Dragon Prince(ss)

by 2010SubaruImpreza

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Dragon Prince(ss)

Dragon Prince(ss)

A kobold, panting and in fear of the group of lizard men chasing him, runs around the corner. The lizardmen approach and are met with the glowing, flaming maw of a red dragon.

A dragonborn on stage waves a large piece of cloth over himself, and from it appears a full size dragon.

Flight with Fight

The dragon prince(ss)s are those who take on the mantle of ruling the power of dragons. Soaring through the skies and unleashing powerful breath weapons on the ground beneath them, but at the same time enjoying the home comforts of normal sized furniture.

Pretty Cool Apparently

"A based as hell class." - Nutzilla, a reviewer.

Creating a Class

First, make strength or dexterity your highest score, followed by constitution. Then make charisma (or intelligence if a Gem Dragon) your third highest score. Next choose the Dragon Knight Background.

Class Features

As a Dragon Prince(ss), you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d10 per Dragon level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Dragon level after 1st


  • Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
  • Weapons: Simple, Martial
  • Tools: None

  • Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma
  • Skills: Choose two of the following: Arcana, athletics, deception, history, insight, intimidation, perception, persuasion, and survival.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) A longsword or (b) two shortswords
  • (a) chain mail and 2 javelins, or (b) leather armor, a longbow, and 20 arrows
  • (a) A dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
  • If you are using starting wealth use 5d4 x 10 in funds


Your Humanoid Creature Type is replaced with the Dragon creature type. You are proficient in the Draconic language.

When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can replace one of your attacks with an exhalation of magical energy in an area of effect which will be referred to as your Dragon Breath AOE. Your Dragonite breath is 15 feet. Each creature in that area must make a saving throw of your Dragon Save Type with a DC equal to 6 + proficiency bonus + constitution modifier. On a failed save, the creature takes 3d4 of your Dragon Damage Type. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage. This damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level, 11th level, and 17th level. You can use your Dragonite Breath Weapon a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Unarmored Defense

While you are not wearing any armor and are not transformed by this class' Dragon Transformation feature, your Armor Class equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.

Dragon Prince(ss)
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Transformations Sight Range
1st +2 Dragonite, Dragon Type, Dragon Transformation, Wyrmling Form 2
2nd +2 Blindsight, Dragon's Sustenance 2 15 ft.
3rd +2 Dragon Type Feature 3 15 ft.
4rd +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 15 ft.
5th +3 Young Form 3 30 ft.
6th +3 Dragon Type Feature, Flight 4 30 ft.
7th +3 Draconic Control 4 30 ft.
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 30 ft.
9th +4 Draconic Knowledge, Indomitable 4 30 ft.
10th +4 Adult Form 4 60 ft.
11th +4 Dragon Type Feature 4 60 ft.
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 5 60 ft.
13th +5 Dragon's Rest, Truesight 5 90 ft./15 ft.
14th +5 Dragon Hoard 5 90 ft./15 ft.
15th +5 Dragon Immunity 5 90 ft./15 ft.
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 5 90 ft./30 ft.
17th +6 Dragon Type Feature 6 90 ft./30 ft.
18th +6 Indomitable (two uses) 6 90 ft./30 ft.
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 6 90 ft./30 ft.
20th +6 Ageless, Ancient Form 6 120 ft./60 ft.
Epic Dragon Prince(ss)
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Transformations Sight Range
21st +7 Adaptations 6 120 ft./60 ft.
22nd +7 Dragon Type Feature 6 120 ft./60 ft.
23rd +7 Lair Actions 6 120 ft./60 ft.
24th +7 Ability Score Improvement 7 120 ft./60 ft.
25th +8 Draconic Surge 7 150 ft./90 ft.
26th +8 Dragon Type Feature 7 150 ft./90 ft.
27th +8 Draconic Absorption 7 150 ft./90 ft.
28th +8 Ability Score Improvement 7 150 ft./90 ft.
29th +9 Better Unarmored Defense, Indomitable (three uses) 7 240 ft./120 ft.
30th +9 Greatwyrm Form 7 240 ft./120 ft.
31st +9 Dragon Type Feature 7 240 ft./120 ft.
32nd +9 Ability Score Improvement 8 240 ft./120 ft.
33rd +10 SoulSight 8 300 ft./150 ft./30ft.
34th +10 Dragon's Rest, Regional Effects 8 300 ft./150 ft./30ft.
35th +10 Draconic Surge (two uses), Improved Lair Actions 8 300 ft./150 ft./30ft.
36th +10 Ability Score Improvement 8 300 ft./240 ft./60ft.
37th +11 Dragon Type Feature 8 300 ft./240 ft./60ft.
38th +11 Extra Regional Effects 8 300 ft./240 ft./60ft.
39th +11 Ability Score Improvement 8 300 ft./240 ft./60ft.
40th +11 Royal Form Unlimited 500 ft./300 ft./90ft.

Dragon Type

You choose what kind of dragon you are from the list of available types. Your choice grants you features at 1st, 3rd, 6th, 11th, and 17th level. This subclass gives you a damage type which will be referred to as your Dragon Damage Type. This subclass also gives you a type of Saving Throw related to you, this is referred to as your Dragon Save Type.

Dragon Transformation

You are a prince or princess of dragons, and thus can take the form of a dragon. You have certain types of forms available to you based on your level in this class. At level 1, you only have access to the Wyrmling form. You can switch into any form as a bonus action, costing at least one transformation use, which you have a number of represented by the class table and regain all used charges at the end of a long rest. You can switch back the same way, but it does not cost a charge to change back. You can remain in the form you choose for a number of minutes equal to the number of charges you spend, or until you are knocked unconscious. You have a size-based variable called your Dragon Size, this is the size of the form you take. You unlock Young Form at level 5, Adult Form at level 10, Ancient Form at level 20, Greatwyrm Form at level 30, and Royal Form at level 40.

Wyrmling Form

While in this form your equipment merges into your new body upon transforming and cannot be utilized until you revert. You gain the following effects while transformed:

  • Your size becomes Medium.
  • Your Armor Class becomes 10 + your dexterity modifier + your constitution modifier if it is not already higher naturally.
  • You require all four of your limbs to walk, and you cannot wield weapons, wear armor, or utilize items that require manipulation, such as tools or spellcasting foci.
  • You can use a breath weapon related to your Dragon Type as an action. Creatures and unattended objects within a Dragon Breath AOE of 15 ft. must make a saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus plus your constitution modifier. The saving throw they must make is your Dragon save Type, and the damage they take is equal to [proficiency bonus / 2]d8 of your Dragon Damage Type, or half as much on a successful saving throw. This breath weapon has [Recharge 5-6] at the beginning of your turn.
  • You gain a natural weapon while in this form; A bite with which you are proficient in. This bite uses your dexterity or strength modifier and deals 1d8 + the score used non-magical piercing damage.


Starting at 2nd level, you have a special range in which you can see regardless of your physical abilities; 10 feet of blindsight. Within that range, you can effectively see anything that isn't behind total cover, even if you're blinded or in darkness. Moreover, you can see an invisible creature within that range, unless the creature successfully hides from you. This range increases as shown on the Dragon Prince(ss) table.

Dragon's Sustenance

Like all dragons, you need to eat. And goddamn can you eat.

Beginning at 2nd level, whilst transformed, you can consume the body of a deceased creature. You gain both long-lasting sustenance and an immediate boost in vitality depending on the correlation between your Dragon Size and the consumed Creature's size. Any sustenance you gain from this counts for both drinking and eating. The amount of health you gain is equal to a percentage of your level in this class, rounded down to a minimum of 0.

Dragon Size Relation Consumption Time Sustenance Health %
2 or more smaller 1 action, or as part of a bite attack that kills 1 day 1/4
1 smaller 1 minute 3 days 1/3
Same 5 minutes 1 week 1/2
1 larger 10 minutes 2 weeks 1/1
2 larger 30 minutes 1 month 4/3
3 larger 1 hour 2 months 3/2
4 larger 2 hours 4 months 2/1
5 or more larger Cannot be consumed.

Dragon Type Feature

At 3rd level, you gain a feature based on your Dragon Type.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

If your DM allows the use of feats, you may instead take a feat.

Young Form

You must spend a minimum of 2 Transformation Points to enter this form. While in this form your equipment merges into your new body upon transforming and cannot be utilized until you revert. You gain the following effects while transformed:

  • Your size becomes Large.
  • You become resistant to your Dragon Damage Type.
  • Your Armor Class becomes 11 + your dexterity modifier + your constitution modifier if it is not already higher naturally.
  • You require all four of your limbs to walk, and you cannot wield weapons, wear armor, or utilize items that require manipulation, such as tools or spellcasting foci.
  • You can use a breath weapon related to your Dragon Type as an action. Creatures and unattended objects within a Dragon Breath AOE of 30 ft. must make a saving throw against a DC equal to 9 + your proficiency bonus plus your constitution modifier. The saving throw they must make is your Dragon save Type, and the damage they take is equal to [proficiency bonus]d8 of your Dragon Damage Type, or half as much on a successful saving throw. This breath weapon has [Recharge 5-6] at the beginning of your turn.
  • Your walking speed increases by 10 feet. You gain a flight speed of 30 feet, but fall if you end your turn mid-air.
  • You gain a natural weapon while in this form; A bite with which you are proficient in. This bite uses your dexterity or strength modifier and deals 2d8 + the score used non-magical piercing damage.
  • You gain Claws on all 4 of our feet. You are proficient with attacking with these natural weapons. You can use your strength of dexterity modifiers and it deals 2d4 + the score used non-magical slashing damage.
  • You gain a form of multiattack. When you take the attack action you can use your Bite once, and your Claws once.

Dragon type Feature

At 6rd level, you gain a feature based on your Dragon Type.

Dragon Flight

Your dragon wings can be used even in humanoid form now. You gain a flight speed equal to half your base movement speed at 6th level while not transformed. At 12th level this becomes equal to your full movement speed.

Draconic Control

Lesser dragons shall bow before your might, whether they wish to or not. Beginning at 7th level, as an action, you can attempt to seize the mind of a wyrmling dragon that you can see. They must make a Wisdom saving throw against a save DC of 8 + your charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus. On a failed save, they are charmed by you (ignoring any charm immunities), falling under your control until you release them as an action. They may make a Wisdom saving throw every 24 hours, freeing themselves on a success. They act on their own initiative, but you can command them with no action required. If you do not issue any commands, they act at the DM's discretion, but still in your best interest. While they are under your control, they retain their personality and will act independently, should you allow them. However, they are subservient to you and will not knowingly take any actions that may harm you in any manner without permission. A dragon that passes the saving throw is unaffected and cannot be affected by this feature again.

Once the dragon is free, it will be cognizant of everything that occurred whilst it was controlled, and it may attempt to harm, kill, or sabotage you in some way, at the DM's discretion.

You can use this feature only a number of times equal to your charisma modifier. You regain all uses at the end of a long rest.

at 10th level, you can use this feature on Young and younger dragons. At 20th level, you can use this feature on Adult and younger dragons. At 30th level, you can use this on Ancient and younger dragons. At 40th level, you can use this on Greatwyrm and younger dragons.

At the DM's choice, if a creature has the Dragon creature type, but does not make sense to have an age related to dragons, such as a Dragon Avatar, they cannot be put under your control and thus are immune to this feature.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 8th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

If your DM allows the use of feats, you may instead take a feat.

Draconic Knowledge

When you reach 9th level and again at 14th level, you gain proficiency in one skill of your choice from the list of skills available to Dragon Prince(ss)'s at 1st level.


Beginning at 9th level, you can reroll a saving throw that you fail. If you do so, you must use the new roll, and you can't use this feature again until you finish a long rest.

You can use this feature twice between long rests starting at 13th level and three times between long rests starting at 17th level.

Adult Form

You must spend a minimum of 3 Transformation Points to enter this form. While in this form your equipment merges into your new body upon transforming and cannot be utilized until you revert. You gain the following effects while transformed:

  • Your size becomes Huge.
  • You become immune to your Dragon Damage Type.
  • Your Armor Class becomes 12 + your dexterity modifier + your constitution modifier if it is not already higher naturally.
  • You require all four of your limbs to walk, and you cannot wield weapons, wear armor, or utilize items that require manipulation, such as tools or spellcasting foci.
  • You can use a breath weapon related to your Dragon Type as an action. Creatures and unattended objects within a Dragon Breath AOE of 60 ft. must make a saving throw against a DC equal to 10 + your proficiency bonus plus your constitution modifier. The saving throw they must make is your Dragon save Type, and the damage they take is equal to [proficiency bonus + 2]d8 of your Dragon Damage Type, or half as much on a successful saving throw. This breath weapon has [Recharge 5-6] at the beginning of your turn.
  • Your walking speed increases by 15 feet. You gain a flight speed of 60 feet.
  • You gain a natural weapon while in this form; A bite with which you are proficient in. This bite uses your dexterity or strength modifier and deals 2d10 + the score used magical piercing damage. This weapon has a reach of 10 feet.
  • You gain Claws on all 4 of our feet. You are proficient with attacking with these natural weapons. You can use your strength of dexterity modifiers and it deals 2d6 + the score used magical slashing damage. This weapon has a 10 foot reach.
  • Your tail becomes strong enough to use as a natural weapon you are proficient in. You can use your dexterity or strength modifiers and it deals 2d6 + the score used magical bludgeoning damage. However, when you attack with this weapon, you can target up to 2 creatures within 5 feat of eachother at the same time. This weapon has a 15 foot reach.
  • You gain a form of multiattack. When you take the attack action you can use your Bite once, claw once, and tail once.

Dragon type Feature

At 11th level, you gain a feature based on your Dragon Type.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 12th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

If your DM allows the use of feats, you may instead take a feat.


As seen on the Dragon Prince(ss) table, your Sight category splits into 2. The left number is your Blindsight, continued as normal, but the other number is your truesight, which you have a truesight out to a range of 15 feet, and it increases according to the Sight Range column.

Dragon Hoard

You've come to the age all dragons eventually come to. You may start to see some changes in your body. But the biggest one you'll find is that you want to create and sleep on a hoard! You can make a hoard starting at 14th level. To make a location your hoard, you must sleep at a location of which must contain an amount of items with a gold piece value equal to at least 100 times your Dragon Prince(ss) class level. You must own the items that come to that value. If you meet these requirements, the location becomes your Hoard! You can only have one hoard at a time, and when you finish a long rest on your hoard, you gain 1 temporary hit point for every 1000GP value of the items in your hoard. The temporary hit points last until you begin a long rest. Additionally, beginning at 14th level, it takes twice as long to finish a long rest when resting anywhere but your hoard.

Dragon Immunity

At 15th level, you gain some of the immunities of a Dragon permanently. You are now immune to the Charmed and Frightened conditions.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 16th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

If your DM allows the use of feats, you may instead take a feat.

Dragon type Feature

At 17th level, you gain a feature based on your Dragon Type.

Indomitable (two uses)

At 18th level, you can use Indomitable twice between long rests.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.


Starting at 20th level, you do not age anymore and cannot be aged magically.

Ancient Dragon Form

You must spend a minimum of 4 Transformation Points to enter this form. While in this form your equipment merges into your new body upon transforming and cannot be utilized until you revert. You gain the following effects while transformed:

  • Your size becomes Gargantuan.
  • You become immune to your Dragon Damage Type.
  • Your Armor Class becomes 13 + your dexterity modifier + your constitution modifier if it is not already higher naturally.
  • You require all four of your limbs to walk, and you cannot wield weapons, wear armor, or utilize items that require manipulation, such as tools or spellcasting foci.
  • You can use a breath weapon related to your Dragon Type as an action. Creatures and unattended objects within a Dragon Breath AOE of 90 ft. must make a saving throw against a DC equal to 11 + your proficiency bonus plus your constitution modifier. The saving throw they must make is your Dragon save Type, and the damage they take is equal to [proficiency bonus + 4]d8 of your Dragon Damage Type, or half as much on a successful saving throw. This breath weapon has [Recharge 5-6] at the beginning of your turn.
  • Your walking speed increases by 20 feet. You gain a flight speed of 80 feet.
  • You gain a natural weapon while in this form; A bite with which you are proficient in. This bite uses your dexterity or strength modifier and deals 2d10 + the score used magical piercing damage. This weapon has a reach of 15 feet.
  • You gain Claws on all 4 of our feet. You are proficient with attacking with these natural weapons. You can use your strength of dexterity modifiers and it deals 2d6 + the score used magical slashing damage. This weapon has a 10 foot reach.
  • Your tail becomes strong enough to use as a natural weapon you are proficient in. You can use your dexterity or strength modifiers and it deals 2d8 + the score used magical bludgeoning damage. However, when you attack with this weapon, you can target up to 2 creatures within 5 feat of eachother at the same time. This weapon has a 20 foot reach.
  • You gain a form of multiattack. When you take the attack action you can use your Bite once, claw twice, and tail once. Before making these attacks, you may use your Frightful Presence.
  • You gain a Frightful Aura. Creature's of your choice within 120 feet that can see you must make a wisdom saving throw with a save DC of 12 + proficiency bonus + charsisma modifier. On a failure, the creature is frightened for 1 minute. Frightened creatures can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends, the creature is immune to your frightful presence for the next 24 hours.


Once you reach 21st level, you've become incredibly acclimated to your speciality. You gain a new adaptations depending on your Dragon Damage Type:


Amphibious: You can breath both air and water, and you gain a swim speed equal to your fly speed.


Ice Walk: You can move across and climb icy surfaces without needing to make an ability check. Additionally, ydifficult terrain composed of ice or snow doesn't cause extra movement. Finally, you have a burrow speed equal to half your fly speed. You ignore the negative effects of cold climates.


Magma Tide: You can walk on magma as though it were solid ground, and you can choose to swim through magma as if it were water. You can breath magma and air, and have a swimming speed specifically for swimming through magma equal to your fly speed. You ignore the negative effects of hot climates.


Magic Resistance: You have advantage on any saving throw against a spell.


Lightning Walk: You can stand on clouds. Using this ability, you can cause even just a small cluster of clouds to grow to up to a 1 mile radius and become an unmoving cloud for you to live on. You are immune to the effects of high altitude, and the blinded condition.


Undead Nature: You no longer require air, food, drink, or sleep.


SemiAquatic: You can hold your breath for a number of hours equal to your constitution modifier times 2, and you gain a swim speed equal to your fly speed. You are immune to the poisoned condition.


Unreadable Mind: Your mind and emotions cannot be read by other creatures through magic. Additionally, magic cannot determine if you are lying or telling the truth. Finally, creatures cannot talk to you telepathically unless you allow it.


Dextrous: You treat any weapon you wield as a finesse weapon. Additionally, you are immune to the blinded condition.


Spider Climb: You can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check. Addittionally, you have a burrow speed equal to half your flying speed.

Dragon type Feature

At 22nd level, you gain a feature based on your Dragon Type.

Lair Actions

Beginning at 23rd level, you have lair actions that you can use while within the area that contains your hoard. This area is equal to a radius of 50 feet per Dragon Prince(ss) level, centered at the point you slept to determine where your hoard was. Your take one Lair Action at initiative 20 (losing ties). The types of actions you can take is determined by your Dragon Type:


  • Pools of water that you can see within 120 feet of it surge outward in a grasping tide. Any creaturs of your choice on the ground within 20 feet of such a pool must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be pulled up to 20 feet into the water and knocked prone.
  • A cloud of swarming insects fills a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you choose within 120 feet of you. The cloud spreads around corners and remains until you dismiss it as an action, use this lair action again, or die. The cloud is lightly obscured. Any creatures of your choice in the cloud when it appears must make on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 3d6 piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Enemies that end their turn in the cloud take 3d6 piercing damage.
  • Magical darkness spreads from a point you choose within 60 feet of you, filling a 15-foot-radius sphere until you dismiss it as an action, use this lair action again, or die. The darkness spreads around corners. A creature with darkvision can't see through this darkness, and nonmagical light can't illuminate it. If any of the effect's area overlaps with an area of light created by a spell of 2nd level or lower, the spell that created the light is dispelled.


  • Freezing fog fills a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you can see within 120 feet of you. The fog spreads around corners, and its area is heavily obscured. All creatures of your choice in the fog when it appears must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw, taking 3d6 cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Creatures of your choice that ends their turn in the fog take 3d6 cold damage. A wind of at least 20 miles per hour disperses the fog. The fog otherwise lasts until you use this lair action again or until you die.
  • Jagged ice shards fall from the ceiling, striking up to three creatures underneath that you can see within 120 feet of you. You make one ranged attack roll (+7 to hit) against each target. On a hit, the target takes 3d6 piercing damage.
  • You create an opaque wall of ice on a solid surface you can see within 120 feet of you. The wall can be up to 30 feet long, 30 feet high, and 1 foot thick. When the wall appears, each creature within its area is pushed 5 feet out of the wall's space; appearing on whichever side of the wall you want. Each 10-foot section of the wall has AC 5, 30 hit points, vulnerability to fire damage, and immunity to acid, cold, necrotic, poison, and psychic damage. The wall disappears when the you use this lair action again, dismiss it as an action, or when you die.


  • Magma erupts from a point on the ground you can see within 120 feet of you, creating a 20-foot-high, 5-foot-radius geyser. Each creature in the geyser's area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
  • A tremor shakes the lair in a 60-foot radius around you. Each creature other than you on the ground in that area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.
  • Volcanic gases form a cloud in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you can see within 120 feet of you. The sphere spreads around corners, and its area is lightly obscured. It lasts until initiative count 20 on the next round. Each creature of your choice that starts its turn in the cloud must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the end of its turn. While poisoned in this way, a creature is incapacitated.


  • You telepathically whisper to one creature within 120 feet. The creature must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you until initiative count 20 on the next round. A creature charmed in this way obeys to the best of its ability any command you issues that isn't directly harmful to the creature.
  • You cast the forcecage spell, with a DC of 15 requiring no spell components. The spell ends early if you use this lair action again or die.


  • Part of the ceiling collapses above one creature that you can see within 120 feet of it. The creature must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone and buried. The buried target is restrained and unable to breathe or stand up. A creature can take an action to make a DC 10 Strength check, ending the buried state on a success.
  • A cloud of sand swirls about in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you can see within 120 feet of you. The cloud spreads around corners. Each creature of your choice in the cloud must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be blinded for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
  • Lightning arcs, forming a 5-foot-wide line between two of the lair's solid surfaces that you can see. They must be within 120 feet of you and 120 feet of each other. Each creature in that line must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 lightning damage.


Choose another Dragon Damage Type's lair actions. This represents what kind of living dragon you're related to.


  • Grasping roots and vines erupt in a 20-foot radius centered on a point on the ground that you can see within 120 feet of you. That area becomes difficult terrain for all creatures other than you, and each creature of your choice there must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be restrained by the roots and vines. A creature can be freed if it or another creature takes an action to make a DC 15 Strength check and succeeds. The roots and vines wilt away when you use this lair action again or when you die.
  • A wall of tangled brush bristling with thorns springs into existence on a solid surface within 120 feet of you. The wall is up to 60 feet long, 10 feet high, and 5 feet thick, and it blocks line of sight. When the wall appears, each creature of your choice in its area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. A creature that fails the save takes 4d8 piercing damage and is pushed 5 feet out of the wall's space, appearing on whichever side of the wall it wants. A creature can move through the wall, albeit slowly and painfully. For every 1 foot a creature travels through the wall, it must spend 4 feet of movement. Furthermore, a creature in the wall's space must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw once each round it's in contact with the wall, taking 4d8 piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Each 10-foot section of wall has AC 5, 15 hit points, vulnerability to fire damage, resistance to bludgeoning and piercing damage, and immunity to psychic damage. The wall sinks back into the ground when you use this lair action again or when you die.
  • Magical fog billows around one creature you can see within 120 feet of you. The creature must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you until initiative count 20 on the next round.


  • You telepathically whisper to one creature within 120 feet. The creature must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you until initiative count 20 on the next round. A creature charmed in this way obeys to the best of its ability any command you issues that isn't directly harmful to the creature.
  • You attemp to alter the perceptions of one creature you can see within your lair. That creature must succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw or take 4d10 psychic damage and have disadvantage on saving throws until the start of its next turn.


  • Crystals erupts from an unoccupied point on the ground you can see within 120 feet of you, creating a 20-foot-high, 5-foot-radius pillar of crystal that emits an unearthly bright light in a 20-foot-radius. Each creature of your choice in the effected area must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 6d6 radiant damage and be blinded on a failed save, or half as much damage and not be blinded on a successful one.
  • A tremor shakes the lair in a 60-foot radius around you. Each creature other than you on the ground in that area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone. In this area tiny crystals emerge from the ground making the area difficult terrain for creatures other than you smaller than huge.


  • A thunderous detonation of sound that can be heard up to 300 feet away surrounds one creature in the lair that you can see. That creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 3d8 thunder damage and be stunned until the end of its next turn.
  • You touch a section of stone up to 30 feet in any dimension. You can shape the stone to open or close a passage through a wall, as long as the wall is less than 10 feet thick.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 24th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Draconic Surge

Once you reach 25th level, you unlock a Draconic Surge. You can use this feature once while transformed, and regain the ability to use it when you finish a long rest in your hoard. When you use this feature you can take a second action, but only to take the attack action or use your breath weapon. Alternatively, you can use this feature to instantly recharge your breath weapon.

Dragon type Feature

At 26th level, you gain a feature based on your Dragon Type.

Draconic Absorption

Your hide has become so tough by 27th level, that area of effect based abilities barely affect you. While transformed, you take half as much damage as you would take from spells or effects that affect an area.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 12th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

If your DM allows the use of feats, you may instead take a feat.

Better Unarmored Defense

The Unarmored Defense feature you recieved at 1st level is lacking by 29th level, so instead that feature not gives you a base AC of 10 + your dexterity modifier + your constitution or charisma modifier, whichever is higher. You still follow the same rules for the Unarmored Defense feature; just the AC value is changed.

Indomitable (three uses)

At 29th level, you can use Indomitable three times between long rests.

GreatWyrm Form

You must spend a minimum of 5 Transformation Points to enter this form. While in this form your equipment merges into your new body upon transforming and cannot be utilized until you revert. You gain the following effects while transformed:

  • Your size becomes Enormous.
  • You become immune to your Dragon Damage Type.
  • Your Armor Class becomes 14 + your dexterity modifier + your constitution modifier if it is not already higher naturally.
  • You require all four of your limbs to walk, and you cannot wield weapons, wear armor, or utilize items that require manipulation, such as tools or spellcasting foci.
  • You can use a breath weapon related to your Dragon Type as an action. Creatures and unattended objects within a Dragon Breath AOE of 120 ft. must make a saving throw against a DC equal to 12 + your proficiency bonus plus your constitution modifier. The saving throw they must make is your Dragon save Type, and the damage they take is equal to [proficiency bonus x 2]d8 of your Dragon Damage Type, or half as much on a successful saving throw. This breath weapon has [Recharge 5-6] at the beginning of your turn.
  • Your walking speed increases by 30 feet. You gain a flight speed of 120 feet.
  • You gain a natural weapon while in this form; A bite with which you are proficient in. This bite uses your dexterity or strength modifier and deals 2d10 + the score used magical piercing damage. This weapon has a reach of 15 feet.
  • You gain Claws on all 4 of our feet. You are proficient with attacking with these natural weapons. You can use your strength of dexterity modifiers and it deals 2d6 + the score used magical slashing damage. This weapon has a 10 foot reach.
  • Your tail becomes strong enough to use as a natural weapon you are proficient in. You can use your dexterity or strength modifiers and it deals 2d8 + the score used magical bludgeoning damage. However, when you attack with this weapon, you can target up to 2 creatures within 5 feat of eachother at the same time. This weapon has a 20 foot reach.
  • You gain a form of multiattack. When you take the attack action you can use your Bite once, claw twice, and tail once. Before making these attacks, you may use your Frightful Presence.
  • You gain a Frightful Aura. Creature's of your choice within 120 feet that can see you must make a wisdom saving throw with a save DC of 12 + proficiency bonus + charsisma modifier. On a failure, the creature is frightened for 1 minute. Frightened creatures can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends, the creature is immune to your frightful presence for the next 24 hours.
  • Creatures that you enter the space of through means of being 2 sizes larger than must make a dexterity save (DC 12 + proficiency bonus + strength/dexterity modifier) or fall prone and take a number of d8s in non-magical bludgeoning damage equal to 2 times the size difference between you and the creature. A creature cannot be forced to make this save more than 1 time per round.
  • 3 times per day while in this form, you can choose to succeed on a saving throw you fail.
  • You ignore resistance to your Dragon Damage Type, and treat immunity to your Dragon Damage Type as resistance.

While in this form you have 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. You regains spent legendary actions at the start of your turn if you are still transformed.

  • Attack. You make one Claw or Tail
  • Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). You beat your wings. Each creature within 30 feet must make a dexterity saving throw of a DC equal to 12 + your proficiency bonus + strength/dexterity modifier or take 2d6 plus the score used in non-magical bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. You can then fly up to half your flying speed without provoking opportunity attacks.

Dragon type Feature

At 31t level, you gain a feature based on your Dragon Type.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 32nd level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

If your DM allows the use of feats, you may instead take a feat.


Your sight has become so powerful, you unlock a 3rd type of Draconic sight: SoulSight at 33rd level. When a creature is within range of your SoulSight, as determined by the range rightmost in the Sight Range column (even if behind a wall), you innately know their position, size, creature type, alignment, and opinion of you.

Dragon's Rest

Starting at 34th level, you regain all Transformation points at the end of a short rest.

Regional Effects

Starting at 34th level, you have regional effects that affect the area around your hoard. Similar to lair affects, this is a radius equal to a number of miles equal to your charisma modifier (referred to as your Regional Range), centered at the point you slept to designate your hoard. What kind of regional effects you emit is determined by your alignment. You can toggle these effects on and off as a bonus action. If you die or move your hoard location, these regional effects fade over the course of a number of days equal to your Dragon prince(ss) level.

Lawful-Chaotic Axis:

  • Once per day, you can cast the legend lore spell, requiring no spell components, naming any person, place, or object within the regional range the spell's subject.
  • Rodents and birds within the regional range of your lair serve as your eyes and ears. You can see and hear through said creatures.
  • Vegetation and fungi within the regional range of your lair grow faster and cover a greater area than they normally would. Foraging in this area yields twice the usual amount of food.
  • Books, letters, even Arcane Shards, and any other forms of writing within the regional range of your lair become magically charged and can't be damaged by nonmagical means.
  • Water sources within the regional range of your lair are supernaturally fouled. Designated enemies that drink such water regurgitate it within minutes.
  • The land within the regional range of your lair takes twice as long as normal for enemies to traverse, since the plants grow thick and twisted, and the swamps are thick with reeking mud.

Good-Evil Axis:

  • Banks of beautiful, opalescent mist manifest within the regional range of your lair. The mist doesn't obscure anything. It assumes haunting forms when evil creatures are near you or other non-evil creatures in the mist, warning such creatures of the danger.
  • Any creature of your choice that finishes a long rest within the regional range of your lair lair regains two additional spent Hit Dice.
  • Rocks within the regional range of your lair sometimes move of their own accord, usually when no one is watching. Often the rocks obstruct the approach to your lair, with boulders moving to block narrow defiles, way-markers tumbling off the path, or smaller stones shifting beneath travelers' feet to send them tumbling down slopes or into rivers. However, these movements are always dependent on the relationship between you and the traveler.
  • Once per day, you can alter the weather within the regional range of your lair. The you don't need to be outdoors; otherwise the effect is identical to the control weather spell.
  • Within the regional range of your lair, you leave no physical evidence of your passage unless you wish to. Tracking you to your lair is impossible except by magical means. In addition, you ignore movement impediments and damage from plants in this area that are neither magical nor creatures; The plants remove themselves from your path.
  • Enemy creatures that spend 24 hours within the regional range of your lair are filled with listless despair.

Draconic Surge (two uses)

At 35th level, you can use Draconic Surge twice before a long rest, but only once on the same turn.

Improved Lair Actions

Starting at 35th level, you unlock more ways to use your lair actions.


  • You choose a point on the ground you can see within 120 feet of you. A 20-foot-radius, 20-foot-high cylinder of watery filth centered on that point erupts from the ground until initiative count 20 on the next round. Each creature of your choice in the cylinder when it appears or that ends its turn there must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 3d6 poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The cylinder is difficult terrain.
  • Tendrils of roiling muck extend from the your lair to grasp up to three creatures of your choice that it can see within the lair. A targeted creature must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be restrained until initiative count 20 on the next round.
  • A bubble of swamp gas erupts in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you can see within your lair. Each creature of your choice in the area must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.


  • Driving sleet falls in a 40-foot-high, 20-foot-radius cylinder centered on a point you can see within 120 feet of you. Each creature of your choice in that area must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be blinded until initiative count 20 on the next round.
  • A strong wind blows in a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on you (see the Dungeon Master's Guide for rules on strong wind). The your flying is not affected by this wind, which lasts until the next time you use a lair action or you die.


  • A cloud of thick, dark smoke fills a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you can see within 120 feet of you. The sphere spreads around corners, and its area is heavily obscured. A creature other than you that starts its turn in the cloud or enters it for the first time on its turn must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the end of its turn. The cloud lasts until initiative count 20 on the next round.
  • Searing heat spreads out in a 15-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you can see within 120 feet of you. Any creature of your choice that enters the affected area or starts its turn there must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 3d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The heat lasts until initiative count 20 on the next round.


  • You choose a space it can fit into within the lair. You exists in your own space and the chosen space simultaneously until initiative count 20 on the next round. Whenever you moves or take an action, you chooses which version of yourself is moving or acting. If an effect or attack can target both of the your spaces at the same time, you are affected only once.


  • Until initiative count 20 on the next round, at each intersection or branching passage in the lair, any creatures of your choice have a 50 percent chance of going in a different direction from the direction it intends.
  • You choose a point on the ground that you can see within 120 feet of you. A 5-foot-radius, 20-foot-deep pit forms centered on that point. A creature without a hover speed on the ground above where the pit formed must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature falls to the bottom of the pit, taking 2d6 bludgeoning damage and landing prone. On a successful save, a creature moves to the nearest unoccupied space instead of falling in the pit.


You gain the Additional Lair Actions based on the kind of Dragon Type you chose for your Lair Actions at 23rd level.


  • You can can use the vines and roots within your lair to animate up to three Humanoid corpses, which become zombies. The zombies take their turn immediately after this lair action. Each one reverts to an inanimate corpse after 1 minute, when you use this lair action again, or when the zombie is destroyed.
  • One large root or branch that is part of the lair makes a melee attack roll against a creature within 10 feet of it. It has a +7 bonus to hit and deals 3d6 bludgeoning damage on a hit. If the target is a Medium or smaller creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.


  • Choose a number of creatures you can see within your lair. They must make a wisom saving throw with a DC of 15. On a failure, they believe you to not exist. Effectively, you become invisible to those creatures until initiative count 20 on the next round. Due to this being an enchanting effect and not actual invisibility, you ignore special forms of sight that would see through the invisibility.


  • An ultra-bright light streaks down from the heavens in a 20-foot-radius column centered on a point you can see within 120 feet of you. Any creature, except you, who have darkvision must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. Those that fail are blinded until initiative round 20 of the next turn and unable to use their darkvision for 24 hours.


  • You telepathically whisper to one creature within 120 feet. The creature must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you until initiative count 20 on the next round. A creature charmed in this way obeys to the best of its ability any command you issues that isn't directly harmful to the creature.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 36th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

If your DM allows the use of feats, you may instead take a feat.

Dragon type Feature

At 31t level, you gain a feature based on your Dragon Type.

Extra Regional Effects

Starting at 38th level, you have extra regional effects that affect the regional range determined at level 34. Should you die or move your hoard location, these effects fade at the same rate as your other regional effects. As usual, you can toggle these effects as a bonus action. The extra effects you get are based on your Dragon Damage Type:

  • Trilling, obnoxious birds, bugs, and reptiles follow any Humanoid creatures unknown to you within the regional range of your lair, imposing disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
  • Stinging bugs are aggressive and the air is heavy with the odor of rot within the regional range of the lair.
  • Extreme cold envelops the land within the regional range of your lair (see the Dungeon Master's Guide for rules on extreme cold). If the climate in the area already features extreme cold, the cold is numbing, giving creatures in the area without immunity or resistance to cold damage disadvantage on Strength and Dexterity checks.
  • The icy surfaces in the regional range of your lair reflect light like mirrors, giving creatures in the lair other than you disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide.
  • Precipitation is almost nonexistent within the regional range of your lair, making the land parched and arid and most plant life withered and brown, or, if you so choose, the area has simply adapted to the climate.
  • You can hear up to 30 feet through any open flame within the regional range of your lair.
  • Open flames within the regional range of your lair are tinged dark red, hiss and crackle constantly, and throw off embers and showers of sparks.
  • Crystals and geodes form along muddy shores and lake beds within the regional range of your lair.
  • Water within the regional range of your lair is a conduit for your draconic presence. As an action, you can cast the clairvoyance spell, requiring no spell components and targeting any body of water in that region.
  • Thunderstorms rage within the regional range of your lair.
  • The area within the regional range of your lair appears to be under illusory effects. The area is under the effects of the Mirage Arcane spell as you wish.
  • Undead creatures are drawn to your lair. You have a number of zombies innately under your control within your regional range. This amount equals your Dragon Prince(ss) level. These zombies cease animation if they leave your regional range, and will be replaced 1d4 days after the number of zombies is below the amount you should have.
  • Whispers rustle in the foliage within the regional range of your lair. The words are indistinct, but a creature with an Intelligence score of 5 or higher interprets them as an invitation to move deeper into the greenery.
  • Creatures other than creatures of your choice take 1 poison damage per hour spent within the regional range of your lair. A green haze warns of this effect.
  • The skies above a crystal dragon's lair remain clear and free of precipitation unless magically altered. Winds blow lightly, posing little threat to those approaching the lair, and visibility is the best possible for the time of day.
  • Whenever a creature that can understand a language sleeps or enters a state of trance or reverie within the regional range of your lair, you can establish telepathic contact with that creature and converse with it in its dreams. The creature remembers its conversation with you upon waking.
  • Natural stone within the regional range of your lair grows plentiful crystal formations and veins of gemstones, particularly underground.
  • The area within the regional range of your layer is always considered one step brighter than it would otherwise be, to a maximum of bright light.
  • Thunderstorms rage within the regional range of your lair.
  • For all creatures outside other than creatures of your choice, the thundering cracks are too loud and the lightning is too bright or the clouds make it too dark, and creatures subtract your proficiency bonus to all perception checks (and thus passive perceptions as well).

Royal Form

You cannot change into this form by using transformation points, and gain this form by reaching level 20 in this class. When you drop to 0 hit points, you can instead regain all hit points and enter this form for up to 1 minute. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it for a month. While in this form your equipment merges into your new body upon transforming and cannot be utilized until you revert. You gain the following effects while transformed:

  • Your size becomes Colossal.
  • You become immune to your Dragon Damage Type. You gain hp from taking damage of your Dragon Damage Type
  • Your Armor Class becomes 15 + your dexterity modifier + your constitution modifier if it is not already higher naturally.
  • You require all four of your limbs to walk, and you cannot wield weapons, wear armor, or utilize items that require manipulation, such as tools or spellcasting foci.
  • You can use a breath weapon related to your Dragon Type as an action. Creatures and unattended objects within a Dragon Breath AOE of 300 ft. must make a saving throw against a DC equal to 13 + your proficiency bonus plus your constitution modifier. The saving throw they must make is your Dragon save Type, and the damage they take is equal to [proficiency bonus x 3]d8 of your Dragon Damage Type, or half as much on a successful saving throw. This breath weapon has [Recharge 3-6].
  • Your walking speed increases by 60 feet. You gain a flight speed of 240 feet.
  • You gain a natural weapon while in this form; A bite with which you are proficient in. This bite uses your dexterity or strength modifier and deals 2d10 + the score used magical piercing damage plus another 2d12 of your Dragon Damage Type. This weapon has a reach of 20 feet.
  • You gain Claws on all 4 of our feet. You are proficient with attacking with these natural weapons. You can use your strength of dexterity modifiers and it deals 2d8 + the score used magical slashing damage. This weapon has a 15 foot reach. If the target is Huge or smaller, it is grappled (Make an Athletics check to determine the escape DC) and is restrained until this grapple ends. You can only have one creature grappled in this way at a time.
  • Your tail becomes strong enough to use as a natural weapon you are proficient in. You can use your dexterity or strength modifiers and it deals 2d10 + the score used magical bludgeoning damage. However, when you attack with this weapon, you can target up to any number of creatures within 10 feat of one creature at the same time. This weapon has a 25 foot reach.
  • You gain a form of multiattack. When you take the attack action you can use your Bite once, claw twice, and tail once. Before making these attacks, you may use your Frightful Presence.
  • You gain a Frightful Aura. Creature's of your choice within 120 feet that can see you must make a wisdom saving throw with a save DC of 12 + proficiency bonus + charsisma modifier. On a failure, the creature is frightened for 1 minute. Frightened creatures can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends, the creature is immune to your frightful presence for the next 24 hours. You've become so imposing that your Frightful Presence ignores regular immunity to the Frightened condition.
  • Creatures that you enter the space of through means of being 2 sizes larger than must make a dexterity save (DC 13 + proficiency bonus + strength/dexterity modifier) or fall prone and take a number of d8s in non-magical bludgeoning damage equal to 2 times the size difference between you and the creature. A creature cannot be forced to make this save more than 1 time per round.
  • 4 times per day while in this form, you can choose to succeed on a saving throw you fail.
  • You ignore resistance and immunity to your Dragon Damage Type.

While in this form you have 4 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. You regains spent legendary actions at the start of your turn if you are still transformed.

  • Attack. You make one Claw or Tail
  • Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). You beat your wings. Each creature within 30 feet must make a dexterity saving throw of a DC equal to 12 + your proficiency bonus + strength/dexterity modifier or take 2d6 plus the score used in non-magical bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. You can then fly up to half your flying speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
  • Bite. You make a bite attack.
  • Chromatic Flare (Costs 2 Actions) (Chromatic Dragon Type). You flare with elemental energy. Each creature in a 120 feet of yourself must make a save against your Dragon Save Type (DC 13 + proficiency bonus + constitution modifier) or take [proficiency bonus]d10 Dragon Type damage, or half on a success.
  • Shattering Roar (Costs 2 Actions) (Metallic Dragon Type). You unleash a magical roar. Each creature within 120 feet of yourself must succeed on a constitution saving throw (DC 13 + constitution modifier + proficiency bonus) or take 3d12 thunder damage and be incapacitated until the end of your next turn.
  • Psychic Beam (Costs 3 Actions) (Gem Dragon Type). You emit a beam of psychic energy in a 900-foot long 30-feet wide beam. Each creature must make an intelligence saving throw (DC 13 + proficiency bonus + intelligence modifier) or take [proficiency bonus]d10 psychic damage, or half as much on a success.
  • Wails from the Grave (Costs 2 Actions) (Undead Dragon Type) You emit a Banshee-like Wail. All creatures within 60 feet must make a Wisdom Save (DC 13 + proficiency bonus + charisma modifier) and take [proficiency bonus]d10 psychic damage, or half on a success. If the creature fails the DC by 5 or more, they age 1d4 x 10 years. This effect can only be reversed by casting a greater restoration spell on the affected creature within 24 hours of the effect occurring.
  • Ordered Presence (Costs 3 Actions) (Construct Dragon Type). You emit a controlling wave over creatures around you. Any creature with an intelligence of 4 or more within 30 feet of you must make a wisdom saving throw (DC 13 + charisma modifier + proficiency bonus) or become charmed by you for 1 minute. While charmed in this way, you may choose to have the creature temporarily ignore your frightening presence if it is also under its effect. If a creature succeeds in its save against this effect, it becomes immune to it for 24 hours. A creature charmed in this way fixates on another creature or object that you mentally choos and must, on each of its turns, move as close as it can to that target and use its action to make a melee attack against it. If you don't choose a target, the charmed creature can act normally on its turn.
  • Celestial Spires (Costs 3 Actions) (Celestial Dragon Type). Choose 3 points for 30 foot radius spheres to be placed within sight. Creatures of your choice within these spheres must make a Charisma Saving Throw (DC 13 + proficiency bonus + charisma modifier) or be banished by the Banishment Spell.
  • Backup (Costs 3 Actions) (Fiendish Dragon Type). Choose 4 CR 10 or lesser Fiends. These fiends are summoned within 30 feet of you and remain for the remaining duration of your transformation and are loyal to you. You cannot use this legendary action while your first fiends remain.
  • Ancestral Blood. You use your ancestor's Dragon Type's ability for the same cost.

Subclasses (Dragon Types)

Use the table on the right to choose what Dragon Type and Dragon Subtype you are. This will determine your subclass.

Dragon Types
Dragon Type Dragon Subtypes Dragon Damage Type Dragon Save Type
Chromatic Red Fire Dexterity
Black Acid Dexterity
Blue Lightning Dexterity
Green Poison Constitution
White Cold Constitution
Yellow Radiant Charisma
Metallic Gold Fire Dexterity
Copper Acid Dexterity
Bronze Lightning Dexterity
Steel Poison Constitution
Silver Cold Constitution
Platinum Radiant Charisma
Gem Amethyst Psychic Constitution
Emerald Force Constitution
Sapphire Thunder Constitution
Topaz Necrotic Constitution
Crystal Radiant Charisma
Obsidian Fire Dexterity
Beljuril Cold Constitution
Undead Skeletal Necrotic Constitution
Ghost Force Constitution
Shadow Psychic Intelligence
Construct Clockwork Fire Dexterity
Chardalyn Radiant Dexterity
Adamantine Psychic Constitution
Brass Thunder Constitution
Magical Construct Force Strength
Celestial Solar Radiant Charisma
DeathPact Necrotic Constitution
FireMane Fire Dexterity
Archaic Psychic Intelligence
Fiendish Orcus Necrotic Constitution
Pit Fiend Fire Dexterity
Juiblex Acid Dexterity
Rubezahl Lightning Dexterity
Kostchtchie Cold Constitution
Sul Khatesh Psychic Intelligence
Rak Tulkhesh Force Strength
Zariel Radiant Charisma
Zuggtmoy Poison Constitution
Half Dragon Any Other As Chosen As Chosen

Chromatic Dragon

Dragon Breath Weapon

All Dragon Prince(ss)'s have a breath weapon. These weapons can be used with the Dragonite feature or through transformations. Use the referenced Dragon Breath AOE (DB-AOE) range and the table below to determine the area your breath weapon affects based on your Dragon Subtype chosen.

Dragon Types
Dragon Subtypes Area of Effect
Red DB-AOE long cone
Black DB-AOE x 2 long, DB-AOE / 4 (minimum 5) ft. wide line
Blue DB-AOE x 2 long, DB-AOE / 4 (minimum 5) ft. wide line
Green DB-AOE long cone
White DB-AOE long cone
Yellow DB-AOE x 2 long, DB-AOE / 4 (minimum 5) ft. wide line

Chromatic Frenzy

Beginning at 3rd level, you can go into a wild frenzy when you transform, or as a bonus action when you're already transformed. For the duration of your transformation when you frenzy, your intelligence decreases to 2, and you become immune to the Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Frightened, and Stunned conditions. Additionally, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your constitution modifier. You can only enter a frenzy once, and regain the ability to frenzy again at the end of a short rest.

Claws of Blood

Beginning at 6th level, your melee attacks deal an extra 1d8 damage of your Dragon Damage Type. This becomes 2d8 at level 11, and 3d8 at level 17.

Tiamat's Hunt.

Beginning at 11th level, when you see an enemy dash or disengage, you may dash as a reaction. This effects your next turn's movement only.

Lo's Dissapointment

Beginning at 17th level, while you are in a Frenzy, your natural weapons Critical Hit Range increase by 2, and you can make a single melee weapon attack as a bonus action.


Beginning at 22nd level, while in a Frenzy, rather than just getting a number of temporary hit points equal to your constitution modifier when you begin the frenzy, you gain these temporary hit points at the start of every turn during the Frenzy.

Frightening Aura

Beginning at 31st level, when you use your Frightening Presence while in the regional range of your lair, the Presence affects all creature's inside the regional range of your lair, other than creatures of your choice.


Beginning at 31st level, you gain twice as much temporary hit points when you gain temporary hit points from your Unstoppable feature.

Tiamat's Usurper

Beginning at 37th level, you've come to encompass all chromatic types, rather than just your own. When you use your breath weapon, you can choose to use any other breath weapon from the other Chromatic Subtypes instead, using the same save DC. You can only use this feature a number of times equal to your charisma modifier, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest in your hoard.

Metallic Dragon

Dragon Breath Weapon

All Dragon Prince(ss)'s have a breath weapon. These weapons can be used with the Dragonite feature or through transformations. Use the referenced Dragon Breath AOE (DB-AOE) range and the table below to determine the area your breath weapon affects based on your Dragon Subtype chosen.

Dragon Types
Dragon Subtypes Area of Effect
Gold DB-AOE long cone
Copper DB-AOE x 2 long, DB-AOE / 4 (minimum 5) ft. wide line
Bronze DB-AOE x 2 long, DB-AOE / 4 (minimum 5) ft. wide line
Steel DB-AOE long cone
Silver DB-AOE long cone
Platinum DB-AOE x 2 long, DB-AOE / 4 (minimum 5) ft. wide line

Bahamut's Heir

Starting at 3rd level, you have a number of points called Heir Points equal to your Charisma Modifier plus half your Dragon Prince(ss) level (rounded down). You regain all used points at the end of a long rest, or half of your point maximum (up to your maximum) at the end of a short rest. You can use your Heir Points for several things:

  • Dealing 1d8 extra radiant damage on a melee attack per point spent.
  • Casting Healing Word / Cure Wounds at level 1 for 2 points.
  • Adding an amount of AC to yourself as a reaction, equal to the number of points you spend.

Breath of Fresh Air

Starting at 6th level, you can use Heir Points to increase the effectiveness of your breath weapons. Out of these options, only one can be applied to your breath weapon at a time:

  • Spend 1 point to force all failed creatures to make a second Constitution save against your breath save DC or be blinded for 1 minute. They may remake the save at the end of each of their turns, removing the effect on a success.
  • Spend 1 point to force all failed creatures to make a second Constitution save against your breath save DC or be deafened for 1 minute.
  • Deal 2d6 extra damage for 1 point. You can spend extra points beyond this to increase the damage by an extra 1d6 per extra point spent.

A Well-Earned Rest

Beginning at 11th level, when you finish a short rest, you instead regain all Heir Points missing.

Holy Retribution

Beginning at 17th level, when a creature hits you, they take an amount of your Dragon Damage Type in damage equal to half your Dragon Prince(ss) level (rounded down).

Peaceful Presence

Beginning at 22nd level, when you use your Frightening Presence, you can choose to instead have all creatures, other than creatures of your choice, be affected as though the Calm Emotions spell was casted on them. The spell save DC for this affect is equal to the save your Frightening Presence uses.

Coming of Age

Beginning at 26th level, compared to Bahamut, you've just started to become an adult. You now use your full Dragon Prince(ss) level when calculating how many Heir Points you have.


Beginning at 31st level, you've unlocked the ability to shapechange like most metallic dragons do. You magically polymorph into any beast or humanoid that has a challenge rating no higher than your own, or back into your true form. You reverts to your true form if you die. Any equipment you are wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne by the new form (your choice).

In a new form, you retain your alignment, hit points, Hit Dice, ability to speak, proficiencies, Legendary Resistance, lair actions, and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, as well as this action. Your statistics and capabilities are otherwise replaced by those of the new form, except any class features or legendary actions of that form.

Exalting Breath

Beginning at 37th level, you gain an alternate use of your breath weapon which you can use instead. When you use this breath weapon, choose creatures inside the area of effect, these chosen creatures regain Xd6 hit points, where X is equal to twice your charisma modifier. Using this breath consumes the breath weapon use as usual, but this alternate breath can only be used a number of times equal to half your charisma modifier (rounded down) before you must complete a long rest in your hoard to regain all the missing uses.

Gem Dragon

Dragon Breath Weapon

All Dragon Prince(ss)'s have a breath weapon. These weapons can be used with the Dragonite feature or through transformations. Use the referenced Dragon Breath AOE (DB-AOE) range and the table below to determine the area your breath weapon affects based on your Dragon Subtype chosen.

Dragon Types
Dragon Subtypes Area of Effect
Amethyst DB-AOE long cone
Emerald DB-AOE long cone
Sapphire DB-AOE long cone
Topaz DB-AOE long cone
Crystal DB-AOE long cone
Obsidian DB-AOE x 2 long, DB-AOE / 4 (minimum 5) ft. wide line
Beljuril DB-AOE x 2 long, DB-AOE / 4 (minimum 5) ft. wide line

Intelligent Dragon

Beginning at 1st level, your abilities aren't defined by your charismatic prowess. Any time in this class a feature asks you to base something off of your charisma modifier, you may base it off your intelligence modifier instead.


Starting at 3rd level, you unlock your mental prowess. You now have a number of points representing your psionic capabilities called Gem Points. You have a number of Gem Points equal to your intelligence modifier and regain all spent points at the end of a long rest.

You can use these points to cast any spell off of the Wizard Spell list. You consume a number of points equal to the spell's level + 1. You may only cast a spell of a level equal to or below than half your Dragon Prince(ss) level (rounded down, maximum of 9).

Psionic Ritual

Beginning at 6th level, once, resetting at the end of a long rest, you may cast any ritual spell from the Wizard spell list without consuming any Gem Points. Doing so follows the same basic ritual casting rules other classes follow, such as an extra 10 minute casting time.

Master Sage

Beginning at 11th level, you've become quite attuned to the world around you. You learn 3 additional proficiencies of skill, language, or tools. You can swap these 3 proficiencies to different proficiencies at the end of a long rest.

Surpassed Mind

When you reach 17th level, choose 2 first level spells from the Wizard spell list. You can cast these spells without any cost.

Controlled Breath

Beginning at 22nd level, when you use your breath weapon, you can choose a number of creatures up to your intelligence mod to automatically pass the saving throws your breath weapon entails.

Not Even a Flick of the Wrist

Beginning at 26th level, you can double the reach of your melee attacks when transformed. However, when you do this, the damage type changes to be entirely your Dragon Damage Type. You do not need to move to make these attacks (they are merely mental commands) and thus do not suffer disadvantage from being restrained or prone when you make these attacks.

Signature Capabilities

Beginning at 31st level, when you use your breath weapon, you can choose to change them in 1 of 2 ways:

  • You double the Dragon Breath AOE and halve the amount of dice rolled for damage.
  • You halve the Dragon Breath AOE and double the amount of dice rolled for damage.

Brains and Bronze

Once you reach 37th level, choose your strength, dexterity, or intelligence score. The chosen score and its score maximum increase by 4. Additionally, choose a second score from the same list. If you chose intelligence as your first score to increase, the second chosen score becomes equal to your intelligence modifier if it is not already higher. If you chose to increase strength or dexterity, your intelligence score becomes equal to your strength or dexterity score if it is not already higher.

Undead Dragon

Dragon Breath Weapon

All Dragon Prince(ss)'s have a breath weapon. These weapons can be used with the Dragonite feature or through transformations. Use the referenced Dragon Breath AOE (DB-AOE) range and the table below to determine the area your breath weapon affects based on your Dragon Subtype chosen.

Dragon Types
Dragon Subtypes Area of Effect
Skeletal DB-AOE long cone
Ghost DB-AOE x 2 long, DB-AOE / 4 (minimum 5) ft. wide line
Shadow DB-AOE x 2 long, DB-AOE / 4 (minimum 5) ft. wide line


Your creature type is both Dragon and Undead. You are thus affected by things that would affect either creature type.

Hidden Nightmare

Beginning at 3rd level, a number of times equal to your charisma modifier, you can cause a darkness to shroud you and all tiles within 30 feet of you, which lasts for up minute, or until dismissed as a bonus action. This darkness is magical and you can see through magical darkness as if it was normal darkness. You regain all uses of this feature at the end of a long rest.


Beginning at 3rd level, you can hide as a bonus action while in dim light and darkness. While in darkness, you are invisible to any creature that relies on darkvision to see you in that darkness.

Undeath's Embrace

Beginning at 6th level, you gain one ability that reflects your undead status. You have advantage attacking with these weapons if you are in dim light or darkness. If you are not transformed you may use these features as a regular action. Choose from the list below:

Lobbed Mass:

As an optional replacement of your bite attack you can lob 2 masss of undeath (perhaps bones or a flying specter) at creatures or objects within 120 feet, and you can target the same or different targets with each throw. This lob is a ranged weapon attack that uses your charisma modifier for the attack roll and damage roll. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 + charisma modifier damage of your Dragon Damage Type. You gain the ability to lob multiple masses at once at later levels. 3 masses at 11th level, and 4 masses at 17th level.


As an optional replacement of your bite attack you launch an arrow of undeath at 2 creatures within 120 feet. They must be separate creatures. Make a ranged spell attack using your dexterity against the creatures targeted. On a hit they take 1d8 + dexterity modifier of your Dradon Damage Type. Aditionally, you learn the 2 weakest saving throw values of the creatures successfully hit and any of its vulnerabilities it may have. At 11th and 17th level, you gain the ability to target 3 and 4 creatures instead of 2 respectively.


As an optional replacement of your bite attack you make make a melee attack (with the same reach as said bite attack) using your strength modifier. On a hit the creature takes the same damage they would had you bitten them, plus they are grappled (save DC determined by an Athletics (Strength) check you make) and restrained while grappled in this way. You can only have one creature grappled in this way at a time. All damage of the bite is converted into your Dragon Damage Type and deals an extra 1d8 damage. This extra damage becomes 2d8 starting at level 11, and 3d8 starting at 17th level.


Beginning at 11th level, you've learned to walk like a proper ghost. As an action you teleport yourself to the border ethereal plane of the plane you are on. If the plane you are on does not border the ethereal plane, this feature does not work. You remain there for 1 minute, until you are knocked unconscious, or until you spend an action to teleport back. You can use this feature a number of times equal to half your constitution modifier (rounded down) and you regain all uses at the end of a long rest.

Illusory Size

As an undead, your own form is completely under your own command. Starting at 17th level, when you transform, you can choose to increase to be one size larger than you would normally become from that level of transformation. Doing so increases the size of dice used in the melee attacks and breath weapons by 1 size. You can use this feature once before you must complete a short rest.

Undead Leader

Beginning at 22nd level, you can use your Draconic Control feature on Undead with a CR less than half your Dragon Prince(ss) level (rounded down), and with an intelligence below 5.


You gain a new form of breath weapon at level 26, which uses your breath weapon uses as normal. This breath weapon forces all creatures of your choice in the area of affect to the make a charisma saving throw against your breath save DC or be affected by the Bansihment spell. Regardless of if they are native to the plane you're on or not, they are always treated as though they are native to the plane you are on for the purposes of this casting of the spell.


Beginning at 31st level, when you transform, you can use your illusory size feature a number of times between short rests equal to your constitution modifier. Additionally you can choose to increase to be 2 sizes larger than you normally become from that level of transformation. This cannot stack with your Illusory Size feature, and this extra size increase can only be used once before you must complete a long rest to use this feature this way again.

Genuinely Immortal

Beggining at 37th level, you've achieved what all intelligent undead aspire to have: Genuine Immortality. Should you die and your hoard remains intact, you come back to life at the point where you set your hoard's location 1d10 days after you die.

Construct Dragon

Dragon Breath Weapon

All Dragon Prince(ss)'s have a breath weapon. These weapons can be used with the Dragonite feature or through transformations. Use the referenced Dragon Breath AOE (DB-AOE) range and the table below to determine the area your breath weapon affects based on your Dragon Subtype chosen.

Dragon Types
Dragon Subtypes Area of Effect
Clockwork DB-AOE long cone
Chardalyn DB-AOE x 2 long, DB-AOE / 4 (minimum 5) ft. wide line
Adamantine DB-AOE long cone
Brass DB-AOE long cone
Magical Construct DB-AOE long cone

Construct Form

Unlike other Dragons Prince(sse)s, you're not really a dragon. Your creature type is not Dragon, and is instead Construct. As a result, you are immune to poison and the poisoned condition. You don't need to eat, drink, or breathe. You are immune to disease. Aditionally, You don't need to sleep, and magic can't put you to sleep. This does not affect long rest durations. And finally, you remain motionless, it is indistinguishable from a statue.

Fabricated Body

Your body is fabricated, and as such can be modified further. Beginning at 3rd level, you can absorb armor to be used as your "hide" when transformed. To do so you must spend an hour focusing on incorporating that armor. Once done, you gain a benefit to your AC based on the armor incorporated. You gain a minimum AC equal to the what the armor would give you. Aditionally you gain a +1 bonus to AC and gain the benefits the armor would give you if it is magical. You also have disadvantage to stealth if the armor would give you that while transformed, and you must meet any strength requirements.

Example of Frabricated Body

For an example, a Dwarven Plate would give you a Base AC Minimum that your Dragon Transformation AC would provide equal to 21 (18 from it being plate, +2 from it being a +2 armor, and +1 from Fabricated Body). This effectively turns your unarmored defense into normal armor defense if it would otherwise be lower. Aditionally, you'd gain the benefits that the armor would give a person wearing it (in this instance that would be the ability to use a reaction to reduce a forced-movement effect's movement by up to 10 feet). Aditionally, you would need a minimum of a 15 strength to incorporate this armor, and would get disadvantage on stealth checks from it.

Resistant Hide

Your fabricated hide is incredibly durable. Beginning at 6th level, you have resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage while transformed.

Immutable Form

Beginning at 11th level, you are immune to any spell or effect that would alter your form against your will.


Beginning at 17th level, you're body has become annealed to your Dragon Damage element. When you take damage of this type, you don't; instead you heal for the amount of damage they attempted to deal, up to your maximum health.

Tough Body

Beginning at 22nd level, you've become better based on your Dragon Subtype:


You can make an active Perception (Wisdom) check as a bonus action on your turns. Additionally, you have a bonus to your Perception checks equal to your charisma modifier.


You deal double damage to objects and structures. Additionally, creatures who hit you with a melee attack must make a save or be affected by your frightful presence, regardless of if you are transformed or not.


You are immune to the effects of critical hits.


When you use your frightful presence, creatures who are frightened are also deafened.

Magical Construct

If you are subjected subjected to a spell that allows you to make a saving throw to take only half damage, you instead takes no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.


Beginning at 26th level, you can use your Draconic Control feature on Constructs who have a CR less than half your Dragon Prince(ss) level (rounded down) and an intelligence below 4.


Beginning at 31st level, you can spend 1 minute to create a Siege Weapon (See page 255 - 256 of the DMG) within 5 feet of you. You must also spend a number of hit dice equal to 1 25th of the hit points of the object you create. You can use this feature a number of times equal to half your constitution modifier (rounded down) before you must complete a short rest to regain any lost uses.

True Hide

Beginning at 37th level, your fabricated hide AC minimum also affects your untransformed AC. Additionally, you can have up to 2 armors absorbed at a time, using the higher armors AC minimum, both armors magical abilities, and both armors requirements and detriments.

Celestial Dragon

Dragon Breath Weapon

All Dragon Prince(ss)'s have a breath weapon. These weapons can be used with the Dragonite feature or through transformations. Use the referenced Dragon Breath AOE (DB-AOE) range and the table below to determine the area your breath weapon affects based on your Dragon Subtype chosen.

Dragon Types
Dragon Subtypes Area of Effect
Solar DB-AOE long cone
DeathPact DB-AOE x 2 long, DB-AOE / 4 (minimum 5) ft. wide line
FireMane DB-AOE long cone
Archaic DB-AOE x 2 long, DB-AOE / 4 (minimum 5) ft. wide line

Celestial Origin

As a Celestial Dragon, your creature type is both Dragon and Celestial. You are thus affected by things that would effect either creature type. You are proficient in the celestial language.

Divine Right

Beginning at 3rd level, you have the ability to exert your divine will on the world around you. How much will you can exert is extrapolated as a number of CelestioDraconic Points you have. You have a number of points equal to your Charisma Modifier, and regain all used points at the end of a long rest.

You can use these points to cast any spell off of the Cleric spell list. You can use these points to cast any spell off of the Wizard Spell list. You consume a number of points equal to the spell's level + 1. You may only cast a spell of a level equal to or below than half your Dragon Prince(ss) level (rounded down, maximum of 9).

Careful Radiance

Beginning at 6th level, when you use your breath weapon, you can choose to have specific creatures be unaffected by the breath weapon.

Holy Contention

Beginning at 11th level, when you start your turn and are conscious, transformed, above 0 hit points, and not surprised, you gain a number of contention points equal to your proficiency bonus plus your charisma modifier. You can only gain contention points when combat is active (ie after initiative is rolled). You can have a maximum number of contention points equal to your Dragon Prince(ss) level times 5. You lose all contention points when you finish a long rest. You can use these points to do several things:

  • Heal a creature you touch, or yourself, by a number of points equal to the amount you spend.
  • Remove one condition from a creature you touch for 3 points. The condition can be blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned.
  • Cause a melee attack or breath weapon you do to force a wisdom saving throw from all creatures hit for 1 point per creature you choose. On a failure, you apply the blinded, deafened, or frightened condition onto the creature until the end of your next turn.
  • Cause a creature who fails a saving throw within range of your breath weapon attack to gain a bonus to the saving throw equal to your charisma modifier for 15 points, potentially turning the failure into a success.

Godlike Breath

Beginning at 17th level, your very breath has become so divine it has rejuvenating powers. As an action you can choose a corpse within the range of your breath weapon to become affected by the Revivify spell as you breath on it. This does not require material components, and can only be done once. You regain the ability to use this feature if you spend 60 contention points. Once the points have been spent, you can reuse this feature one more time later on.


Beginning at 22nd level, you can use the Word of Recall spell once, regaining the use when you finish a long rest at your hoard. The sanctuary that is designated is not a temple when casted in this way, and is instead your dragon hoard.

Celestial Shield

Beggining at 26th level, you can use a bonus action while transformed to give a creature other than you of your choice you can see within 120 feet. Miniature spectral celestials manifest around the creature and provide 77 temporary hit points. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your charisma modifier, and regain all uses at the end of a long rest in your hoard.

Radiant Health

Beginning at 31st level, you regain 5 hit points at the beginning of your turn if you are above 0 hit points. Aditionally, you add your charisma modifier to all allies' saving throws within 30 feet.

Someone to Pray to

You can hear all prayers directed towards you. You can spend a minute focusing on individual prayers to know details and insights about that person, their location, their emotions, the situation they're in or whatever other insights your DM decides you gain. Once per day you may choose to intervene stepping between the plane of your celestial ancestry and the mortal plane to teleport to that prayers source, falling from the sky, appearing in a flash of blinding light or in some other over the top or equally angelic fashion. You may step back between the planes to return to the location you previously were as an action within 24 hours.

Fiendish Dragon

Dragon Breath Weapon

All Dragon Prince(ss)'s have a breath weapon. These weapons can be used with the Dragonite feature or through transformations. Use the referenced Dragon Breath AOE (DB-AOE) range and the table below to determine the area your breath weapon affects based on your Dragon Subtype chosen.

Dragon Types
Dragon Subtypes Area of Effect
Orcus DB-AOE long cone
Pit Fiend DB-AOE long cone
Juiblex DB-AOE long cone
Rebuzahl DB-AOE x 2 long, DB-AOE / 4 (minimum 5) ft. wide line
Kostchtchie DB-AOE x 2 long, DB-AOE / 4 (minimum 5) ft. wide line
Sul Khatesh DB-AOE long cone
Rak Tulkhesh DB-AOE long cone
Zariel DB-AOE long cone
Zuggtmoy DB-AOE long cone

Fiendish Origin

As a Fiendish Dragon, your creature type is both Dragon and Fiend. You are thus affected by things that would effect either creature type.

Underwold's Air

Beginning at 3rd level, your breath weapons are enhanced by your fiendish origins. Your breath weapons deal an extra amount of damage equal to your constitution modifier.

Expulsion of Sin

The sins of fiends surround you. Rather than capitulating to them, however, you utilize them to your advantage. Beginning at 6th level as an action while transformed, you can force a creature within 60 feet of you to make a wisdom saving throw (DC determined by breath weapon). On a failed save, you afflict the creature with a sin of your choice, as listed below. This effect lasts only until the end of your next turn, and this feature can only be used once before you must complete a long rest in order to use it again. If a creature is damaged by any means while under the affect of this feature, they can remake the save, ending the effect on a success.


The creature becomes avaricious, causing them to lose their actions if they are carrying any treasure or currency, as they become focused on hoarding it. If they are not, they must expend their turns attempting to find or steal valuables from the creature closest to them.


The creature becomes voracious, causing them to squander their actions by attempting to consume anything edible. If they are exhausted of edible items, they attempt to bite and consume the nearest creature.


The creature becomes charmed by you and cannot concentrate on any spells or affects that require concentration.


The creature becomes envious of you; They will not target any creatures other than yourself amidst this duration.


The creature becomes exceptionally conceited, causing them to put themselves above all others. They cannot distinguish who is who for the duration.


The creature is filled with bloodthirsty ire, causing them to expend their turn by attacking the nearest creature by any mean. If no creatures are present, they will destroy any nearby objects and structures, with preference for objects that they are larger than.


The creature becomes languid, causing them to rest and fall unconscious. If they are awakened, they will simply attempt to slumber once again.

Fiend Lord

Beginning at 11th level, fiends will naturally be inclined to be lead by you. You can use your Draconic Control feature on fiends that have a CR less than half your Dragon Prince(ss) level.


At 17th level your Expulsion of Sin feature is upgraded. The duration of your Expulsion of Sin feature changes to be 1 minute rather than until the end of your next turn. However, they may also remake the save at the end of each of their turns.

Health from Pain

Beginning at 22nd level, when you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you regain a number of hit points equal to you Dragon Prince(ss) level. Any health that goes above your maximum is turned into temporary hit points.

The Land Down Under

You gain an optional enhancement to your breath weapon at 26th level that you can use while transformed. This uses your breath weapon as usual, and this feature can only be used once before you must complete a long rest at your hoard to regain the use. First, use your breath weapon and resolve anything that happens as a result, then all creatures that failed the saving throw against your breath weapon must make a second charisma saving throw against your Breath Save DC. On a failure, they are affected by the Plane Shift spell and are sent to a plane of your choice. You can even send different creatures that fail the save to different planes.

Fiendish Fury

Beginning at 31st level, when you are hit by an attack originating from within 120 feet, and you can see the attacker, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage by an amount equal to your Dragon Prince(ss) level plus your constitution modifier.

Torturous Knowledge

You can give people a glimpse of what the plane you descend from beginning at 37th level. As a bonus action while transformed, a creature of your choice that can see you within 90 feet must make a wisdom saving throw (DC equal to breath weapon save DC) or be stunned for one minute. The stunned creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.

Half Dragon

Dragon Breath Weapon

All Dragon Prince(ss)'s have a breath weapon. These weapons can be used with the Dragonite feature or through transformations. Use the referenced Dragon Breath AOE (DB-AOE) range and the table below to determine the area your breath weapon affects based on your Dragon Subtype chosen.

The range of your breath weapon is based on what ther Dragon Subtype you chose. See the appropriate subclass for what that range would be.

Humanoid Dragonoid

Your Dragonite feature is altered because of this subclass; Rather than having your Humanoid creature type replaced by Dragon, you are considered both, and are affected by things that would affect either creature type.


When you trasform using your Dragon Transformation feature, you can choose to use this feature to alter certain aspects of the transformation:

  • Your size is not altered by the transformation.
  • Your gear does not infuse with your body, and can still be used.
  • You do not need to walk on 4 legs from the transformation, and as such can still wield weapons, wear armor, and utilize items that require manipulation.

Your body still changes in appearance and stature to reflect the transformation, and you can change other aspects of yourself as long as they don't have mechanical implications.

Best of Both Worlds

Beginning at 3rd level, your hit point maximum increases by 3. Each time your level increases in this class, your hit point maximum increases by an additional 1.


Beginning at 6th level, you have advantage on charisma based skill checks made against humanoids and dragons.

Resistant Blood

Beginning at 6th level, you are always resistant to your Dragon Damage type, regardless of if you are transformed or not.

Strength of the Ages

Your melee weapon attacks deal extra damage starting at 11th level. The extra damage they deal is equal to your charisma modifier.

Draconic Fortitude

Beginning at 17th level, when you would otherwise be knocked unconscious, you can force yourself to stay in the fight. When you are knocked to 0 hit points, you can choose to instead only be reduced to 1 hit point. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your constitution modifier, resetting at the end of a long rest.

A Perfect Combo

Begginning at 22nd level, your hit point maximum increases by 22. Each time your level increases in this class, your hit point maximum increases by an additional 1, stacking with your Best of Both Worlds feature.

Thick Skinned

Beginning at 26th level, you reduce all incoming damage except for psychic damage by your proficiency bonus. This feature cannot reduce the damage to less than 1.

Trained to Perfection

Beggining at 31st level, you have proficiency in all saves.

Immortal Blood

Beggining at 37th level, your constitution score and its maximum are both increased by 6.




Image Credits

  • Front Page image: Zabarrosa the Blue Dragon by Kevin Catalan
  • Wyrmiling Image: Silver Wyrmling by Ascynd
  • Chromatic Dragon Subclass Image: Freelance Dragon by kekaiart
  • Half Dragon Subclass Image: Velan the Silver Half Dragon Dragonsinger Wizard by Nielsdejong

Inspiration Material

I used several different pieces to inspire certain features in this class. The entire concept was inspired by this... class: Link

Other pieces of inspiration include:

  • Bamstacks Variant: Link
  • Demi-Dragon Class: Link
  • Dragon Slayer Class: Link

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