Dire Trolls

by Sonixerse

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Dire trolls

Dire trolls are the largest and most dangerous of all their kind. These trolls are extremely rare as they are the result of rampant mutations within its body. As a result of these transformations, dire trolls typically appear to be grotesque abominations that sprouts multiple pairs of arms and numerous heads grows randomly across its body. Due to their accelerate metabolism, they are known to enter into ravenous rampages, devouring anything in their path.

Rampant Mutations

There are many causes in which a dire trolls can be formed. One of the most common methods is primarily due to age. Naturally, as a troll ages, it will be prone to experiencing more mutations as its grows or regenerates any wounds it has sustained. Sometimes, these mutations are be much more pronounced than normal resulting in the growth of additional eyes, limbs, and even heads. Another source of these mutations is also believed to be the result of cannibalism. Whenever a troll consumes the flesh of its kin, it is believed to accelerate their natural healing factor, resulting in rampant growth. Once these mutations begin, it starts an endless cycle of ravenous hunger as the troll seeks to satiate its continual growing appetite. However, it only makes the situation worse as each time the troll devours one of its kin, it grows larger and accelerates the mutation process.

Vitriolic Regeneration

Because of their accelerated mutations, dire troll blood is known to be incredibly toxic. In fact, their body is often covered in oozing growths that coats their claws and teeth in corrosive acid. As a result, dire trolls do not suffer the same weaknesses as their normal kin as they body as developed a tolerance for all but the most potent of acids. In fact, the presence of acid actually functions as a stimulant for its natural healing factor, making them much harder to kill when encountering inexperienced adventurers.

Battle Tactics

Thanks to their grotesque mutations, dire trolls can prove to be quite challenging opponents. Despite their large forms, dire trolls have surprisingly quick reaction times due to their multiple limbs. Thanks to their numerous faces or heads, they are often able to engage multiple opponents at once with little difficulty, while their keen senses allow them to detect multiple threats simultaneously. When engaging a dire troll, it is best to limit their natural regeneration with fire, but adventurers still must be quite clever in its implementation unless they wish to be the target of the dire troll's berserk fury.

Hide of Maws

Dire trolls also are notorious for their innate self-defense mechanism built into their skin. Although trolls have been known to grow multiple heads, similar to ettins; it is also quite common for grow toothy maws out of their skin, appearing on their limbs and main body. These secondary maws retain the troll's ravenous appetite and will snap at anything that wanders into melee range of the troll. Because of this, range combat is highly advisable when battling these giants.

Dire troll

Huge Giant, varies

  • Armor Class 18 (Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 200(16d12+96)
  • Speed 40ft., climb. 40ft.

23 (+6) 15 (+2) 23 (+6) 9 (-1) 16 (+3) 7 (-2)

  • Saving Throws Str +11, Dex +7, Con +11, Wis +8
  • Skills Athletics +11, Perception +8
  • Damage Resistances Acid
  • Senses darkvision 120ft, passive Perception 18
  • Languages Giant
  • Proficiency Bonus + 5
  • Challenge 16(15000 xp)

Berserk If the dire troll takes the Attack action while below half its hitpoint maximum, it can make two additional claw attacks as part of its Attack action.

Fury If the dire troll takes fire damage, its gains advantage on all weapon attacks until the end of its next turn.

Keen Senses When the dire troll has advantage on Wisdom(Perception) checks that rely on smell or sight

Multiheaded The dire troll has advantage on saving throws against being blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, or stunned.

Rapid Recovery The dire troll can end one of the following conditions at the start of its turns: blinded, deafened, diseased, or poisoned. If the dire troll takes fire damage, this trait doesn't function at the start of the dire troll's next turn.

Regeneration The dire troll regains 20 hitpoints at the start of its turn. If the dire troll takes acid damage, it regains 30 hitpoints instead. If the dire troll takes fire damage, this trait doesn't function at the start of the troll's next turn. The dire troll only dies if it starts its turn within 0 hitpoints and cannot regenerate.

Reactive The dire troll can take a reaction at the end of every creature's turn

Siege Monster The dire troll can deal double damage to buildings and objects

Toothy Hide When a creature hits the troll with a melee weapon attack while within 5ft. of it, the attacker takes 4(1d8)piercing damage + 5(2d4)acid damage.


Multiattack. The dire troll can make a bite and four claw attacks. Alternatively, it can make two stone attacks instead.

Bite. Melee Weapon attack: +11 to hit, 5ft, one target. Hit: 19 (3d8+6) piercing damage + 15(6d4) acid damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon attack: +11 to hit, 10ft, one target. Hit: 13 (3d4+6) slashing damage + 5(2d4) acid damage.

Stone. Ranged Weapon attack: +11 to hit, 120ft./600ft., one target. Hit: 33 (5d10+6) bludgeoning damage. On a hit, the target must succeed a DC 19 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Acid Bile (Recharge 5-6) Creatures in a 30ft. cone centered on the dire troll must succeed a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed saving throw, the target takes 50(20d4) acid damage and half as much on a successful saving throw.

Bonus Actions

Aggressive The dire troll can use its bonus action to move up to its movement speed towards a hostile creature it can see. It can only use this movement to move closer to a hostile creature


Retaliation When a creature hits the dire troll with a melee weapon attack while within 10ft. of it, the troll can make a claw attack against that creature.


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