Elemental Blade Spells

by SolomonSinclair

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Flame Blade

2nd-Level evocation

  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (leaf of sumac)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You evoke a broadsword of molten power in your free hand that lasts for the duration. It counts as a simple melee weapon with which you are proficient. It deals 2d6 fire damage on a hit and has the light and finesse properties.

While wielding the blade, you can use a bonus action to unleash a burning arc of fire. Each creature in a 15-foot cone must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d10 fire damage.

If you let go of the blade, it disappears, but you can evoke it again as a bonus action. The flaming blade sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for another 10 feet.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage of the blade increases by 2d6 and the damage of the arc increases by 1d10 for every two slot levels above 2nd.

Spell Lists: Druid

Hoarfrost Blade

2nd-level conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (frozen tear)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You braid together water droplets into a sword of deadly frost in your hand. It counts as a simple melee weapon with which you are proficient. It deals 3d6 cold damage on a hit and has the finesse, light, and thrown properties (range 20/60).

If you throw the weapon, it explodes, hit or miss. The target and each creature within 10 feet of it must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 piercing damage.

Thereafter, while the spell persists, you can use a bonus action to cause the sword to reappear in your hand.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the piercing damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 2nd. The cold damage increases by 2d6 for every two slot levels above 2nd.

Spell Lists: Druid, Mage, Sorcerer, Wizard


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