Dauntless DND

by ChrisYeet

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Reasons, Credits, and Insanity

I made this with no intended purpose at first, and it's spiraled too far so I'm posting it here in GMbinder for all to see. Of course, all credits go to Phoenix labs for making an amazing game and a world that is so packed with lore and factions it drove me to do all of this. Though I think some credit should go to me as well for all the conversions I had to make and of course the additions.

This most likely will get updated as I (hopefully) get requests on things I should add such as Omni-cells, Specials, and possibly changes to weapons. If you do have any, you can find me in the Dauntless Discord server as ChrisYeet.

Weapons and weapon statistics

There are many weapons in the shattered isles, each with its uses, whenever you attack using an aetheric ability. choose one ability score, this is used to add towards your damage for your aetheric abilities, however, if you are a class with a spellcasting ability such as sorcerer or wizard, it shall use your spellcasting ability for that instead, This will be called SF and will be used later. There are also a few additional weapons that are extra options for more specific looks/uses. All of these weapons also have a requirement for use, like multiclass requirements.

Sword: STR or DEX 13

Hammer: STR 13

Striker: STR or DEX 13

Axe: STR 13

Chain Blades: DEX 13

Ostian Repeaters: DEX 13

Ostian Rifle: DEX 13

War Pike: DEX 13

Large Battle Fist: STR or DEX 13

Arcstone Staff: INT, CHA, or WIS 13

Of course, as the DM you don't have to do this, but it's suggested to narrow down the options. you can only wield one Aetheric weapon at a time. so no dual wielding swords.

Characters & Weapons

Characters with martial and simple weapon proficiency's gain access to these weapons through that proficiency, Its a bad idea to give the druid a giant Axe.

Martial Weapons gain access to all weapons

Simple weapons gain access to Chain Blades, Ostian repeaters, War pike, and Arcstone staff.

If your class does give you multiple weapons, you are allowed to start with only one aetheric weapon, you can later acquire another aetheric weapon later, but as a starting character you only get one.

Later in game when you might possibly have multiple weapons, any effects like Tempest Form or Determination are removed when you unequip the weapon for a different one. You can only have 2 weapons on you at a time.


I am not (for the current moment) adding spells to the game, DND already has plenty. So instead I'm going to modify the damage types the base game provides, of course, some are very specific and will not be subject to change, such as Thunder, Force, Acid, and Psychic. These are not subject to change because they aren't able to fit in with the already existing damage types in Dauntless, and they also represent previously existing, sounds represent Thunder, Force is quite literal, etc. The Conversion list is below.

Fire = Blaze

Cold = Frost

Lightning = Shock

Poison = Terra

Necrotic = Umbral

Radiant = Radiant

So when you are creating your character and you select your spells, change the damage types. These damage types are used when you apply enough Aetheric Damage of a singular type into the behemoth. Causing an effect to happen is simple, once you deal 1/3 of the Behemoth's health as Aetheric damage of a singular type, one of the following effects happen

  • (Blaze) The Behemoth is set ablaze, dealing 1d6 Blaze damage for 4 turns.
  • (Frost) The Behemoth is covered in ice, halfing its movement speed.
  • (Shock) The Behemoth is electrically shocked, causing it to lose its next turn
  • (Terra) The Behemoth is flushed with Terra Energy, causing allies to gain %50 life steal for one turn.
  • (Radiant) The Behemoth is blinded by Radiance, making the behemoth blind for 2 turns
  • (Umbral) The Behemoth is frightened, making it run away in fear for 2 turns.

If you and your party are using different weapon types, like 2 are using Frost, and the other 2 are using Blaze, both effects happen if they both have 1/3 of the behemoths done as their respective aetheric damage types. However, if both effects activate within the same timeframe, they cancel out, because a behemoth cannot be both on fire, and covered in ice.

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Omnicells are new magic items that give the attuned user new abilities, these are Very Rare magic items that should only be given to players around 10th level.


Passive: While attuned, gain temporary hit points equal to your level, Whenever you deal damage roll a d20, if you roll anything past 18, give yourself 5 more hitpoints, max of 50.

Active: Leap forward 30 ft and slam the ground, consuming all temporary hit points in a blast of energy that deals damage to nearby targets equal to the amount of temporary hit points consumed. 6 round cool down


Passive: Increase your CON by 2. Gain 1 hit point lifesteal whenever you deal damage and roll a d4 whenever you take damage to reduce it by the amount rolled.

Active: Throw an ice lance that does 1d10 frost damage; double damage if thrown at full health.


Passive: When you roll damage you can hit crits on a roll of 18 or higher, healing is reduced by a 1d4 which you roll whenever you receive health. Reaching max stacks of Flaming Fist makes you Disciplined, which makes you hit crits on a roll of 17 or higher for 24 seconds, When Disciplined ends, stacks are cleared.

Active: Perform a quick parrying punch that deals 1d6 blaze damage. Parrying an attack reflects half the damage back and grants a stack of Flaming Fist, This can stack 4 times. 18 second cooldown.


Passive: Dodging through an attack grants a stack of Velocity. Each stack lasts 48 seconds and increases movement speed by 5 ft. Max 5 stacks.

Active: Consume a stack of Velocity to dash 20 ft and deal 1d8 shock damage to a nearby target, prioritizing unbroken behemoth parts. For every 5ft increase in movement speed from your base, deal extra damage equal to half your level along with the 1d8. Stacks are refreshed on use and this movement doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.


Passive: Gain 2 hit point lifesteal whenever you deal damage. When Revenant state ends, each stack of Void Energy grants 4 health per turn for 12 seconds.

Active: Drain up to half your health to enter Revenant state and spawn a Void Orb. For every 10 % of health drained, summon an Umbral Tendril that deals 1d12 umbral damage. If an Umbral Tendril hits a target, it spawns an additional Void Orb upon impact. Picking up a Void Orb grants a stack of Void Energy, which gives +1 damage and extends Revenant state by 1 second. Revenant state lasts for 18 seconds and prevents all healing. 10 second cooldown.


Passive: Amount of healing and shielding granted per second is increased by 1 for every 15% of current health when activated.

Active: Send your Drone to a target to have it perform one of four actions:

1 - Revivable Slayer: Revive and give a Slayer the Artificer Aura for 18 seconds. Can only perform this revive once every 90 seconds.

2 - Active Slayer: Cleanse the targeted Slayer of status effects and grant them the Artificer Aura for 18 seconds

3 - Behemoth: - Mark a Behemoth part to take 1d4 aetheric damage from all sources for 18 seconds

4 - Ground: - Surround an area with a radiant wall for 18 seconds, Radiant wall blocks hostile projectiles and beams, and applies the Artificer Aura to all Slayers within 24 second cooldown

Artificer Aura: Slayers in the aura (5ft) restore 5 health per round. If health is full a 5 temporary hit points are granted. Health shield lasts for 24 seconds. Max 20 temporary hit points.

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The Sword has a light and Heavy attack, the heavy attack does 1d8 Slashing damage and gives 1 valor, but the light attack gives 2 valor and does 1d6 Slashing damage. So you're trading aetheric moves for little damage or more damage for less Aetheric moves

  • Valor is the same as in dauntless. Can only have six valor at a time.

  • Crescent strike deals 1d12 + SF aetheric damage.

  • Resounding echo is an AoE attack held with concentration on a 10ft radius that deals 1d8 + SF aetheric damage per round on whatever is affecting it for 5 rounds.

  • Blade rush, allowing you to dash 20 ft and attack with a 1d6 + SF aetheric damage. this movement doesn't provoke opportunity

  • Blade surge working as a projectile that does 1d8 + SF aetheric damage with a range of 20ft/60ft.

  • All of these take a bonus action to use. And consuming 3 valor.

  • If you gain 9 valor throughout the battle, you become surged with aetheric energy, increasing your range to 10 ft and adding a bonus to damage equal to 1d6 aetheric danage to all attacks

  • This weapon can be wielded with a shield and it has finnese


Big ol' shotgun hammer. The basic attack does 1d10 Bludgeoning damage, the weapon also has an Aether Cell counter. Aether cells are the ammo for this weapon.

  • You can reload the weapon with a bonus action, reseting the counter. You can only have 6 Aether cells on you at a time, if you do reload the hammer, your movement speed is halfed for that turn. I shouldn't have to say this but any loop hole that somehow finds a way to infinitly feed aether cells into the hammer, it explodes and you die in the blast.

  • It's basic attack can be empowered with an Aether cell to do an extra 1d4 Aetheric damage with a bonus action. You can only empower it with one aether cell, no stacking all of them till your 1d10 attack now (somehow) does an extra 6d4 Aetheric damage.

  • Has a ranged cone attack (15ft) that does 1d8 aetheric damage. This attack consumes an aether cell, you can charge this once each of your turns if you want to, so you can take 6 turns to do 6d6 Aetheric damage

  • If you do 3 of those basic attacks (whether empowered or not) the remaining cells are used to do a special attack, if you do choose to use this special move it does 2d6 on each tile it touches in a straight line.

  • This weapon is Two-handed and uses your strength for the basic attack.

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A heavy hitter for tactical Slayers. The Axe is a relatively slow hitting weapon, making up for it with substantial damage on each hit.

  • Basic attack does 2d6 Slashing, you can also charge the weapon by giving 10 ft of movement, with each time you do this you do an extra 1d6 Aetheric damage when you hit (max charge 3), which you roll when you stop charging your axe, and finally try to hit it you can do other actions while charging but not attack actions.

  • Grim Onslaught: 40ft/100ft, 4d8 + SF slashing damage on hit, can only be used after at least 6 successful charge attacks (any level of charge), and granting a level of determination, Giving you +1d6 damage to any hit. Max 2 levels of determination, each stack of Determination lasts 1 minute.

  • Alt /Flight of Ruin: Similar to the hammers special attack, you cause damage in a line, it does 2d8 Aetheric damage on each tile it touches in a straight line.

War Pike

You get charges by hitting with your slash and stab attacks, slash dealing 1d8 damage and giving 2 charges, stab dealing 1d6 damage and giving 3 charges, each costing an action to use.

  • Aetheric ground stab: Stab the ground and cause a rupture around you (radius 10 ft), causing the ground to shoot an influx of said elemental aether to cause instant 1d8 + SF aetheric damgage to every enemy within range. requires 2 charges. Costs 1 bonus action.

  • Aetheric mark: leave a deep mark in the enemy and surge aether into them, causing them to take 1d6 +SF damage, if the mark is hit it does 1d4 + SF aetheric damage, however, players can only hit it once per turn. Requires 3 charges. Costs 1 Bonus action. Mark lasts 5 rounds

  • Aetheric charge-shot: take the backend of your pike and aim it at your enemy, charging a ball of elemental power to form at the end of it, shooting at a range of 20ft/60ft, causing 3d6 + SF aetheric damage. Requires 5 charges. Costs 1 action.

  • Aetheric weapon charge: use your stored aether to infuse your weapon with elemental power, dealing 1d4 extra Aetheric damage to the enemy you hit. Lasts 1 Minute. Costs 1 bonus action and 1 charge.

  • You can only have 8 charges stored at once.

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Aether Strikers

Attacks are broken down into the combos in-game, and generate the same mantras as well, using the names as the attacks

  • Treat it as a dual-wielded weapon in the way that you are holding 2 weapons, not in the way you need the dual-wielding feat to roll the 2nd attack with proficiency. This weapon also has Finesse

  • Focused Assault: Three quick hits (1d8 + Str/Dex Bludgeoning). Generate Focus Mantra

  • Spirit Barrage: A flurry of hits (1d10 + Str/Dex Bludgeoning). Generates the Spirit Mantra

  • Mighty Squall: Three powerful strikes (1d12 + Str/Dex Bludgeoning). Generates the Might Mantra.

  • Tempest form: requires 1 Mantra, gives advantage on attacks, and lasts one in-game minute, use a bonus action to activate

  • Karma Breaker: requires any 2 mantras and can be used to dash 20 ft and deal 1d10 on hit, and deal 1d8 + SF aetheric damage to it for 1 minute with concentration, bonus action to activate.

  • Adamant Bolt: Activated by having all three mantras, doing 3d8 + SF aetheric damage, and an extra 1d8 + SF of aetheric damage if either Tempest Form or Karma Breaker is active, and 2d8 + SF if they are both active. has a range of 120 ft and costs an action to use.

  • Alt to AB, Titan’s Crash: Activated by having all three mantras, doing 3d8 aetheric damage, and an extra 1d8 + SF of aetheric damage if either Tempest Form or Karma Breaker is active, and 2d8 + SF if they are both active, Has a range of a 30 ft cone and takes an action to use.

Ostian Repeaters

You have 12 ammo total, whenever you use your Basic Attack, you expend 2 of those bullets and deal 2d4 + SF Aetheric Damage. The range is 40ft/100ft

  • If you reload your movement speed is halfed, if you reload while within 10 ft of the behemoth, you're a applied a buff which adds 1d8 + SF of aetheric damage whenever you shoot an enemy for 1-minute.

  • Marksman Round: Deal 1d6 + SF damage on hit, if the mark is hit by you or another player, it deals 1d4 + SF, however, players can only hit it once per turn. Has a cooldown of 5 rounds, and can only be activated once you have expended 8 Bullets.

  • Mine: Put a mine on the ground, taking up a 5 x 5 unoccupied space, once a creature goes over the mine, it takes 3d6 damage, you can also throw it 10 ft, and throw it on top of an enemy, immediately activating it. it can only be activated once you have expended 12 Bullets.

  • Treat it as a dual-wielded weapon in the way that you are holding 2 weapons, not in the way you need the dual-wielding feat to roll the 2nd attack with proficiency.

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Chain Blades

Fast hitting dual blades with S+ mobility. Swing the blades from their chains to slash from a distance, or pull yourself in for an up-close assault. Each attack builds up to a count of momentum, you can have a max of 4.

  • Basic close attack does 1d8 + Dex slashing damage, costs an action and has a range of 5ft

  • Has a ranged attack (15ft) does 1d6 + Dex Slashing damage

  • Chain pull: Take your blades and plunge them into an enemy from a range of 20 ft, and pull yourself towards them dealing 1d6 + SF aetheric damage, costs a bonus action to use and 1 momentum to use.

  • Spinning blades: Spin around doing 1d8 + SF damage in an area of 15ft, costs 2 momentum and an action to use

  • Reaper's Dance: Once activated you push off the target sending you 20 ft in the air away from it. You can either consume 1 momentum and rush towards the target dealing 1d10 + SF Aetheric Damage or do a spinning slam that consumes all momentum and deals 1d8 + SF per momentum consumed.

  • Treat as a dual-wielded weapon in the way that you are holding 2 weapons, not in the way you need the dual-wielding feat to roll the 2nd attack with proficiency.

Large Battle Fist

The Aether Strikers use their Aetheric Manipulation with the weapon themselves, this weapon takes the full use of its Aetheric Manipulation, so when you use its abilities, the forms take that aetheric shape and or damage, you also have a similar Aether cell counter, 6 max, but it works the same as the sword or war pike’s, where each attack gives an aether cell,

  • Basic attack does 1d10 + Str/Dex Bludgeoning damage gives 1 Aether cell

  • Aetheric Pillar: you punch the ground at a forward angle and cause an upheaval of aether, Taking the shape of your chosen type of aether, this can be used in a variety of ways, if an enemy is hit by this, they take 2d6 + SF aetheric damage, range is a point within 15 ft, costs 1 action, 2 cells

  • Aetheric ground Pound: Punch the ground and cause a rupture around you (radius 10 ft), causing the ground to shoot an influx of said elemental aether to cause instant 1d8 + SF aetheric damgage to every enemy within range. requires 2 cells. Costs an action.

  • Aetheric charge-shot: Make a large ball of aetheric energy in your hand, range 20/60 ft, causing 3d6 + SF damage. Costs 1 action and 4 cells

  • This weapon can be wielded with a Shield and has finesse.

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Weapon Proficiencies/ Properties

Each class gets an Aetheric Weapon Proficiency, and the ability to pick whichever Aetheric weapon they want, as your background does not affect what weapon you have to choose, but it could be used as a reason you choose the weapon, a Krolach Barbarian would most likely prefer beefy weapons like the Hammer or Axe than something more finesse or prissy like chain blades.

When ever you gain a piece of gear a certain buff is applied based on the gear, and to streamline the process of getting gear, Iv'e personally in my game added a system where you only need to slay the behemoth once, of course you don't have to, but it helps making combat better, instead of making entire stat and part tables, the system Iv'e implemented is simple, Once they kill a behemoth, they break off a signature behemoth part, like an Embermane or koshai's horn, and trade it in for a full set of gear and a weapon of choice.

Ex: Let's say the party slays a Boreus and breaks of it leg or some other significant part, they take that in to (In my game the Slayer Association) and get a full set of Boreus armor, which gives -1 Blaze damage against them, so if they are dealt 4 Blaze, they instead take 3. They also get a Boreus Weapon of choice, with the choice's obviously being an Aetheric Weapon. Which in this case applies an extra +1 Frost damage to their weapon on each attack.

Arcstone Staff

Similar to the Magnus staff in the Monster Hunter DND by Amellwind, this is meant to be a weapon for spellcasting classes such as wizards who only get simple weapons during character creation, and are much less suited for flailing a hunk of aether and metal at their enemies.

  • This staff stores Spells cast into it, holding them until the attuned wearer uses them. The staff can store up to SF amount of Spells at a time.

  • Only the wielder can Cast a Spell of (Half SF rounded up) level into the staff by touching the staff as the spell is cast. The spell has no effect, other than to be stored in the staff. If the staff can't hold the spell, the spell is expended without effect. The level of the slot used to cast the spell determines how much space it uses.

  • While wielding this staff, you can cast any spell stored in it. The spell uses the slot level, spell save DC, spell Attack bonus, and Spellcasting ability of the original caster, but is otherwise treated as if you cast the spell. The spell cast by the staff is no longer stored in it, freeing up space.

Ostian Rifle

You have 6 ammo total, whenever you use your Basic Attack, you expend 2 of those bullets and deal 2d6 + SF Aetheric Damage. The range is 80ft/200ft

  • If you reload your movement speed is halfed, if you reload while within 10 ft of the behemoth, you're a applied a buff which adds 1d8 + SF of aetheric damage whenever you shoot an enemy for 1-minute.

  • Marksman Round: Deal 1d6 + SF damage on hit, if the mark is hit by you or another player, it deals 1d4 + SF, however, players can only hit it once per turn. Has a cooldown of 5 rounds, and can only be activated once you have expended 4 Bullets.

  • Mine: Put a mine on the ground, taking up a 5 x 5 unoccupied space, once a creature goes over the mine, it takes 3d6 damage, you can also throw it 10 ft, and throw it on top of an enemy, immediately activating it. it can only be activated once you have expended 6 Bullets.

  • This weapon is Two-handed

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A weird mutation found when a creature is exposed to direct contact with the aether of a dissipated behemoth for substantial amounts of time, mostly found in slayers who slay a singular behemoth multiple times, the effects start small, a finger, a toe, an ear. But can spread farther, however, once it reaches the brain, the victim becomes feral, and requires aether to live. Otherwise, if they do not get aether, they dissipate. Though some rare ones can keep their sanity and consciousness and even use some of the Aether-bending abilities that can be even used in battle, these abilities most of the time coincide with the Aether Surge of the behemoth they have been affected by, along with having thaumaturgic-like abilities with said elements and can use them within the realm of reason. Whenever most people who contract the disease get it through direct exposure to aether of in it's pure gas like form, and whatever behemoth it was part of previously can be seen effecting the wound, turning skin to scales or growing wings and tails, most people just stop whatever they are doing and stay away from aether for a good bit, or until all behemoth signs on them are gone. However though some people see it as an advantage, the sweet spot in the middle gives you great abilities but if your exposed to much, expect to become the creatures you oh so admire to be, once you get to that sweet spot, you can't go back to a normal human.

  • Age - Most ages range between 20-80, that is when the effects kick in after exposure
  • Size - behemoth-born are taller and heavier than humans, standing well over 6 feet tall and averaging almost 220 pounds. Your size is Medium.
  • Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet
  • Ability score improvement – you gain 2 points in constitution.
  • Aetheric Manipulation - You have thaumaturgic-like abilities with the elemental prowess of their affected behemoth.
  • Aetheric surge – you have been affected by the behemoth’s Aether surge, gaining the abilities of the behemoth’s Aether surge, lasting 5 rounds. Or based on the dm’s choice, can gain a signature move of the behemoth, depending on what behemoth it is, such as Phaelanx’s Laser eyes or Sahvytz’s blades. Or both a signature move and aether surge ability. You can become Aether surged a number of times equal to half your level rounded down before you need a long rest, it has a cooldown of 5 rounds, which starts when it's ended,

The only other race available is human, the rest are debatable like elves and dwarfs, but will just be considered tall/short humans story-wise because in-game there are no other races.

Aether Surge and Ability Score Improvement

Each behemoth should have its unique aether surge, but with the game I'm doing I'm having both the surge and signature move. These are just some examples. There is also X damage that some abilities do, X damage described below

X = SF + half your level rounded down. The ASI is just Ability score improvement, I went ahead and added the ones here

Tier 1

  • Embermane – Gain +10 movement speed, and leave a fiery trail in your wake, X Blaze damage each turn a creature is in it
  • Skarn – Gain a +1 bonus to ac, rocks float around you blocking attacks, and any enemies in a 5 ft radius take X damage each turn they are in the radius.
  • Drask – Gain advantage on attack rolls, and teleport up to 60ft in any direction, causing enemies in a 5 ft radius of you to become shocked and take X shock damage.
  • Boreus – Gain temporary hit points equal to twice your level, ice armor covers your body, and you also can leap up to 60 ft by using a pillar of ice.

Tier 2

  • Charrogg – Gain The ability to hover up to 10 ft, each creature in a 5 ft radius of you on the ground takes 2 Blaze damage each turn they are in range.
  • Kharabak – Gain the wings of a Kharabak, allowing flight equal to your movement speed, you also grow a thorax, allowing you to send a swarm of bugs to annoy a creature, giving them a disadvantage on attack rolls.
  • Nayzaga – Gain the ability to make a Nayzaga's turret which takes its turn directly after yours.
  • Pangar – Gain the ability to roll into a ball, doubling your movement speed and giving you a +1 to ac while in this form, you cannot use weapons while in this form. You also can run down your enemies, if you head towards an enemy from 40 ft away and hit them, you knock them prone and deal X frost damage.
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Tier 3

  • Hellion – Gain the ability to throw up a puddle of lava, the lava is a 10 ft radius surface that damages a creature while in its X Blaze damage.
  • Koshai – Gain the ability to make thorns. You can create a bed of thorns on the ground the Bed of thorns is a 10 ft radius surface that damages a creature while in it X Terra damage.
  • Sahvyt – Gain Blades that appear from your arms, having the length of your arm, these can be used as melee weapons, dealing (1d8 + dex) slashing damage, and can be used as dual wielding weapons, this also increases your movement speed by 15ft, and stows your weapon for the duration you have the blades out.
  • Skraev – Gain the wings of a Skraev, allowing flight equal to your movement speed. You also can place down, and create a small blizzard where you stand, you are not affected by it, but other creatures are, while in the blizzard, the blizzard is centered on a point within 5 ft and has a radius of 20 ft. Creatures inside the blizzard have disadvantage on attack rolls and cannot leave the blizzard unless they get past its wall of frost taking X frost damage upon exiting or entering the blizzard.
  • Riftstalker – Gain the ability to make portals, you can either go to a safe space away from combat for the duration of your aether surge or teleport up to 60 ft.
  • Valomyr – Gain +2 ac as a radiant shield around you. Also, gain the ability to teleport up to 60 ft to a point you can see.

Tier 4

  • Phaelanx – Your back plating opens revealing many holes on your back, these give you +10 to movement and each turn you don't use that 10 ft, a missile fires out your back and does X Blaze damage each turn to an enemy within 20 ft.
  • Fenroar – Gain the ability to burrow beneath the earth. This movement is equal to your movement speed. This movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks and renders you invisible. Once you use the movement, you return to the surface dealing X Terra damage in a 5 ft radius you emerge from.
  • Stormclaw – Gain double movement speed, and cause storms above a number of creatures equal to X. These storms activate each turn and deal X shock damage to the affecting creatures on your turn.
  • Rezakiri – Send a volley of radiant orbs toward the enemy, any creature within the cone (45°) rolls a dex save against the SF of the user, if they fail it deals X radiant damage, this can be held with concentration for max 5 turns, and each turn the creature rerolls the dex save.
  • Alyra – Give a buff to either you or an ally, this buff changes the aether type of their weapon, dealing an aetheric damage type of your choice, this buff also doubles their SF.
  • Shrowd – Gain the ability to make a physical shadow that acts on the orders of the maker, it can't wield phsical objects but has the same weapon as the maker, can talk the same as the maker, takes the appearance of a physical shadow, completely black. Costs an action to place and has 1 hit point, but the same ac as the maker.
  • Frostwulf - Your clwed feet sink into the ground, creating a geyser that can send medium and lower enemies flying, upon contact with the geyser, deal X frost damage, if a creature that is effected by the geyser is Large or bigger, they aren't sent flying but are still dealt damage to.

Tier 5

  • Torgadoro – Gain fists of molten magma, treat as if dual wielding, each attack does 1d8 bludgeoning damage and X Blaze damage per attack.
  • Agarus – Gain a +2 to ac and reduce movement speed to 0, planting yourself in the ground. While in this state, you can attack and cast spells as normal, on each of your turns you do this to heal X points.
  • Malkarion – Gain a shield of electricity, whenever an enemy hits you while this is activated, they take X Shock damage. When you activate this as well, teleport up to 120 ft right next to an enemy, dealing x shock damage to them.
  • Urska – Gain the ability to blow your enemies away, physically, not metaphorically. Push them 40 ft away, and have the affected creature roll a strength check, DC is equal to 10 + SF + PB, if they fail, it knocks them prone and deals x frost damage, if they save no effects are applied.
  • Chronovore – Wind back time and revert yourself to what you were 18 seconds ago, regaining lost health, spell slots, etc. This does not regain the use of the aether surge.
  • Thrax – Gain the ability to corrupt creatures, you can corrupt only 1 creature at a time. Corrupt is defined as the creature starting to fight its allies and taking X damage each turn. If the creature has no allies nearby, the only effect that is applied is the x damage each turn.

Further Elaboration

You can use these abilities in and out of battle like using Riftstalkers portal's for movement speed or Skraev's wings for flight, of course the cooldown rules still apply so you could only move 300ft with that riftstalker movement speed.

Overuse/ constant use of these abilities can cause side effects, since aether surge causes aether to flow out of you, to much removal can actually remove some of your behemoth born powers, to much and you are reduced to a human until you find a way to pump yourself full of aether again. If you do have this happen, your aether surge and aetheric manipulation are revoked until you are re fueled with aether.

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Aetheric Manipulation

As a behemoth born, you've been given the innate ability to control the elemental aether type you are, here are the entries for the different Aetheric elemental types. These abilities are not to be used in combat in ways that do direct damage, but they can be used in creative ways in battle, this is to stop Krolachs from making fireballs, and the Ostians from calling upon lightning to smite their foes. But instead, be able to make creative ways of solving situations.


You have the ability to manipulate fire on a whim, Melt metal, make torches, a lighter in your thumb, and many other things at your disposal.


The powers of ice are at your command, create ice structure, chill an area, or be Dr. Victor Fries, heat is your only limit (and the dm's patience).


The powers of electricity are at your fingertips, bend a current, turn off technology, and guide lightning, get to tinkering.


You have the power to control Organic based objects. Make flowers, a vine to climb, or create floating rocks to get around, be creative.


You have the ability to manipulate light on a whim, Projections, holograms, laser beams, and the refraction of sunrays are at your disposal.


Harness the power of the void. Make an area darker, form shadows that aren't there, or create umbral tentacles to grab things for you.

Actual uses

The whole point of these abilities are to be creative, to spark flavor and give characters with no magic the ability to have some semblance of it. But here are some ideas just incase you can't make your own. Creativity will be rewarded.


You cant have an airship on you at all times, and your legs can only get you so far, so create a surface of your chosen element to move around, like a floating rock, blazing feet, or just lightning streaks that follow your feet.

Unique Damage Effects

As I said before, you cannot make fireballs, however you could make certain effects that could cause a creature to stand still, like an umbral portal, or freezing a creatures feet to the floor, when you do use your Aetheric Manipulation in this way it takes a bonus action to make this sort of effect happen. The DM may choose to set a DC to the effect. Personally I'd suggest making it a simple 10 + SF + PB.

Once you figure out what that is the effect could have many different ways of determining the other creatures save against it. But this is entirely Suggested on the DM's choice of how the creature want's to avoid/ escape the effect. Say a Frost Behemoth-Born wants to make a creatures feet stuck in ice, in that case i'd say the creature would have to roll a STR check because it's trying to break free from it.

If you do finally get the effect to work, the creature should still have a fighting chance, so the effect ends once a full round has passed. that way you will have to risk your bonus action each turn.

Massive Environmental Damage

I know I said that under no circumstance that damage can be done via Aetheric Manipulation, However that doesn't mean indirect, trees fall, brazier's fall, lots of things fall, but you can do environcmental damage, basically if you can find a creative way to cause indirect damage that is on a massive scale, you'll be aptly rewarded with a lot of damage.


A boulder in the way? A Skarn Behemoth born can move that no problem. an ice wall blocking the path? A Hellion BB can barf lava on that. A puzzle involving light rays? get a Rezakiri BB to solve it.


Most people in the Shattered Isles would be caught off guard by a blazing inferno that suddenly appeared, or a star in front of their faces, or an ice sculpture making itself. You get the gist of it, distracting people could prove fairly useful, trying to drive The Unseens attention somewhere else to not find your hiding spot, or trying to make an enemy go to a certain spot.

Experimental Aetheric Manipulation

Basically imagine Avatar the last air bender, but instead its dauntless. The whole idea is swapping your use of Aetheric weapons for aether itself, the damage is fully aetheric and it still alows you to use the basic aetheric manipulation on the previous page, but also deal some damage, these abilities come directly from you. This ability however forces you to not use aetheric weapons and instead your ability to bend aether IS your weapon of choice.


create a wall of your chosen element that functions as half cover, this requires a bonus action


create a projectile chosen element, range of 15ft /30ft, deals 1d8+ SF Aetheric Damage, and requires a bonus action


This is practically a pact weapon, if you are a warlock this also effects your pact weapon given that you had one, you can choose any base martial dnd weapon, it has the same stats as your chosen weapon. Summoning it takes a bonus action.


surge your aether into the ground and deal 1d8 + SF to enemies around you in a 15 ft radius

Of course the whole point of this is flavor, you can flavor the Ranged to be any shape, size, color that you want. You can flavor the aoe into plants growing around you, flavor the shield as an ice wall. etc. The element your attacks present as is what ever element you are, so a phaelanx BB could make a fire wall, but not a frost wall.

Aetheric Types and Weapon Mods

There are 6 damage types, Blaze, Frost, Terra, Shock, Radiant, and Umbral, the weapons themselves are based on behemoths, and the elemental weapon you choose gives that elemental damage, the tier number is also indicative of the Behemoths CR rating with +6 to each tier, so a drask is cr 7.

  • Tier 1 = +1 Aetheric damage with each weapon attack
  • Tier 2 = +2 Aetheric damage with each weapon attack
  • Tier 3 = +3 Aetheric damage with each weapon attack
  • Tier 4 = +4 Aetheric damage with each weapon attack
  • Tier 5 = +5 Aetheric damage with each weapon attack
  • Tier 1 behemoths are Embermane, Skarn, Drask, and Boreus.
  • Tier 2 behemoths are Kharabak, Charrogg, Nayzaga, and Pangar
  • Tier 3 behemoths are Riftstalker, Skraev, Sahvyt, Valomyr, Koshai, and Hellion
  • Tier 4 behemoths are Phaelanx, Stormclaw, Fenroar, Rezakiri, Alyra, and Shrowd.
  • Tier 5 behemoths are Torgadoro, Urska, Malkarion, Agarus, Chronovore, and Thrax.

Backgrounds of The Shattered Isles

A Desert Dweller of Krolach (Blaze)

You're used to the harsh desert, and the singeing sand against your feet. You are also used to the barbaric people around you, though they might not define you.

Skill Proficiencies: Survival, Sleight of hand

Tool Proficiencies: Carpenter’s Tools

Languages: One of your choice

Equipment: A Molten Talisman, a set of desert clothes,

Carpenter’s Tools, a pouch containing 10gp, and an

Aetheric Weapon.

A Farslayer of Arbourhome (Terra)

Your home was destroyed when Agarus Aroze, you've been going from place to place. But no matter where you go, you still think of your broken home.

Skill Proficiencies: Nature, Medicine

Tool Proficiencies: Herbalism kit

Languages: One of your choice

Equipment: A staff, a hunting trap, a small reminder of

Arbourhome, a set of Arbourhome clothes, Herbalism

kit, a pouch containing 10gp, and an Aetheric Weapon.

A Researcher of Ramsgate (Radiant)

Dr. Priyani has been worn thin between all the subsets of research, so she's hired you, whichever level or subset you choose, you'll be getting more data for Ramsgate.

Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling, Perception

Tool Proficiencies: Cartographer's tools

Languages: One of your choice

Equipment: a tag signifying your level of research, a

set of Ramsgate clothes, a notebook for research, a set

of Cartographer's tools, and a pouch containing 10gp, and

an Aetheric Weapon.

A Frost-warden of Skaldeskar (Frost)

You are used to the cold, you've stood motionless for hours in it doing your job, Guarding Skaldeskar.

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Intimidation

Tool Proficiencies: Smith’s Tools

Languages: One of your choice

Equipment: A uniform in the style of your unit and

indicative of your rank, a Horn, a bundle of rope for

subduing behemoths, Smith’s Tools, a pouch containing.

10gp, and an Aetheric Weapon

An Engineer of Ostia (Shock)

Either part of the original Ostia, or the Ostian Triumvirate, your affinity with making weapons that harness aether is what makes you an Ostian.

Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, History

Tool Proficiencies: Tinker’s Tools

Languages: One of your choice

Equipment: a set of Ostian clothes, a blueprint of a

mechanical device, a set of Tinker’s Tools, a pouch

containing 10gp, and an Aetheric Weapon.

A Night Hunter Initiate (Umbral)

The darkness suits you, as a night hunter your ever-present but hidden threat of The Unseen haunts your every waking moment.

Skill Proficiencies: Stealth, Deception

Tool Proficiencies: Thieves Tools

Languages: One of your choice

Equipment: a small dagger, a set of Night Hunter

clothes, a set of Thieves’ tools, and a pouch containing

10gp, and an Aetheric Weapon.

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Wandering Pirate (any)

Either a lone sailor or part of a trusted crew, you know how to work an aether-fueled ship like second nature.

Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Atheletics

Tool Proficiencies: Navigator's tools

Languages: One of your choice

Equipment: Navigator's tools, a lucky charm such as a

rabbit foot or a small stone with a hole in the center (or a

a special piece of a behemoth part), a set of Pirate clothes,

and a pouch containing 10gp, and an Aetheric Weapon.

(Variant) Wandering Trader (any)

You've been to many places around the shattered isles, and you've used your trip to get goods from one place to another or get people from one town to the next along your way.

Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion, Insight

Tool Proficiencies: Navigator's tools

Languages: One of your choice

Equipment: Navigator's tools, a lucky charm such as a

rabbit foot or a small stone with a hole in the center (or a

a special piece of a behemoth part), a set of Trader's

clothes, and a pouch containing 10gp, and an Aetheric


Adamant Fist Acolyte (any)

You are a monk who knows combat and has trained directly under the Scarred Master. Even if your temple is destroyed, you will continue your training.

Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Acrobatics

Tool Proficiencies: Navigator's tools

Languages: One of your choice

Equipment: Navigator's tools, a lucky charm such as a

rabbit foot or a small stone with a hole in the center (or a

a special piece of a behemoth part), a set of Pirate clothes,

and a pouch containing 10gp, and an Aetheric Weapon.

Scholar of Aether (any)

You have studied the properties of aether relentlessly, in pursuit of maybe a weapon, a set of armor, or possibly something entirly new to the Shattered Isles.

Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Investigation

Tool Proficiencies: Jeweler’s tools

Languages: One of your choice

Equipment: Jeweler’s tools, a piece of Arcstone filled with

aether, a set of Scholar's clothes, a gadget or project that

represents what you work for, a pouch containing 10gp,

and an Aetheric Weapon.

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Small Fauna


The Styxian is a fierce and cunning creature. Preferring to overwhelm its prey by pinning them down to the ground. Even though they will appear in areas with Behemoths they prefer to stay away from them. Since they know in a one to one battle they will lose. They travel in packs so increase their chance of a successful hunt.

Small, Hostile Fauna

  • Armor Class 12 (Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 20
  • Speed 30 ft

STR 11 DEX 14 CON 10 INT 3 WIS 12 CHA 14
(+0) (+2) (+0) (-4) (+1) (-2)

  • Saving Throws Str +10,Dex +12
  • Skills None
  • Damage Vulnerabilities None
  • Damage Resistances None
  • Damage Immunities None
  • Condition Immunities Charmed
  • Senses passive Perception 12
  • Languages __
  • Challenge 5


Tail Swipe. Melee: +2, Reach 5 ft, One Target Hit: 4 (1d4+2) Slashing damage. Have the target make a dex saving throw (dc 13) if hit, if they are fail they are knocked down and dealt 1d4 + 2 Slashing damage, succed and they are only damaged

Knock down grapple. Melee: +4, Reach 5 ft, One target. Hit 5 (1d6+2) Slashing damage Have the target make a dex saving throw (dc 17), if the target fails they are considered grappled until they have passed the dc, until then the styxian does 1d6 + 2 to the target one every turn they're grappled


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