Epic Spells Collection

by 2010SubaruImpreza

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Epic Spells
Spell Descriptions
Spell Name Level School Description
Animus Blast 10 Necromancy Cause an implosion of force to create undead with.
Animus Blizzard 12 Necromancy Cause a blizzard of force to create undead with.
Contingent Ressurection 11 Necromancy Set a condition to cause a person to come back to life.
Create Living Vault 12 Conjuration Create a perfect vault... and it's alive.
Crown of Vermin 12 Conjuration Summon a thousand vermin that all do 1 damage.
Damnation 11 Conjuration Send a person to hell and make them think they belong there.
Demise Unseen 11 Necromancy Make someone dead, undead, and under your control all at the flick of a wrist.
Dire Winter 10 Evocation They told us hell was warm.
Dragon Knight 10 Conjuration Summon a dragon as a group.
Dragon Strike 11 Conjuration Summon numerous dragons with help.
Eclipse 10 Illusion Make it night.
Eidolon 12 Conjuration Simulacrum, but you split your levels between the 2 and they're a proper creature.
Enslave 11 Enchantment Spend a whole lot of resources just to permanently make someone a thrall.
Epic Counterspell 10 Abjuration Counterspell but better.
Epic Mage Armor 10 Abjuration Mage Armor but better.
Epic Repulsion 11 Abjuration Make people who you don't like not like being in an area.
Eternal Freedom 12 Abjuration Immunity to all conditions. Permanently.
Greater Ruin 12 Transmutation Destroy one (1) structure.
Hellball 10 Evocation Fireball but yes.
Kinetic Control 11 Evocation Reduce, reuse, and recycle physical damage taken.
Let Go of Me 10 Transmutation Right on the tin.
Living Spell 10 Evocation Create a living spell.
Lord of Nightmares 12 Transmutation Keep yourself alive at a cost to everyone.
Mass FrogMen 11 Transmutation Transmute people into grun^2.
Momento Mori 12 Necromancy Kill the weaker creature between you and the target.
Mummy Dust 11 Necromancy Make a Mummy.
Nailed to the Sky 10 Conjuration Send a man to orbit like that.
Peripty 11 Divination Make people miss.
Pestilence 12 Necromancy Make a place a not good for life.
Rain Fire 11 Evocation Fire storm... Fire storm.
Raise Island 11 Evocation Make a normal island or make it fly.
Ruin 11 Transmutation Destroy one (1) building.*
Safe Time 11 Conjuration Remove yourself from the time stream to be safe.
Soul Dominion 10 Enchantment Dominate Monster^2
Soul Scry 10 Divination Scrying^2
Spell Worm 11 Enchantment Drain someone's spell.
Spell Name Level School Description
Summon Behemoth 12 Conjuration Summon a tarrasque under your control.
Superb Dispelling 10 Abjuration Dispel Magic but Best.
Time Duplicate 10 Divination Bring your future self to help.
Vengeful Gaze of God 12 Divination Bring someone down with you.
Verdigris 10 Conjuration Summon Tumbleweeds.
Verdigris Tsunamis 12 Conjuration Summon Tumbleweeds, but... more.

Disclaimers: A few disclaimers must be made about certain parts of this document.

Un-Typed Damage: Un-Typed damage is referred to multiple times throughout this document. Un-Typed damage is special in that creatures and objects cannot become immune or resistant to it by any means. Another word for this is "True" damage.

Material Components: As per the server rules this document was made for, arcane focuses and other simple means of material replacements are not valid for epic spells. If a spell mentions levels as a material component, you always lose that many levels after catting the spell.

Classes: As per the server rules this document was made for, it is a assumed epic spell slots (10th to 12th level slots) and epic spells themselves can only be gained and learned through certain means, and thus do not have the ability to be segregated into classes.

Where are these spells from?: Those that have played d20 3.5e System may recognize these as the Epic spells made in the SRD for this document. All except Dreamscape and Origin of Species: Achaierai. That's because these spells can be accomplished by other means in the server this document was designed for. These spells are in alphabetical order.

Spell Recipe: In this document, a spell Recipe is mentioned. A spell recipe is not something that can be learned like normal spells or epic spells, but rather is an innate property that occurs when its conditions are met. A spell recipe functions as a spell for all intents and purposes.

Animus Blast

10th level Necromancy

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 300 feet (20 foot radius sphere)
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

When this spell is cast, creatures of your choice within range are dealt 40d8 points of force damage, or half on a successful constitution saving throw. Additionally, up to twenty of those victims that perish as a result of this blast are then instantly animated as Medium Undead with a CR equal to or less than the killed creature's level or CR. These undead serve the caster indefinitely.

Animus Blizzard

12th level Necromancy

  • Casting Time: 1 hour
  • Range: Self (a radius equal to a number of miles equal to the caster's level)
  • Components: V, S, M (1/10th of a soul in your possession(for example, a piece of a soul coin))
  • Duration: 25 hours

The area the spell affects becomes hostile to all life. Creatures take 10d10 force damage, or half on a successful charisma save, every round that they end their turn in the area. This damage does not occur if the creature regains at least one hit point during the round before they end their turn. This spell has no affect on constructs or undead. Once a creature is killed by this spell, it is instantly reanimated as if by the Create Guardian Spell, and permanently becomes under the caster's control.

If this spell is casted in the same spot every day for a year, the spell becomes permanent.

Contingent Ressurection

11th level Necromancy

  • Casting Time: 12 hours
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (120000GP worth of Charcoal and a Pheonix Feather)
  • Duration: Until Triggered or Dispelled

Contingent Resurrection returns the subject to life if they are slain. Once cast, the spell remains quiescent in the form of sealed jar filled with the material components and does not activate until the trigger conditions have been met (Death doesn't need to be the trigger). Once triggered, the spell is expended. The target is restored to life and has their consciousness transferred and body restored to complete health 1 minute later within 5 feet of the jar. A shaft of light shines down from the heavens, illuminating the subject and everything within 20 feet of the body and jar when the spell is triggered. The creature is restored to full hit points, vigor, and health, with no loss of prepared spells. However, the subject loses one level (or 5 points of Constitution if the subject was 1st level). This spell can only be dispelled by the antimagic being cast on the jar.

Create Living Vault

12th level Conjuration

  • Casting Time: 100 days, 11 minutes
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (3 levels and Spell Scrolls of the following spells: Demiplane, Sequester, Sending, Blood Seal, Plane Shift, Summon Construct)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

The caster creates a construct known as a living vault to protect and hide their treasures. Upon completion, the vault initially measures only 5 feet on a side, but it gradually increases to its proper size of 50 feet by 50 feet by 50 feet over the following 4d4 days. The vault is attuned to the caster, allowing them alone entrance and egress in a manner similar to a dimension door spell. When the caster desires the vault to hide itself, they may give it a simple command. To summon the vault, the caster may cast a sending spell or arrange some other manner to contact it. Use the stat block below for the Living Vault.

A creature can only have one Living Vault under its command at a time, and this spell fails if the creature already has one.

Living Vault

Colossal Construct, Neutral

  • Armor Class 60
  • Hit Points 96d10+80 (608)
  • Speed 0 ft., 10 ft. flying (Hover)

30 (+10) 7 (-2) 30 (10) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 1 (-5)

  • Saving Throws Cosntitution, Strength, Wisdom
  • Damage Resistances All
  • Damage Immunities Non-Magical Attacks, Poison
  • Condition Immunities All
  • Senses Blindsight 120 feet, Blind beyond this radius
  • Languages All of its creater. Cannot speak.
  • Challenge 33 (220,000XP)

SafeKeeping. At will, a living vault can use a power that combines the effects of sequester and plane shift to render the vault invisible to any form of sight or divination, and at the same time transfer it to a random portion of the Astral Plane. When in safekeeping mode, the living vault responds to a sending by its master, returning to its master from which it left and becoming tangible once again. Creatures and objects that are stored within the vault are treated as if under the effects of sequester, whether the vault itself is or not. Often, creatures are brought into the vault via imprisonment, but sometimes unconscious or otherwise subdued creatures are stored as an object, in which case they receive no saving throw to resist the effect.

Magic Immunity. 9th level spells or lower do not affect the Vault unless the spell is casted by the Vault's creator.

Immutable Form. The Living Vault is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Recognition. Once made, a living vault responds only to its owner; no other being can access the vault’s interior. The vault is not fooled by disguised creatures, and can distinguish between its true master and false duplicates, even penetrating disguises used in conjunction with shapechange, alter self, disguise self, polymorph, seeming, and simulacrum and similar effects. The vault does, however, respond to the product of a clone spell or similar (where the soul of the owner is transferred).


Imprisonment. As an action twice per day, a living vault can project a 60-foot cone. Creatures caught in the cone must make a Strength save (Spell Save DC of the Summoner) or be affected as by the imprisonment spell, except creatures are stored within the vault’s interior. The living vault can hold two Gargantuan creatures, eight Huge creatures, thirty two Large creatures, one hundred twenty eight Medium-size creatures, and so on. This assumes that the rest of the vault is also relatively empty, so a large hoard of treasure reduces the number of creatures a living vault can hold at any one time. If the caster later spends an action to free the victim, the victim is freed, though it doesn’t appear where it disappeared, but in a space adjacent to wherever the living vault is currently physically located.

PlaneShift Slam. Melee attack: Creator's Spell Attack Bonus to hit, 20 feet, one target. Hit 4d10 force damage

Crown of Vermin

12th level Conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 Minute
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (A piece of every species of Vermin on the material plane, Consumed)
  • Duration: Up to 1 minute, Concentration

After casting crown of vermin, one thousand venomous, biting and stinging spiders, scorpions, beetles, and centipedes erupt from the very air around the caster. This swarm forms a living aura around the caster to a radius of 10 feet. The caster is immune their own crown of vermin. The swarm moves with the caster, even if the caster takes to the air or water (though water drowns the vermin after 1 full round of immersion, unless the spell is cast underwater, in which case aquatic or marine vermin answer the call and cannot leave the water). Each vermin deals one damage to a creature within the aura at the beginning of the caster's turn and then promptly dies. An exact amount of vermin will bite the creature needed to kill it. The vermin cannot be controlled by anyone except the caster, and provide heavy obscurement from others. The vermin cannot be harmed by any means.

As an action, the caster can suppress the Crown of Vermin, stopping its duration until they spend an action to continue the spell. While suppressed, the vermin are concealed and thus cannot be seen.

After this spell ends the caster loses 2 levels.


11th level Conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (Holy water mixed with the ash of an archedevil killed in hell)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

The caster sends their foe to hell. If the caster succeeds at a melee spell attack, the target must succeed at a wisdom saving throw. If they fail this saving throw, they are sent straight to a layer of a lawful evil plane (or a chaotic evil plane, at the caster’s option) swarming with fiends. The subject will not willingly leave the plane for 24 hours, believing that their predicament is a just reward for an ill-spent life. Even after the compulsion fades, they must devise their own escape from the plane. Unless the GM devises a specific location and scenario in the Nine Hells, the subject encounters a group of 1d4 pit fiends (or balors, if in a chaotic evil plane) every hour they spend in hell.

Demise Unseen

11th level Necromancy

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 300 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

The caster targets a creature within ranger. That creature is put under the effects of the Power Word: Kill spell. If the creature dies, they immediately have the spell Create Guardian and Enlighten Undead casted on them, turning them Undead. This process is so instant that no one notices, and the spell creates no deteriorations that could tip a creature that the person has died. This spell also protects the corpse from any future deterioration, meaning the only visible tip-off over time that may lead people to believe this person has become an undead, is physical damage that they take.

The target is not kept entirely sane from this process, and thus gains one short-term and long-term insanity when this spell effects them.

Dire Winter

10th level Evocation

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Self (a radius equal to a number of miles equal to the caster's level)
  • Components: V, S, M (A Dire Wolf Corpse, Consumed)
  • Duration: 25 hours

The area around the caster becomes bitter cold, becoming a terrible winter regardless of what the weather was. The emanated cold deals 2d6 points of cold damage per round against unprotected creatures (the target is susceptible if not magically or physically protected or otherwise resistant to the cold damage). The intense cold freezes water out of the air, causing constant snowfall and wind. The snow and wind produce a blizzard effect within the Area.

If this spell is casted in the same spot every day for a year, the spell becomes permanent.

Dragon Knight

10th level Conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 90 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (A scale from an adult (or older) red dragon)
  • Duration: 1 minute

This spell summons an adult red dragon. It appears where the caster designates and acts immediately. It attacks the caster’s opponents to the best of its abilities (on the first round, it prefers to breathe fire on an enemy, if possible). The caster can direct the dragon not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions. This is a ritual-like spell requiring two other spellcasters, each of which must contribute an unused 8th-level spell slot to the casting.

Dragon Strike

11th level Conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 120 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (A scale from 10 different adult (or older) red dragons)
  • Duration: 1 minute

This spell summons ten adult red dragons. They appear where the caster designates and act immediately. They attack the caster’s opponents to the best of their abilities (on the first round, they all prefer to simultaneously breathe fire on an enemy, if possible). The caster can direct the dragons not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions. This is a ritual-like spell requiring two other spellcasters, each of which must contribute an unused 9th-level spell slot to the casting.


10th level Illusion

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 5-mile radius, centered on you
  • Components: V, S, M (A rock from the moon)
  • Duration: 8 hours

With this spell, the caster can create a limited eclipse, as though a heavenly body moves between the sun and the earth. The landscape within the radius of the caster’s location experiences the dimming of the sun as a disk the caster creates passes in front of it, culminating in a complete blackout and accompanying coronal ring. The eclipse follows the caster across the landscape for up to 8 hours, or until the sun goes down, or until the caster dismisses the eclipse as an action. Effects that require it to be night can be used while this spell affects the area they are in, and the area is considered in night time.

If this spell is casted at the same spot every day for a year, the spell becomes permanent on that location.


12th level Conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: 5 feet
  • Components: S
  • Duration: 24 hours

Upon casting eidolon, the caster creates a duplicate version of themself as the caster was when they had half as many levels as they do now, and the caster gains an equal half of negative levels while the duplicate persists. The eidolon is considered fresh and rested when created. The eidolon appears in whatever mundane clothing the caster desires when initially conjured, but it has no other possessions. It shares part of the caster’s soul, so it is the caster for all intents and purposes, but is still considered a seperate creature. The caster and their eidolon communicate with each other as one mind. Usually, the eidolon does not begrudge its brief existence, because it is still part of the caster. If the eidolon is killed, the spell ends early. And at the end of the spell, the caster immediately regains the lost levels and the part of its soul embedded into the eidolon.

If this spell is casted every day for a year, it becomes permanent. An eidolon can function in all the same ways the caster can, such as long resting and regaining spell slots, unlike a simulacrum. A powerful enough eidolon might conceivably cast the eidolon spell itself.


11th level Enchantment

  • Casting Time: 24 hours
  • Range: 90 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (1 level)
  • Duration: Permanent

The caster makes a permanent thrall of any living creature. The creature must remain in range for the full casting of the spell, and at the end of the casting of the spell must make a wisdom saving throw. On a success this spell fails. The caster establishes a telepathic link with the subject’s mind. If the creature has a language, the caster can generally force the subject to perform as they desire, within the limits of its abilities. If the creature has no language, the caster can communicate only basic commands. The caster knows what the subject is experiencing, but does not receive direct sensory input from it. A subject forced to take an action against its nature receives a saving throw with a penalty of -10 to resist taking that particular action, but if it succeeds, it still remains the caster’s thrall despite its minor mutiny. Once a subject makes a successful saving throw to resist a specific order, it makes all future saving throws to resist taking that specific action without a penalty. Protection from evil or a similar spell can prevent the caster from exercising control or using the telepathic link while the subject is so protected, but it does not prevent the establishment of enslave or dispel it. This is a ritual-like spell, and requires 3 other casters to expend a 10th level spell each to power the spell.

Epic Counterspell

10th level Abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you see a creature within 60 feet of you casting a spell
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

This spell functions as the Counterspell Spell, except it's considered upcasted to 10th level, and if a contest is performed as a part of this spell, you add your character level to your end of the contest. This spell can be upcasted further like the original counterspell spell.

Epic Mage Armor

10th level Abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (A piece of the Weave)
  • Duration: 8 hours

An invisible but tangible field of force surrounds the subject of epic mage armor, providing an armor bonus to Armor Class equal to half the caster's level.

Epic Repulsion

11th level Abjuration

  • Casting Time: 10 minutes
  • Range: Self (a radius equal to a number of miles equal to the caster's level)
  • Components: V, S, M (A feather from a solar, Consumed)
  • Duration: 25 hours

This spell puts a protective layer against all creatures of a specific type, multiple creature types, or all creatures in general if the caster chooses. Eligible creature types include generic creature types such as fey or fiend, but also include several other forms of specification, such as all evil creatures, or all creatures the caster designates. All creatures that end their turn inside this spell's area must make an intelligence saving throw or become unable to move closer to the center of the spell.

If this spell is casted in the same spot every day for a year, the spell becomes permanent.

Eternal Freedom

12th level Abjuration

  • Casting Time: 10 minutes
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (10 levels, 100 ritualistically sacrificed humanoid corpses, consumed)
  • Duration: Permanent

The target becomes permanently immune to all conditions. This is a ritual-like spell requiring ten other spellcasters, each of whom must contribute an unused 11th-level spell slot to the casting.

Greater Ruin

12th level Transmutation

  • Casting Time: 1 Day
  • Range: Sight
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

The caster deals 100d12 un-typed damage to a single building within sight. This typically causes the building to crumble in on itself. A "Building" can be defined as a single structure of continuous build, thus being anywhere between a small lean-to, or an entire castle, or even a country-spanning underground tunnel system.


10th level Evocation

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 300 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

A hellball deals 10d6 points of acid damage, 10d6 points of cold damage, 10d6 points of fire damage, 10d6 points of force damage, 10d6 points of lightning damage, 10d6 points of necrotic damage, 10d6 points of poison damage, 10d6 points of poison damage, 10d6 points of psychic damage, 10d6 points of radiant damage, and 10d6 points of thunder damage to all creatures within the area. Unattended objects also take this damage. The caster takes 10d6 points of un-typed damage upon casting. The target points their finger and determines the location of the blast within range. A sun-bright, fist-sized globe of energy streaks forth and, unless it impacts a material body or solid barrier prior to attaining the indicated range (in which case it explodes where it hits), expands into its full area, spreading around corners, to a radius of 90 feet.

Kinetic Control

11th level Evocation

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 minute

Once a caster has cast this spell, they can absorb, store, and redirect the energy contained in any physical (melee or ranged) attack for the duration. The caster absorbs 20 points of each separate slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing attack made against him or her, saving it for later. A caster can absorb up to a number of points of damage equal to 20 times their level in this fashion; however, if the stored damage is not discharged prior to reaching the limit, the spell automatically discharges, dealing the stored points of damage to the caster. The caster keeps track of the number of points of damage they have absorbed (the caster doesn’t have to keep track of the type of damage). At any time during the spell’s duration, the caster can make a melee spell attack against another creature or object. If successful, the caster deals the target some or all (caster’s choice) of the points of damage they have stored. The damage delivered is considered force damage. A caster can absorb and discharge damage any number of times during the spell’s duration, so long as the caster doesn’t absorb more than their limit of points at a time. When the spell expires, any stored damage the caster has not redirected is discharged into the caster.

Let Go of Me

10th level Transmutation

  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V
  • Duration: Instantaneous

The caster deals 20d6 points of un-typed damage to any creature grappling them. If grappled by a magical force or physical construct/item the force or construct/item is automatically destroyed.

Living Spell

10th level Evocation

  • Casting Time: 12 hours
  • Range: 5 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (A spell Scroll of the spell in choice)
  • Duration: 1 month

The caster creates a living spell of the spell scroll used in the spell's casting. The spell cannot be higher than 10th level, unless you use a higher spell slot as appropriate. Use the statblock template below to create a Living Spell Creature. The creature is loyal to and under complete control by its caster. It remains until it dies or this spell's duration ends. If this spell is casted with the creature within 5 feet, instead of creating a second Living Spell Creature, it can extend the existence of the already existing Living Spell Creature. If a Living Spell Creature exists for a year, it no longer needs to have it's duration extended as it becomes a permanent creature.

Living Spell Creature (Living [Spell Name])

(Size based off the spell's Area-of Affect) Construct, unaligned

  • Armor Class 11+1 for each level of the spell this creature is based off of
  • Hit Points 10 + 10 for each level of the spell this creature was based off of
  • Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (Hover)

10 (+0) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 1 (-5)

  • Saving Throws saving throw(s) caused by the spell
  • Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from nonmagical attacks
  • Damage Immunities poison, damage type (or types) dealt by the spell
  • Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, grappled, poisoned, prone
  • Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
  • Languages -
  • Challenge The level of the spell this creature was based off of

Amorphous. The living spell can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch-wide without squeezing.

Magic Resistance The living spell has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Unusual Nature The living spell doesn’t require air, food, drink or sleep.


Multiattack. The living spell makes a number of Magical Strike attacks equal to half the level of the spell this creature was based off of (Rounded Down).

Magical Strike. Melee Attack: Your spellcasting modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. if size is medium or smaller, 10 ft. if size is large or larger, one target. Hit 1d6 for each level of the spell this creature was based off of + your spellcasting modifier damage. Choose one type of damage dealt by the living spell. If the spell doesn’t deal damage the magical strike deals magical bludgeoning damage.

Spell Mimicry (Recharge 5-6). The living spell causes the effect of the spell it embodies. It uses the spell save DC equal to the 15 + the level of the spell this creature was based on, and an attack bonus equal to the level of the spell this creature was based on + 7. The Living Spell Creature does not require components of any form.

Lord of Nightmares

12th level Transmutation

  • Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you may take right before you are knocked unconscious by being reduced to 0 hit points
  • Range: Self
  • Components: M (1 level)
  • Duration: 1 hour

The caster is possessed by a dream larva. For 1 hour, the dream larva’s body physically replaces the caster’s, though the dream larva has the caster’s equipment. The dream larva is free to call on all its own powers and abilities, or use the caster’s equipment. The caster’s consciousness and physical form are suppressed for the duration of the possession. The caster has no way to dismiss the spell, communicate, or otherwise maintain awareness once possession has commenced. The dream larva, temporarily freed from its imprisonment in some distant nightmare, will attempt to slay and incapacitate any creature it can see or find, whether it is a friend or foe of the caster. Casting lord of nightmares entails some risk for the caster, since it’s unknown what a dream larva might do over the course of the spell. The larva will dispatch all enemies it can find before turning to its own concerns. Sometimes a dream larva will attempt to place itself in a dangerous or precarious situation prior to the end of the spell, leaving the caster to extricate him or herself. If the dream larva is slain during the duration of the spell, the caster’s consciousness is instantly restored to aware-ness within his or her own body, the spell ends. Regardless of how the spell ends, the caster is returned to 1 hit point.

Dream Larva

Large, Abberation

  • Armor Class 35
  • Hit Points 700 (40d8+360)
  • Speed 80 ft., 240 ft. Flying (Hover)

40 (+15) 17 (+3) 30 (+10) 16 (+3) 24 (+7) 36 (+13)

  • Saving Throws Constitution, Dexterity, Wisdom
  • Skills Athletics, Intimidation, Stealth, Perception, Insight
  • Damage Resistances All damage from neutral or evil aligned creatures
  • Damage Immunities Thunder, Necrotic, Poison, Psychic, Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Non-magical attacks
  • Condition Immunities Frightened, Petrified.
  • Senses Blindsight 500 ft., True Sight 500 ft., Passive Perception 26
  • Languages All, Only speaks Deep Speech, Telepathy (1000 ft.)
  • Challenge 45 (820,000XP)

Worst Nightmare. Each time a living creature first views a specific dream larva from a distance of 30 feet or less (or from a scrying effect), the subject sees the image of the most fearsome creature imaginable. This is not an illusion or phantasm; the dream larva truly becomes, for just that instant, the subject’s worst nightmare. Even if simultaneously viewed by dozens of different creatures, the dream larva appears differently to each one of them. Creatures immune to fear or mind-affecting effects (or warded by protection from evil or death ward spells) are immune to worst nightmare; all others must make a Wisdom Save (DC 32) or die from the supernatural horror revealed. Survivors (and those resurrected) are immune to the effect from that individual dream larva in the future. The DC is Charisma-based.

Abomination Traits. The Dream Larva is always under the Nondetection and Mind Blank Spells.The Dream Larva is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form

Regeneration. Unless Harmed by a creature of good alignment between its last turn and the beginning of its turn, it regains 80 hit points, up to its maximum.


Spell-Like. The Dream Larva can cast the following spells with a spell save DC of 30, and a spell attack bonus of 22: At will: Fly, Haste, Dream, Fear, Prismatic Spray

Summon Nightwalker Once per day, the Dream Larva can summon 5 Nightwalkers. They appear within 30 feet of the Dream Larva and are loyal to it.

Multiatttack. The Dream Larva uses Pincer Thrice, and then Sending against one creature it has grappled if available.

Pincer. Melee Weapon Attack: +24 to hit, 10 feet melee, one target of any size. Hit 4d8+15 Magical Piercing and Grappled (Escape DC 34, athletics based) regardless of size. The Dream Larva can have up to any number of creatures grappled at once.

Sending. Grappled victims may be physically sent into a nightmare, at the dream larva’s option. Victims must make a Wisdom Save (DC 32) or be apparently swarmed by thousands of worms making up the dream larva’s body. The victim is actually cast into a shrieking maelstrom of dream where it can take no actions but observe. The victim physically returns 2d4 rounds later, apparently ejected from the dream larva’s body (but appearing even if the dream larva has left or is otherwise absent). The victim of the nightmare has taken 5d6 points of temporary Wisdom damage, but is otherwise free to act on the round it returns. If the victim takes more Wisdom damage than it has points of Wisdom, the victim dies. The DC is Charisma-based.

Mass FrogMen

11th level Transmutation

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 300 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (A frog transmuted into a golden version of itself worth at least 100GP)
  • Duration: Permanent

This epic spell turns all Medium or smaller creatures in the area into frogmen. All creatures in a 30 foot radius sphere must make a Charisma Saving Throw. On a success they become immune to this spell no matter who casts it. On a fail they are transformed. The transformed creatures retain their mental faculties, including personality, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, level and class, alignment, feats, and other non-racial abilities. They assume the physical characteristics of frogs, including natural size and Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores. (Use the statistics for the toad.) In essence, this spell changes a creatures race and physical traits with a toad, while keeping them as they were otherwise.

A True Polymorph spell that becomes permanent can undo this spell on a creature its casted on.

Momento Mori

12th level Necromancy

  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: 300 feet
  • Components: -
  • Duration: Instantaneous

At a thought, the caster can will a creature weaker than it dead. Determine which creature between the target and caster has the lower amount of hit points. Both creatures take an amount of un-typed damage that would be needed to kill the weaker creature.

Mummy Dust

11th level Necromancy

  • Casting Time: 1 Hour
  • Range: 5 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (Specially Prepared Mummy Dust worth 1000000GP, consumed, a medium corpse)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

When the caster sprinkles the dust of ground mummies in conjunction with casting mummy dust on a medium corpse, they turn the corpse into a Mummy Lord. The Mummy Lord follows the caster’s every command according to their abilities, until they are destroyed.

Nailed to the Sky

10th level Conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (A meteorite filled with hard magic)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Make a melee spell attack against a creature. On a hit, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw. Should the target fail, the creature is hoisted 5000 miles into the sky, and kept at a velocity where they cannot fall back to the ground unless they have a fly speed. While moving in this way, the creature must contend with searing heat, cold, as well as having to deal with the consequences of a vacuum. At the beginning of each of the creature’s turns, they take 2d6 points of fire or cold damage (DM’s choice), as well 1d4 necrotic damage. They are also deafened, as well as under the effects of suffocation. On a successful save, nothing happens


11th level Divination

  • Casting Time: 1 Minute
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 24 hours

Attacks targeted against the caster rebound on the original attacker. Any time during the duration, a number of attacks equal to half the caster's spellcasting ability modifier (Rounded down) are automatically reflected back on the original attacker; the caster decides which attacks before damage is rolled. The reflected attack rebounds on the attacker using the same attack roll. Once those number of attacks are so reflected, the spell ends.


12th level Necromancy

  • Casting Time: 10 minutes
  • Range: Self (a radius equal to a number of miles equal to the caster's level)
  • Components: V, S, M (A Ritualistically sacrificed humanoid Corpse, Consumed)
  • Duration: 25 hours

A wave of illness radiates outward from the site of the ritual, instantly infecting every living thing in the area with the debilitating disease known as slimy doom. Within 24 hours, everything in the area begins to show signs of rot and decay. Each round a creature that is not resistant or immune to the necrotic damage when they end their turn within area of this spell loses 1 point from their constitution score. They regain the lost constitution on a long rest and die if they reach 0 constitution. All creatures take 4d8 necrotic damage at the beginning of their turn when within the area.

If this spell is casted in the same spot every day for a year, the spell becomes permanent.

Rain Fire

11th level Evocation

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Self (a radius equal to a number of miles equal to the caster's level)
  • Components: V, S, M (A firelily from the plane of fire)
  • Duration: 25 hours

This spell summons a swirling thunderstorm that rains fire rather than raindrops down on the caster and everything within a range of the caster. Everything caught unsheltered in the flaming deluge takes 3d8 point of fire damage each round. A creature that is either reistant/immune to fire damage, or covered in fire proof clothing such as hell hound hide clothing. Unless the ground is exceedingly damp, all vegetation is eventually blackened and destroyed, leaving behind a barren wasteland similar to the aftermath of a grass or forest fire. The fiery storm is stationary and persists even if the caster leaves.

If this spell is casted in the same spot every day for a year, the spell becomes permanent.

Raise Island

11th level Evocation

  • Casting Time: 1 Day
  • Range: 1 mile
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Permanent

This spell has different effects depending on where it targets.

Water: If this spell is casted targeting a body of water, the caster can literally raise a new island from out of the sea, bringing to the surface a sandy or rocky but otherwise barren protrusion that is solid, stable, and permanently established. The island is roughly circular and about 1 mile in diameter. Raise island only works if the ocean is less than 1,000 feet deep where the spell is cast.

Land: If tis spell is casted targeting a piece of land, the caster can raise the land they target into the sky. The island is roughly hemispherical and about 1 mile in diameter.

Regardless of what kind of island is raised, in the center of the island's bottom, a crystal will form that powers the levitation. If this crystal is destroyed, the spell ends. The spell is otherwise permanent.


11th level Transmutation

  • Casting Time: 12 hours
  • Range: Sight
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

The caster deals 50d6 force damage to a single non-magical building within sight. This typically causes the building to crumble in on itself. A "Building" can be defined as a single structure of continuous build, thus being anywhere between a small lean-to, or an entire castle, but the spell cannot affect a single area at a time greater than a 1000 foot radius sphere.

Safe Time

11th level Conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 hour
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (a strand of time)
  • Duration: Until activated or dispelled

You can move yourself out of harm’s way by shunting yourself into a static time stream. Once cast, the spell takes no effect and does not activate until the trigger conditions have been met. Once triggered, the caster is instead transported to a static time stream where time ceases to flow. The caster is cleared of all conditions and no damage or effect can harm them until 1 round of in-game time has passed. Thus, the caster avoids the damage or conditions they would otherwise receive, but the caster also misses out on one round of activity. To the caster, no time passes at all, but to onlookers who are part of real time, the caster stands frozen and fixed in space for 1 full round.

Soul Dominion

10th level Enchantment

  • Casting Time: 10 minutes
  • Range: On the same plane of existence
  • Components: V, S, M (a possession of the target)
  • Duration: Up to 10 minutes, concentration

When a this spell is casted, the caster is temporarily able to take control of another sentient creature with whom the caster is familiar (by meeting, observing, or successfully scrying the subject). The target must make a wisdom save, and if successful, becomes immune to you casting this spell on them. If the wisdom save fails, the caster is able to control the subject’s body as if it were their own, hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling, and tasting everything the target senses. Once the caster dismisses the spell or its duration ends, the target resumes control of its body, fully aware of all events that occurred, having been a helpless witness trapped inside its own body. The target knows the name and general nature of its possessor if it succeeds at an additional wisdom saving throw. A caster cannot control undead, incorporeal creatures, or constructs with soul dominion.

Soul Scry

10th level Divination

  • Casting Time: 10 minutes
  • Range: On the same plane of existence
  • Components: V, S, M (a possession of the target)
  • Duration: Up to 1 hour, concentration

You are able to tap the consciousness of another creature with whom you are familiar (by meeting, observing, or successfully scrying the subject) experiencing everything they do with all senses they have. The target receives a wisdom save, and if successful, they are immune to you casting this spell on them again. Once the subject is tapped, you use the creature's senses instead of your own. The caster cannot control the subject, however. You can only sense what the subject senses. During this time, your own body remains in a trance-like state. If the creature takes damage, the caster senses the injuries, although his or her own body does not actually suffer any ill effects. If the subject is knocked unconscious or killed, the spell immediately ends. Regardless of a fail or success, the creature is unaware of the intrusion.

Spell Worm

11th level Enchantment

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 90 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (a possession of the target that relates to its ability to cast spells)
  • Duration: 24 hours or until completed

The target of this spell must make a saving throw using its spellcasting ability or be affected by this spell. If the target cannot cast spells, this spell has no effect. On a failed save, their arcane prowess is dibilitated and they lose their highest level spell slot. On subsequent turns, they must repeat the saving throw, ending the spell on a success, or expending their highest spell slot on their turn. The subject doesn’t realize the spell slots are gone until they try to cast a spell and finds it unavailable. This is a purely mental exercise not obvious to observers and thus requires no attention from the subject. This spell is "completed" when the target loses all spell slots.

Summon Behemoth

12th level Conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 90 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (a piece of a tarrasque)
  • Duration: 1 minute

The caster can summon a CR 30 Tarrasque of any kind to attack their enemies. It appears where the caster designates within range and acts immediately, on the caster’s turn. It attacks the caster’s opponents to the best of its ability. If the caster can communicate with the creature, they can direct it not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions.

Superb Dispelling

10th level Abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 120 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (a piece of Anti-Magic)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

This spell functions as the Dispel Magic Spell, except it's considered upcasted to 10th level, and if a contest is performed as a part of this spell, you add your spellcasting ability modifier twice to your end of the contest. This spell can be upcasted further like the original spell.

Time Duplicate

10th level Divination

  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (Something from the future)
  • Duration: 1 round (See text)

The caster snatches themself from 1 round in the future, depositing this future self in an adjacent space. The caster’s future self is technically only a possible future self (the time stream is a maelstrom of multiple probabilities), but snatching that future self from 1 round in the future collapses probability, and the possible future becomes the definite future. The caster and their future self are both free to act normally this round (the caster has already used up the limit of one bonus action/action spell per round, but their duplicate hasn’t). The future self has all the resources the character has at the moment they finish casting time duplicate. Because the future self was previously only a possibility, their resources are not depleted as a result of whatever might occur this round (even if the character dies this round). Likewise, they don't have any special knowledge of what might occur during this round. Because the future self is still part of the time stream, the round it spends with the character is a round it misses in its own future. Because the caster’s future duplicate is also the caster, the caster misses the next round as well. They simply aren't there. Tampering with the time stream is a tricky business. Here is a round-by-round summary:

Round One: The character casts time duplicate, the future self from round two arrives, and both act normally. At the end of this round the duplicate gets sent back into its present.

Round Two: The future self - the caster - gets snatched back in time to help the past self. During this round, there are no versions of the caster present.

Round Three: The caster rejoins the time stream. The caster arrives in the same location and condition that the future self ended with at the end of the first round. Any resources (spells, damage, staff charges) the future self used up in round one are gone for real. Record them now. Using this spell to snatch a single future self stretches time and probability to its limit; more powerful versions of time duplicate are not possible. A character cannot bring more than a single future version of him or her self back at one time, nor can a character snatch a version of him or her from farther in the future.

Vengeful Gaze of God

12th level Divination

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Sight
  • Components: V, S, M (a tear of a greater god)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You target a creature within sight. The target of this spell must make a constitution save or it is subject to 777d4 un-typed points of damage. If the target is reduced to 0, it is utterly destroyed as if disintegrated, leaving behind only a trace of fine dust. The caster is likewise dealt 666d4 un-typed points of damage if the target failed its save.


10th level Conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: 300 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (a piece of Gaia)
  • Duration: 24 hours

This spell creates a tsunami of grass, shrubs, and trees that overgrows the area like a tidal wave. The plant growth creeps and curls across every-thing in the area, a 100 foot long radius sphere, ensnaring it and coiling around it as if it had been growing there for a century or more. Creatures in the area must make a dexterity saving throw to avoid the fast-moving growth. On a success, the creature moves in a way they end up on top of the pile of greenery and can move across the mass as if it was a solid floor with no adverse affects. On a failed save, the pile deals 10d6 bludgeoning points of damage from the crushing press and the creature is buried in a shrubbery grave and takes 1d4 piercing damage for every 5 feet they move in an attempt to get out of the spiky mass. This area must expend 5 times as much movement to move through.

Buildings are engulfed and they likewise take 10d6 points of force damage. Those destroyed by the damage have their foundations uprooted and walls crumbled. The plant growth remains for the duration, after which it vanishes.

Verdigris Tsunami

12th level Conjuration

  • Casting Time: 10 minutes
  • Range: Sight
  • Components: V, S, M (a piece of Gaia)
  • Duration: Permanent

This spell creates a tsunami of grass, shrubs, and trees that overgrows the area like a tidal wave. The plant growth creeps and curls across every-thing in the area, a mile long radius sphere, ensnaring it and coiling around it as if it had been growing there for a century or more. Creatures in the area must make a dexterity saving throw to avoid the fast-moving growth. On a success, the creature moves in a way they end up on top of the pile of greenery and can move across the mass as if it was a solid floor with no adverse affects. On a failed save, the pile deals 40d6 bludgeoning points of damage from the crushing press and the creature is buried in a shrubbery grave and takes 4d4 piercing damage for every 5 feet they move in an attempt to get out of the spiky mass. This area must expend 5 times as much movement to move through.

Buildings are engulfed and they likewise take 10d6 points of force damage. Those destroyed by the damage have their foundations uprooted and walls crumbled. The plant growth remains for the duration, after which it vanishes.

Custom Spells

Spell Descriptions
Spell Name Level School Description
Caustic 10 Conjuration Make air not good.
Cringe 11 Enchantment Cause air to be acidic.
Fuck that Guy in Particular 12 Conjuration Dedicate your concentration and health to keep striking a person with lightning.
Holy Hell 12 Evocation Cause an area to be searing with divine radiance.
Sonic Rumble 10 Evocation Conjure noises to scar people.
Storm that Remains 11 Evocation Cause a storm of biblical proportions to form.
Tsar Yad 12 Conjuration Make Chernobyl look like kindergarten science.
Bound Legion 10 Illusion Cause you to join the shadows.
Solar Flae 10 Conjuration Make it day.
Ashes to Ashes 10 Necromancy PW:K but cool.
Alter Fate 12 Divination Rewrite the scrolls of fate.
Aspect of the Deity 11 Necromancy Bring a lil' divinity down from the heavens through yourself.
Dimensional Blade 11 Conjuration Blade of Disaster^2
Elemental Master 11 Conjuration Summon Elder Elementals of all 4 kinds.
Freedom 12 Enchantment Destroy a bound in reality of any kind.
Entropic Husk 12 Transmutation Destroy a soul and turn their copse into a powerful raging beast.
Greater Telepathy 10 Evocation Commune with others for however long necessary.
Mass Drown 10 Conjuration Put water in people's lungs.
Mass Fowl 12 Transmutation MAke people chickens.
Mystra's Overchannel 11 Evocation Make your magic more powerful.
Premonition 11 Divination Foresight^2
Time Manipulation 12 Divination Don't screw with time!
Sunder Weave 12 Evocation Don't screw with time magic!
Retribution 12 Abjuration The best the world has to offer in protection.
Blood Steal 11 Necromancy Take and use blood for stuff.
Fusion 12 Transmutation 1 + 1 = 2


10th level Conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 hour
  • Range: Self (a radius equal to a number of miles equal to the caster's level)
  • Components: V, S, M (fluoroantimonic acid)
  • Duration: 25 hours

A mist that burns everything it touches is formed around the caster. It deals 3d4 acid damage to all creatures that are unprotected and in its radius. Protected creatures are creatures resistant/immune to acid, or with a layer of clothing that it, such as a tarrasque hide suit.

If this spell is casted in the same spot every day for a year, the spell becomes permanent.


11th level Enchantment

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Self (a radius equal to a number of miles equal to the caster's level)
  • Components: V, S, M (Something universally agreed by good creatures to be disgusting)
  • Duration: 25 hours

An aura is formed in the spell's area that makes creatures regret living. Creature's that end their turn in this spell's area take 2d10 psychic damage. Creatures are immune to this spell if immune to charm effects, resistant/immune to psychic damage, or otherwise unable to be made to cringe as determined by the GM.

If this spell is casted in the same spot every day for a year, the spell becomes permanent.

Fuck that Guy in Particular

12th level Conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Yes
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Indefinite, Concentration

Choose a target with which you are familiar (by meeting, observing, or successfully scrying the subject). Every Day, at exactly noon, so long as concentration has been maintained by the caster, regardless of where the target is, the target will be struck by lightning. The target must make a dexterity saving throw or take 100d8 lightning damage, half as much on a success. The caster takes 10d10 Un-Typed damage at the same time to power the lightning.

Holy Hell

12th level Evocation

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self (a radius equal to a number of miles equal to the caster's level)
  • Components: V, S, M (A Hair from a greater god)
  • Duration: 25 hours

A holy light emblazens around you after this spell is casted. The area becomes illuminated by a bright light throughout the spell's area, and creatures that the caster designates as enemies take 5d12 radiant damage whenever they end their turn within the spell's range. Creatures are immune to this spell if they are resistant/immune to radiant damage, are doused in holy water, or are the exact same alignment as the caster.

If this spell is casted in the same spot every day for a year, the spell becomes permanent.

Sonic Rumble

10th level Evocation

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Self (a radius equal to a number of miles equal to the caster's level)
  • Components: V, S, M (A triangle instrument made out of celestial iron)
  • Duration: 25 hours

A constant sound emanates in the spell area from the center point. It deals 5d4 thunder to people who start their turn inside the spell's area. Creatures are immune if they are immune to the deafened condition, resistant/immune to thunder damage, or are deaf themselves.

If this spell is casted in the same spot every day for a year, the spell becomes permanent.

Storm that Remains

11th level Evocation

  • Casting Time: 10 minutes
  • Range: Self (a radius equal to a number of miles equal to the caster's level)
  • Components: V, S, M (An Elder Tempest in a bottle)
  • Duration: 25 hours

This spell summons a swirling thunderstorm that blazes down lighting every round. Every round, at random, the GM chooses 3d4 points in the spell's area to have the Lightning Bolt spell casted vertically upon. When casted in this way, the lightning Bolt spell is casted at 9th level. This spell can be avoided by using lightning rods to direct lighting strikes away from points within 3 times the height of the conductive tower.

If this spell is casted in the same spot every day for a year, the spell becomes permanent.

Tsar Yad

12th level Conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self (a radius equal to a number of miles equal to the caster's level)
  • Components: V, S, M (a bar of plutonium)
  • Duration: 25 hours

This spell conjures a cloud of unbreathable gas for the duration. Creatures that breath this gas (End their turn while in the gas and breathing) must make a constitution saving throw or take 10d4 poison damage, or half as much on a success. Creatures that dont need to breath or have a different breathing apparatus, or even a protective layer such as a cloth with ammonia, are resistant/immune to poison, immune to the poisoned condition, are not affected by this spell.

If this spell is casted in the same spot every day for a year, the spell becomes permanent.

Bound Legion

10th level Illusion

  • Casting Time: 12 hours
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (180000GP, Consumed, 1 level)
  • Duration: Permanent

You inscribe a pentagram on the floor, and one upon your chest. With the black arts, you call the soulless darkness, and bind them as your protectors. You must perform a ritual in an area of pitch darkness, or outside during the night, and mark yourself. you are wrapped in ghostly black spirits which protect you until you die. These spirits provide a +4 bonus to AC while they protect you. You are considered permanently heavily obscured. True Sight and other special senses do not see through this effect, as this part of the spell is not an illusion; you are actually 50 percent not there. If you cast this spell on yourself while this spell is already active, your body permanently joins the shadows as you are taken by the spirits into the afterlife. Your soul is not taken. While under the effects of this spell, you become amorphous and can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing, you also gain immunity to the prone, restrained, and grappled conditions.

This spell can be ended by another creature if they have their own shadows from their own version of this spell attack your spirits, canceling both spells.

Solar Flare

10th level Conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 5-mile radius, centered on you
  • Components: V, S, M (A piece of the sun)
  • Duration: 8 hours

With this spell, the caster can create a limited solar flare, as though a fake sun is created to illuminate the area. The landscape within a radius of the caster’s location experiences the brightness of the sun as a separate entity is created in the night sky in front of the moon, causing the equivalent of a reverse eclipse. The solar flare follows the caster across the landscape for up to 8 hours, or until the night ends, or until the caster dismisses the spell as an action. Effects that require it to be day can be used while this spell affects the area they are in, and the area is considered in day time.

If this spell is casted at the same spot every day for a year, the spell becomes permanent on that location.

Ashes to Ashes

10th level Necromancy

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, M (Ash from a CR 30 or greater creature)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You speak aloud the words, ‘Ashes to ashes,’ and make a melee spell attack on a single creature. On success the target takes 100 hit points of force damage and must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, or else take necrotic damage equal to your three times your character level. If a creature’s hit points are reduced to 0 by the necrotic damage, the creature is instantly disintegrated, leaving just a pile of fine ash behind. Non-magical items are also affected but magical items are not.

Alter Fate

12th level Divination

  • Casting Time: 1 week
  • Range: Interplanar
  • Components: V, S, M (A physical manifestation of Fate)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

The caster may choose to alter fate, to either form or break a prophecy. The caster may alternatively use this spell to scry on a specific target's fate, granting them a vision of the future, while negating the need for material components for this spell when used in this way. The altering of fate is unpredictable, and often has unforseen consequences. These need not necessarily be bad, but are almost always unexpected.

Aspect of the Deity

11th level Necromancy

  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, M (A body part gifted from a god)
  • Duration: 1 minute

You are flooded with such divine power from your deity or patron, that for the duration, you become infused with an amount of their self. You have great latitude in determining what changes take place physically or aesthetically and may assume the form of either any creature up to two sizes smaller or larger than you, or you may choose to appear as an incarnate embodiment of your deity or patron.

You do not gain or lose feats, features or traits as a result of the change. However, regardless of that form, you shed bright light up to 30 feet and dim light up to 30 feet, and gain the following benefits:

  • If taking the Attack action, you can make one additional attack per turn
  • When making an attack, treat any to hit roll lower than a 10, as a 10 and when rolling damage dice you roll two extra dice per attack
  • You gain a bonus to your AC and Saving Throws equal to your spellcasting ability modifier
  • You gain damage reduction to all damage and Spell Resistance (both equal to 5 plus your spellcasting modifier)
  • You cannot be transported to a different plane against your wishes.

Additionally, any creatures of your choice within the dim light you emit, excluding yourself, regain 5 hit points per turn spent inside, provided they can see the light.

Dimensional Blade

11th level Conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: Sight
  • Components: V, S, M (A magical Fire)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

The caster tears a hole in the fabric of space itself using a magical fire as a component. You create a blade-shaped planar rift about 3 feet long in an unoccupied space you can see within range. The blade lasts for the duration. When you cast this spell, you can make up to two melee spell attacks with the blade, each one against a creature, loose object, or structure within 5 feet of the blade. On a hit, the target takes 8d12 force damage. This attack scores a critical hit if the number on the d20 is 16 or higher. On a critical hit, the blade deals an extra 16d12 force damage (for a total of 24d12 force damage).

As a bonus action on your turn, you can move the blade up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see and then make up to two melee spell attacks with it again.

The blade can harmlessly pass through any barrier, including a wall of force. The Dimensional Blade is unaffected by Antimagic Fields and Dispel Magic. Concentration checks to maintain the Dimensional Blade are made at advantage, and cannot have disadvantage imposed on them.

The Dimensional Blade has the ability to be upcast to 12th level, allowing the base damage to increase by an additional 4d12 for every level above 11th.

Only one kind of fire can be used to cast this spell at a time, and thus 2 fire affects cannot be combined onto the same blade. The Dimensional Blade's damage ignores resistance and treats immunity as resistance.

View the options for the types of Magical Fire effects that can be chosen, and have your GM decide which is the most appropriate for the fire you used:

MoonFire: When this effect is used, the effects of Moonfire are added onto the Dimensional Blade. The blade sheds a pale white moonlight at a radius of 30ft. All magical auras within the radius of the blade glow with a faint blue light for the duration of the spell. Disguised, shapechanged, or polymorphed creatures and objects in the spell's area at the time the spell is cast must make Wisdom saves or immediately return to their normal forms (Against spell save DC). Even if the save succeeds, they remain covered in ghostly white outlines that show their true forms for the duration of the spell.

Celestia Fire: The Dimensional Blade begins to glow with a golden radiant light, like that of the divine. Every hit now does an additional amount of radiant damage, dealing a number of d8 equal to half the casters spellcasting modifier (rounded up). On undead, this amount doubles to equal the caster's modifier.

Silver Flame: This blade has a silver sheen to it. It countds as having the Silvered property and the Dimensional Blade takes on the properties pf the piercing fire. It is now empowered with Silver Fire, allowing it to pierce magical and physical barriers or defenses. A magical effect targeted by this blade dissipates. A Wall of Force may have a hole torn through, or shatter completely. A Wall of Fire may instead burn out. Consider this equivalent to a 9th level dispel magic.

Necrotic Flame: The blade sheds a black flame. creatures hit by this blade must make a constitution saving throw or have their maximum hp reduced by an equal amount of damage taken from the blade. They regain all lost max hp from this spell at the end of a long rest. The caster of this spell regains an amount of health equal to half the amount of max hp lost rounded down when the creature fails their saving throw.

Green-Flame: The blade is enchanted with flames that spew and flare excieedly when they hit a target. When you make a melee attack with this blade, you target 2 separate creatures at the same time instead of one. You use the same attack roll to determine if you pass their ACs.

Prismatic Flame: When you hit a creature with this colorful blade, randomly choose a color from the Prismatic Wall spell (A d7 is suggested, using a digital roller). The creature is affected as if they walked through that layer of a Prismatic Wall, and must make an appropriate save.

SoulFire: Choose any different flame affect to apply to the blade.

Elemental Master

11th level Conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 40 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (Aether, Soulfire, Bavarium, and Seastone from the appropriate elemental planes)
  • Duration: 1 hour

You conjure two elder elementals, choosing from air, earth, fire and water. The elder elementals must be different types and they appear at a spot you can see of your choosing within range. When one of them dies, another elder elemental appears in its place; it must be of a type not yet conjured by this spell. When a second dies, a final elder elemental appears in its place, and its type is whichever of the four not yet conjured by this spell

You have absolute control over the elder elementals you conjure with this spell and you may give instructions to them as a whole by telepathy as a bonus action. There is no range restriction on this, though you must be on the same plane of existence as the elemental created.

In the absence of instruction, the elementals behave according to type but will not harm anyone you forbid them to. The elementals remain for 1 hour, until slain, you or they travel to a different plane of existence, or you are rendered unconscious or slain, at which point they disappear.


12th level Enchantment

  • Casting Time: 1 Day
  • Range: Interplanar
  • Components: V, S, M (a collection of gems worth at least 100,000 gp, the tear of a deity, the heart of a dragon, and the bile of a tarrasque, all consumed)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

This spell embodies the status of freedom, freeing a target of any conditions of the caster's choosing. These conditions may be mental, physical, emotional, or metaphysical bonds put on the target. For example, this spell could be used to free a long imprisoned god, dissolve any magical contract or bargain, free any person from their social or familial bonds, or free two gods from their hatred or friendship. The world shapes and morphs to fit the sundered bond, usually to the benefit of the caster. This spell does not actually change the past, but rather shapes the world into what would happen should the present be altered.

Entropic Husk

12th level Transmutation

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 300 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Choose a creature within range. That creature is affected by the Power Word: Kill spell. If the spell succeeds and kills the creature, their soul is obliterated if they have it on their body. Should their soul be destroyed by this spell, the creature's corpse is turned into a juggernaut of destruction. The creature's body is considered dead and reanimated by this spell, however to determine the stats of the Juggernaut we use the target's stat block. Give the target's corpse a long rest as if it were alive, add 600 HP to its maximum health, increase all its physical stat scores by 10 to a maximum of 40, reduce its mental scores to 1 each, give it a plus to saving throws and AC equal to your spellcasting ability modifier, and turn its creature type into Undead. The corpse is now considered a Soulless Juggernaut as it grows to Behemothic size. The creature is chaotic evil and attacks all creatures regardless of if they were the target's friend or foe when they were alive. This transformation lasts indefinitely until the juggernaut is killed.

Greater Telepathy

10th level Evocation

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Interplanar
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 24 hours

You create a telepathic link between yourself and a number of creatures equal to your spellcasting score that you are aware of and are willing.

Until the spell ends, you and all targets can instantaneously share words, images, sounds, and other sensory messages with each other through the link. This spell enables a creature with an Intelligence score of at least 1 to understand the meaning of your words and take in the scope of any sensory messages you send it.

At Higher Levels. If this spell is upcasted to 11th level, the effect is permanent until dispelled. If upcasted to 12th level, it cannot be dispelled. Regardless of what level it is cast at, a creature can use a free action to exit the link and end this spell on themselves.

Mass Drown

10th level Conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 20 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (A flask of water from Oceanus)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You create water in the lungs of a number of creatures of your choice equal to your spellcasting modifier that you can see within range, causing them to begin drowning. Each target must succeed with a Constitution saving throw or else drop to half of its maximum hit points. If the target is already below half, it drops to 0 hit points instead and begins dying. Additionally, the creatures must make a second Constitution saving throw or begin drowning. They continue to drown, unless as an action on their turn they reattempt the saving throw and pass.

Creatures that do not require breathing are not affected by this spell.

Mass Fowl

12th level Transmutation

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (An intricately carved and decorated Adamantine Egg worth 1000000GP, Consumed)
  • Duration: Permanent

Choose a number of creatures within range equal to your spellcasting modifier. All chosen creatures must succeed a wisdom saving throw or be permanently transformed into a chicken. Their stats are replaced by a chicken's, but they keep their mental scores and ability to talk and understand their languages. All equipment on the creature drops to the ground, unaffected.

Mystra's Overchannel

11th level Evocation

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 Minute

You call upon the Weave to flood into you, infusing your magic with unearthly potency. For the duration, when you cast an evocation spell, the amount of damage dice rolled are doubled, and the save DC increases by an amount equal to a quarter of you character level (rounded down). Additionally, the range of all spells you cast are doubled, along with their durations.

Starting from the second time you choose to use this ability and each time thereafter, roll a d6. On a 1 or 2, either you again one level of exhaustion, or this spell ends early (your choice).


11th level Divination

  • Casting Time: 1 Minute
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (An item from the future)
  • Duration: 8 hours

This spell bestows a partial ability to see into the immediate future. For the duration, you can't

  • Be surprised
  • Roll less than 10 on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws.

This insight into the future also gives you Resistance (10) to all damage for the duration. Additionally, other creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls against you and cannot score a critical hit on you for the duration.

Time Manipulation

12th level Divination

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60 feet, or A radius equal to a number of miles equal to the caster's level
  • Components: S, M (A physical manifestation of Time)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Choose a target; this can be either a creature, object, or location. If it is a creature (or sentient object/location), they can make a charisma saving throw to prevent this spell, and must be within the first range listed. If it is an object, it must be within both ranges; the first range as reach, and the second range as in size. If it is a location, it is centered on Self, and it is an area equal to the Second range listed. Choose one of the 3 effects:

Rewind: The target has its time and affects returned to how they were in the past, up to 1 year ago. You choose if the target retains memories of the time rewound. This affect can undo anything, including but not limited to: Death, Birth, Soul Destruction/Creation, Artifact Destruction/Creation, Attaining Divinity.

Fast Forward: The target has it's time advanced as if up to 1 year had passed without anything eventful happening. This ability cannot predict future events and act accordingly, instead 1 year passes at a rapid speed. This can cause several things to happen, such as but not limited to: a creature to die of old age if they would die of old age within that time naturally, it can cause time triggers meant to go off in 1 year to happen earlier, it can also make lands have their plants grow as if 1 year passed quickly.

Stop: The target is frozen in time for up to 1 year. If it is a creature or object, they become unable to move, think, be damaged, age, be interacted with, or die/be destroyed, all while time moves regularly around them. They experience nothing, and are unconscious for the time stopped. If it is a location, then time moves regularly outside the area, but for all intents and purposes inside the location's area, everything else is stopped as time moves normally within. This effect on a location only lasts a year from the perspective inside, but an instant to outsiders. If no creature is in the area as it is stopped, assume nothing happens inside.

Sunder the Weave

12th level Evocation

  • Casting Time: 1 Minute
  • Range: Sight
  • Components: V, S, M (Physical manifestations of the following: Time, Fate, the Weave, Anti-Magic. An amount of levels depending on the effect)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

The caster rips and tears at the weave, sundering space and time itself. The caster may choose one or more of the following effects to occur:

Split Space (1 level): The caster tears a hole in space, creating a Sphere of Annihilation. The caster has complete and permanent control over this item and can grow or shrink the item to their liking. Anti-Magics of appropriate use can dispel this item.

Tear Time (2 levels): The caster rips a hole in time, opening a portal to some time period of the GM's choosing. The caster may select the location that this portal leads to, and may attempt to influence the time period the portal connects to as well. It is suggested the GM incorporate a spellcasting ability check to determine the caster's effectiveness, but the spell may work wildly regardless anyways.

Sunder Magic (3 levels): The caster sunders the weave in a selected area, creating a dead magic zone. All forms of spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities cease to function inside this dead magic zone, regardless of whether or not they make use of the weave. The area cannot be an area larger than a number of miles equal to the caster's level. This effect cannot be disppelled, similar to Anti-magic Field, and lasts a year.

Escape (0 levels): The caster may choose to form a portal to escape from a place they are normally unable to, such as the Domains of Dread. They appear in a vaguely safe location on the material plane (No threat of death within one hour of being teleported). The caster may choose to dismiss the portal as a bonus action, but the portal can only remain open for up to 1 minute. This effect of the spell cannot be counterspelled or dispelled.

Create Plane (15 levels): If casted over 10 years (At least 8 hours of concentration per day), this spell may be used to create a plane outside normal cosmology. This plane has its own laws of physics and magic, granting the caster control over the plane similar to a god's divine domain. For all intents and purposes, you are the overdeity of this plane. This affect cannot be cancelled by anti-magics of any form, and the material components are consumed. An additional material component is required (and consumed) in extra: Blood from a greater deity.


12th level Abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V or S, M (An indestructible object)
  • Duration: 1 minute

You are protected by the best the world has to offer. When you take damage, it is usually reflected, but it is always at least reduced. When you take damage, the damage is reflected back at the attacker, causing them to take the damage instead. If the attacker's ability supposed to bypass resistance, you're immune to the damage and you don't reflect the damage. if it bypasses immunity, then you're resistant instead of being immune. This spell is able to reduce Un-Typed damage.

Blood Steal

11th level Necromancy

  • Casting Time: 1 Action or 1 hour (See description)
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (A vial)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Perform a melee spell attack against a creature that has blood within range as an action. On a hit, the creature must make a constitution saving throw, and on a success this spell fails. A creature can automatically be hit and fail the constitution saving throw if they are willing. On a fail, their blood is stolen by the caster. 1 pint of blood is teleported from the caster and into the vial used as the material component. A creature that loses one pint of blood in this way reduces their constitution score by 1d2+1 until they finish a long rest. They update and lower their maximum health immediately and accordingly. If this reduces their constitution to 0 or below, the creature immediately dies.

Alternatively, if you cast this spell over the course of an hour and the vial you use is filled with blood, you can do several things. The blood must be fresh (with contact with open air for less than 24 hours). If the name of the option has the (C) tag, it consumes the blood in the casting, leaving an empty vial. Choose one of the options below:

  • Blood Sense. You use the blood to identify traits of the creature. You learn several things about them: Their current and maximum hit points, their physical scores (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution), their location (Or what plane they are on if on a different plane), physical descriptive traits (Race, Gender, Age, Appearance), any diseases or curses afflicting the target.
  • Create Voodoo Doll. (C) You magically fuse the targets blood to the ruby and place it within the doll. The target must make a charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the doll becomes magically linked to the target. The doll is treated as a tiny construct, it has an AC of 10 and hit points equal to half of the target's max hit points rounded up. Any time the doll takes damage the target also takes half that damage rounded down , however the target cannot be reduced lower than 10 hit points through this method. If the Mending spell is cast on the doll, it regains 2d6 hit points. If the doll is destroyed the spell ends. If the target is not on the same plane as you when this spell is used in this way, the spell fails. Should a creature succeed their saving throw, you cannot use this spell in this way against this creature using the same vial of blood.
  • Curse. (C) You curse the creature through their blood. Have the creature make a charisma saving throw. On a failure, they are afflicted by a disease of your choice. However, the disease is treated as a curse rather than a disease. The curse lasts until removed. Should a creature succeed their saving throw, they cannot be curse in this way using the same vial of blood.
  • Hunt Lineage. You learn the names of all direct blood relatives to the creature, including the creature's name.
  • Store Vitality. (C) You condense the blood in the vial to a gelatinous ball. Should the creature who's blood was used consume the ball, they regain an amount of health equal to their constitution score. Should any other creature consume it, they take an amount of necrotic damage equal to the creature's constitution score.
  • Target Blood. (C) You use the blood to cast a second spell at the target. The next spell (which cannot be Blood steal) you cast allows you to cast the spell as if the target was within 10 or 5 feet (Your choice) of you when you cast the spell. You can choose to dismiss this effect (Not regaining the consumed blood) as an action if you do not wish to target the creature after casting this spell in this way.
  • Tune Blood. (C) You collect the iron in the creature's blood and use it to make a tuning fork that would typically be used for a Plane Shift spell. If the Plane Shift spell is casted while using this tune fork as it's material component, you teleport to a spot within 60 feet of that creature of your choice if you are on a separate plane from them before casting.


12th level Transmutation

  • Casting Time: 1 hour
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (Half of your Soul, Consumed)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You sacrifice half of your soul; divide your maximum hit points by 2 (Rounded down). Choose a creature within range that is willing. Both you and the creature must make Performance (Dexterity) checks with a DC equal to twice the other creature's level or CR (Higher of the 2 if they have both). If either creature fails, this spell fails, and the materials are lost without gain (If one succeeds, and one fails, only the failure loses their half). If both succeed, the 2 creatures fuse into 1 creature/character with 2 consciousnesses and both halves of their souls fused into 1 soul, with the creature having the following traits:

  • The new creature has the Monstrosity creature type on top of its other creature types.
  • The new creature is under the control of both players, who must decide together on what they'd like the character to do.
  • The new creature has the sum health of half of both creatures (So a quarter, after halving from casting the spells).
  • Combine the creature's character sheets / stat blocks into one creature with all abilities/levels of both creatures.

Essentially, play the New creature using both character sheets, and adding the 2 hit point totals together, and when an ability is referenced, use whichever is higher.

This spell can be ended as an action if one of the 2 creature's wish to, in which case this spell is undone entirely, including restoring both creature's souls. This spell ends early if the creature dies, in which case they split back without safely ending the spell, and they are both dead. By any means other than the spell failing initially, when this spell ends the creatures involved lose half their levels.


Dance of the Sun and Moon

Epic Transmutation Recipe

  • Casting Time: -
  • Range: 5-mile radius
  • Components: V, S, M (A piece of the sun, a rock from the moon, both consumed)
  • Duration: Permanent

This Recipe is a the result of the Solar Flare and Eclipse spells interacting. When the spells become overlapped, the 2 casters must make a spellcasting ability check contest to determine who's takes precedent. If both spells are casted by the same caster, they choose what happens, otherwise the winner of the contest chooses. If one spell is permanent, and the other is not, the permanent one automatically wins.

Sun Leads: The Eclipse spell is suppressed in the area of the Solar Flare spell, as it over powers.

Moon Leads: The Solar Flare spell is suppressed in the area of the Eclipse spell, as it over powers.

Should both spells be made permanent on the same location, or both spells are casted by (and thus centered on) the same individual, then the Moon Leads and Sun Leads options are not valid, and one of the 2 next options must be chosen:

Dance of Equals: The area is considered under the effects of both Solar Flare and Eclipse, making the resulting areas always in dim light that is considered both moonlight and sunlight. The resulting area is considered to be in both day time and nighttime at the same time.

Mixer Dance: The area is considered under either the Sun Leads or Moon Leads option, but as an action, the caster can switch between the 2 options.

Additionally, if both spells are permanent on the same location, the caster (or winner of the contest) can choose (as an action) to temporarily suppress both spells and this recipe, allowing a natural day-night cycle to resume without dismissing either spell.

Recipe for Disaster

Epic Evocation Recipe

  • Casting Time: -
  • Range: Self (a radius equal to a number of miles equal to the caster's level)
  • Components: V, S, M (all material components for the spell mentioned in this spell, consumed)
  • Duration: Permanent

This Recipe is a spell that combines all other permanent environmental affect spells. If, on the exact same spot, the spells Animus Blizzard (Force), Dire Winter (Cold), Rain Fire (Fire), Pestilence (Necrotic), Caustic (Acid), Cringe (Psychic), Holy Hell (Radiant), Sonic Rumble (Thunder), Storm that Remains (Lightning), Tsar Yad (Poison), are all permanent on that point, and the spell Evoked Apocalypse is casted on that point, the area of this recipe becomes permanently under the effects of Evoked Apocalypse and cannot be dispelled, but can be temporarily suppressed by an antimagic field (until antimagic field dissipates), dispel magic (1 round), Superb Dispelling (1 hour), or other antimagic effects (a duration as determined by the GM).

Spell Descriptions
Spell Name Level School Description
Infallible Conjuring 12 Conjuration Summon anyone.
Transmute Sentience 10 Transmutation Create true life.
Celestial Comprehension 12 Divination Gain a true third eye.
Monolithic Enchantment 12 Enchantment Take over all mind's around a monolith.
Evoked Apocalypse 12 Evocation Truly no buenos.
Illusory Existence 12 Illusion Take everyone around you and put them in a card.
Unbroken Necromancy 10 Necromancy Become a true lich.

10th level spell document Revitalized

Infallible Conjuring

12th level Conjuration

  • Casting Time: 8 hours
  • Range: 120 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (A perfect stone archway with a radius of 49 feet engraved with intricate runes, a belonging of the target)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You stand with the archway in range, and chant an extremely long incantation. If completed without interruption (use concentration rules), you must succeed of an Arcana check using your spellcasting modifier (if your spellcasting modifier isn't intelligence). The DC is equal to the CR of the creature, to a maximum DC of 100. If successful, you summon that creature from wherever it is and spawns within the archway. If the creature is bigger than the archway, the creature destroys the archway when summoned. If you fail the DC, you take 50d6 radiant damage and are teleported to a random plane of existence.

Transmute Sentience

10th level transmutation

  • Casting Time: 8 hours
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (An apple from Elysium, torch lit with fire from mount Celestia)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You gain the ability to create sentience, effectively creating a new race. Choose two objects of your creation (could be shaped from clay, carved from wood, or even two bottles from your kitchen), and place them in front of you. After a complex ritual over the casting time, you embow these two beings with life. These beings have mortal souls, can procreate, think, and must eat/drink/sleep to survive. The beings also have proficiency with one language of yours. You can grant the creatures any racial features you possess. The creatures have a lifespan equal to that of yours. Additionally the creatures and their descendants (That are at least 50% racially similar to the 2 creatures you made) will naturally see divinity in you due to you being their race's creator.

Celestial Comprehension

12th level Divination

  • Casting Time: 8 hours
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (A mirror, the eye of a god (which may be dead), A sewing kit made from platinum worth 1000000GP, 5 levels)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Using the mirror, you carve out a spot in your forehead to put the eye of the god you have, which magically changes to the appropriate size during this spell. You then use the sewing kit, which is consumed, to sew the eye in place. When you cast this spell, make a DC 30 spellcasting ability check, adding your proficiency. On a failure the spell fails and the eye is destroyed. On a success, the eye is successfully implanted and you gain use of it. With this eye, you gain the following benefits while it is open:

  • You are immune to the blinded condition.
  • You have a truesight range of 120 feet.
  • You have 2 special sights on top of all your other sights: The Detect Magic spell is constantly effecting you and has a range limit of 120 feet. You immediately gain the knowledge of magic items you look at within 120 feet as if the Identify spell was casted on it.
  • You notice traps, doors, and other phenomena hidden by magic immediately.
  • You can cast the Foresight spell once, resetting on a long rest. You do not expend a spell slot when casting in this way.
  • You can cast the Scrying spell at will with the change that material components are not required.

Should you close your new eye, you lose these effects until you open them again. Opening and closing your eye requires no action, but must be done on your turn. Additionally while your new eye is closed, no outline or closed lid is noticable and it cannot be determined that you have a extra eye on your forehead.

Monolithic Enchantment

12th level Enchantment

  • Casting Time: 8 hours
  • Range: 1-mile radius
  • Components: V, S, M (An ivory obelisk, 100 feet tall, carved of a single piece, and engraved with intricate runes, a gem of theoretically infinite gold piece value placed on top of the obelisk, 1 level)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You perform a ritual around the obelisk to cast the spell. After this spell is casted, each creature within the spells range of effect must make a wisdom saving throw. They cannot use abilities to autopass this saving throw. Should a single creature succeed this saving throw, this spell fails, and you are rendered insane for 1d4 months as you take 12d12 psychic damage. Should all creatures fail, this obelisk becomes active. While active, all creatures that spend 24 hours within range of the obelisk must make a charisma saving throw (Autopass features can be used on this saving throw), whereupon a fail they are charmed by the caster. This spell ignores immunity to the charmed condition.

Charmed creatures become mentally linked to you regardless of range and planar distance. These creatures follow your mental commands no matter the cost. Commands can even be vague, such as "Go about your normal lives", or "Defend the City". The caster additionally has the ability to, as an action, deal up to 100d12 psychic damage to any number of these creatures under their control. The creature can reattempt the saving throw for this spell once every 24 hours. On a success they are freed (assuming they do not remain long enough to be forced to make another save), but assume their actions were of their own doing and own choice unless convinced otherwise.

The charm can also be ended by the obelisk being destroyed. The obelisk can only be damaged by weapons specifically blessed/cursed by an archdevil or deity. It has an AC of 30 and has an amount of HP equal to the 10000.

Finally, should the caster die while this spell is active, it continues. The people enchanted continue under the commands that the caster left before they died.

Evoked Apocalypse

12th level Evocation

  • Casting Time: 1 week
  • Range: Self (a radius equal top a number of miles equal to your character level)
  • Components: V, S, M (An indestructible gemstone, found in the Elemental Plane of Earth, an axe forged in the elemental plane of fire, blood from a leviathan of the plane of water, plus the breath of an elder air elemental in a bottle)
  • Duration: One round

After an week long ritual which blesses the axe using the leviathan blood and cools the gem with the air, you use the axe to strike the gemstone. Make a DC 30 Athletics check using your spellcasting modifier. On a fail, the axe glances off the stone, and you take 12d12 radiant, 12d12 fire, 12d12 lightning, 12d12 thunder, 12d12 untyped damage to all creatures in a 50 foot radius from the stone. The stone is rendered useless, the axe shatters, and the air and blood are consumed.

On a successful check, the axe destroys the unbreakable gem and a storm of all the chaos possible to conjure is created. A storm is summoned in a radius around the caster. The storm is composed of a deep red swirling clouds, horse-sized hails, explosive meteorites, lung-searing gases, deadly sustained bolts of lightning, ear shattering roars, mind-trembling particulates, razor sharp shards, lights of the heavens, and darknesses of the abyss. Each creature that starts its turn or enters the area on its turn in the area or enters the area on its turn takes 100d12 Acid, 100d12 magical bludgeoning, 100d12 cold, 100d12 fire, 100d12 force, 100d12 lightning, 100d12 necrotic, 100d12 magical piercing, 100d12 poison, 100d12 psychic, 100d12 radiant, 100d12 magical slashing, and 100d12 thunder damage. This damage also effects objects and the land, and thus reduces it to naught by the end of the duration, leaving nothing but bedrock.

Illusory Existence

12th level Illusion

  • Casting Time: 8 hours
  • Range: 1-mile radius
  • Components: V, S, M (A crystal lense worth 1000 gp, a single plain card, and the optical lobe of an Elder Brain, 2 levels)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You create a an entire false reality for every creature within range. While casting the spell, you painstakingly turn the Elder Brain Optical Lobe into an ink you use to decorate the card with magical runes. At the end, you put the card up to the crystal lense. Make a DC 35 Arcana check using you spellcasting ability modifier. On a fail, the card is destroyed and you take 12d12 psychic damage, wasting the optical lobe.

On a successful check the card fuses with lense, becoming a card that lets a person view into the false reality, and each creature other than the caster within range of the lense must make wisdom saving throws in a way similar to the Death Saving system. On 3 successes, they succeed, on 3 failures, they fail. Each creature that fails the saving throws falls into a permanent coma, and has their mind trapped in the lense within a false reality designed by the caster. All inhabitants are given false memories and are not aware of the spell cast on them. Once at the end of every year spent in the lense, the inhabitants can make an Insight check against your spell save DC. On a success, they realize the illusion is fake, which allows them to to use an action to leave the illusion. They may first inform others of the illusion's fakeness if they choose, in which case they may make another insight check regardless of how long since a year has passed.

The physical bodies left behind from the spell are alive in a comatose state. No amount of interaction can wake them, however they do not age, and do not require food or water. If the comatose body is killed, the souls trapped inside the lenee remain unaware of such until they realize they are in a false reality.

If the Card is destroyed, the spell ends and any trapped souls are ejected from the false reality. This can only be done with a weapon cursed/blessed by an archdevil or deity.

Unbroken Necromancy

10th level Necromancy

  • Casting Time: 8 hours
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (Wax and Wick, an urn worth 5000gp, and 100 humanoid bodies, 5 levels)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You have achieved the ultimate goal of a necromancer: mastery of death. Through a an 8 hour casting, you use a ceremonial dagger to drain some of your blood into a container of wax, which you then form into a candle. You place the candle inside the urn and attempt to light the candle. You light the candle by burning the corpses in a giant bonfire with the urn at the center. Make a DC 30 Arcana check using your spellcasting modifier. On a failed check, the candle begins to burn violently and will melt in 1d4 minutes, after which your soul is permanently destroyed. You can attempt to stop the melting of the candle with a DC 30 arcana check using your spellcasting modifier as an action while it burns. After which, the candle is destroyed, however your soul is left intact but fractured, as you take 12d12 untyped damage.

On a successful check, your soul is stored in the candle, which burns with a white flame, and cannot be out out while inside the urn. If the flame is removed from the urn is blown out, the spell ends and all aging that would have occurred happens instantly.

While this spell is in effect:

  • Your creature type is undead.
  • You do not age.
  • You do not need to eat, sleep, drink, or breath.
  • Your HP maximum is multiplied by 5.
  • Things that affect your soul do not work unless they target the flame.
  • Should you die, you come back to life 1d10 days later with a new body within 5 feet of the candle.

This spell can only be casted on you once.