to join a coven to gain more power. Beware that witches and covens are power hungry and often jealous of another being with power. Your patron may turn from you at any point should they see you as a problem.

Expanded Spell List

The Coven lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Spell Level Spells
1st Bane, Sleep
2nd Augury, Silence
3rd Clairvoyance, Nondetection
4th Giant Insect, Locate Creature
5th Contagion, Modify Memory

Santet (Persistent Hexing)

At 1st level, you learn a powerful hex used by witches to torment their targets. As an action you may choose a creature that you can see within 30ft of you, that creature must succeed on a Wisdom Saving Throw or become cursed by this feature. A willing creature can choose to fail the Saving Throw to this feature. Choose one of the choices below when you apply the curse:

  • You can telepathically speak to the creature while the two of you is within the same plane of existence. You must speak in a language the creature know in order to be understood. While communicating this way, you can have your voice sounds like another person's, eerie whispers or distorted.
  • The creature have Disadvantage on Concentration Saving Throws.
  • The creature must succeed on a Constitution Saving Throw at the end of each Long Rest. On a failure, they gain no benefit from the Long Rest.

The creature can repeat the Saving Throw every 24 hour. A Warlock that targets a creature already cursed by Persistent Hexing changes the effect of the curse instead of adding a new effect. You may use this feature once before finishing a Short Rest.

Blood for blood

Starting at 6th level, when you take damage while you can see another creature within 30ft that is cursed by your Spell or warlock features that curses, you may use your Reaction to reduce that damage by half. That creature take the damage that has been reduce. This damage can't be reduced in any way.

Witch Eye

At 10th level, you learn the Scrying Spell and it doesn't count against your number of spells known. When you target a creature that has been cursed by your spell or warlock features that curses, the creature immediately fails the Saving Throw. Additionally, whenever you cast a warlock spell while you are Scrying that creature, you can cast it as if you were in the sensor's space, instead of your own, using its senses.

Accursed Casting

Starting at 14th level, whenever you cast a spell that requires Concentration on creatures that has been cursed by your spell or warlock features that curses and only those creatures, you may cast that spell without requiring concentration. If you do, the spell lasts for its whole duration. The spell ends early on each creature if that creature is no longer cursed by any of your spell or warlock features that curses. You may only do this once before having to take a Long Rest.

Additionally, at 14th level, you learn the Bestow Curse spell and it doesn't count against your number of spells known. Whenever you use your Mystic Arcanum feature to cast a spell, you may instead cast Bestow Curse using the Mystic Arcanum spell's level.


  • v1.0 Created homebrew
  • v1.1 Changed some names to better follow Indonesian inspiration


  • Cover Art (Witch's Cauldron by Jason A. Engle)
  • Pact Boon Warlock Art (Witherbloom Apprentice by Josh Hass)
  • Patron Warlock Art (Caligo Skin-Witch by Daarken)

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