Biolance Cybernetic Augmentations

by TheTranMan

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Many explorers and mercenaries modify their own bodies with technological or biological gear called Augmentations. These are modifications to your body that give you special abilities and bonuses. Once installed, they become a part of your body and generally can't be affected by abilities that destroy or target technological objects or creatures. As far as attacks and abilities are concerned, a cybernetic or vat-grown arm is no more (or less) vulnerable than your original biological limb.


All augmentations have a system entry indicating the part of the body into which it must be installed. You can't have more than one augmentation on the same part of your body.

In some cases, such as with augmentations installed in limbs, you can install an augmnetation into a single general type of body part, such as any single one of your feet or hands. In these caes, the augmentation lists the acceptable body parts into which the augmentation can be installed. You can install a single augmentation on each limb of which you have multiples.

If an augmentation requires multiple limbs for installation, the augmentation's systems entry indicates that requirement. The augmentation's desription will also indicate whether a limb-based upgrade requires the replacement of a limb or the augmentation of an existing limb.

Common Systems. Although exceptions do exist, most augmentations reuire installation into one of the following body parts: arm (or all arms), brain, ears, eyes, foot (or all feet), hand (or all hands), heart, leg (or all legs), lungs, muscles, spinal column, skin, and throat.

Augmentation Capacity. Creatures that aren't Cybernetics or Constructs only have a limited amount of Augmentations that can be modified into their body to not cause physical issues or malaise. This limited amount equals your Constitution modifier, and a creature cannot be modified by more Augmentations until they become a Cybernetic, or a fully-bionic being of which the capacity becomes removed, and the creature gains the Construct creature subtype.


Name Cost (c) System
Additional Cybernetic Limb (Arm) 1500 Body
Additional Cybernetic Limb (Leg) 1500 Body
Additional Cybernetic Limb (Wing) 5000 Body
Cardiac Accelerator 4000 Heart
Hideaway Limb 150 Arm or Leg
Prosthetic Limb 150 Arm or Leg
Respiration Compounder 250 Lungs
Vocal Modulator 125 Throat
Datajack, Standard 625 Brain
Darkvision Capacitors, Standard 1750 Eyes
Prosthetic Limb, Storage 1500 Arm and Hand, or Leg and Foot
Refabricator Module 500 Body
Retinal Reflectors 1350 Eyes
Dermal Plating Mk1 3000 Skin
Hideaway Limb, Quickdraw 3000 Arm or Leg
Muscle Fiber 2500 Muscles

Additional Cybernetic Limb

Body Augment

An additional cybernetic limb increases your physical maneuverability annd manipulability. Can be attached anywhere to the imagination, however necessarily connected to your body, whether extraneously from a place on ones torso or other/within body parts. Additional limbs do not increase the amount of attacks you can make during combat.

Cybernetic Arm

An additional arm ends with a hand or any other component: such as a weapon. This arm has a reach of 5 feet, or can be increased to 10, and you can use them to lift a number of pounds equal to five times your Strength score. You can use these arms to do any task arms are capable of, including grappling a creature, wielding a shield or weapon, performing somatic components of a spell, or making an unarmed strike. Your GM might allow other tasks to be added to that list of options.

Upgrades. The following upgrades are available to the Cybernetic Arms:

  • Brute Overclock (1500c). Whenever you deal damage with a melee weapon, you deal one extra die of its damage on a hit wielded by the arm which has this upgrade.
  • Energon Oscillator (2000c). Whenever you deal damage with a firearm or spell attack that deals fire or lightning damage, you can roll one extra die and add it to the result.
  • Reloader Chain (500c). Firearms with the Loading or Reload Property are ignored as long as they're being wielded by the arm which has this upgrade.

Cybernetic Leg

An additional leg ends with a foot or any other component: such as a wheel or hand. This leg increases your base walking speed by 5 feet. Additional legs can only increase your base walking speed to a maximum of 60 feet.

Upgrades. The following upgrades are available to the Cybernetic Legs:

  • Jack Leap (1000c). As a bonus action, you an jump a number of feet equal to five times your Strength or Dexterity score, without provoking opportunity attacks. You can use this trait only if your speed is greater than 0. This upgrade affects all legs when purchased, including to any newer legs purchased afterwards.
  • Motor Oscillator (2000c). Your base walking speed with the leg which has this upgrade increases by 10 feet instead of 5.
  • Spiderscaling Component (1500c). You gain the ability to move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings, while leaving your hands free. You also gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. This upgrade affects all legs when purchased, including to any newer legs purchased afterwards.
  • Hoverboot Heel (3000c). This upgrade affects all legs when purchased, including to any legs purchased afterwards. You can move normally while floating 5 inches above the ground. This effect means you can cross or stand above nonsolid or unstable surfaces, such as water or lava. You leave no tracks and ignore land-based difficult terrain.

Cybernetic Wings

Wings or Jetpacks, Motorrificis that allow flight can be attached as an upgrade to any other limb, or appear as additional cybernetic limbs. This wing grants you 15 feet of flying speed. Additional wings can only increase your overall flying speed to 60 feet. The wings have no weight restriction.

Upgrades. The following upgrades are available to the Cybernetic Wings:

  • Aerodynamic Overclock (3000c). Your base flying speed with the wing which has this upgrade increases by 30 feet instead of 15.
  • Hover Capacitor (5000c). Any flying speed you have becomes a Flying (Hovering) Speed.
  • Crash Cushion (2000c). This upgrade affects all wings when purchased, including to any wings purchased afterwards. When you take falling damage, you reduce the amount of damage you take by 50.

Cardiac Accelerator

Heart Augment

This implant plugs directly into your heart and can be triggered to overclock the performance of your heart and circulatory system. You have Cardiac charges equal to your Constitution modifier. You regain all Cardiac charges whenever you take a Long Rest. If you expend the last Cardiac charge, roll a d20 at the end of your turn. On a 1, your heart explodes in your chest, and you die if you cannot survive without your heart.

Accelerate Action. You can expend all of your Cardiac charges to take one additional Action.

Accelerate Adrenaline. Whenever you move, you can spend one of the Cardiac charges to gain an additional 30 feet of walking speed until the end of your turn.

Accelerate Agility. Whenever you make a Dexterity saving throw, you can use your reaction an done of your Cardiac charges to add your Constitution modifier to a failed Dexterity saving throw you made, potentially turning the failure into a success. In addition, if this save would have you take only half damage on a success, you instead take no damage if this reaction causes you to succeed on the saving throw. Otherwise, you take only half damage if you fail.

Accelerate Reaction Timing. Whenever you can spend a reaction on a feature: such as a spell like shield, a class feature like the Rogue's "Uncanny Dodge", or a combat reaction such as an Opportunity Attack, but do not have a reaction available, so long as its not on the same turn you've already spent a reaction, you can spend one of the Cardiac charges to gain an additional reaction to immediately expend on that feature.

Darkvision Capacitors

Eye Augment

These replacement eyes allow you to see in total darkness, giving you darkvision with a range of 60 feet. They operate by sending out low-powered ultraviolet lasers that are then detected by receptors within the capacitors. When your capacitors are in operation, their lasers can be detected by creatures that have darkvision capacitors or otherwise can see ultraviolet light.

Darkvision Enhancement. If you already have Darkvision, Darkvision Capacitors give you an additional 60 feet of darkvision.


Brain Augment

This cybernetic includes a programmable data port that allows you to access different types of computers and digital storage media. Any handheld computer can be inserted directly into the port, while larger systems need to be connected by an adaptor cable. Having the system connected directly to your nervous system obviates the need for an interface to access data on a system. Actually operating the system requires you to use the Tech Use skill as usual. Some closed systems don't allow data access or require you to do some rewiring to connect with a datajack (usually an Engineering check).

Hideaway Limb

Arm or Leg Augment

This compartment is hidden inside one of your limbs. You can conceal items inside and protect them with a simple passcode. The compartment can hold items of negligible bulk and items of light bulk that are either relatively small or can be folded or contracted to fit. A hideaway in a leg (in a human) can hold more than one in an arm, and the creature's size also adjusts the capacity. The GM decides what can fit.

When the compartment is closed, the seam in your flesh is difficult to detect. You gain a +1d4 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks to conceal items in a hideaway limb. Though this compartment can usually foil a simple pat down, most security checkpoints include a scan that can detect such devices. Retrieving an item from a hideaway limb is a move action instead of a standard action.

This type of augmentation is for Small and Medium creatures only. Hideaway limbs for creatures larger than Medium typically cost more but can hold items of greater size or bulk.

Quickdraw. If you have a quickdraw hideaway limb, the compartment is integrated with a specific weapon. This allows you to draw the weapon as an object interaction or as part of making an attack. A quickdraw hideaway limb works only if the limb is one you can normally aim and attack with, typically an arm. You can't, for example, put a quickdraw hideaway limb in your leg and have the weapon spring into your hand.

Muscle Fiber

Muscle Augment

This cybernetic bionic augment replaces, supplants, or overlaps muscle layers beneath or above your skin. This matrix of muscles and ligaments increase your physical capability, making you incredibly strong. The muscle fibers cause your Strength score to become 19 while augmented. If your Strength score is higher than 19, Muscle Fiber grants you a +2 to your Strength score, also increasing the Maximum for that Score by 2 as well.

Prosthetic Limb

Appendage, Arm, or Leg Augment

This prosthesis replaces a missing limb. It restores functionality, but it is no more durable than and doesn't otherwise function differently than a normal limb for your species. A prosthetic limb can replace one you've lost, or you can have a limb removed in order to replace it with a prosthetic.

Storage. A storage prosthetic limb has a built-in concealed storage compartment, which functions as a hideaway limb (see above).

Refabricator Module

Body Augment

The refabricator module is an interior or exterior series of protodermic paste, hydro-sealents, and servotronics that emerge into small tactile limbs or motors that are capable of quickly repairing your body.

You can use the Refabricator Module on yourself or a nearby creature within 5 feet of you. Both you or this creature must be considered the Construct creature type.

As a bonus action, you can use the Refabricator to expend one of your Hit Dice, rolling and adding your Constitution modifier to the result, causing the target to regain Hit Points equal to the result.

Respiration Compounder

Lung Augment

A respiration compounder consists of a series of modules that attach to your lungs, letting you survive longer without having to breathe. Treat your Constitution score as though it were doubled for the purpose of how long you can hold your breath. You also gain a +4 bonus to Constitution checks to continue holding your breath. This doesn't protect you from other dangers of an airless environment.

The compounder also filters your air, granting a +2 bonus to Constitution saving throws against inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins.

Retinal Reflectors

Eye Augment

These sheets of reflective material can be implanted behind the retina, granting you a +2 bonus to vision-based Perception checks.

Vocal Modulator

Throat Augment

A vocaul modulator includes a series of miniature actuators built specifically to reshape your voice box, along with miniature hyper-resonant chambers that dynamically close or open. This allows you to change the pitch, timbre, and tone of your voice. You can more easily imitate accents or pronounce alien languages.

Dermal Plating Mk1 (DR: 1)

Skin Augment

You line your skin with hardened composite plates that deflect physical attacks. You gain an amount of Damage Reduction that depns on the model of your dermal plating. If you have natural damage reduction equal to or greater than your dermal plating, adding dermal plating increases the value of your natural DR by 1. If you have a natural DR of a value less than your dermal plating, the value of DR from your dermal plating increases by 1.


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