Grave Trolls

by Sonixerse

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Grave Trolls

In general, trolls are known for their ravenous appetites. However, the contents of their diet can result in some unexpected mutations within their physiology, especially as seen in the case of the grave troll.

Necromantic Mutations

Grave trolls are believed to be the result of a magical mutation caused by exposure to large amounts of necrotic magic. Many scholars believe that the source of these mutations within trolls is the result of scavenging and devouring undead that were raised using necromantic magics. Although the regenerative nature of their bodies allows them to recover from some of the more immediate effects, trolls are quite susceptible to long-term adaptations from magic. As a result, many grave trolls begin to slow develop traits similar to that of undead.

Living Corpses

Such mutations can drastically alter the appearance of the troll. Their bodies appear to enter into a constant state of both degeneration and regeneration, causing them to appear as if they were walking corpses. The reason for this strange duality is that the necrotic magics greatly accelerated the troll's natural healing factor; but due to its partial undead nature, it also seems to have entered into a state of natural decay. Because of this continual cycle of growth and decay, the troll has developed an insatiable desire to devour the living to sustain their metabolism to prevent this cycle from getting out of control

Necromantic Aura

In order to keep up with their ravenous appetite, the troll's natural healing factor has evolved to gain the ability to siphon the life force of living creatures around it. As long as there is another living creature within the vicinity of the troll, its natural regeneration enters into a heightened state. Their deathly aura is also laced with various necrotic curses and diseases that can quickly wither the constitution of all but the hardiest of creatures.

Battle Tactics

In combat, grave trolls are incredibly dangerous as they are often driven into a starving frenzy, attacking the nearest creature in range. The grave troll excels in melee combat, preferring to stay in close quarters to take full advantage of its Necrotic Draining ability. However, what makes these trolls dangerous is that instead of lashing out at multiple opponents, they focus on one at a time, even if outnumbered. They have even been known to start feeding on an opponent in the heat of battle in an attempt to satisfy their appetites. Thanks to their natural regeneration, they can afford to employ such reckless tactics as they are able to shrug off most attacks, barring those using fire or light.

When engaging a rot troll, it is best to maintain one’s distance and to continually divert its attention to prevent it from getting in close quarters. In general, one should not attempt to engage a grave troll in melee combat for long periods of time, as they can easily kill most opponents in a matter of seconds due to their ability to limit any form of healing.

Grave Troll

Large Giant, varies

  • Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 84(8d10+40)
  • Speed 30ft., climb. 30ft.

18 (+4) 13 (+1) 20 (+5) 7 (-2) 14 (+2) 7 (-2)

  • Saving Throws Con +9
  • Skills Athletics +8, Perception +6
  • Senses darkvision 120ft, passive Perception 16
  • Condition Immunities Poisoned
  • Damage Immunities Necrotic, Poison
  • Languages Giant
  • Proficiency Bonus + 4
  • Challenge 9(5000 xp)

Carrion Eater When the grave troll kills a creature, it regains 20 hitpoints.

Keen Senses When the grave troll has advantage on Wisdom(Perception) checks that rely on smell or sight

Necrotic Draining At the start of each of the grave troll's turns, each creature within 10ft. of it takes 9(2d8) necrotic damage and cannot regenerate hitpoints until the start of its next turn, unless the troll has taken fire or radiant damage.

Rapid Recovery The grave troll can end one of the following conditions at the start of its turns: blinded or deafened If the grave troll takes fire or radiant damage, this trait doesn't function at the start of the grave troll's next turn.

Regeneration The grave troll regains 20 hitpoints at the start of its turn. If the grave troll takes fire damage or radiant damage, this trait doesn't function at the start of the troll's next turn.

If at least one creature is affected by its Necrotic Draining feature, the grave troll can regain 30 hitpoints instead. The grave troll only dies if it starts its turn within 0 hitpoints, and cannot regenerate.

Relentless When the grave troll is reduced to 0 hitpoints, it can make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On a successful saving throw, it regains 10 hitpoints. Upon each successful saving throw, the DC for this ability increases by 5. The DC resets back to 10 when the grave troll finishes a short or long rest.

Siege Monster The grave troll can deal double damage to buildings and objects


Multiattack. The grave troll can make a bite and two claw attacks

Bite. Melee Weapon attack: +8 to hit, 5ft, one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) piercing damage + 18(4d8) necrotic damage. On a hit, the target must succeed a DC 17 Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw, the target's hitpoint maximum is reduced by the necrotic damage dealt. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest or until Greater Restoration or similar magics are used. If this reduction reduces a creature to 0 hitpoint, it immediately dies.

Claw. Melee Weapon attack: +8 to hit, 10ft, one target. Hit: 11 (3d4+4) slashing damage + 9(2d8) necrotic damage.

Stone. Ranged Weapon attack: +8 to hit, 30ft./120ft., one target. Hit: 48 (8d10+4) bludgeoning damage. On a hit, the target must succeed a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Bonus Actions

Aggressive The grave troll can use its bonus action to move up to its movement speed towards a hostile creature it can see. It can only use this movement to move closer to a hostile creature


Rampage When the grave troll reduces a creature to 0 hitpoints, it can use its reaction to move up to half its movement speed to make melee weapon attack against a creature within range.


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