Space Genasi [DnD Subrace]

by Viragoach

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Space Genasi [A D&D Subrace]

The chants resonated in the night, as the hooded cultists surrounded the lake. They keep praying, wishing to see again the fair creature that was seen there, until the full moon appeared as clearly in the water as in the sky. A faint glow, coming from a cave entrance announced her, and the cultist fell to their knees. She had humanoid figure, grey skin spotted in a darker shape, and long, silver hair floating behind her as she walked over the water... The cultists gasped at her beauty, but she glowed again and, when they were able to look at her again, she had vanished.

This female humanoid was a mystery for a while, but creatures with similar traits were discovered all over the world. After many theories and studies, they were called "space genasi" and considered the fifth subrace, since some of them can be confused as other elementals, but their abilities are totally different.

Space genasi seem to come for another plane of existence, but the ones that get to the material plane are quite reserved and rarely talk about their homeland. Other than their abilities, they're recognized by their unique eyes, which glow bright enough to seem to have no pupil or iris. Their skin can have a faint glow or reflect strong sources of light (even without using the Star Within trait, see below), and they have no hair on their bodies, but can create a "cloudy" mane and change it at will. They're mostly unused to other races, even other genasi.

[I consider them to be an extremely rare race. This is their "race lore" as I use it, feel free to change it to fit your game.]

General Genasi Traits

As a subrace, the common genasi traits published apply:

  • Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.

  • Size. You are Medium or Small. You choose the size when you select this race.

  • Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

  • Languages. You can speak, read and write Common, Primordial and Celestial. [Primordial is usually written with the Dwarvish alphabet, but space genasi mostly use the Celestial script for it. They can't read the Dwarvish alphabet one unless other trait allows them to do it. You can also talk with your DM and choose which does your character use when you create them.]

Space Genasi Traits

As a Space Genasi, you will have the following traits:

  • Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.

  • Anaerobe. You breathe, but not oxygen. You have resistance to damage dealt by gas-related traps and spells, but it doesn't allow you to breathe underwater or resist suffocation.

  • Own Gravity. As a being from outer space, gravity doesn't affect you as it does to other creatures. You have advantage on saving throws against gravity related spells, and you add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll when you cast them.

  • Levitation. You can fly (hover) at will, equal to your walking speed. If you take fall damage while conscious, it's reduced by 1d10 + your character level, and you won't fall prone unless you get a critical fail. If your character level is 10 or higher, you add another d10.

  • Star Within. You skin can glow at will. You can get so bright that darkness turns into dim light 30 feet around you. When you reach 5th level, once per day, you can glow even brighter and turn darkness into dim light 60 feet around you, and any creature with Darkvision 10 feet around you must pass a Constitution saving throw (DC= your Constitution modifier + Proficiency bonus + your level) or be blinded for 1 minute. They can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns. At 13th level or higher, the area of this effect extends to 20 feet, and any creature at 10 feet from you has to make that saving throw, creatures with Darkvision that close will have disadvantage. At 17th level, you are able to be bright as the sun. All creatures 30 feet from you will take 8d6 radiant damage when you use it, and must take a Constitution saving throw (DC = your Constitution modifier + proficiency bonus) or be Blinded for 1 minute. All creatures affected must repeat the Constituition saving throw at the start of their turn, for three rounds. On a fail, they take 1d6 fire damage. If they pass, they are no longer blinded if they were and take no damage. This counts as direct sunlight and will dispell any magical darkness in the room.

After you have used this trait for this AoE attack, you couldn't repeat it until you completed a long rest, and you will have to pass a Constitution saving throw (DC= half the damage roll OR 15-your Constitution modifier) to use Star Within on the lower versions, if you fail, the DC will be halved and you will gain a point of Exhaustion.

Alternative Star Within DC

If you are a spellcaster class, the DM may allow you to use your spellcasting ability modifier instead of Constitution to calculate the DC and damage.


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